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package route

import (


// Digest directs resource of model
type Digest struct {
    ModelType entities.ModelType
    ID        uint
    Value     float64

// NodeQueue is open list for searching
type NodeQueue []*Node

func (q NodeQueue) Len() int {
    return len(q)

func (q NodeQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
    q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]

func (q NodeQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return q[i].Value < q[j].Value

// Node is digest of Relayable, Transportable for routing.
// The chain of Node represents one route.
type Node struct {
    Via     *Node
    ViaEdge *Edge
    Out     []*Edge
    In      []*Edge

// NewNode returns instance
func NewNode(obj entities.Entity) *Node {
    return &Node{
        Digest: Digest{obj.B().Type(), obj.B().Idx(), math.MaxFloat64},
        Out:    []*Edge{},
        In:     []*Edge{},

// SameAs check both directs same resource
func (n *Node) SameAs(oth entities.Entity) bool {
    return n.ModelType == oth.B().Type() && n.ID == oth.B().Idx()

// WalkThrough set distance towrards self to Value of connected Nodes.
// Initial cost of connected Node must be max float64 value.
func (n *Node) WalkThrough() {
    var x, y *Node
    var q NodeQueue = []*Node{}
    for _, e := range n.In {
        e.FromNode.Value = e.Value
        e.FromNode.Via = n
        q = append(q, e.FromNode)

    var v float64
    for len(q) > 0 {
        x, q = q[0], q[1:]

        for _, e := range x.In {
            y = e.FromNode
            v = x.Value + e.Cost()
            if v < y.Value {
                y.Value = v
                y.Via = x
                q = append(q, y)

// Fix sets ViaEdge and discards no more need slice
func (n *Node) Fix() {
    for _, e := range n.Out {
        if e.ToNode == n.Via {
            n.ViaEdge = e
    // in order to save memory
    n.In = nil
    n.Out = nil

// Export create new instance which has same id of it.
func (n *Node) Export() *Node {
    return &Node{
        Digest: n.Digest,
        Out:    []*Edge{},
        In:     []*Edge{},

func (n *Node) RawRoute() string {
    tail := n
    res := []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v(%d)", n.ModelType, n.ID)}
    for tail.Via != nil {
        tail = tail.Via
        res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("%v(%d)", tail.ModelType, tail.ID))

        if tail == n {
    return strings.Join(res, "=>")

func (n *Node) Route() string {
    tail := n
    res := []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v(%d)", n.ModelType, n.ID)}
    for tail.ViaEdge != nil {
        tail = tail.ViaEdge.ToNode
        if tail == n {
        res = append(res, fmt.Sprintf("%v(%d)", tail.ModelType, tail.ID))
    return strings.Join(res, "=>")

func (n *Node) String() string {
    viastr := ""
    if n.ViaEdge != nil {
        viastr = fmt.Sprintf(",via=%d(->%d)", n.ViaEdge.ID, n.ViaEdge.ToNode.ID)
    valstr := ""
    if n.Value == math.MaxFloat64 {
        valstr = "NaN"
    } else {
        valstr = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", n.Value)
    return fmt.Sprintf("Node(%v,%d):i=%d,o=%d,v=%s%s",
        n.ModelType, n.ID, len(n.In), len(n.Out), valstr, viastr)