

Test Coverage
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;

#----------------------------------- MAIN ------------------------------------
my $usage = "

Synopsis: -t INR|INV|DUP|DEL -w 25 truth.bed lumpy.bedbe 


-t <FLAG>   --required-- type of structural variant in truth.bed file
-w <INT>    --optional-- the number of bases on either side of the true event to count as acceptable [25]


This script takes \"truth\" bed file adds slop around the breakpoints
(pos1 & pos2) and then intersects LUMPY calls, independent of SV type. True
positives are determined by MAX.

The truth files used in our experiments can be found with: Chaisson et al 2014


If the true positive or false positive flag is toggled the hits will be printed

By default the summary statisitcs are printed to SDERR.

program type truth-window FP TP FDR
WHAM INDEL 25 18546 5239 0.779735127180996


my ($help);
my $TYPE;
my $TP;
my $WINDOW = 25;
my $DEPTH  = 10;
my $opt_success = GetOptions('help'     => \$help,
                 "TP"       => \$TP,
                 "window=s" => \$WINDOW,
                 "depth=s"  => \$DEPTH,
                 "TYPE=s"   => \$TYPE );

die $usage if $help || ! $opt_success || ! defined $TYPE ;

my $file  = shift;
my $fileb = shift;
die $usage unless $file;
open (my $IN, '<', $file) or die "Can't open $file for reading\n$!\n";

#1       7851301 7851302 1       7851202 7851203 1::DUP0444::1   255     +       +

my %truth;
my $ntruth = 0;

while (<$IN>) {


    $_ =~ s/chr//g;
    my @l = split /\s+/, $_;

    for(my $i = $l[1] - $WINDOW; $i < $l[1] + $WINDOW; $i++){
        $truth{$l[0]}{$i} = $_;
    for(my $i = $l[2] - $WINDOW; $i < $l[2] + $WINDOW; $i++){
        $truth{$l[0]}{$i} = $_;

close $IN;

open(my $INB, '<', $fileb) or die "Can't open $fileb for reading\n$!\n";

my $tp    = 0;
my $fp    = 0;

my %bad;

$bad{'hs37d5'}     = 1;
$bad{'GL0002191'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002241'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002211'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0001921'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0001931'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0001951'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0001991'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002041'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002051'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002071'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002081'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002121'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002141'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002161'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002171'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002201'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002251'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002261'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002281'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002321'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002341'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002351'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002371'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002391'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL0002401'}  = 1;
$bad{'GL000191.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000192.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000193.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000194.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000195.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000198.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000199.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000202.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000203.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000204.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000205.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000206.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000206.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000207.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000208.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000210.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000211.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000212.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000213.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000214.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000215.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000216.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000217.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000218.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000219.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000220.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000221.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000222.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000224.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000225.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000226.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000227.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000228.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000229.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000230.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000231.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000232.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000234.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000235.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000236.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000237.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000238.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000239.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000240.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000241.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000242.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000243.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000244.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000247.1'} = 1;
$bad{'GL000248.1'} = 1;

my %HIT;

SV: while (<$INB>) {

#1       7017630 7017662 1       8017622 8017664 1       4.15492e-27     +       -       TYPE:DELETION   IDS:1,9;2,3     STRANDS:+-,12   MAX:1:7017643;1:8017664 95:1:7017641-7017644;1:8017664-8017664
    $_ =~ s/\.//g;
    next if $_ =~ /^#/;
    my @l = split /\t/, $_;
    next SV if defined $bad{$l[0]} ;
    next SV if defined $bad{$l[5]} ;

    my @max = split /:|;/, $l[13];

    shift @max;
    if(defined $truth{$max[0]}{$max[1]} || defined $truth{$max[2]}{$max[3]}){
    my $seqid = 0;
    my $key   = 1;
    if(defined $truth{$max[0]}{$max[1]}){
        $key   = 1;
        $seqid = 0;
    if(defined $truth{$max[2]}{$max[3]}){
        $seqid = 2;
        $key   = 3;
    if(defined $HIT{$truth{$max[$seqid]}{$max[$key]}}){
        next SV;
#        print  $truth{$max[$seqid]}{$max[$key]}, "\n";
        print "$_\n";
    $tp ++;
    $HIT{$truth{$max[$seqid]}{$max[$key]}} = 1;
#    print STDERR $_ , "\n";

close $INB;

my $FDR = $fp / ($tp + $fp);

print STDERR "LUMPY\t$TYPE\t$WINDOW\t$fp\t$tp\t$FDR\n";

#-------------------------------- SUBROUTINES --------------------------------