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package v1

import (



// @title RushHour REST API
// @version 1.0
// @description RushHour REST API
// @license.name MIT License
// @host rushhourgame.net
// @BasePath /api/v1
// @schemes https

// entry represents generic key-value pair
type entry struct {
    Key   string      `json:"key"`
    Value interface{} `json:"value"`

type jwtInfo struct {
    Jwt string `json:"jwt"`

// user represents public attributes that everyone can view
type user struct {
    // ID is number
    ID uint `json:"id"`
    // Name is display name
    Name string `json:"name"`
    // Image is url of profile icon
    Image string `json:"image"`
    // Hue is rail line color (HSV model)
    Hue float64 `json:"hue"`

type errInfo struct {
    Err []string `json:"err"`

var conf *config.Config
var auther *auth.Auther

// excludeList accepts admin request even under maintenance
var excludeList []string

type scaleRequest struct {
    Scale int `form:"scale" json:"scale" validate:"required"`

func validScaleRequest(sl validator.StructLevel) {
    v := sl.Current().Interface().(scaleRequest)

    minSc := conf.Game.Entity.MinScale
    maxSc := conf.Game.Entity.MaxScale

    // validate scale
    if v.Scale < minSc {
        sl.ReportError(v.Scale, "scale", "Scale", "gte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", minSc))
    if v.Scale > maxSc {
        sl.ReportError(v.Scale, "scale", "Scale", "lte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", maxSc))

type pointRequest struct {
    X     float64 `form:"x" json:"x" validate:"required"`
    Y     float64 `form:"y" json:"y" validate:"required"`
    Scale int     `form:"scale" json:"scale" validate:"required"`

func validPointRequest(sl validator.StructLevel) {
    v := sl.Current().Interface().(pointRequest)

    minSc := conf.Game.Entity.MinScale
    maxSc := conf.Game.Entity.MaxScale

    // validate scale
    if v.Scale < minSc {
        sl.ReportError(v.Scale, "scale", "Scale", "gte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", minSc))
    if v.Scale > maxSc {
        sl.ReportError(v.Scale, "scale", "Scale", "lte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", maxSc))

    border := 1 << (maxSc - v.Scale)

    // left over
    if v.X < 0 {
        sl.ReportError(v.X, "x", "X", "gte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", 0))
    // right over
    if int(v.X) > border {
        sl.ReportError(v.X, "x", "X", "lte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", border))
    // top over
    if v.Y < 0 {
        sl.ReportError(v.Y, "y", "Y", "gte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", 0))
    // bottom over
    if int(v.Y) > border {
        sl.ReportError(v.Y, "y", "Y", "lte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", border))

func validateEntity(res entities.ModelType, id uint) (entities.Entity, error) {
    val := services.Model.Values[res].MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(id))
    if !val.IsValid() {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s[%d] doesn't exist", res.String(), id)
    return val.Interface().(entities.Entity), nil

// InitController loads config
func InitController(c *config.Config, a *auth.Auther) {
    conf = c
    auther = a
    excludeList = []string{