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Core component for OneDrive server-client interaction management.
:copyright: (c) Xiangyu Bu <xybu92@live.com>
:license: MIT

import logging
import threading

class TaskPool:
    An in-memory storage for od_tasks.

    Some notes:
      (1) Tried to let worker threads and inotify watcher communicate by reading/writing a "working path set" but
          because workers tend to delete path before watcher can read it.

    def __init__(self):
        self.tasks_by_path = {}
        self.queued_tasks = []
        self.semaphore = threading.Semaphore(0)
        self._lock = threading.Lock()

    def close(self, n=1):
        for _ in range(n):

    def add_task(self, task):
        Add a task to internal storage. It will not add if there is already a task on the path.
        :param onedrived.tasks.base.TaskBase task: The task to add.
        logging.debug('Adding task %s...' % task)
        with self._lock:
            if task.local_abspath in self.tasks_by_path:
                return False
            self.tasks_by_path[task.local_abspath] = task
        return True

    def pop_task(self):
        Pop the oldest task. It's required that the caller first acquire the semaphore.
        :return onedrived.od_tasks.base.TaskBase | None: The first qualified task, or None.
        # logging.debug('Getting task...')
        with self._lock:
            ret = None
            if len(self.queued_tasks):
                ret = self.queued_tasks.pop(0)
                del self.tasks_by_path[ret.local_abspath]
            return ret

    def outstanding_task_count(self):
        with self._lock:
            return len(self.queued_tasks)

    def has_pending_task(self, local_abspath):
        with self._lock:
            if local_abspath in self.tasks_by_path:
                return self.tasks_by_path[local_abspath]
            return False

    def occupy_path(self, local_abspath, task):
        Record a task in progress on a local path so that duplicate tasks can be avoided.
        :param str local_abspath:
        :param onedrived.od_tasks.base.TaskBase | None task: The task working on the path. None to blacklist the path.
        :return onedrived.od_tasks.base.TaskBase | None:
        with self._lock:
            if local_abspath not in self.tasks_by_path:
                self.tasks_by_path[local_abspath] = task
                return task
                return self.tasks_by_path[local_abspath]

    def release_path(self, local_abspath):
        with self._lock:
            del self.tasks_by_path[local_abspath]

    def remove_children_tasks(self, local_parent_path):
        p = local_parent_path + '/'
        with self._lock:
            for t in self.queued_tasks[:]:
                if t.local_abspath.startswith(p) or t.local_abspath == local_parent_path:
                    del self.tasks_by_path[t.local_abspath]