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# Copyright 2017,2021 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

A :term:`Console` resource represents an HMC.

In a paired setup with primary and alternate HMC, each HMC is represented as
a separate :term:`Console` resource.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import time
import six

from ._manager import BaseManager
from ._resource import BaseResource
from ._logging import logged_api_call
from ._utils import timestamp_from_datetime, divide_filter_args, \
    make_query_str, matches_filters, RC_CONSOLE
from ._storage_group import StorageGroupManager
from ._storage_group_template import StorageGroupTemplateManager
from ._user import UserManager
from ._user_role import UserRoleManager
from ._user_pattern import UserPatternManager
from ._password_rule import PasswordRuleManager
from ._task import TaskManager
from ._ldap_server_definition import LdapServerDefinitionManager
from ._unmanaged_cpc import UnmanagedCpcManager
from ._group import GroupManager
from ._utils import get_features
from ._certificates import CertificateManager

__all__ = ['ConsoleManager', 'Console']

class ConsoleManager(BaseManager):
    Manager providing access to the :term:`Console` representing the HMC this
    client is connected to.

    In a paired setup with primary and alternate HMC, each HMC is represented
    as a separate :term:`Console` resource.

    Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseManager`; see there for common methods
    and attributes.

    Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are
    accessible via the following instance variable of a
    :class:`~zhmcclient.Client` object:

    * :attr:`zhmcclient.Client.consoles`

    def __init__(self, client):
        # This function should not go into the docs.
        # Parameters:
        #   client (:class:`~zhmcclient.Client`):
        #      Client object for the HMC to be used.

        super(ConsoleManager, self).__init__(
        self._client = client
        self._console = None

    def client(self):
          The client defining the scope for this manager.
        return self._client

    def console(self):
          The :term:`Console` representing the HMC this client is connected to.

          The returned object is cached, so it is looked up only upon first
          access to this property.

          The returned object has only the following properties set:

          * 'class'
          * 'parent'
          * 'object-uri'

          Use :meth:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource.get_property` or
          :meth:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource.prop` to access any properties
          regardless of whether they are already set or first need to be
        if self._console is None:
            self._console = self.resource_object('/api/console')
        return self._console

    def list(self, full_properties=False, filter_args=None):
        List the (one) :term:`Console` representing the HMC this client is
        connected to.

        Any provided filter argument will be ignored; the `filter_args`
        parameter exists only for consistency with other list() methods.

        The listing of resources is handled by constructing a singleton
        object that represents the HMC of the current session.

        Authorization requirements:

        * None


          full_properties (bool):
            Controls whether the full set of resource properties should be
            retrieved, vs. only a short set consisting of 'object-uri'.

          filter_args (dict):
            This parameter exists for consistency with other list() methods
            and will be ignored.


          : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.Console` objects, containing the one
          :term:`Console` representing the HMC this client is connected to.


        uri = self._base_uri  # There is only one console object.
        if full_properties:
            props = self.session.get(uri)
            # Note: The Console resource's Object ID is not part of its URI.
            props = {
                self._uri_prop: uri,
        resource_obj = self.resource_class(
            name=props.get(self._name_prop, None),
        return [resource_obj]

class Console(BaseResource):
    Representation of a :term:`Console`.

    Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource`; see there for common
    methods and attributes.

    Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are
    returned from creation or list functions on their manager object
    (in this case, :class:`~zhmcclient.ConsoleManager`).

    def __init__(self, manager, uri, name=None, properties=None):
        # This function should not go into the docs.
        #   manager (:class:`~zhmcclient.ConsoleManager`):
        #     Manager object for this resource object.
        #   uri (string):
        #     Canonical URI path of the resource.
        #   name (string):
        #     Name of the resource.
        #   properties (dict):
        #     Properties to be set for this resource object. May be `None` or
        #     empty.
        assert isinstance(manager, ConsoleManager), \
            "Console init: Expected manager type {}, got {}" \
            .format(ConsoleManager, type(manager))
        super(Console, self).__init__(manager, uri, name, properties)

        # The manager objects for child resources (with lazy initialization):
        self._storage_groups = None
        self._storage_group_templates = None
        self._users = None
        self._user_roles = None
        self._user_patterns = None
        self._password_rules = None
        self._tasks = None
        self._ldap_server_definitions = None
        self._unmanaged_cpcs = None
        self._groups = None
        self._certificates = None

    def storage_groups(self):
          Manager object for the Storage Groups in scope of this Console.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._storage_groups:
            self._storage_groups = StorageGroupManager(self)
        return self._storage_groups

    def storage_group_templates(self):
          Manager object for the Storage Group Templates in scope of this
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._storage_group_templates:
            self._storage_group_templates = StorageGroupTemplateManager(self)
        return self._storage_group_templates

    def users(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.UserManager`: Access to the :term:`Users <User>` in
        this Console.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._users:
            self._users = UserManager(self)
        return self._users

    def user_roles(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.UserRoleManager`: Access to the
        :term:`User Roles <User Role>` in this Console.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._user_roles:
            self._user_roles = UserRoleManager(self)
        return self._user_roles

    def user_patterns(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.UserPatternManager`: Access to the
        :term:`User Patterns <User Pattern>` in this Console.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._user_patterns:
            self._user_patterns = UserPatternManager(self)
        return self._user_patterns

    def password_rules(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.PasswordRuleManager`: Access to the
        :term:`Password Rules <Password Rule>` in this Console.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._password_rules:
            self._password_rules = PasswordRuleManager(self)
        return self._password_rules

    def tasks(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.TaskManager`: Access to the :term:`Tasks <Task>` in
        this Console.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._tasks:
            self._tasks = TaskManager(self)
        return self._tasks

    def ldap_server_definitions(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.LdapServerDefinitionManager`: Access to the
        :term:`LDAP Server Definitions <LDAP Server Definition>` in this
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._ldap_server_definitions:
            self._ldap_server_definitions = LdapServerDefinitionManager(self)
        return self._ldap_server_definitions

    def unmanaged_cpcs(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.UnmanagedCpcManager`: Access to the unmanaged
        :term:`CPCs <CPC>` in this Console.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._unmanaged_cpcs:
            self._unmanaged_cpcs = UnmanagedCpcManager(self)
        return self._unmanaged_cpcs

    def groups(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.GroupManager`: Access to user-defined
        :term:`Groups <Group>` in this Console.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._groups:
            self._groups = GroupManager(self)
        return self._groups

    def restart(self, force=False, wait_for_available=True,
        Restart the HMC represented by this Console object.

        Once the HMC is online again, this Console object, as well as any other
        resource objects accessed through this HMC, can continue to be used.
        An automatic re-logon will be performed under the covers, because the
        HMC restart invalidates the currently used HMC session.

        Authorization requirements:

        * Task permission for the "Shutdown/Restart" task.
        * "Remote Restart" must be enabled on the HMC.


          force (bool):
            Boolean controlling whether the restart operation is processed when
            users are connected (`True`) or not (`False`). Users in this sense
            are local or remote GUI users. HMC WS API clients do not count as
            users for this purpose.

          wait_for_available (bool):
            Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for the HMC to
            become available again after the restart, as follows:

            * If `True`, this method will wait until the HMC has restarted and
              is available again. The
              :meth:`~zhmcclient.Client.query_api_version` method will be used
              to check for availability of the HMC.

            * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC
              has accepted the request to be restarted.

          operation_timeout (:term:`number`):
            Timeout in seconds, for waiting for HMC availability after the
            restart. The special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None`
            means that the default async operation timeout of the session is
            used. If the timeout expires when `wait_for_available=True`, a
            :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised.


          :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while
            waiting for the HMC to become available again after the restart.
        body = {'force': force}
            self.uri + '/operations/restart', resource=self, body=body)
        if wait_for_available:

    def shutdown(self, force=False):
        Shut down and power off the HMC represented by this Console object.

        While the HMC is powered off, any Python resource objects retrieved
        from this HMC may raise exceptions upon further use.

        In order to continue using Python resource objects retrieved from this
        HMC, the HMC needs to be started again (e.g. by powering it on
        locally). Once the HMC is available again, Python resource objects
        retrieved from that HMC can continue to be used.
        An automatic re-logon will be performed under the covers, because the
        HMC startup invalidates the currently used HMC session.

        Authorization requirements:

        * Task permission for the "Shutdown/Restart" task.
        * "Remote Shutdown" must be enabled on the HMC.


          force (bool):
            Boolean controlling whether the shutdown operation is processed
            when users are connected (`True`) or not (`False`). Users in this
            sense are local or remote GUI users. HMC WS API clients do not
            count as users for this purpose.


        body = {'force': force}
            self.uri + '/operations/shutdown', resource=self, body=body)

    def make_primary(self):
        Change the role of the alternate HMC represented by this Console object
        to become the primary HMC.

        If that HMC is already the primary HMC, this method does not change its
        rols and succeeds.

        The HMC represented by this Console object must participate in a
        {primary, alternate} pairing.

        Authorization requirements:

        * Task permission for the "Manage Alternate HMC" task.


            self.uri + '/operations/make-primary', resource=self)

    def _time_query_parms(begin_time, end_time):
        """Return the URI query paramterer string for the specified begin time
        and end time."""
        query_parms = []
        if begin_time is not None:
            begin_ts = timestamp_from_datetime(begin_time)
            qp = 'begin-time={}'.format(begin_ts)
        if end_time is not None:
            end_ts = timestamp_from_datetime(end_time)
            qp = 'end-time={}'.format(end_ts)
        query_parms_str = '&'.join(query_parms)
        if query_parms_str:
            query_parms_str = '?' + query_parms_str
        return query_parms_str

    def get_audit_log(self, begin_time=None, end_time=None):
        Return the console audit log entries, optionally filtered by their
        creation time.

        Authorization requirements:

        * Task permission to the "Audit and Log Management" task.


          begin_time (:class:`~py:datetime.datetime`):
            Begin time for filtering. Log entries with a creation time older
            than the begin time will be omitted from the results.

            If `None`, no such filtering is performed (and the oldest available
            log entries will be included).

          end_time (:class:`~py:datetime.datetime`):
            End time for filtering. Log entries with a creation time newer
            than the end time will be omitted from the results.

            If `None`, no such filtering is performed (and the newest available
            log entries will be included).


          :term:`json object`:
            A JSON object with the log entries, as described in section
            'Response body contents' of operation 'Get Console Audit Log' in
            the :term:`HMC API` book.


        query_parms = self._time_query_parms(begin_time, end_time)
        uri = self.uri + '/operations/get-audit-log' + query_parms
        result = self.manager.session.get(uri, resource=self)
        return result

    def get_security_log(self, begin_time=None, end_time=None):
        Return the console security log entries, optionally filtered by their
        creation time.

        Authorization requirements:

        * Task permission to the "View Security Logs" task.


          begin_time (:class:`~py:datetime.datetime`):
            Begin time for filtering. Log entries with a creation time older
            than the begin time will be omitted from the results.

            If `None`, no such filtering is performed (and the oldest available
            log entries will be included).

          end_time (:class:`~py:datetime.datetime`):
            End time for filtering. Log entries with a creation time newer
            than the end time will be omitted from the results.

            If `None`, no such filtering is performed (and the newest available
            log entries will be included).


          :term:`json object`:
            A JSON object with the log entries, as described in section
            'Response body contents' of operation 'Get Console Security Log' in
            the :term:`HMC API` book.


        query_parms = self._time_query_parms(begin_time, end_time)
        uri = self.uri + '/operations/get-security-log' + query_parms
        result = self.manager.session.get(uri, resource=self)
        return result

    def list_unmanaged_cpcs(self, name=None):
        List the unmanaged CPCs of this HMC.

        For details, see :meth:`~zhmcclient.UnmanagedCpc.list`.

        Authorization requirements:

        * None


          name (:term:`string`):
            Regular expression pattern for the CPC name, as a filter that
            narrows the list of returned CPCs to those whose name property
            matches the specified pattern.

            `None` causes no filtering to happen, i.e. all unmanaged CPCs
            discovered by the HMC are returned.


          : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.UnmanagedCpc` objects.


        filter_args = {}
        if name is not None:
            filter_args['name'] = name
        cpcs = self.unmanaged_cpcs.list(filter_args=filter_args)
        return cpcs

    def list_permitted_partitions(
            self, full_properties=False, filter_args=None,
        List the permitted partitions of CPCs in DPM mode managed by this HMC.

        *Added in version 1.0; requires HMC 2.14.0 or later and otherwise
        raises HTTPError(404.4).*

        Any CPCs in classic mode managed by the HMC will be ignored for this

        The partitions in the result can be additionally limited by specifying
        filter arguments.

        The partitions in the result will have the following partition

        * name (string): Name of the partition.

        * object-uri (string): Object URI of the partition.

        * type (string): Type of the partition (i.e. "linux", "ssc", "zvm").

        * status (string): Status of the partition. See the data model of
          the Partition object in the :term:`HMC API` book for values.

        * has-unacceptable-status (bool): Whether the status is unacceptable,
          according to the values in the 'acceptable-status' property.

        and the following properties from their parent CPC:

        * cpc-name (string): Name of the parent CPC of the partition.

        * cpc-object-uri (string): Object URI of the parent CPC of the

        * se-version (string): SE version of the parent CPC of the partition,
          as M.N.U string. Note that this property is returned only on newer
          HMC 2.16 versions (HMC API version 4.10 or higher).

        Authorization requirements:

        * Object permission to the partition objects included in the result.


          full_properties (bool):
            Controls whether the full set of resource properties for the
            returned Partition objects should be retrieved, vs. only a short

          filter_args (dict):
            Filter arguments for limiting the partitions in the result.
            `None` causes no filtering to happen.

            The following filter arguments are supported by server-side

            * name (string): Limits the result to partitions whose name
              match the specified regular expression.

            * type (string): Limits the result to partitions with a matching
              "type" property value (i.e. "linux", "ssc", "zvm").

            * status (string): Limits the result to partitions with a matching
              "status" property value.

            * has-unacceptable-status (bool): Limits the result to partitions
              with a matching "has-unacceptable-status" property value.

            * cpc-name (string): Limits the result to partitions whose CPC
              has a name that matches the specified regular expression.

            Any other valid property of partitions is supported by
            client-side filtering:

            * <property-name>: Any other property of partitions.

          additional_properties (list of string):
            List of property names that are to be returned in addition to the
            default properties.

            This parameter requires API feature
            "dpm-hipersockets-partition-link-management" or


          : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.Partition` objects.


        query_parms, client_filters = divide_filter_args(
            ['name', 'type', 'status', 'has-unacceptable-status', 'cpc-name'],
        if additional_properties:
            ap_parm = 'additional-properties={}'.format(
        query_parms_str = make_query_str(query_parms)

        # Perform the operation with the HMC, including any server-side
        # filtering.
        # Note: "List Permitted Partitions" was introduced in HMC/SE 2.14.0.
        uri = '{}/operations/list-permitted-partitions{}'.format(
            self.uri, query_parms_str)
        result = self.manager.session.get(uri, resource=self)

        cpcs_by_uri = {}  # caches local Cpc objects for CPCs already seen
        partition_objs = []
        if result:
            cpc_manager = self.manager.client.cpcs
            partition_items = result['partitions']
            for partition_item in partition_items:

                # The partition_item dicts have the following properties:
                # * name, object-uri, type, status, has-unacceptable-status,
                #   cpc-name, cpc-object-uri
                # * se-version (if HMC>=2.14.1)

                cpc_uri = partition_item['cpc-object-uri']
                    cpc = cpcs_by_uri[cpc_uri]
                except KeyError:
                    # Create a 'skeleton' local Cpc object we can hang the
                    # Partition objects off of, even if the user does not have
                    # access permissions to these CPCs. Note that different
                    # partitions can have different parent CPCs.
                    cpc_props = {}
                    cpc_props['name'] = partition_item['cpc-name']
                    if 'se-version' in partition_item:
                        cpc_props['se-version'] = partition_item['se-version']
                    cpc = cpc_manager.resource_object(cpc_uri, cpc_props)

                    cpcs_by_uri[cpc_uri] = cpc

                partition_props = dict(partition_item)
                partition_obj = cpc.partitions.resource_object(
                    partition_item['object-uri'], partition_props)

                # Apply client-side filtering
                if matches_filters(partition_obj, client_filters):
                    if full_properties:

        return partition_objs

    def list_permitted_lpars(
            self, full_properties=False, filter_args=None,
        List the permitted LPARs of CPCs in classic mode managed by this HMC.

        *Added in version 1.0; requires HMC 2.14.0 or later*

        Any CPCs in DPM mode managed by the HMC will be ignored for this

        The LPARs in the result can be additionally limited by specifying
        filter arguments.

        The LPARs in the result will have the following LPAR properties:

        * name (string): Name of the LPAR.

        * object-uri (string): Object URI of the LPAR.

        * activation-mode (string): Activation mode of the LPAR. See the data
          model of the Logical Partition object in the :term:`HMC API` book for

        * status (string): Status of the LPAR. See the data model of
          the Logical Partition object in the :term:`HMC API` book for values.

        * has-unacceptable-status (bool): Whether the status is unacceptable,
          according to the values in the 'acceptable-status' property.

        and the following properties from their parent CPC:

        * cpc-name (string): Name of the parent CPC of the LPAR.

        * cpc-object-uri (string): Object URI of the parent CPC of the LPAR.

        * se-version (string): SE version of the parent CPC of the LPAR, as
          M.N.U string. Note that this property is returned only on newer HMC
          2.16 versions (HMC API version 4.10 or higher).

        Authorization requirements:

        * Object permission to the LPAR objects included in the result.


          full_properties (bool):
            Controls whether the full set of resource properties for the
            returned LPAR objects should be retrieved, vs. only a short set.

          filter_args (dict):
            Filter arguments for limiting the LPARs in the result.
            `None` causes no filtering to happen.

            The following filter arguments are supported by server-side

            * name (string): Limits the result to LPARs whose name
              match the specified regular expression.

            * activation-mode (string): Limits the result to LPARs with a
              matching "activation-mode" property value.

            * status (string): Limits the result to LPARs with a matching
              "status" property value.

            * has-unacceptable-status (bool): Limits the result to LPARs
              with a matching "has-unacceptable-status" property value.

            * cpc-name (string): Limits the result to LPARs whose CPC
              has a name that matches the specified regular expression.

            Any other valid property of LPARs is supported by
            client-side filtering:

            * <property-name>: Any other property of LPARs.

          additional_properties (list of string):
            List of property names that are to be returned in addition to the
            default properties.

            Note: This parameter is handled by the HMC starting with HMC API
            version 4.10 (HMC 2.16 GA 1.5); with older HMC API versions it is
            handled by zhmcclient.


          : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.Lpar` objects.


        query_parms, client_filters = divide_filter_args(
            ['name', 'type', 'status', 'has-unacceptable-status', 'cpc-name'],

        api_version_info = self.manager.client.version_info()
        hmc_supports_additional_properties = api_version_info >= (4, 10)

        if additional_properties and hmc_supports_additional_properties:
            ap_parm = 'additional-properties={}'.format(
        query_parms_str = make_query_str(query_parms)

        # Perform the operation with the HMC, including any server-side
        # filtering.
        uri = '{}/operations/list-permitted-logical-partitions{}'.format(
            self.uri, query_parms_str)
        result = self.manager.session.get(uri, resource=self)

        cpcs_by_uri = {}  # caches local Cpc objects for CPCs already seen
        lpar_objs = []
        if result:
            cpc_manager = self.manager.client.cpcs
            lpar_items = result['logical-partitions']
            for lpar_item in lpar_items:

                # The partition items have the following partition properties:
                # * name, object-uri, activation-mode, status,
                #   has-unacceptable-status
                # And the following properties for their parent CPC:
                # * cpc-name (CPC property 'name')
                # * cpc-object-uri (CPC property 'object-uri')
                # * se-version (CPC property 'se-version') (if >=2.14.1)

                cpc_uri = lpar_item['cpc-object-uri']
                    cpc = cpcs_by_uri[cpc_uri]
                except KeyError:
                    # Create a 'skeleton' local Cpc object we can hang the
                    # Partition objects off of, even if the user does not have
                    # access permissions to these CPCs. Note that different
                    # partitions can have different parent CPCs.
                    cpc_props = {}
                    cpc_props['name'] = lpar_item['cpc-name']
                    if 'se-version' in lpar_item:
                        cpc_props['se-version'] = lpar_item['se-version']
                    cpc = cpc_manager.resource_object(cpc_uri, cpc_props)

                    cpcs_by_uri[cpc_uri] = cpc

                lpar_props = dict(lpar_item)
                pull_props = []
                if additional_properties:
                    for prop in additional_properties:
                            lpar_props[prop] = lpar_item[prop]
                        except KeyError:
                lpar_obj = cpc.lpars.resource_object(
                if pull_props:

                # Apply client-side filtering
                if matches_filters(lpar_obj, client_filters):
                    if full_properties:

        return lpar_objs

    def list_permitted_adapters(
            self, full_properties=False, filter_args=None,
        List the permitted adapters of all CPCs managed by this HMC.

        The result will include all adapters of any DPM CPCs and z15 or later
        classic-mode CPCs that are managed by the targeted HMC and to which the
        user has object-access permission.

        *If 'additional_properties' is not used, requires HMC API version 4.1 or
        later (= HMC version 2.16.0 GA-level) and otherwise raises

        *If 'additional_properties' is used, requires HMC API version 4.10 or
        later (= HMC version 2.16.0 plus some post-GA code level) and
        otherwise raises HTTPError(404.4).*

        The adapters in the result can be additionally limited by specifying
        filter arguments.

        Authorization requirements:

        * Object permission to the adapter objects included in the result.


          full_properties (bool):
            Controls whether the full set of resource properties for the
            returned Adapter objects should be retrieved, vs. only a short

          filter_args (dict):
            Filter arguments for limiting the adapters in the result.
            `None` causes no filtering to happen.

            The following filter arguments are supported by server-side

            * name (string): Limits the result to adapters whose name
              match the specified regular expression.

            * adapter-id (string): Limits the result to adapters with a matching
              "adapter-id" property value (i.e. PCHID).

            * adapter-family (string): Limits the result to adapters with a
              matching "adapter-family" property value (e.g. "hipersockets").

            * type (string): Limits the result to adapters with a matching
              "type" property value (e.g. "hipersockets").

            * status (string): Limits the result to adapters with a matching
              "status" property value.

            * firmware-update-pending (bool): Limits the result to adapters with
              a matching firmware-update-pending state.

            * cpc-name (string): Limits the result to adapters whose CPC
              has a name that matches the specified regular expression.

            * dpm-enabled (bool): Limits the result to adapters whose CPC
              has a matching "dpm-enabled" property.

            Any other valid property of adapters is supported by
            client-side filtering:

            * <property-name>: Any other property of adapters.

          additional_properties (list of string):
            List of property names that are to be returned in addition to the
            default properties.


          : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.Adapter` objects.

          If no additional or full properties are specified, the returned
          adapters will have the following properties:

          * object-uri, name, adapter-id, adapter-family, type, status,
          * firmware-update-pending (if CPC >=2.16 and
            LI_1580_CRYPTO_AUTO_TOGGLE feature is enabled)

          and the following properties for their parent CPC:

          * cpc-name (CPC property 'name')
          * cpc-object-uri (CPC property 'object-uri')
          * se-version (CPC property 'se-version')
          * dpm-enabled (CPC property 'dpm-enabled')


        query_parms, client_filters = divide_filter_args(
            ['name', 'adapter-id', 'adapter-family', 'type', 'status',
             'firmware-update-pending', 'cpc-name', 'dpm-enabled'],
        if additional_properties:
            ap_parm = 'additional-properties={}'.format(
        query_parms_str = make_query_str(query_parms)

        # Perform the operation with the HMC, including any server-side
        # filtering.
        # Note: "List Permitted Adapters" was introduced in HMC/SE 2.14.0.
        uri = '{}/operations/list-permitted-adapters{}'.format(
            self.uri, query_parms_str)
        result = self.manager.session.get(uri, resource=self)

        adapter_obj_list = []
        if result:

            # Group the returned adapters by CPC
            adapter_items_by_cpc = {}
            cpcs_by_name = {}
            for adapter_item in result['adapters']:
                cpc_name = adapter_item['cpc-name']
                if cpc_name not in adapter_items_by_cpc:
                    adapter_items_by_cpc[cpc_name] = []
                if cpc_name not in cpcs_by_name:
                    # Create a 'skeleton' local Cpc object we can hang the
                    # Adapter objects off of, even if the user does not have
                    # access permissions to these CPCs. Note that different
                    # adapters can have different parent CPCs.
                    cpc_props = {
                        'dpm-enabled': adapter_item['dpm-enabled']
                    if 'se-version' in adapter_item:
                        cpc_props['se-version'] = adapter_item['se-version']
                    cpc = self.manager.client.cpcs.find_local(
                    cpcs_by_name[cpc_name] = cpc

            # Process the returned adapters
            for cpc_name, cpc in cpcs_by_name.items():
                adapter_items = adapter_items_by_cpc[cpc_name]
                adapter_manager = cpc.adapters
                if full_properties:
                    # pylint: disable=protected-access
                    adapters = adapter_manager._get_properties_bulk(
                        adapter_items, client_filters)
                    for adapter_item in adapter_items:
                        # pylint: disable=protected-access
                        adapter = adapter_manager.resource_class(
                        if matches_filters(adapter, client_filters):

        return adapter_obj_list

    def list_api_features(self, name=None):
        Returns information about the Web Services API features (introduced with
        Web Services version 4.10) available on this console, see
        :ref:`Feature enablement`.


            A regular expression used to limit returned objects to those that
            have a matching name field.

        Authorization requirements:

        * None


          list of strings: The list of API features that are available on this
          client. For API versions prior to 4.10, an empty list is returned.

        # TODO: add reference to WSAPI book chapter regarding API features
        return get_features(self.manager.session, '/api/console', name)

    def certificates(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.CertificateManager`: Access to the
        :term:`Certificates <Certificate>` in this HMC.
        # We do here some lazy loading.
        if not self._certificates:
            self._certificates = CertificateManager(self)
        return self._certificates

    def single_step_install(
            self, bundle_level=None, backup_location_type='usb',
            accept_firmware=True, ftp_host=None,
            ftp_protocol=None, ftp_user=None,
            ftp_password=None, ftp_directory=None,
            wait_for_completion=True, operation_timeout=None):
        Upgrades the firmware on this HMC to a new bundle level.

        This is done by performing the "Console Single Step Install" operation
        which performs the following steps:

        * If `accept_firmware` is True, the firmware currently installed on the
          this HMC is accepted. Note that once firmware is accepted, it
          cannot be removed.
        * A backup of the this HMC is performed to the specified backup device.
        * The new firmware identified by the bundle-level field is retrieved
          from the IBM support site or from an FTP server, and installed.
        * The newly installed firmware is activated, which includes rebooting
          this HMC.

        Note that it is not possible to downgrade the HMC firmware with this

        For HMCs that run on an HMA that also hosts an SE (e.g. z16 and higher),
        the HMC firmware can only be upgraded if the HMA hosts an alternate SE.

        Authorization requirements:

        * Task permission to the "Single Step Console Internal Code" task.


          bundle_level (string): Name of the bundle to be installed on the HMC
            (e.g. 'H71').
            If `None`, all locally available code changes, or in case of
            retrieving code changes from an FTP server, all code changes on
            the FTP server, will be installed.

          backup_location_type (string): Type of backup location for the
            HMC backup that is performed:

              - "ftp": The FTP server that was used for the last console backup
                as defined on the "Configure Backup Settings" user interface
                task in the HMC GUI.
              - "usb": The USB storage device mounted to the HMC.

          accept_firmware (bool): Accept the previous bundle level before
            installing the new level.

          ftp_host (string): The hostname for the FTP server from which
            the firmware will be retrieved, or `None` to retrieve it from the
            IBM support site.

          ftp_protocol (string): The protocol to connect to the FTP
            server, if the firmware will be retrieved from an FTP server,
            or `None`. Valid values are: "ftp", "ftps", "sftp".

          ftp_user (string): The username for the FTP server login,
            if the firmware will be retrieved from an FTP server, or `None`.

          ftp_password (string): The password for the FTP server login,
            if the firmware will be retrieved from an FTP server, or `None`.

          ftp_directory (string): The path name of the directory on the
            FTP server with the firmware files,
            if the firmware will be retrieved from an FTP server, or `None`.

          wait_for_completion (bool):
            Boolean controlling whether this method should wait for completion
            of the requested asynchronous HMC operation including any HMC
            restarts, as follows:

            * If `True`, this method will wait for completion of the
              asynchronous job performing the operation including any HMC

            * If `False`, this method will return immediately once the HMC has
              accepted the request to perform the operation.

          operation_timeout (:term:`number`):
            Timeout in seconds, for waiting for completion of the asynchronous
            job performing the operation including any HMC restarts. The
            special value 0 means that no timeout is set. `None` means that
            the default async operation timeout of the session is used. If the
            timeout expires when `wait_for_completion=True`, a
            :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout` is raised.


          `None` or :class:`~zhmcclient.Job`:

            If `wait_for_completion` is `True`, returns `None`.

            If `wait_for_completion` is `False`, returns a
            :class:`~zhmcclient.Job` object representing the asynchronously
            executing job on the HMC. The Job object will be valid across
            any HMC restarts that occur during the upgrade operation.

            This job supports cancellation. Note there are only a few
            interruption points in the firmware install process, so it may be
            some time before the job is canceled, and after some point, will
            continue on to completion. The job status and reason codes will
            indicate whether the job was canceled or ran to completion. If the
            job is successfully canceled, any steps that were successfully
            completed will not be rolled back.


          :exc:`~zhmcclient.OperationTimeout`: The timeout expired while
            waiting for completion of the operation.

        # The 'wait_for_completion' parameter from 2.12.0 became
        # 'ftp_host' after that, so we detect the passing of
        # 'wait_for_completion' as a positional argument.
        assert ftp_host is None or \
            isinstance(ftp_host, six.string_types)

        body = {
            'backup-location-type': backup_location_type,
            'accept-firmware': accept_firmware,

        if bundle_level is not None:
            body['bundle-level'] = bundle_level

        if ftp_host is not None:
            body['ftp-retrieve'] = True
            body['ftp-server-host'] = ftp_host
            body['ftp-server-user'] = ftp_user
            body['ftp-server-password'] = ftp_password
            body['ftp-server-directory'] = ftp_directory
            body['ftp-server-protocol'] = ftp_protocol

        result = self.manager.session.post(
            self.uri + '/operations/single-step-install', resource=self,
            body=body, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion,

        return result

    def dump(self):
        Dump this Console resource with its properties and child resources
        (recursively) as a resource definition.

        The returned resource definition has the following format::

                # Resource properties:
                "properties": {...},

                # Child resources:
                "users": [...],
                "user_roles": [...],
                "user_patterns": [...],
                "password_rules": [...],
                "tasks": [...],
                "ldap_server_definitions": [...],
                "unmanaged_cpcs": [...],
                "storage_groups": [...],

          dict: Resource definition of this resource.

        # Dump the resource properties
        resource_dict = super(Console, self).dump()

        # Dump the child resources
        users = self.users.dump()
        if users:
            resource_dict['users'] = users
        user_roles = self.user_roles.dump()
        if user_roles:
            resource_dict['user_roles'] = user_roles
        user_patterns = self.user_patterns.dump()
        if user_patterns:
            resource_dict['user_patterns'] = user_patterns
        password_rules = self.password_rules.dump()
        if password_rules:
            resource_dict['password_rules'] = password_rules
        tasks = self.tasks.dump()
        if tasks:
            resource_dict['tasks'] = tasks
        ldap_server_definitions = self.ldap_server_definitions.dump()
        if ldap_server_definitions:
            resource_dict['ldap_server_definitions'] = ldap_server_definitions
        storage_groups = self.storage_groups.dump()
        if storage_groups:
            resource_dict['storage_groups'] = storage_groups

        # Note: Unmanaged CPCs are not dumped, since their properties cannot
        #       be retrieved.

        return resource_dict