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package entities

import (


// ZERO emphasis it is zero value.
const ZERO uint = 0

// Model represents data structure
type Model struct {
    Players    map[uint]*Player
    Residences map[uint]*Residence
    Companies  map[uint]*Company
    RailNodes  map[uint]*RailNode
    RailEdges  map[uint]*RailEdge
    Stations   map[uint]*Station
    Gates      map[uint]*Gate
    Platforms  map[uint]*Platform
    RailLines  map[uint]*RailLine
    LineTasks  map[uint]*LineTask
    Trains     map[uint]*Train
    Humans     map[uint]*Human
    Transports map[uint]*Transport
    Steps      map[uint]*Step
    Cluster    map[uint]*Cluster
    Chunks     map[uint]*Chunk

    // Logins is quick access to Player by user id attribute.
    Logins      map[AuthType]map[string]*Player
    RootCluster *Cluster

    NextIDs map[ModelType]*uint64
    // Deletes represents the list of deleting in next Backup()
    Deletes map[ModelType][]uint

    // Map represents each resource map
    Values map[ModelType]reflect.Value

    // conf is constant variable
    conf config.CnfEntity
    // a is utility of encryption
    auther *auth.Auther

// Find returns object from type and id.
func (m *Model) Find(res ModelType, idx uint) Entity {
    if obj := m.Values[res].MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(idx)); obj.IsValid() {
        return obj.Interface().(Entity)
    panic(fmt.Errorf("no corresponding object %v(%d)", res.Short(), idx))

// ForEach executes callback for each entity specified type.
func (m *Model) ForEach(res ModelType, callback func(Entity)) {
    mapdata := m.Values[res]
    for _, key := range mapdata.MapKeys() {

// GenID generates unique id. This is thread-safe.
func (m *Model) GenID(res ModelType) uint {
    return uint(atomic.AddUint64(m.NextIDs[res], 1))

// Add registers specified object to this reposiotry.
func (m *Model) Add(args ...Entity) {
    for _, obj := range args {

// DeleteIf deletes specified id resource if can.
// When force option is specified, it skips CheckDelete function.
func (m *Model) DeleteIf(o *Player, res ModelType, id uint, force ...bool) (Entity, error) {
    raw := m.Values[res].MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(id))
    // no id
    if !raw.IsValid() {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v(%d) was already removed", res, id)
    obj := raw.Interface().(Entity)
    // no permission
    if !obj.B().Permits(o) {
        return obj, fmt.Errorf("no permission for %v to delete %v", o, obj)
    if len(force) > 0 && force[0] {
    } else {
        // reference
        if err := obj.CheckDelete(); err != nil {
            return obj, err
    return obj, nil

// Delete unregisters specified object from this repository.
func (m *Model) Delete(args ...Entity) {
    for _, obj := range args {
        if _, ok := obj.(Persistable); ok {
            m.Deletes[obj.B().Type()] = append(m.Deletes[obj.B().Type()], obj.B().Idx())

// Ids returns list of id specified type.
func (m *Model) Ids(res ModelType) []uint {
    ids := make([]uint, m.Values[res].Len())
    var i int
    for _, key := range m.Values[res].MapKeys() {
        ids[i] = uint(key.Uint())
    return ids

// Len returns the number of all type of objects.
func (m *Model) Len() int {
    var sum int
    for _, res := range TypeList {
        sum += m.Values[res].Len()
    return sum

// NodeLen returns the number of objects implementing Relayable.
func (m *Model) NodeLen() int {
    var sum int
    for _, res := range TypeList {
        if res.IsRelayable() {
            sum += m.Values[res].Len()
    return sum

// EdgeLen returns the number of objects implementing Connectable.
func (m *Model) EdgeLen() int {
    var sum int
    for _, res := range TypeList {
        if res.IsConnectable() {
            sum += m.Values[res].Len()
    return sum

// DBLen returns the number of objects persisting database.
func (m *Model) DBLen() int {
    var sum int
    for _, res := range TypeList {
        if res.IsDB() {
            sum += m.Values[res].Len()
    return sum

// NewModel initialize model object.
func NewModel(conf config.CnfEntity, a *auth.Auther) *Model {
    if TypeList == nil {
    if AuthList == nil {
    modelType := reflect.TypeOf(&Model{}).Elem()
    model := reflect.New(modelType).Elem()

    // set initialized map to field
    for idx := range TypeList {
        mapType := modelType.Field(idx).Type
        mapField := reflect.MakeMap(mapType)

    obj := model.Addr().Interface().(*Model)
    obj.NextIDs = make(map[ModelType]*uint64)
    obj.Deletes = make(map[ModelType][]uint)
    obj.Values = make(map[ModelType]reflect.Value)

    // set slice to specific fields
    for idx, res := range TypeList {
        // NextID
        var id uint64
        obj.NextIDs[res] = &id
        // Deletes
        if res.IsDB() {
            obj.Deletes[res] = []uint{}
        obj.Values[res] = model.Field(idx)

    obj.Logins = make(map[AuthType]map[string]*Player)
    for _, auth := range AuthList {
        obj.Logins[auth] = make(map[string]*Player)
    obj.conf = conf
    obj.RootCluster = obj.NewCluster(nil, 0, 0)
    obj.auther = a
    return obj