

4 hrs
Test Coverage
import argparse, csv, os, sys, re #std python imports
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier #RF classifier from SKlearn
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score #validation stats from SKlearn
import itertools
import multiprocessing as mp #allows for parallelization of the classification to speed up script.


parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Runs RandomForest classifier on WHAM output VCF files to classify structural variant type. Appends WC and WP flags for user to explore structural variant calls. The output is a VCF file written to standard out.")
parser.add_argument("VCF", type=str, help="User supplied VCF with WHAM variants; VCF needs AT field data")
parser.add_argument("training_matrix", type=str, help="training dataset for classifier derived from simulated read dataset")
parser.add_argument("--filter", type=str, help="optional arg for filtering type one of : ['sensitive', 'specific']; defaults to output all data if filtering if argument is not supplied.")
parser.add_argument("--proc", type=str, help="optional arg for number of proceses to run with classifier; higher thread number will increase speed of classifier; defaults to 1")
parser.add_argument("--minclassfreq", default=0, type=float, help="optional arg for minimum frequency required for classification, otherwise variant set as unknown (UNK). Default is to classify everything.")


#class object for processing VCF files. 
class vcf:
    class vcf generates an iterator for looping through a vcf
    file. Can add various functionalities here to further process
    the vcf in a number of ways
    chunksize = number of lines to process at once for parallel applications. 
    def __init__(self,file):
        self.f = open(file,'r')
        #proces all of the header lines of the vcf. 
        header = True #boolean to continye looping through header
        info_boolean = False #need a boolean to trigger and append new INFO fields
        while header:
            self.line = self.f.readline()
            line = self.line.strip()
            line = line.split("\t") #split line on tabs
            if line[0][0] == '#': #process header lines
                if re.search("##FORMAT", line[0]) and info_boolean == False: #first instance of ##FORMAT..
                    #need to append new INFO fields for the corresponding data
                    print '##INFO=<ID=WC,Number=1,Type=String,Description="WHAM classifier variant type">'
                    print '##INFO=<ID=WP,Number=4,Type=Float,Description="WHAM probability estimate for each structural variant classification from RandomForest model">'
                    info_boolean = True #reset boolean to 
                print "\t".join( line ) #print results to stdout 
                header = False #break out of the loop
    def __iter__(self):
        return self
    def next(self, chunksize=5000):
        cnt = 0 #boolean for chunking.
        return_array = [] #initialize empty array to store line data. 
        #check here if we are currently on last line, and raise StopIteration to exit next()
        if len(self.line) == 0: #
            raise StopIteration
        while cnt < chunksize:
            line = self.line
            if len( line ) == 0:
                return( return_array ) 
                break #break out of loop because we are at last line in file. 
                return_array.append( line ) 
            self.line = self.f.readline()
            cnt += 1
        return( return_array )

#parse the targets for ML. converts text list of classified data
#into a numerical dataset with links to the classified names
def parse_targets( target ):
    target = list of factors to be turned into numerical classifiers. 
    for machine learning classifiction. ie. converts INR, DEL, INV, 
    DUP into integer factors
    target = np.array(target) #convert to np array for ease in processing
    names = np.unique( target ) #unique names of SV types (factors)

    #now iterate through and classify to an integer for SKlearn
    cnt = 0
    target_numerical = np.zeros( target.shape[0] ) #generate empty dataset
    for name in names:
        idx = np.where( name == target )
        target_numerical[ idx ] = cnt
        cnt += 1
    #setup return data structure
    RV = {'names': names, 'target': target_numerical}
    #can use index of SV type in 'names' to get text based variant
    #call from 'target', where they've been converted to integers.
    return( RV )

#method to run observed data through the trained model to output
#a vcf friendly return of classified variant call and the prediction
#probabilities for each call
def classify_data( _x, clf, names, minclassfreq=None ):
    _x = pass the col 8 from vcf
    clf = machine learning object
    names = string names, zero indexed of variant calls. 
    _x = np.array(_x)
#    index = [16,17,18]
#    _x = map(lambda(x):_x[x], index)
    class_idx = int( clf.predict(_x) )#predict classifier. can link back to dataset['target_names']
    prediction = names[ class_idx ] #lookup text based name for classification

    class_probs = clf.predict_proba(_x)[0] #gives weights for your predictions 1:target_names
    #if minclass is set and is below threshold, we change prediction to UKN - unknown
        if minclassfreq and class_probs[class_idx] < minclassfreq:
                prediction = "UKN"  # set as unknown, not enough evidence for classification
    #convert back to text comma separated list

    class_str = ",".join( [ str(i) for i in class_probs ] )

    #this is a terrible hack that make my soul hurt, but gets the job done for 
    # dels called dups. 

    #parse the two data fields into a string so they can be appended to the vcf file. 
    return_str = "WC=" + prediction + ";WP=" + class_str 
    return( return_str )

#A general parser that takes the data in VCF flag field and parses it into a 
#dictionary data structure. Can then obtain whatever data needed by using
# RV['key']; ie. RV['GT'] ...
def parse_vcf_data( vdat ):
    vdat = string; column 8 from VCF file with INFO fields. 
    #start by parsing the vcf data into a dictionary structure
    #will be keyed by ["XX="] =  data 
    dict = {}
    vdat = vdat.split(";")
    for v in vdat:
            v = v.split("=") #split key and data into list
            print "not valid VCF file"
        dict[ v[0] ] = v[1] #setup dict struct

    #return the dictionary structure data with info fields as keys. 
    return( dict )

#takes vcf field data and runs various filtering specs.
def run_filters( vdat, filtering = None ):
    vdat - dictionary of INFO field from VCF line
    filtering - dictionary of fields to be filtered; defaults to None
    Currently implemented for sensitive and specific. Can modify the
    filters to return False anytime you want to not report results based
    on filteirng criterion from the INFO field. 
    pass_filt = True #will remain true until we do not satisfy some criterion
    if filtering == None:
        return( pass_filt ) #break out early 

    #sensitive is very perimssive
    elif filtering == "sensitive":
        if int( vdat['NC'] ) < 2:
            pass_filt = False
            return( pass_filt )
        if pass_filt:
            return( pass_filt )

    #specific mapping is more restrictive on the filtering.
    elif filtering == "specific":
        if vdat['ED'] == 'nan':
            pass_filt = False
            return( pass_filt )
        BE = vdat['BE'].split(',') 
        if int(BE[-1]) < 2:
            pass_filt = False
            return( pass_filt )
        if int( vdat['NC'] ) < 3:
            pass_filt = False
            return( pass_filt )
        if pass_filt:
            return( pass_filt )

    #elif filtering == "user_defined":
    #    ....

        raise ValueError('Not a valid --filter argumuent\n please try running with --help arg for instructions')

#fuction will process line information and classify variant for a line in VCF file.
def process_vcf( info ):
    pass izip object of line object and other needed vars
    info[0] = list of vcf lines from VCF object iterator. 
    info[1] = clf object
    info[2] = dataset dictionary
    info[3] = filter arg supplied by user
        info[4] = min classification frequency supplied by user (defaults to None)
    #sys.stderr.write("... running process VCF  with job id %d \n" %(os.getpid() ) ) 
    #parse the args to function
    line_list = info[0] #list of lines from VCF obj
    clf = info[1] #randomForest object
    dataset = info[2] #dataset with class names 
    filter = info[3] #filter arg supplied by user
        minclassfreq = info[4]

    #iterate over lines in the chunked data
    return_list = []
    for line in line_list:
        line = line.strip().split("\t")
        vdat = parse_vcf_data( line[7] ) #parse all of vcf appended data
        filter_bool = run_filters( vdat, filtering=filter ) #boolean of whether line info passes filters
        if filter_bool:
            _x = vdat[ 'AT' ].split(",") #create list from data in 'AT' field 
            _x = _x[1:]
            #results = classify_data( _x, clf, dataset['target_names'] )
            results = classify_data( _x, clf, dataset['target_names'], minclassfreq )

            line[7] = line[7] + ";" + results #append data to correct vcf column
            #print "\t".join( line ) #print results to stdout
            print_line = "\t".join( line )
            return_list.append( print_line )
            return_list.append( None )
    #return the full list of updated line data
    return( return_list )


#import and assign training data
#all sklearn data will be in 2D array [ nsamples X nfeatures]

sys.stderr.write("processing training file... \n" )
#iterate over training file. select out the numerical and classifier data
data  = []
target = []
with open(arg.training_matrix) as t:
        for line in csv.reader(t,delimiter='\t'):
        if line[0][0] == "#": #add in this statemnt to print error if user supplies files in wrong order.
            raise ValueError('not a valid WHAM training file. perhaps you supplied arguments in the wrong order? \n please try running with --help arg for instructions') 
            target.append( line[-1] ) #always have targets [classified SV] as last column

        #exclude first attribute
            d = [ float(i) for i in line[1:-1] ]
        data.append( d )

#populate the training dataset in sciKitLearn friendly structure. 
dataset = {} #empty data
dataset[ 'data' ] = np.array( data ) #all training data into 2-D array

#turn our target list into integers and return target names
target_parse = parse_targets( target )
dataset[ 'target' ] = np.array( target_parse['target'] )
dataset[ 'target_names' ] = np.array( target_parse['names'] )

#random forest classification

#setup inital params
clf = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=500 )
#run RFC on dataset with target classifiers; runs the model fit
clf = clf.fit( dataset['data'], dataset['target'] )

#run some sanity checks here. 
training_stats = clf.feature_importances_ #array of variable importances for model.

#print training stats to user
train_list = [ str(i) for i in training_stats ] #convert to str for printing to user.
sys.stderr.write("\t Training weights for RandomForest classifier \n\t N = %d training variables\n" %( len(train_list) ) ) 
sys.stderr.write("\t %s\n" %( "\t".join( train_list ) ) ) 

#need cross validation here. uses sklearn.cross_validation
scores = cross_val_score( clf, dataset['data'], dataset['target'] )
avg_val = scores.mean() * 100  #average cross validation levels
sys.stderr.write("\t results from cross validation:\n\t %f%s \n" %( avg_val, '%' ) )

#prediction and output

sys.stderr.write("processing VCF file through classifier... \n" ) 
sys.stderr.write("...running parent process with job id %d \n can use this ID to exit \n" %(os.getpid() ) )
sys.stderr.write("minclassfreq var is set to = %f \n" %( arg.minclassfreq ) )

#load VCF file into class obj
vcf_file = vcf(arg.VCF)

#parse the number of processes to enact
if arg.proc == None:
    proc_num = 1
    proc_num = int( arg.proc )

#setup multiprocessing for the classification of SVs
p = mp.Pool( processes = proc_num )
results = p.imap(process_vcf, itertools.izip( vcf_file, itertools.repeat(clf), itertools.repeat(dataset), itertools.repeat(arg.filter), itertools.repeat(arg.minclassfreq) ) )

#iterate over the results and feed to stdout
for r in results:
    for rv in r: #iterate over the list of returned results
        if rv != None: #only print results that pass filtering specs. 
            print rv #write output to std out

#final output to std err that the run has finished. 
sys.stderr.write("...classifier finished \n" )