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1 day
Test Coverage
import abc
import base64
import functools
import logging
import os
import textwrap

import http.cookies

from ..decorators.parameter import inspect_function_arguments
from ..exceptions import (ConnexionException, OAuthProblem,
                          OAuthResponseProblem, OAuthScopeProblem)
from ..utils import get_function_from_name

logger = logging.getLogger('')

class AbstractSecurityHandlerFactory(abc.ABC):
    get_*_func -> _get_function -> get_function_from_name (name=security function defined in spec)
        (if url defined instead of a function -> get_token_info_remote)

    std security functions: security_{passthrough,deny}

    verify_* -> returns a security wrapper around the security function
        check_* -> returns a function tasked with doing auth for use inside the verify wrapper
            check helpers (used outside wrappers): _need_to_add_context_or_scopes
            the security function
        verify helpers (used inside wrappers): get_auth_header_value, get_cookie_value
    no_value = object()
    required_scopes_kw = 'required_scopes'

    def __init__(self, pass_context_arg_name):
        self.pass_context_arg_name = pass_context_arg_name

    def _get_function(security_definition, security_definition_key, environ_key, default=None):
        Return function by getting its name from security_definition or environment variable
        func = security_definition.get(security_definition_key) or os.environ.get(environ_key)
        if func:
            return get_function_from_name(func)
        return default

    def get_tokeninfo_func(self, security_definition):
        :type security_definition: dict
        :param get_token_info_remote_func Function executed to download token info from x-tokenInfoUrl
        :rtype: function

        >>> get_tokeninfo_url({'x-tokenInfoFunc': ''})
        token_info_func = self._get_function(security_definition, "x-tokenInfoFunc", 'TOKENINFO_FUNC')
        if token_info_func:
            return token_info_func

        token_info_url = (security_definition.get('x-tokenInfoUrl') or
        if token_info_url:
            return self.get_token_info_remote(token_info_url)

        return None

    def get_scope_validate_func(cls, security_definition):
        :type security_definition: dict
        :rtype: function

        >>> get_scope_validate_func({'x-scopeValidateFunc': ''})
        return cls._get_function(security_definition, "x-scopeValidateFunc", 'SCOPEVALIDATE_FUNC', cls.validate_scope)

    def get_basicinfo_func(cls, security_definition):
        :type security_definition: dict
        :rtype: function

        >>> get_basicinfo_func({'x-basicInfoFunc': ''})
        return cls._get_function(security_definition, "x-basicInfoFunc", 'BASICINFO_FUNC')

    def get_apikeyinfo_func(cls, security_definition):
        :type security_definition: dict
        :rtype: function

        >>> get_apikeyinfo_func({'x-apikeyInfoFunc': ''})
        return cls._get_function(security_definition, "x-apikeyInfoFunc", 'APIKEYINFO_FUNC')

    def get_bearerinfo_func(cls, security_definition):
        :type security_definition: dict
        :rtype: function

        >>> get_bearerinfo_func({'x-bearerInfoFunc': ''})
        return cls._get_function(security_definition, "x-bearerInfoFunc", 'BEARERINFO_FUNC')

    def security_passthrough(function):
        :type function: types.FunctionType
        :rtype: types.FunctionType
        return function

    def security_deny(function):
        :type function: types.FunctionType
        :rtype: types.FunctionType

        def deny(*args, **kwargs):
            raise ConnexionException("Error in security definitions")

        return deny

    def validate_scope(required_scopes, token_scopes):
        :param required_scopes: Scopes required to access operation
        :param token_scopes: Scopes granted by authorization server
        :rtype: bool
        required_scopes = set(required_scopes)
        if isinstance(token_scopes, list):
            token_scopes = set(token_scopes)
            token_scopes = set(token_scopes.split())
        logger.debug("... Scopes required: %s", required_scopes)
        logger.debug("... Token scopes: %s", token_scopes)
        if not required_scopes <= token_scopes:
                        ... Token scopes (%s) do not match the scopes necessary to call endpoint (%s).
                         Aborting with 403.""").replace('\n', ''),
                        token_scopes, required_scopes)
            return False
        return True

    def get_auth_header_value(request):
        Called inside security wrapper functions

        Return Authorization type and value if any.
        If not Authorization, return (None, None)
        Raise OAuthProblem for invalid Authorization header
        authorization = request.headers.get('Authorization')
        if not authorization:
            return None, None

            auth_type, value = authorization.split(None, 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise OAuthProblem(description='Invalid authorization header')
        return auth_type.lower(), value

    def verify_oauth(self, token_info_func, scope_validate_func):
        check_oauth_func = self.check_oauth_func(token_info_func, scope_validate_func)

        def wrapper(request, required_scopes):
            auth_type, token = self.get_auth_header_value(request)
            if auth_type != 'bearer':
                return self.no_value

            return check_oauth_func(request, token, required_scopes=required_scopes)

        return wrapper

    def verify_basic(self, basic_info_func):
        check_basic_info_func = self.check_basic_auth(basic_info_func)

        def wrapper(request, required_scopes):
            auth_type, user_pass = self.get_auth_header_value(request)
            if auth_type != 'basic':
                return self.no_value

                username, password = base64.b64decode(user_pass).decode('latin1').split(':', 1)
            except Exception:
                raise OAuthProblem(description='Invalid authorization header')

            return check_basic_info_func(request, username, password, required_scopes=required_scopes)

        return wrapper

    def get_cookie_value(cookies, name):
        Called inside security wrapper functions

        Returns cookie value by its name. None if no such value.
        :param cookies: str: cookies raw data
        :param name: str: cookies key
        cookie_parser = http.cookies.SimpleCookie()
            return cookie_parser[name].value
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def verify_api_key(self, api_key_info_func, loc, name):
        check_api_key_func = self.check_api_key(api_key_info_func)

        def wrapper(request, required_scopes):

            def _immutable_pop(_dict, key):
                Pops the key from an immutable dict and returns the value that was popped,
                and a new immutable dict without the popped key.
                cls = type(_dict)
                    _dict = _dict.to_dict(flat=False)
                    return _dict.pop(key)[0], cls(_dict)
                except AttributeError:
                    _dict = dict(_dict.items())
                    return _dict.pop(key), cls(_dict)

            if loc == 'query':
                    api_key, request.query = _immutable_pop(request.query, name)
                except KeyError:
                    api_key = None
            elif loc == 'header':
                api_key = request.headers.get(name)
            elif loc == 'cookie':
                cookie_list = request.headers.get('Cookie')
                api_key = self.get_cookie_value(cookie_list, name)
                return self.no_value

            if api_key is None:
                return self.no_value

            return check_api_key_func(request, api_key, required_scopes=required_scopes)

        return wrapper

    def verify_bearer(self, token_info_func):
        :param token_info_func: types.FunctionType
        :rtype: types.FunctionType
        check_bearer_func = self.check_bearer_token(token_info_func)

        def wrapper(request, required_scopes):
            auth_type, token = self.get_auth_header_value(request)
            if auth_type != 'bearer':
                return self.no_value
            return check_bearer_func(request, token, required_scopes=required_scopes)

        return wrapper

    def verify_none():
        :rtype: types.FunctionType

        def wrapper(request, required_scopes):
            return {}

        return wrapper

    def _need_to_add_context_or_scopes(self, func):
        arguments, has_kwargs = inspect_function_arguments(func)
        need_context = self.pass_context_arg_name and (has_kwargs or self.pass_context_arg_name in arguments)
        need_required_scopes = has_kwargs or self.required_scopes_kw in arguments
        return need_context, need_required_scopes

    def _generic_check(self, func, exception_msg):
        need_to_add_context, need_to_add_required_scopes = self._need_to_add_context_or_scopes(func)

        def wrapper(request, *args, required_scopes=None):
            kwargs = {}
            if need_to_add_context:
                kwargs[self.pass_context_arg_name] = request.context
            if need_to_add_required_scopes:
                kwargs[self.required_scopes_kw] = required_scopes
            token_info = func(*args, **kwargs)
            if token_info is self.no_value:
                return self.no_value
            if token_info is None:
                raise OAuthResponseProblem(description=exception_msg, token_response=None)
            return token_info

        return wrapper

    def check_bearer_token(self, token_info_func):
        return self._generic_check(token_info_func, 'Provided token is not valid')

    def check_basic_auth(self, basic_info_func):
        return self._generic_check(basic_info_func, 'Provided authorization is not valid')

    def check_api_key(self, api_key_info_func):
        return self._generic_check(api_key_info_func, 'Provided apikey is not valid')

    def check_oauth_func(self, token_info_func, scope_validate_func):
        get_token_info = self._generic_check(token_info_func, 'Provided token is not valid')
        need_to_add_context, _ = self._need_to_add_context_or_scopes(scope_validate_func)

        def wrapper(request, token, required_scopes):
            token_info = get_token_info(request, token, required_scopes=required_scopes)

            # Fallback to 'scopes' for backward compatibility
            token_scopes = token_info.get('scope', token_info.get('scopes', ''))

            kwargs = {}
            if need_to_add_context:
                kwargs[self.pass_context_arg_name] = request.context
            validation = scope_validate_func(required_scopes, token_scopes, **kwargs)
            if not validation:
                raise OAuthScopeProblem(
                    description='Provided token doesn\'t have the required scope',

            return token_info
        return wrapper

    def verify_security(cls, auth_funcs, required_scopes, function):
        def wrapper(request):
            token_info = None
            for func in auth_funcs:
                token_info = func(request, required_scopes)
                if token_info is not cls.no_value:

            if token_info is cls.no_value:
      "... No auth provided. Aborting with 401.")
                raise OAuthProblem(description='No authorization token provided')

            # Fallback to 'uid' for backward compatibility
            request.context['user'] = token_info.get('sub', token_info.get('uid'))
            request.context['token_info'] = token_info
            return function(request)

        return wrapper

    def get_token_info_remote(self, token_info_url):
        Return a function which will call `token_info_url` to retrieve token info.

        Returned function must accept oauth token in parameter.
        It must return a token_info dict in case of success, None otherwise.

        :param token_info_url: Url to get information about the token
        :type token_info_url: str
        :rtype: types.FunctionType