

2 days
Test Coverage

 * Blocks editor.
 * @author        YFix Team <>
 * @version        1.0
class yf_blocks
    private $_preload_complete = false;

     * @param mixed $name
    public function __get($name)
        if ( ! $this->_preload_complete) {
        return $this->$name;

     * @param mixed $name
     * @param mixed $value
    public function __set($name, $value)
        if ( ! $this->_preload_complete) {
        $this->$name = $value;
        return $this->$name;

    public function _preload_data()
        if ($this->_preload_complete) {
            return true;
        $this->_preload_complete = true;
        $array_all = ['' => '--All--'];
        $this->_methods = [
            'user' => $array_all + (array) module('user_modules')->_get_methods_for_select(),
            'admin' => $array_all + (array) module('admin_modules')->_get_methods_for_select(),
        $this->_groups = [
            'user' => $array_all + (array) db()->get_2d('SELECT id,name FROM ' . db('user_groups') . ' WHERE active="1"'),
            'admin' => $array_all + (array) db()->get_2d('SELECT id,name FROM ' . db('admin_groups') . ' WHERE active="1"'),
        $this->_themes = $array_all + (array) module('template_editor')->_get_themes_for_select();
        $this->_locales = $array_all + (array) module('locale_editor')->_get_locales();
        $this->_sites = $array_all + (array) db()->get_2d('SELECT id,name FROM ' . db('sites') . ' WHERE active="1"');
        $this->_servers = $array_all + (array) db()->get_2d('SELECT id,name FROM ' . db('core_servers') . ' WHERE active="1"');
        $this->_server_roles = $array_all + (array) db()->get_2d('SELECT role,role FROM ' . db('core_servers') . ' WHERE active="1" AND role !="" GROUP BY role');

    public function _cache_purge()
        cache_del(['blocks_all', 'blocks_rules', 'blocks_names', 'blocks_names_user', 'blocks_names_admin']);

    public function show()
        $func = function ($row) {
            return ! ($row['name'] == 'center_area' && $row['type'] == 'admin');
        $filter_name = $_GET['object'] . '__' . $_GET['action'];
        $default_filter = [
            'order_by' => 'type',
            'order_direction' => 'desc',
        $data = db()->from('blocks')->order_by('name ASC, type ASC')->get_all();
        return table($data, [
                'custom_fields' => ['num_rules' => 'SELECT block_id, COUNT(*) AS num FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' GROUP BY block_id'],
//                'condensed' => 1,
                'pager_records_on_page' => 10000,
                'filter' => (array) $_SESSION[$filter_name] + $default_filter,
                'filter_params' => [
                    'name' => 'like',
                'hide_empty' => 1,
                'group_by' => 'name',
//            ->link('name', url('/@object/show_rules/%d'), '', ['link_field_name' => 'id'])
            ->text('stpl_name', 'Template')
            ->text('method_name', 'Method')
            ->btn('Rules', url('/@object/show_rules/%d'))
            ->btn_edit(['btn_no_text' => 1])
            ->btn_clone(['btn_no_text' => 1])
            ->btn_delete(['btn_no_text' => 1, 'display_func' => $func])
            ->btn_active(['display_func' => $func])
            ->footer_add('', './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=add');

    public function add()
        $a = $_POST;
        $a['redirect_link'] = url('/@object');
        return form($a, ['autocomplete' => 'off'])
                'name' => 'trim|required|alpha_dash', //|is_unique[]
                'type' => 'trim|required',
            ->db_insert_if_ok('blocks', ['type', 'name', 'desc', 'stpl_name', 'method_name', 'active'], [])
            ->on_after_update(function () {
                common()->admin_wall_add(['block added: ' . $_POST['name'] . '', db()->insert_id()]);
            ->radio_box('type', ['admin' => 'admin', 'user' => 'user'])
            ->text('name', 'Block name')
            ->text('desc', 'Block Description')
            ->text('stpl_name', 'Custom template')
            ->text('method_name', 'Custom class method')

    public function edit()
        $a = db()->get('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']) . ' OR name="' . _es($_GET['id']) . '"');
        $_GET['id'] = $a['id'];
        $a['redirect_link'] = url('/@object');
        return form($a)
                'name' => 'trim|required|alpha_dash',
            ->db_update_if_ok('blocks', ['name', 'desc', 'stpl_name', 'method_name', 'active'], 'id=' . $_GET['id'])
            ->on_after_update(function () {
                common()->admin_wall_add(['block updated: ' . $_POST['name'] . '', $id]);
            ->text('name', 'Block name')
            ->text('desc', 'Block Description')
            ->text('stpl_name', 'Custom template')
            ->text('method_name', 'Custom class method')

     * Get array of templates for the given init type.
     * @param mixed $type
    public function _get_stpls($type = 'user')
        return module('template_editor')->_get_stpls_for_type($type);

     * Delete block and its rules.
    public function delete()
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        if ( ! empty($_GET['id'])) {
            $block_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        if ( ! empty($block_info['id'])) {
            db()->query('DELETE FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']) . ' LIMIT 1');
            db()->query('DELETE FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' WHERE block_id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
            common()->admin_wall_add(['block deleted: ' . $block_info['name'] . '', $_GET['id']]);
        if (is_ajax()) {
            echo $_GET['id'];
        } else {
            return js_redirect(url('/@object'));

    public function clone_item()
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        if (empty($_GET['id'])) {
            return _e('No id!');
        $block_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        $sql = $block_info;
        $sql['name'] = $sql['name'] . '_clone';

        db()->INSERT('blocks', $sql);
        $NEW_BLOCK_ID = db()->INSERT_ID();

        $Q = db()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' WHERE block_id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        while ($_info = db()->fetch_assoc($Q)) {
            $_info['block_id'] = $NEW_BLOCK_ID;

            db()->INSERT('block_rules', $_info);

            $NEW_ITEM_ID = db()->INSERT_ID();
        common()->admin_wall_add(['block cloned: ' . $_info['name'] . ' from ' . $block_info['name'], $NEW_ITEM_ID]);
        return js_redirect(url('/@object'));

    public function active()
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        if ( ! empty($_GET['id'])) {
            $block_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        if ( ! empty($block_info['id'])) {
            db()->UPDATE('blocks', ['active' => (int) ! $block_info['active']], 'id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
            common()->admin_wall_add(['block ' . $block_info['name'] . ' ' . ($block_info['active'] ? 'inactivated' : 'activated'), $_GET['id']]);
        if (is_ajax()) {
            echo $block_info['active'] ? 0 : 1;
        } else {
            return js_redirect(url('/@object'));

     * Rules list for given block id.
    public function show_rules()
        $block_info = db()->get('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        if (empty($block_info['id'])) {
            return _e('No such block!');
        $_GET['id'] = $block_info['id'];
        return table('SELECT * FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' WHERE block_id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']) . ' ORDER BY `order` ASC')
            ->data('methods', $this->_methods[$block_info['type']])
            ->data('user_groups', $this->_groups[$block_info['type']], ['desc' => 'Groups'])
            ->data('themes', $this->_themes)
            ->data('locales', $this->_locales)
            ->data('site_ids', $this->_sites, ['desc' => 'Sites'])
            ->data('server_ids', $this->_servers, ['desc' => 'Servers'])
            ->data('server_roles', $this->_server_roles, ['desc' => 'Server roles'])
            ->btn_edit('', './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=edit_rule&id=%d', ['no_ajax' => 1])
            ->btn_delete('', './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=delete_rule&id=%d')
            ->btn_clone('', './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=clone_rule&id=%d')
            ->btn_active('', './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=activate_rule&id=%d')
            ->footer_add('', './?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=add_rule&id=' . $block_info['id'], ['no_ajax' => 1]);

    public function add_rule()
        $block_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        if (empty($block_info['id'])) {
            return _e('No such block!');
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($block_info['id']);

        $a = $_POST;

        $multi_selects = ['methods', 'user_groups', 'themes', 'locales', 'site_ids', 'server_ids'];
        if (main()->is_post()) {
            foreach ($multi_selects as $k) {
                $_POST[$k] = $this->_multi_html_to_db($_POST[$k]);
        $a['redirect_link'] = url('/@object');
        $a['type'] = $block_info['type'];
        return form($a)
                'rule_type' => 'trim|required',
            ->db_insert_if_ok('block_rules', ['rule_type', 'methods', 'user_groups', 'themes', 'locales', 'site_ids', 'server_ids', 'order', 'active'], ['block_id' => $block_info['id']], [
                'redirect_link' => './?object=blocks&action=show_rules&id=' . $block_info['id'],
            ->on_after_update(function () {
                common()->admin_wall_add(['block rule added for ' . $block_info['name'], $_GET['id']]);
            ->chosen_box('methods', $this->_methods[$block_info['type']], ['edit_link' => url('/' . $block_info['type'] . '_modules'), 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('user_groups', $this->_groups[$block_info['type']], ['edit_link' => url('/' . $block_info['type'] . '_groups'), 'desc' => 'Groups', 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('themes', $this->_themes, ['edit_link' => url('/template_editor'), 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('locales', $this->_locales, ['edit_link' => url('/locale_editor'), 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('site_ids', $this->_sites, ['edit_link' => url('/manage_sites'), 'desc' => 'Sites', 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('server_ids', $this->_servers, ['edit_link' => url('/manage_servers'), 'desc' => 'Servers', 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('server_roles', $this->_server_roles, ['edit_link' => url('/manage_servers'), 'desc' => 'Server roles', 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->number('order', 'Rule Processing Order')

    public function edit_rule()
        $rule_info = db()->get('SELECT * FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        if (empty($rule_info['id'])) {
            return _e('No such rule!');
        $_GET['id'] = $rule_info['id'];

        $block_info = db()->get('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($rule_info['block_id']));
        if (empty($block_info['id'])) {
            return _e('No such block!');
        $a = $rule_info;

        $multi_selects = ['methods', 'user_groups', 'themes', 'locales', 'site_ids', 'server_ids'];
        if (main()->is_post()) {
            foreach ($multi_selects as $k) {
                $_POST[$k] = $this->_multi_html_to_db($_POST[$k]);
        } else {
            foreach ($multi_selects as $k) {
                $a[$k] = $this->_multi_db_to_html($a[$k]);
        $a['redirect_link'] = url('/@object');
        $a['type'] = $block_info['type'];
        return form($a)
                'rule_type' => 'trim|required',
            ->db_update_if_ok('block_rules', ['rule_type', 'methods', 'user_groups', 'themes', 'locales', 'site_ids', 'server_ids', 'order', 'active'], 'id=' . $rule_info['id'], [
                'redirect_link' => './?object=blocks&action=show_rules&id=' . $a['block_id'],
            ->on_after_update(function () {
                common()->admin_wall_add(['block rule updated for: ' . $block_info['name'], $_GET['id']]);
            ->chosen_box('methods', $this->_methods[$block_info['type']], ['edit_link' => url('/' . $block_info['type'] . '_modules'), 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('user_groups', $this->_groups[$block_info['type']], ['edit_link' => url('/' . $block_info['type'] . '_groups'), 'desc' => 'Groups', 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('themes', $this->_themes, ['edit_link' => url('/template_editor'), 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('locales', $this->_locales, ['edit_link' => url('/locale_editor'), 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('site_ids', $this->_sites, ['edit_link' => url('/manage_sites'), 'desc' => 'Sites', 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('server_ids', $this->_servers, ['edit_link' => url('/manage_servers'), 'desc' => 'Servers', 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->chosen_box('server_roles', $this->_server_roles, ['edit_link' => url('/manage_servers'), 'desc' => 'Server roles', 'multiple' => 1, 'js_options' => ['width' => '50%']])
            ->number('order', 'Rule Processing Order')

    public function delete_rule()
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        if ( ! empty($_GET['id'])) {
            $rule_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        if ( ! empty($rule_info['id'])) {
            $block_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($rule_info['block_id']));
        if ( ! empty($block_info['id'])) {
            db()->query('DELETE FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']) . ' LIMIT 1');
            common()->admin_wall_add(['block rule deleted for: ' . $block_info['name'], $_GET['id']]);
        if (is_ajax()) {
            echo $_GET['id'];
        } else {
            return js_redirect('./?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_rules&id=' . $block_info['id']);

    public function clone_rule()
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        if ( ! empty($_GET['id'])) {
            $rule_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        if ( ! empty($rule_info['id'])) {
            $block_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($rule_info['block_id']));
        if ( ! $block_info) {
            return _e('No such rule or block');
        $sql = $rule_info;

        db()->INSERT('block_rules', $sql);
        $NEW_RULE_ID = db()->INSERT_ID();

        common()->admin_wall_add(['block rule cloned for block ' . $block_info['name'], $NEW_RULE_ID]);
        return js_redirect('./?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_rules&id=' . $block_info['id']);

    public function activate_rule()
        $_GET['id'] = (int) ($_GET['id']);
        if ( ! empty($_GET['id'])) {
            $rule_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('block_rules') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
        if ( ! empty($rule_info['id'])) {
            $block_info = db()->query_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . db('blocks') . ' WHERE id=' . (int) ($rule_info['block_id']));
        if ( ! empty($block_info['id'])) {
            db()->UPDATE('block_rules', ['active' => (int) ! $rule_info['active']], 'id=' . (int) ($_GET['id']));
            common()->admin_wall_add(['block rule for ' . $block_info['name'] . ' ' . ($rule_info['active'] ? 'inactivated' : 'activated'), $_GET['id']]);
        if (is_ajax()) {
            echo $rule_info['active'] ? 0 : 1;
        } else {
            return js_redirect('./?object=' . $_GET['object'] . '&action=show_rules&id=' . $block_info['id']);

     * @param mixed $input
    public function _multi_html_to_db($input = [])
        if (is_array($input)) {
            $input = ',' . implode(',' . PHP_EOL, $input) . ',';
        return (string) str_replace([' ', "\t", "\r", ',,'], '', $input);

     * @param mixed $input
    public function _multi_db_to_html($input = '')
        if ( ! is_array($input)) {
            $input = explode(',', str_replace([' ', "\t", "\r", "\n", ',,'], '', $input));
        $output = [];
        foreach ((array) $input as $v) {
            if ($v) {
                $output[$v] = $v;
        return (array) $output;

    public function filter_save()
        return _class('admin_methods')->filter_save();

    public function _show_filter()
        if ( ! in_array($_GET['action'], ['show'])) {
            return false;
        $order_fields = [];
        foreach (explode('|', 'name|active|stpl_name|method_name') as $f) {
            $order_fields[$f] = $f;
        return form($r, [
                'filter' => true,
            ->select_box('type', ['admin' => 'admin', 'user' => 'user'], ['show_text' => 1])
            ->select_box('order_by', $order_fields, ['show_text' => 1])

     * @param mixed $msg
    public function _hook_wall_link($msg = [])
        $action = $msg['action'] == 'activate_block' ? 'edit' : 'show';
        return url('/blocks/' . $action . '/' . $msg['object_id']);

     * @param mixed $params
    public function _hook_widget__user_blocks($params = [])
        // TODO

     * @param mixed $params
    public function _hook_widget__admin_blocks($params = [])
        // TODO