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Test Coverage
//  JWTAlgorithm.h
//  JWT
//  Created by Klaas Pieter Annema on 31-05-13.
//  Copyright (c) 2013 Karma. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "JWTDeprecations.h"

@protocol JWTAlgorithm <NSObject>

 Signs data using provided secret data.
 @param hash The data to sign.
 @param key The secret to use for signing.
 @param error The error.
- (NSData *)signHash:(NSData *)hash key:(NSData *)key error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error;
 Verifies data using key.
 @param hash The data to verify.
 @param signature The secret to use for verifying.
 @param key The key to verify data.
 @param error The error.
- (BOOL)verifyHash:(NSData *)hash signature:(NSData *)signature key:(NSData *)key error:(NSError *__autoreleasing*)error;


@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *name;

 Encodes and encrypts the provided payload using the provided secret key
 @param theString The string to encode
 @param theSecret The secret to use for encryption
 @return An NSData object containing the encrypted payload, or nil if something went wrong.
- (NSData *)encodePayload:(NSString *)theString withSecret:(NSString *)theSecret __deprecated_and_will_be_removed_in_release_version(JWTVersion_3_0_0);

 Verifies the provided signature using the signed input and verification key
 @param input The header and payload encoded string
 @param signature The JWT provided signature
 @param verificationKey The key to use for verifying the signature
 @return YES if the provided signature is valid, NO otherwise
- (BOOL)verifySignedInput:(NSString *)input withSignature:(NSString *)signature verificationKey:(NSString *)verificationKey __deprecated_and_will_be_removed_in_release_version(JWTVersion_3_0_0);


 Encodes and encrypts the provided payload using the provided secret key
 @param theStringData The data to encode
 @param theSecretData The secret data to use for encryption
 @return An NSData object containing the encrypted payload, or nil if something went wrong.
- (NSData *)encodePayloadData:(NSData *)theStringData withSecret:(NSData *)theSecretData __deprecated_and_will_be_removed_in_release_version(JWTVersion_3_0_0);

 Verifies the provided signature using the signed input and verification key (as data)
 @param input The header and payload encoded string
 @param signature The JWT provided signature
 @param verificationKeyData The key data to use for verifying the signature
 @return YES if the provided signature is valid, NO otherwise
- (BOOL)verifySignedInput:(NSString *)input withSignature:(NSString *)signature verificationKeyData:(NSData *)verificationKeyData __deprecated_and_will_be_removed_in_release_version(JWTVersion_3_0_0);