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package v1

import (



// gameMapRequest represents requirement to view game map
type gameMapRequest struct {
    // X is center x scalized coordinate
    X string `form:"x" json:"x" validate:"required,numeric"`
    // Y is center y scalized coordinate
    Y string `form:"y" json:"y" validate:"required,numeric"`
    // Scale is 2^Scale coordinate maps size
    Scale string `form:"scale" json:"scale" validate:"required,numeric"`
    // Delegate is 2^Delegate grid of map
    Delegate string `form:"delegate" json:"delegate" validate:"required,numeric"`

// export converts string to float64
func (v *gameMapRequest) export() (int, int, int, int) {
    x, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v.X, 10, 64)
    y, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v.Y, 10, 64)
    sc, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v.Scale, 10, 64)
    dlg, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v.Delegate, 10, 64)
    return int(x), int(y), int(sc), int(dlg)

// validGameMapRequest validates that GameMapRequest contains game whole map
func validGameMapRequest(sl validator.StructLevel) {
    v := sl.Current().Interface().(gameMapRequest)
    x, y, sc, dlg := v.export()

    minSc := conf.Game.Entity.MinScale
    maxSc := conf.Game.Entity.MaxScale

    // validate scale
    if sc < minSc {
        sl.ReportError(v.Scale, "scale", "Scale", "gte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", minSc))
    if sc > maxSc {
        sl.ReportError(v.Scale, "scale", "Scale", "lte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", maxSc))

    // validate delegate
    if dlg < 0 {
        sl.ReportError(v.Delegate, "delegate", "Delegate", "gte", "0")

    if sc-dlg < minSc {
        sl.ReportError(v.Delegate, "delegate", "Delegate", "lte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", sc-minSc))

    length := 1 << sc
    border := 1 << maxSc

    // left over
    if x < 0 {
        sl.ReportError(v.X, "x", "X", "gte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", 0))
    // right over
    if x+length > border {
        sl.ReportError(v.X, "x", "X", "lte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", border-length))
    // top over
    if y < 0 {
        sl.ReportError(v.Y, "y", "Y", "gte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", 0))
    // bottom over
    if y+length > border {
        sl.ReportError(v.Y, "y", "Y", "lte", fmt.Sprintf("%d", border-length))

// GameMap returns all data of gamemap
// @Description entities are delegate object
// @Tags entities.DelegateMap
// @Summary get all entities in specified area
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param cx query number true "x coordinate"
// @Param cy query number true "y coordinate"
// @Param scale query number true "width,height(100%)=2^scale"
// @Param delegate query number true "width,height(grid)=2^delegate"
// @Success 200 {object} entities.DelegateMap "map centered (x,y) with grid in (width,height)"
// @Failure 400 {array} string "reasons of error when cx, cy and scale are out of area"
// @Router /gamemap [get]
func GameMap(c *gin.Context) {
    params := gameMapRequest{}
    if err := c.ShouldBind(&params); err != nil {
        c.Set(keyErr, err)
    } else {
        c.Set(keyOk, services.ViewDelegateMap(params.export()))