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Test Coverage
package entities

import (

// Point represents geographical location on game map
type Point struct {
    X float64 `gorm:"index" json:"x"`
    Y float64 `gorm:"index" json:"y"`

// NewPoint create Point
func NewPoint(x float64, y float64) Point {
    return Point{X: x, Y: y}

// IsIn returns true when Point is in specified area
func (p *Point) IsIn(x float64, y float64, scale float64) bool {
    len := math.Pow(2, scale)

    return p.X >= x-len/2 && p.X < x+len/2 && p.Y >= y-len/2 && p.Y < y+len/2

// IsInLine returns true when this or to or center is in.
func (p *Point) IsInLine(to *Point, x float64, y float64, scale float64) bool {
    return p.IsIn(x, y, scale) ||
        p.Center(to).IsIn(x, y, scale) ||
        to.IsIn(x, y, scale)

// Dist calculate a distance between two Point
func (p *Point) Dist(oth *Point) float64 {
    return math.Sqrt((oth.X-p.X)*(oth.X-p.X) + (oth.Y-p.Y)*(oth.Y-p.Y))

// Center returns devided point.
func (p *Point) Center(to *Point) *Point {
    return p.Div(to, 0.5)

// Div returns dividing point to certain ratio.
func (p *Point) Div(to *Point, progress float64) *Point {
    return &Point{
        X: p.X*progress + to.X*(1-progress),
        Y: p.Y*progress + to.Y*(1-progress),

// Rand generates other Point randaomly within 'max' distance.
func (p *Point) Rand(max float64) *Point {
    dist := rand.Float64() * max
    rad := rand.Float64() * math.Pi * 2
    return &Point{
        X: p.X + dist*math.Cos(rad),
        Y: p.Y + dist*math.Sin(rad),

// Flat returns position as two value
func (p *Point) Flat() (float64, float64) {
    return p.X, p.Y

// Sub returns new Point which is substracted by 'to' object
func (p *Point) Sub(to *Point) *Point {
    return &Point{p.X - to.X, p.Y - to.Y}

// Unit returns unit vector of this Point origined by (0, 0)
func (p *Point) Unit() *Point {
    length := p.Dist(&Point{})
    return &Point{p.X / length, p.Y / length}

// InnerProduct returns inner product with 'to' object.
func (p *Point) InnerProduct(to *Point) float64 {
    return p.X*to.X + p.Y*to.Y

// Clone returns same value but referrence is different value object.
func (p *Point) Clone() *Point {
    return &Point{p.X, p.Y}

// Logarithm calculates log (2^base) num
func Logarithm(num float64, base int) int {
    if base < 0 {
        return int(num * math.Pow(2, float64(-base)))
    // upper scale bit
    return int(num) >> base

// DeLogarithm calculates num / 2 ^ base
func DeLogarithm(num int, base int) float64 {
    if base < 0 {
        max := 1 << -base
        return float64(num) / float64(max)
    return float64(num << base)

func (p Point) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("(%.2f,%.2f)", p.X, p.Y)