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Test Coverage
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Makefile for zhmcclient project
# Supported OS platforms for this makefile:
#     Linux (any distro)
#     OS-X
#     Windows with UNIX-like env such as CygWin (with a UNIX-like shell and
#       Python in the UNIX-like env)
#     native Windows (with the native Windows command processor and Python in
#       Windows)
# Prerequisites for running this makefile:
#   These commands are used on all supported OS platforms. On native Windows,
#   they may be provided by UNIX-like environments such as CygWin:
#     make (GNU make)
#     python (via PYTHON_CMD, in the active Python environment)
#     pip (via PIP_CMD, in the active Python environment)
#     twine (in the active Python environment)
#   These additional commands are used on Linux, OS-X and on Windows with
#   UNIX-like environments:
#     uname
#     rm, find, xargs, cp
#   These additional commands are used on native Windows:
#     del, copy, rmdir
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# No built-in rules needed:
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules

# Python / Pip commands
  PYTHON_CMD := python
ifndef PIP_CMD
  PIP_CMD := pip

# Package level
  PACKAGE_LEVEL := latest
ifeq ($(PACKAGE_LEVEL),minimum)
  pip_level_opts := -c minimum-constraints.txt
  pip_level_opts_new :=
  ifeq ($(PACKAGE_LEVEL),latest)
    pip_level_opts := --upgrade
    pip_level_opts_new := --upgrade-strategy eager
    $(error Error: Invalid value for PACKAGE_LEVEL variable: $(PACKAGE_LEVEL))

# Run type (normal, scheduled, release)
ifndef RUN_TYPE
  RUN_TYPE := normal

# Make variables are case sensitive and some native Windows environments have
# ComSpec set instead of COMSPEC.
ifndef COMSPEC
  ifdef ComSpec
    COMSPEC = $(ComSpec)

# Determine OS platform make runs on.
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
  ifdef PWD
    PLATFORM := Windows_UNIX
    PLATFORM := Windows_native
    ifdef COMSPEC
      SHELL := $(subst \,/,$(COMSPEC))
      SHELL := cmd.exe
    .SHELLFLAGS := /c
  # Values: Linux, Darwin
  PLATFORM := $(shell uname -s)

ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Windows_native)
  # Note: The substituted backslashes must be doubled.
  # Remove files (blank-separated list of wildcard path specs)
  RM_FUNC = del /f /q $(subst /,\\,$(1))
  # Remove files recursively (single wildcard path spec)
  RM_R_FUNC = del /f /q /s $(subst /,\\,$(1))
  # Remove directories (blank-separated list of wildcard path specs)
  RMDIR_FUNC = rmdir /q /s $(subst /,\\,$(1))
  # Remove directories recursively (single wildcard path spec)
  RMDIR_R_FUNC = rmdir /q /s $(subst /,\\,$(1))
  # Copy a file, preserving the modified date
  CP_FUNC = copy /y $(subst /,\\,$(1)) $(subst /,\\,$(2))
  ENV = set
  WHICH = where
  RM_FUNC = rm -f $(1)
  RM_R_FUNC = find . -type f -name '$(1)' -delete
  RMDIR_FUNC = rm -rf $(1)
  RMDIR_R_FUNC = find . -type d -name '$(1)' | xargs -n 1 rm -rf
  CP_FUNC = cp -r $(1) $(2)
  ENV = env | sort
  WHICH = which

# Default path names of HMC inventory and vault files used for end2end tests.
# Keep in sync with zhmcclient/testutils/_hmc_definitions.py
default_testinventory := $HOME/.zhmc_inventory.yaml
default_testvault := $HOME/.zhmc_vault.yaml

# Default group name or HMC nickname in HMC inventory file to test against.
# Keep in sync with zhmcclient/testutils/_hmc_definitions.py
default_testhmc := default

# Name of this Python package (top-level Python namespace + Pypi package name)
package_name := zhmcclient
mock_package_name := zhmcclient_mock

# Package version (full version, including any pre-release suffixes, e.g. "0.1.0.dev1")
# Note: The package version is defined in zhmcclient/_version.py.
package_version := $(shell $(PYTHON_CMD) setup.py --version)

# Python versions
python_version := $(shell $(PYTHON_CMD) tools/python_version.py 3)
python_mn_version := $(shell $(PYTHON_CMD) tools/python_version.py 2)
python_m_version := $(shell $(PYTHON_CMD) tools/python_version.py 1)
pymn := py$(python_mn_version)

# Directory for the generated distribution files
dist_dir := dist

# Distribution archives (as built by 'build' tool)
bdist_file := $(dist_dir)/$(package_name)-$(package_version)-py2.py3-none-any.whl
sdist_file := $(dist_dir)/$(package_name)-$(package_version).tar.gz

dist_files := $(bdist_file) $(sdist_file)

# Source files in the packages
package_py_files := \
    $(wildcard $(package_name)/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(package_name)/*/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(mock_package_name)/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(mock_package_name)/*/*.py) \

# Directory for generated API documentation
doc_build_dir := build_doc

# Directory where Sphinx conf.py is located
doc_conf_dir := docs

# Documentation generator command
doc_cmd := sphinx-build
doc_opts := -v -d $(doc_build_dir)/doctrees -c $(doc_conf_dir) .

# Dependents for Sphinx documentation build
doc_dependent_files := \
    $(doc_conf_dir)/conf.py \
    $(wildcard $(doc_conf_dir)/*.rst) \
    $(wildcard $(doc_conf_dir)/notebooks/*.ipynb) \
    $(package_py_files) \
    examples/example_hmc_inventory.yaml \
    examples/example_hmc_vault.yaml \

# Directory with test source files
test_dir := tests

# Source files with test code
test_unit_py_files := \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/unit/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/unit/*/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/unit/*/*/*.py) \

test_end2end_py_files := \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/end2end/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/end2end/*/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/end2end/*/*/*.py) \

test_common_py_files := \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/common/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/common/*/*.py) \
    $(wildcard $(test_dir)/common/*/*/*.py) \

# Directory for .done files
done_dir := done

# Determine whether py.test has the --no-print-logs option.
pytest_no_log_opt := $(shell py.test --help 2>/dev/null |grep '\--no-print-logs' >/dev/null; if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then echo '--no-print-logs'; else echo ''; fi)

# Flake8 config file
flake8_rc_file := .flake8

# PyLint config file
pylint_rc_file := .pylintrc

# PyLint additional options
pylint_opts := --disable=fixme

# Safety policy file (for packages needed for installation)
safety_install_policy_file := .safety-policy-install.yml
safety_all_policy_file := .safety-policy-all.yml

# Source files for check (with PyLint and Flake8)
check_py_files := \
    setup.py \
    $(package_py_files) \
    $(test_unit_py_files) \
    $(test_end2end_py_files) \
    $(test_common_py_files) \
    $(doc_conf_dir)/conf.py \
    $(wildcard docs/notebooks/*.py) \

# Packages whose dependencies are checked using pip-missing-reqs
ifeq ($(python_m_version),2)
  check_reqs_packages := pip_check_reqs virtualenv tox pipdeptree build pytest coverage coveralls flake8 pylint twine jupyter notebook
ifeq ($(python_mn_version),3.5)
  check_reqs_packages := pip_check_reqs virtualenv tox pipdeptree build pytest coverage coveralls flake8 pylint twine jupyter notebook
ifeq ($(python_mn_version),3.6)
  check_reqs_packages := pip_check_reqs virtualenv tox pipdeptree build pytest coverage coveralls flake8 pylint twine jupyter notebook
ifeq ($(python_mn_version),3.7)
  check_reqs_packages := pip_check_reqs virtualenv tox pipdeptree build pytest coverage coveralls flake8 pylint twine jupyter notebook safety
  check_reqs_packages := pip_check_reqs virtualenv tox pipdeptree build pytest coverage coveralls flake8 pylint twine jupyter notebook safety sphinx

  pytest_opts := $(TESTOPTS) -k "$(TESTCASES)"
  pytest_opts := $(TESTOPTS)

pytest_cov_opts := --cov $(package_name) --cov $(mock_package_name) --cov-config .coveragerc --cov-append --cov-report=html
pytest_cov_files := .coveragerc

# Files to be built
build_files := $(bdist_file) $(sdist_file)

# Files the distribution archive depends upon.
# This is also used for 'include' statements in MANIFEST.in.
# Wildcards can be used directly (i.e. without wildcard function).
dist_included_files := \
    setup.py \
    README.rst \
    requirements.txt \
    extra-testutils-requirements.txt \
    $(package_py_files) \

# No built-in rules needed:

.PHONY: help
    @echo "Makefile for $(package_name) project"
    @echo "Package version will be: $(package_version)"
    @echo ""
    @echo "Make targets:"
    @echo "  install    - Install package in active Python environment"
    @echo "  develop    - Prepare the development environment by installing prerequisites"
    @echo "  check_reqs - Perform missing dependency checks"
    @echo "  check      - Run Flake8 on sources"
    @echo "  pylint     - Run PyLint on sources"
    @echo "  safety     - Run safety for install and all"
    @echo "  test       - Run unit tests (adds to coverage results)"
    @echo "  end2end_mocked - Run end2end tests against example mock environments (adds to coverage results)"
    @echo "  installtest - Run install tests"
    @echo "  build      - Build the distribution files in: $(dist_dir)"
    @echo "  builddoc   - Build documentation in: $(doc_build_dir)"
    @echo "  all        - Do all of the above"
    @echo "  end2end    - Run end2end tests (adds to coverage results)"
    @echo "  end2end_show - Show HMCs defined for end2end tests"
    @echo "  authors - Generate AUTHORS.md file from git log"
    @echo "  uninstall  - Uninstall package from active Python environment"
    @echo "  upload     - Upload the distribution files to PyPI"
    @echo "  clean      - Remove any temporary files"
    @echo "  clobber    - Remove any build products"
    @echo "  platform   - Display the information about the platform as seen by make"
    @echo "  debuginfo  - Display the debug information for the package"
    @echo "  env        - Display the environment as seen by make"
    @echo ""
    @echo "Environment variables:"
    @echo "  TESTCASES=... - Testcase filter for pytest -k"
    @echo "  TESTOPTS=... - Options for pytest"
    @echo "  TESTHMC=... - HMC group or host name in HMC inventory file to be used in end2end tests. Default: $(default_testhmc)"
    @echo "  TESTINVENTORY=... - Path name of HMC inventory file used in end2end tests. Default: $(default_testinventory)"
    @echo "  TESTVAULT=... - Path name of HMC vault file used in end2end tests. Default: $(default_testvault)"
    @echo "  TESTRESOURCES=... - The resources to test with in end2end tests, as follows:"
    @echo "      random - one random choice from the complete list of resources (default)"
    @echo "      all - the complete list of resources"
    @echo "      <pattern> - the resources with names matching the regexp pattern"
    @echo "  TESTLOGFILE=... - Enable logging in end2end tests to that file. Default: no logging"
    @echo "  PACKAGE_LEVEL - Package level to be used for installing dependent Python"
    @echo "      packages in 'install' and 'develop' targets:"
    @echo "        latest - Latest package versions available on Pypi"
    @echo "        minimum - A minimum version as defined in minimum-constraints.txt"
    @echo "      Optional, defaults to 'latest'."
    @echo "  PYTHON_CMD=... - Name of python command. Default: python"
    @echo "  PIP_CMD=... - Name of pip command. Default: pip"

.PHONY: platform
    @echo "Makefile: Platform information as seen by make:"
    @echo "Platform: $(PLATFORM)"
    @echo "Shell used for commands: $(SHELL)"
    @echo "Shell flags: $(.SHELLFLAGS)"
    @echo "Make version: $(MAKE_VERSION)"
    @echo "Python command name: $(PYTHON_CMD)"
    @echo "Python command location: $(shell $(WHICH) $(PYTHON_CMD))"
    @echo "Python version: $(python_version)"
    @echo "Pip command name: $(PIP_CMD)"
    @echo "Pip command location: $(shell $(WHICH) $(PIP_CMD))"
    @echo "$(package_name) package version: $(package_version)"

.PHONY: debuginfo
    @echo "Makefile: Debug information:"
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -c "import $(package_name); print($(package_name).debuginfo())"

.PHONY: pip_list
    @echo "Makefile: Python packages as seen by make:"
    $(PIP_CMD) list

.PHONY: env
    @echo "Makefile: Environment variables as seen by make:"

.PHONY: _check_version
ifeq (,$(package_version))
    $(error Package version could not be determined)

$(done_dir)/pip_upgrade_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done: Makefile
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$@)
    bash -c 'pv=$$($(PIP_CMD) --version); if [[ $$pv =~ (^pip [1-8]\..*) ]]; then $(PYTHON_CMD) -m pip install pip==9.0.1; fi'
    @echo "Installing/upgrading pip, setuptools and wheel with PACKAGE_LEVEL=$(PACKAGE_LEVEL)"
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -m pip install $(pip_level_opts) pip setuptools wheel
    echo "done" >$@

.PHONY: develop
develop: $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

$(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done: $(done_dir)/pip_upgrade_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done $(done_dir)/install_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done dev-requirements.txt requirements.txt minimum-constraints.txt minimum-constraints-install.txt
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$@)
    @echo 'Installing development requirements with PACKAGE_LEVEL=$(PACKAGE_LEVEL)'
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -m pip install $(pip_level_opts) $(pip_level_opts_new) -r dev-requirements.txt
    echo "done" >$@

.PHONY: build
build: $(build_files)
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: builddoc
builddoc: html
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: html
html: $(doc_build_dir)/html/docs/index.html
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

# Boolean variable indicating that Sphinx should be run
# We run Sphinx only on Python>=3.8 because lower Python versions require too old Sphinx versions
run_sphinx := $(shell $(PYTHON_CMD) -c "import sys; py=sys.version_info[0:2]; sys.stdout.write('true' if py>=(3,8) else 'false')")

$(doc_build_dir)/html/docs/index.html: Makefile $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done $(doc_dependent_files)
ifeq ($(run_sphinx),true)
    @echo "Running Sphinx to create HTML pages"
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$@)
    $(doc_cmd) -b html $(doc_opts) $(doc_build_dir)/html
    @echo "Done: Created the HTML pages with top level file: $@"
    @echo "Skipping Sphinx to create HTML pages on Python version $(python_version)"

.PHONY: pdf
pdf: Makefile $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done $(doc_dependent_files)
ifeq ($(run_sphinx),true)
    @echo "Running Sphinx to create PDF files"
    $(doc_cmd) -b latex $(doc_opts) $(doc_build_dir)/pdf
    @echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
    $(MAKE) -C $(doc_build_dir)/pdf all-pdf
    @echo "Done: Created the PDF files in: $(doc_build_dir)/pdf/"
    @echo "Skipping Sphinx to create PDF files on Python version $(python_version)"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: man
man: Makefile $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done $(doc_dependent_files)
ifeq ($(run_sphinx),true)
    @echo "Running Sphinx to create manual pages"
    $(doc_cmd) -b man $(doc_opts) $(doc_build_dir)/man
    @echo "Done: Created the manual pages in: $(doc_build_dir)/man/"
    @echo "Skipping Sphinx to create manual pages on Python version $(python_version)"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: docchanges
ifeq ($(run_sphinx),true)
    @echo "Running Sphinx to create the doc changes overview file"
    $(doc_cmd) -b changes $(doc_opts) $(doc_build_dir)/changes
    @echo "Done: Created the doc changes overview file in: $(doc_build_dir)/changes/"
    @echo "Skipping Sphinx to create the doc changes overview file on Python version $(python_version)"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: doclinkcheck
ifeq ($(run_sphinx),true)
    @echo "Running Sphinx to check the doc links"
    $(doc_cmd) -b linkcheck $(doc_opts) $(doc_build_dir)/linkcheck
    @echo "Done: Look for any errors in the above output or in: $(doc_build_dir)/linkcheck/output.txt"
    @echo "Skipping Sphinx to check the doc links on Python version $(python_version)"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: doccoverage
ifeq ($(run_sphinx),true)
    @echo "Running Sphinx to doc coverage results"
    $(doc_cmd) -b coverage $(doc_opts) $(doc_build_dir)/coverage
    @echo "Done: Created the doc coverage results in: $(doc_build_dir)/coverage/python.txt"
    @echo "Skipping Sphinx to doc coverage results on Python version $(python_version)"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: check
check: $(done_dir)/flake8_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: pylint
pylint: $(done_dir)/pylint_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: safety
safety: $(done_dir)/safety_all_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done $(done_dir)/safety_install_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: install
install: $(done_dir)/install_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

$(done_dir)/install_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done: $(done_dir)/pip_upgrade_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done requirements.txt extra-testutils-requirements.txt minimum-constraints.txt minimum-constraints-install.txt
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$@)
    @echo "Installing $(package_name) (editable) and runtime reqs with PACKAGE_LEVEL=$(PACKAGE_LEVEL)"
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -m pip install $(pip_level_opts) $(pip_level_opts_new) -e .
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -c "import $(package_name); print('ok')"
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -c "import $(mock_package_name); print('ok')"
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -m pip install $(pip_level_opts) $(pip_level_opts_new) -e .[testutils]
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -c "import $(package_name).testutils; print('ok')"
    echo "done" >$@

.PHONY: uninstall
    bash -c '$(PIP_CMD) show $(package_name) >/dev/null; if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then $(PIP_CMD) uninstall -y $(package_name); fi'
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: clobber
clobber: clean
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$(dist_files))
    -$(call RM_R_FUNC,*.done)
    -$(call RMDIR_FUNC,$(doc_build_dir) htmlcov htmlcov.end2end .tox)
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: clean
    -$(call RM_R_FUNC,*.pyc)
    -$(call RM_R_FUNC,*.tmp)
    -$(call RM_R_FUNC,tmp_*)
    -$(call RM_R_FUNC,.DS_Store)
    -$(call RMDIR_R_FUNC,__pycache__)
    -$(call RMDIR_R_FUNC,.pytest_cache)
    -$(call RM_FUNC,MANIFEST MANIFEST.in AUTHORS ChangeLog .coverage)
    -$(call RMDIR_FUNC,build .cache $(package_name).egg-info .eggs)
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: all
all: install develop check_reqs check pylint test end2end_mocked installtest build builddoc
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: upload
upload: _check_version uninstall $(dist_files)
ifeq (,$(findstring .dev,$(package_version)))
    @echo "==> This will upload $(package_name) version $(package_version) to PyPI!"
    @echo -n '==> Continue? [yN] '
    @bash -c 'read answer; if [ "$$answer" != "y" ]; then echo "Aborted."; false; fi'
    twine upload $(dist_files)
    @echo "Done: Uploaded $(package_name) version to PyPI: $(package_version)"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."
    @echo "Error: A development version $(package_version) of $(package_name) cannot be uploaded to PyPI!"

# Note: distutils depends on the right files specified in MANIFEST.in, even when
# they are already specified e.g. in 'package_data' in setup.py.
# We generate the MANIFEST.in file automatically, to have a single point of
# control (this Makefile) for what gets into the distribution archive.
MANIFEST.in: Makefile $(dist_included_files)
    @echo "Makefile: Creating the manifest input file"
    echo "# MANIFEST.in file generated by Makefile - DO NOT EDIT!!" >$@
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Windows_native)
    for %%f in ($(dist_included_files)) do (echo include %%f >>$@)
    echo "$(dist_included_files)" | xargs -n 1 echo include >>$@
    @echo "Makefile: Done creating the manifest input file: $@"

# Distribution archives.
# Note: Deleting MANIFEST causes distutils (setup.py) to read MANIFEST.in and to
# regenerate MANIFEST. Otherwise, changes in MANIFEST.in will not be used.
# Note: Deleting build is a safeguard against picking up partial build products
# which can lead to incorrect hashbangs in scripts in wheel archives.
$(bdist_file) $(sdist_file): Makefile MANIFEST.in $(dist_included_files)
    -$(call RM_FUNC,MANIFEST)
    -$(call RMDIR_FUNC,build $(package_name).egg-info-INFO .eggs)
    $(PYTHON_CMD) -m build --outdir $(dist_dir)

$(done_dir)/pylint_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done: $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done Makefile $(pylint_rc_file) $(check_py_files)
ifeq ($(python_m_version),2)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping Pylint on Python $(python_version)" >&2
    @echo "Makefile: Running Pylint"
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$@)
    pylint $(pylint_opts) --rcfile=$(pylint_rc_file) --output-format=text $(check_py_files)
    echo "done" >$@
    @echo "Makefile: Done running Pylint"

$(done_dir)/safety_all_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done: $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done Makefile $(safety_all_policy_file) minimum-constraints.txt minimum-constraints-install.txt
ifeq ($(python_m_version),2)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping Safety for all packages on Python $(python_version)" >&2
ifeq ($(python_mn_version),3.5)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping Safety for all packages on Python $(python_version)" >&2
ifeq ($(python_mn_version),3.6)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping Safety for all packages on Python $(python_version)" >&2
    @echo "Makefile: Running Safety for all packages"
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$@)
    bash -c "safety check --policy-file $(safety_all_policy_file) -r minimum-constraints.txt --full-report || test '$(RUN_TYPE)' != 'release' || exit 1"
    echo "done" >$@
    @echo "Makefile: Done running Safety for all packages"

$(done_dir)/safety_install_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done: $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done Makefile $(safety_install_policy_file) minimum-constraints-install.txt
ifeq ($(python_m_version),2)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping Safety for install packages on Python $(python_version)" >&2
ifeq ($(python_mn_version),3.5)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping Safety for install packages on Python $(python_version)" >&2
ifeq ($(python_mn_version),3.6)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping Safety for all packages on Python $(python_version)" >&2
    @echo "Makefile: Running Safety for install packages"
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$@)
    safety check --policy-file $(safety_install_policy_file) -r minimum-constraints-install.txt --full-report
    echo "done" >$@
    @echo "Makefile: Done running Safety for install packages"

$(done_dir)/flake8_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done: $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done Makefile $(flake8_rc_file) $(check_py_files)
    -$(call RM_FUNC,$@)
    flake8 $(check_py_files)
    echo "done" >$@

.PHONY: check_reqs
check_reqs: $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done minimum-constraints.txt minimum-constraints-install.txt requirements.txt extra-testutils-requirements.txt
ifeq ($(python_m_version),2)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping the checking of missing dependencies on Python $(python_version)" >&2
    @echo "Makefile: Checking missing dependencies of this package"
    bash -c "cat requirements.txt extra-testutils-requirements.txt >tmp_requirements.txt; pip-missing-reqs $(package_name) --requirements-file=tmp_requirements.txt"
    -$(call RM_FUNC,tmp_requirements.txt)
    pip-missing-reqs $(package_name) --requirements-file=minimum-constraints-install.txt
    @echo "Makefile: Done checking missing dependencies of this package"
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Windows_native)
# Reason for skipping on Windows is https://github.com/r1chardj0n3s/pip-check-reqs/issues/67
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping the checking of missing dependencies of site-packages directory on native Windows" >&2
    @echo "Makefile: Checking missing dependencies of some development packages in our minimum versions"
    @rc=0; for pkg in $(check_reqs_packages); do dir=$$($(PYTHON_CMD) -c "import $${pkg} as m,os; dm=os.path.dirname(m.__file__); d=dm if not dm.endswith('site-packages') else m.__file__; print(d)"); cmd="pip-missing-reqs $${dir} --requirements-file=minimum-constraints.txt"; echo $${cmd}; $${cmd}; rc=$$(expr $${rc} + $${?}); done; exit $${rc}
    @echo "Makefile: Done checking missing dependencies of some development packages in our minimum versions"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: test
test: Makefile $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done $(package_py_files) $(test_unit_py_files) $(test_common_py_files) $(pytest_cov_files)
    -$(call RMDIR_R_FUNC,htmlcov)
    py.test --color=yes $(pytest_no_log_opt) -s $(test_dir)/unit $(pytest_cov_opts) $(pytest_opts)
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: installtest
installtest: $(bdist_file) $(sdist_file) $(test_dir)/installtest/test_install.sh
    @echo "Makefile: Running install tests"
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),Windows_native)
    @echo "Makefile: Warning: Skipping install test on native Windows" >&2
    $(test_dir)/installtest/test_install.sh $(bdist_file) $(sdist_file) $(PYTHON_CMD)
    @echo "Makefile: Done running install tests"

.PHONY:    end2end
end2end: Makefile $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done $(package_py_files) $(test_end2end_py_files) $(test_common_py_files) $(pytest_cov_files)
    -$(call RMDIR_R_FUNC,htmlcov.end2end)
    bash -c "TESTEND2END_LOAD=true py.test --color=yes $(pytest_no_log_opt) -v -s $(test_dir)/end2end $(pytest_cov_opts) $(pytest_opts)"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

# TODO: Enable rc checking again once the remaining issues are resolved
.PHONY:    end2end_mocked
end2end_mocked: Makefile $(done_dir)/develop_$(pymn)_$(PACKAGE_LEVEL).done $(package_py_files) $(test_end2end_py_files) $(test_common_py_files) $(pytest_cov_files) examples/example_hmc_inventory.yaml examples/example_hmc_vault.yaml examples/example_mocked_z16_classic.yaml examples/example_mocked_z16_dpm.yaml
    -$(call RMDIR_R_FUNC,htmlcov.end2end)
    -bash -c "TESTEND2END_LOAD=true TESTINVENTORY=examples/example_hmc_inventory.yaml TESTVAULT=examples/example_hmc_vault.yaml py.test --color=yes $(pytest_no_log_opt) -v -s $(test_dir)/end2end $(pytest_cov_opts) $(pytest_opts)"
    @echo "Makefile: $@ done."

.PHONY: authors
authors: _check_version
    echo "# Authors of this project" >AUTHORS.md
    echo "" >>AUTHORS.md
    echo "Sorted list of authors derived from git commit history:" >>AUTHORS.md
    echo '```' >>AUTHORS.md
    git shortlog --summary --email | cut -f 2 | sort >>AUTHORS.md
    echo '```' >>AUTHORS.md
    @echo '$@ done.'

.PHONY:    end2end_show
    bash -c "TESTEND2END_LOAD=true $(PYTHON_CMD) -c 'from zhmcclient.testutils import print_hmc_definitions; print_hmc_definitions()'"