namespace luya\web;
use Yii;
use yii\web\BadRequestHttpException;
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException;
* Extended LUYA UrlManager.
* UrlManger extends the Yii2 Url Manager by resolving composition informations while parseRequest and provides other helper methods.
* @property boolean|\luya\cms\Menu $menu The menu componet if registered.
* @property \luya\web\Composition $composition The composition component if registered.
* @author Basil Suter <>
* @since 1.0.0
class UrlManager extends \yii\web\UrlManager
* Defines whether the {{luya\web\Composition}} should override the `Yii::$app->language` from its resolved value or not. If disabled
* the Yii::$app->language won't be overriden but you can still access the resolved value with `Yii::$app->composition->langShortCode`.
* Disabling this option can be usefull when working with a website which does not requires the LUYA CMS and you might enable multi lingual
* content but on the same routes with a get param f.e. `?_lang=xyz` instead of `/xyz/<slug>`.
* @since 2.0.0
* @var boolean Whether the {{luya\web\Composition}} resolved value should override `Yii::$app->language` or not.
public $overrideLanguage = true;
* @var boolean Pretty urls are enabled by default and can not be turned off in luya cms context.
public $enablePrettyUrl = true;
* @var boolean As mod rewrite is required by a LUYA cms instance the script name must be turned off by default.
public $showScriptName = false;
* @var array The default url rule configuration uses the {{\luya\web\UrlRule}} class.
public $ruleConfig = ['class' => 'luya\web\UrlRule'];
* @var integer In order to build urls, the nav item id from cms module can be stored in the UrlManager as `$contextNavItemId`.
* This context setter is called in {{luya\cms\frontend\base\Controller::renderItem()}} method and is used when calling {{\luya\web\UrlManager::createUrl}} method.
public $contextNavItemId;
private $_menu;
private $_composition;
* Ensure whether a route starts with a language short key or not.
* @param string $route The route to check `en/module/controller/action` or without `module/controller/action`
* @param string $language The language to check whether it exists or not `en`.
* @return boolean
public function routeHasLanguageCompositionPrefix($route, $language)
$parts = explode("/", $route);
if (isset($parts[0]) && $parts[0] == $language) {
return true;
return false;
* Extend functionality of parent::parseRequest() by verify and resolve the composition informations.
* @inheritDoc
* @see \yii\web\UrlManager::parseRequest()
* @param \luya\web\Request $request The request component.
public function parseRequest($request)
// extra data from request to composition, which changes the pathInfo of the Request-Object.
$resolver = $this->getComposition()->getResolvedPathInfo($request);
try {
} catch (NotFoundHttpException $error) {
// the resolver has thrown an 404 excpetion, stop parsing request and return false (which is: page not found)
return false;
$parsedRequest = parent::parseRequest($request);
// if [[enablePrettyUrl]] is `false`. `false` is returned if the current request cannot be successfully parsed.
if ($parsedRequest === false) {
return false;
// ensure if the parsed route first match equals the composition pattern.
// This can be the case when composition is hidden, but not default language is loaded and a
// url composition route is loaded!
// @see
$res = $this->routeHasLanguageCompositionPrefix($parsedRequest[0], $resolver->getResolvedKeyValue(Composition::VAR_LANG_SHORT_CODE));
if ($this->overrideLanguage) {
// set the application language based from the parsed composition request:
Yii::$app->language = $this->composition->langShortCode;
// if enableStrictParsing is enabled and the route is not found, $parsedRequest will return `false`.
if ($res === false && ($this->composition->hidden || $parsedRequest === false)) {
return $parsedRequest;
$composition = $this->composition->createRoute();
$length = strlen($composition);
$route = $parsedRequest[0];
if (substr($route, 0, $length + 1) == $composition.'/') {
$parsedRequest[0] = substr($parsedRequest[0], $length);
// remove start trailing slashes from route.
$parsedRequest[0] = ltrim($parsedRequest[0], '/');
return $parsedRequest;
* Extend functionality of parent::addRules by the ability to add composition routes.
* @see \yii\web\UrlManager::addRules()
* @param array $rules An array wil rules
* @param boolean $append Append to the end of the rules or not.
public function addRules($rules, $append = true)
foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) {
if (is_array($rule) && isset($rule['composition'])) {
foreach ($rule['composition'] as $composition => $pattern) {
$rules[] = [
'pattern' => $pattern,
'route' => $composition.'/'.$rule['route'],
return parent::addRules($rules, $append);
* Get the menu component if its registered in the current applications.
* The menu component is only registered when the cms module is registered.
* @return boolean|\luya\cms\Menu The menu component object or false if not available.
public function getMenu()
if ($this->_menu === null) {
$menu = Yii::$app->get('menu', false);
if ($menu) {
$this->_menu = $menu;
} else {
$this->_menu = false;
return $this->_menu;
* Setter method for the composition component.
* @param \luya\web\Composition $composition
public function setComposition(Composition $composition)
$this->_composition = $composition;
* Get the composition component
* @return \luya\web\Composition Get the composition component to resolve multi lingual handling.
public function getComposition()
if ($this->_composition === null) {
$this->_composition = Yii::$app->get('composition');
return $this->_composition;
* Prepand the base url to an existing route
* @param string $route The route where the base url should be prepend to.
* @return string The route with prepanded baseUrl.
public function prependBaseUrl($route)
return rtrim($this->baseUrl, '/').'/'.ltrim($route, '/');
* Remove the base url from a route
* @param string $route The route where the baseUrl should be removed from.
* @return mixed
public function removeBaseUrl($route)
return preg_replace('#'.preg_quote($this->baseUrl, '#').'#', '', $route, 1);
* Extend createUrl method by verify its context implementation to add cms urls prepand to the requested createurl params.
* From the original create url function of Yii:
* You may specify the route as a string, e.g., `site/index`. You may also use an array
* if you want to specify additional query parameters for the URL being created. The
* array format must be:
* ```php
* // generates: /index.php?r=site%2Findex¶m1=value1¶m2=value2
* ['site/index', 'param1' => 'value1', 'param2' => 'value2']
* ```
* If you want to create a URL with an anchor, you can use the array format with a `#` parameter.
* For example,
* ```php
* // generates: /index.php?r=site%2Findex¶m1=value1#name
* ['site/index', 'param1' => 'value1', '#' => 'name']
* ```
* The URL created is a relative one. Use [[createAbsoluteUrl()]] to create an absolute URL.
* Note that unlike {{luya\helpers\Url::toRoute()}}, this method always treats the given route
* as an absolute route.
* @see \yii\web\UrlManager::createUrl()
* @param string|array $params use a string to represent a route (e.g. `site/index`),
* or an array to represent a route with query parameters (e.g. `['site/index', 'param1' => 'value1']`).
* @return string the created URL.
public function createUrl($params)
$response = $this->internalCreateUrl($params);
if ($this->contextNavItemId) {
return $this->urlReplaceModule($response, $this->contextNavItemId, $this->getComposition());
return $response;
* Create an url for a menu item.
* @param string|array $params Use a string to represent a route (e.g. `site/index`), or an array to represent a route with query parameters (e.g. `['site/index', 'param1' => 'value1']`).
* @param integer $navItemId The nav item Id
* @param null|\luya\web\Composition $composition Optional other composition config instead of using the default composition
* @param boolean $scheme Whether to use absolute scheme path or not. This can be either `http`, `https`, `true` or `false`
* @return string
public function createMenuItemUrl($params, $navItemId, $composition = null, $scheme = false)
$composition = empty($composition) ? $this->getComposition() : $composition;
$url = $scheme ? $this->internalCreateAbsoluteUrl($params, $scheme, $composition) : $this->internalCreateUrl($params, $composition);
if (!$this->menu) {
return $url;
return $this->urlReplaceModule($url, $navItemId, $composition);
* Yii2 createUrl base implementation extends the prepand of the comosition
* @param string|array $params An array with params or not (e.g. `['module/controller/action', 'param1' => 'value1']`)
* @param null|\luya\web\Composition $composition Composition instance to change the route behavior
* @return string
public function internalCreateUrl($params, $composition = null)
$params = (array) $params;
$composition = empty($composition) ? $this->getComposition() : $composition;
$originalParams = $params;
// prepand the original route, whether is hidden or not!
$params[0] = $composition->prependTo($params[0], $composition->createRoute());
$response = parent::createUrl($params);
// Check if the parsed route with the prepand composition has been found or not.
if (strpos($response, rtrim($params[0], '/')) !== false) {
// we got back the same url from the createUrl, no match against composition route.
$response = parent::createUrl($originalParams);
$response = $this->removeBaseUrl($response);
$response = $composition->prependTo($response);
return $this->prependBaseUrl($response);
* Create absolute url from the given route params.
* @param string|array $params The see createUrl
* @param boolean $scheme Whether to use absolute scheme path or not.
* @param null|\luya\web\Composition $composition Composition instance to change the route behavior
* @return string The created url
public function internalCreateAbsoluteUrl($params, $scheme = null, $composition = null)
$params = (array) $params;
$url = $this->internalCreateUrl($params, $composition);
if (strpos($url, '://') === false) {
$url = $this->getHostInfo() . $url;
if (is_string($scheme) && ($pos = strpos($url, '://')) !== false) {
$url = $scheme . substr($url, $pos);
return $url;
* See if the module of a provided route exists in the luya application list.
* The module to test must be an instance of `luya\base\Module`.
* @param string $route
* @return boolean|string
private function findModuleInRoute($route)
$route = parse_url($route, PHP_URL_PATH);
$parts = array_values(array_filter(explode('/', $route)));
if (isset($parts[0]) && array_key_exists($parts[0], Yii::$app->getApplicationModules())) {
return $parts[0];
return false;
* Replace the url with the current module context.
* @param string $url The url to replace
* @param integer $navItemId The navigation item where the context url to be found.
* @param \luya\web\Composition $composition Composition component object to resolve language context.
* @throws \yii\web\BadRequestHttpException
* @return string The replaced string.
private function urlReplaceModule($url, $navItemId, Composition $composition)
$route = $composition->removeFrom($this->removeBaseUrl($url));
$moduleName = $this->findModuleInRoute($route);
if ($moduleName === false || $this->menu === false) {
return $url;
$item = $this->menu->find()->where(['id' => $navItemId])->with('hidden')->lang($composition[Composition::VAR_LANG_SHORT_CODE])->one();
if (!$item) {
throw new BadRequestHttpException("Unable to find nav_item_id '$navItemId' to generate the module link for url '$url'.");
$isOutgoingModulePage = $item->type == 2 && $moduleName !== $item->moduleName;
// 1. if the current page is a module and the requested url is not the same module, its an outgoing link to
// another module which should not be modificated.
// 2. If the current page (nav) context is the homepage, we have to keep the original link as it wont work because the homepage
// does not have a route prefix.
if ($isOutgoingModulePage || $item->isHome) {
return $url;
// 1. if the current page is a module and the requested url is not the same module, its an outgoing link to
// another module and ...
// 2. if current controller context has an other module as the requested url, its an outgoing link to another module which should not be modificated.
if ($isOutgoingModulePage && $moduleName !== Yii::$app->controller->module->id) {
return $url;
return preg_replace("/$moduleName/", rtrim($item->link, '/'), ltrim($route, '/'), 1);