

1 day
Test Coverage

class yf_manage_shop_clear_products
    public $SEARCH_TIP = false;

    public function _init()
        $all_cats = main()->get_data('category_items_all');
        conf('all_cats', $all_cats);
        $this->SEARCH_TIP = t('Case-insensetive search') . ' (' . t('Example') . ': "' . t('Search') . '" = "' . mb_strtolower(t('Search')) . '" = "' . mb_strtoupper(t('Search')) . '")';

    public function clear_patterns()
        $html = table('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_patterns'), [
            'table_attr' => 'id="patterns_list"',
            'filter' => $_SESSION[$_GET['object'] . '__patterns'],
            'filter_params' => [
                'search' => 'like',
                'repalce' => 'like',
                'cat_id' => 'in',
        ->text('search', ['header_tip' => $this->SEARCH_TIP])
        ->func('cat_id', function ($value, $extra, $row_info) {
            $category = conf('all_cats::' . $value);
            $category = ! empty($category) ? $category['name'] : t('In all categories');
            return '<span class="badge badge-warning">' . $category . '</span>';
        }, ['desc' => 'Category'])
        ->func('id', function ($value, $extra, $row_info) {
            $where = '';
            if ( ! empty($row_info['cat_id'])) {
                $cat_ids = _class('cats')->_get_recursive_cat_ids($row_info['cat_id']);
                $where = ' AND (cat_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_ids) . ') OR id IN (SELECT product_id FROM ' . db('shop_product_to_category') . ' WHERE category_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_ids) . ')))';
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS `0` FROM ' . db('shop_products') . ' WHERE LOWER(name) REGEXP \'[[:<:]]' . mb_strtolower($row_info['search'], 'UTF-8') . '[[:>:]]\'' . $where;
            list($count) = db()->query_fetch($sql);
            return '<span class="badge badge-info pattern_count">' . $count . '</span>';
        }, ['desc' => 'Products for changing'])
        ->btn_func('Run', function ($row_info, $params, $instance_params, $_this) {
            if ($row_info['process']) {
                return '<button class="btn btn-mini btn-xs run_item btn-warning" data-id="' . $row_info['id'] . '"><i class="icon-refresh fa fa-refresh icon-spin fa-spin"></i> <span>' . t('Process') . '...</span></button>';
            return '<button class="btn btn-mini btn-xs btn-info run_item" data-id="' . $row_info['id'] . '"><i class="icon-play fa fa-play"></i> <span>' . t('Run') . '</span></button>';
        ->btn_func('Rollback', function ($row_info, $params, $instance_params, $_this) {
            if ($row_info['process']) {
                return '<button class="btn btn-mini btn-xs btn-warning rollback_item" data-id="' . $row_info['id'] . '"><i class="icon-refresh fa fa-refresh icon-spin fa-spin"></i> <span>' . t('Process') . '...</span></button>';
            return '<button class="btn btn-mini btn-xs btn-danger rollback_item" data-id="' . $row_info['id'] . '"><i class="icon-undo fa fa-undo"></i> <span>' . t('Rollback') . '</span></button>';
        ->btn('List of changes', './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_pattern_list&id=%d', ['icon' => 'icon-th-list fa fa-th-list'])
        ->btn_edit('', './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_pattern_edit&id=%d', ['no_ajax' => 1])
        ->btn_delete('', './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_pattern_delete&id=%d')
        ->footer_add('Add pattern', './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_pattern_add', ['no_ajax' => 1]);

        $replace = [
            'pattern_run_url' => './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_pattern_run',
            'pattern_stop_url' => './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_pattern_stop',
            'pattern_status_url' => './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_pattern_status',
            'pattern_rollback_url' => './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_pattern_rollback',
        $html .= tpl()->parse('manage_shop/product_clear_patterns', $replace);
        return $html;

    public function clear_pattern_list()
        if ( ! isset($_GET['id']) && (int) ($_GET['id'])) {
            return t('Empty clear pattern ID');

        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);

        $pattern_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id']);
        if (empty($pattern_info)) {
            return t('Wrong clean pattern');

        $where = '';
        if ( ! empty($pattern_info['cat_id'])) {
            $cat_ids = _class('cats')->_get_recursive_cat_ids($row_info['cat_id']);
            $where = ' AND (cat_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_ids) . ') OR id IN (SELECT product_id FROM ' . db('shop_product_to_category') . ' WHERE category_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_ids) . ')))';

        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_products') . ' WHERE LOWER(name) REGEXP \'[[:<:]]' . mb_strtolower($pattern_info['search'], 'UTF-8') . '[[:>:]]\'' . $where;
        $sql = db()->query($sql);
        while ($row = db()->fetch_assoc($sql)) {
            $pattern_list[] = [
                'id' => $row['id'],
                'now' => preg_replace('/[<^\w\d]?(' . $pattern_info['search'] . ')[<^\w\d]?/umis', '<b class="text-warning">$1</b>', $row['name']),
                'will_be' => preg_replace('/[<^\w\d]?(' . $pattern_info['search'] . ')[<^\w\d]?/umis', '<b class="text-success">' . $pattern_info['replace'] . '</b>', $row['name']),

        return table($pattern_list)
            ->header_link('Back', './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_patterns', ['icon' => 'icon-reply fa fa-reply', 'class' => 'btn-warning'])
            ->btn_edit('', './?object=manage_shop&action=product_edit&id=%d', ['no_ajax' => 1])
            ->footer_link('Back', './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_patterns', ['icon' => 'icon-reply fa fa-reply', 'class' => 'btn-warning']);

    public function clear_pattern_add()
        $validate_rules = [
            'search' => ['trim|required|xss_clean'],
            'replace' => ['trim|required|xss_clean'],

        $a = $_POST;
        $a['redirect_link'] = './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_patterns';

        return form($a, ['legend' => t('Add pattern')])
            ->db_insert_if_ok('shop_patterns', ['search', 'replace', 'cat_id'])
            ->text('search', ['tip' => $this->SEARCH_TIP])
            ->select_box('cat_id', module('manage_shop')->_cats_for_select, ['desc' => 'Category', 'show_text' => 1])

    public function clear_pattern_edit()
        if ( ! isset($_GET['id']) && (int) ($_GET['id'])) {
            return t('Empty clear pattern ID');

        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);

        $pattern_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id']);
        if (empty($pattern_info)) {
            return t('Wrong clean pattern');

        $validate_rules = [
            'search' => ['trim|required|xss_clean'],
            'replace' => ['trim|required|xss_clean'],

        $a = $pattern_info;
        $a['redirect_link'] = './?object=manage_shop&action=clear_patterns';

        return form($a, ['legend' => t('Edit pattern')])
            ->db_update_if_ok('shop_patterns', ['search', 'replace', 'cat_id'], 'id = ' . $_GET['id'])
            ->text('search', ['tip' => $this->SEARCH_TIP])
            ->select_box('cat_id', module('manage_shop')->_cats_for_select, ['desc' => 'Category', 'show_text' => 1])

    public function clear_pattern_delete()
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
            return 'Empty ID!';
        db()->query('DELETE FROM ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' WHERE id=' . $_GET['id']);
        return js_redirect('./?object=manage_shop&action=show_clear_patterns');

    public function clear_pattern_run($action = 'clear_pattern_child_process')
        if ( ! isset($_GET['id']) && (int) ($_GET['id'])) {

        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);

        $pattern_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' AND process = 0');
        if (empty($pattern_info)) {
            echo json_encode(['status' => 'already']);

        $admin_fs_path = ADMIN_SITE_PATH; // INCLUDE_PATH.'admin/
        shell_exec('cd ' . $admin_fs_path . ' && php index.php --object=manage_shop --action=' . $action . ' --id=' . $_GET['id'] . ' --admin_id=' . main()->ADMIN_ID . ' > /dev/null &');

        echo json_encode(['status' => 'done']);

    public function clear_pattern_rollback()

    public function clear_pattern_stop()
        if ( ! isset($_GET['id']) && (int) ($_GET['id'])) {

        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);

        $pattern_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' AND process != 0');
        if (empty($pattern_info)) {
            echo json_encode(['status' => 'non']);

        shell_exec('kill ' . $pattern_info['process'] . ' > /dev/null &');
        db()->query('UPDATE ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' SET process = 0 WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ';');

        echo json_encode(['status' => 'done']);

    public function clear_pattern_status()
        if (empty($_POST['ids'])) {
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $_POST['ids']) . ')';
        $patterns = db()->get_all($sql);
        foreach ($patterns as $key => $item) {
            $where = '';
            if ( ! empty($item['cat_id'])) {
                $cat_ids = _class('cats')->_get_recursive_cat_ids($row_info['cat_id']);
                $where = ' AND (cat_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_ids) . ') OR id IN (SELECT product_id FROM ' . db('shop_product_to_category') . ' WHERE category_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_ids) . ')))';
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS `0` FROM ' . db('shop_products') . ' WHERE LOWER(name) REGEXP \'[[:<:]]' . mb_strtolower($item['search'], 'UTF-8') . '[[:>:]]\'' . $where;
            list($count) = db()->query_fetch($sql);
            $patterns[$key]['count'] = $count;
        echo json_encode($patterns);

    public function clear_pattern_child_process()
        if ( ! isset($_GET['id']) && (int) ($_GET['id'])) {
            return t('Empty clear pattern ID');

        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        $process_id = getmypid();

        db()->query('UPDATE ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' SET process = ' . $process_id . ' WHERE process = 0 AND id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ';');

        $pattern_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' AND process = ' . $process_id);
        if (empty($pattern_info)) {
            return t('Wrong clean pattern');

        //give a chance to stop processing if it needs;

        $where = '';
        if ( ! empty($pattern_info['cat_id'])) {
            $cat_ids = _class('cats')->_get_recursive_cat_ids($row_info['cat_id']);
            $where = ' AND (cat_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_ids) . ') OR id IN (SELECT product_id FROM ' . db('shop_product_to_category') . ' WHERE category_id IN (' . implode(',', $cat_ids) . ')))';
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . db('shop_products') . ' WHERE LOWER(name) REGEXP \'[[:<:]]' . mb_strtolower($pattern_info['search'], 'UTF-8') . '[[:>:]]\'' . $where;
        $sql = db()->query($sql);
        while ($row = db()->fetch_assoc($sql)) {
            $update_array[] = [
                'id' => $row['id'],
                'name' => preg_replace('/[<^\w\d]?(' . $pattern_info['search'] . ')[<^\w\d]?/umis', $pattern_info['replace'], $row['name']),

            $update_ids[] = $row['id'];
        module('manage_shop')->_product_check_first_revision('product', $update_ids);
        if ( ! empty($update_array)) {
            $update_array = array_chunk($update_array, 300);
            foreach ($update_array as $update_items) {
                db()->update_batch_safe('shop_products', $update_items, 'id');
            $revision_ids = module('manage_shop')->_product_add_revision('correct_name', $update_ids);
            module('manage_shop')->_add_group_revision('product', $revision_ids, $_GET['id']);


        db()->query('UPDATE ' . db('shop_patterns') . ' SET process = 0 WHERE process = ' . $process_id . ' AND id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ';');