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# Copyright 2017,2021 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

The HMC supports the retrieval of metrics values for resources of a IBM Z
or LinuxONE computer. This section describes the zhmcclient API for retrieving
such metrics from the HMC.

A resource termed :term:`Metrics Context` is associated with any metrics
retrieval. These resources are user-created definitions of the kinds of metrics
that are intended to be retrieved. A metrics context mostly defines the names
of the metric groups to be retrieved. The available metric groups are described
in section 'Metric Groups' in the :term:`HMC API` book.

The zhmcclient API for metrics provides access to the metric values and to
their definitions, so that clients using the metric values do not need to have
intimate knowledge about the specific metric values when just displaying them.

The basic usage of the metrics API is shown in this example:

.. code-block:: python

    # Create a Metrics Context for the desired metric groups:
    metric_groups = ['dpm-system-usage-overview', 'partition-usage']
    mc = client.metrics_contexts.create(
        {'anticipated-frequency-seconds': 15,
         'metric-groups': metric_groups})

    # Retrieve the current metric values:
    mr_str = mc.get_metrics()

    # Display the metric values:
    print("Current metric values:")
    mr = zhmcclient.MetricsResponse(mc, mr_str)
    for mg in mr.metric_group_values:
        mg_name = mg.name
        mg_def = mc.metric_group_definitions[mg_name]
        print("  Metric group: {}".format(mg_name))
        for ov in mg.object_values:
            print("    Resource: {}".format(ov.resource_uri))
            print("    Timestamp: {}".format(ov.timestamp))
            print("    Metric values:")
            for m_name in ov.metrics:
                m_value = ov.metrics[m_name]
                m_def = mg_def.metric_definitions[m_name]
                m_unit = m_def.unit or ''
                print("      {:30}  {} {}".format(m_name, m_value, m_unit))
        if not mg.object_values:
            print("    No resources")

    # Delete the Metrics Context:

from __future__ import absolute_import

    from collections.abc import namedtuple
except ImportError:
    from collections import namedtuple
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict
import re
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
import six

from ._manager import BaseManager
from ._resource import BaseResource
from ._cpc import Cpc
from ._lpar import Lpar
from ._partition import Partition
from ._adapter import Adapter
from ._nic import Nic
from ._logging import logged_api_call
from ._exceptions import NotFound, MetricsResourceNotFound
from ._utils import datetime_from_timestamp, repr_list, datetime_to_isoformat

__all__ = ['MetricsContextManager', 'MetricsContext', 'MetricGroupDefinition',
           'MetricDefinition', 'MetricsResponse', 'MetricGroupValues',

class MetricsContextManager(BaseManager):
    Manager providing access to the :term:`Metrics Context` resources that
    were created through this manager object.

    Derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseManager`; see there for common methods
    and attributes.

    Objects of this class are not directly created by the user; they are
    accessible via the :attr:`~zhmcclient.Client.metrics_contexts` attribute
    of the :class:`~zhmcclient.Client` object connected to the HMC.

    def __init__(self, client):
        # This function should not go into the docs.
        # Parameters:
        #   client (:class:`~zhmcclient.Client`):
        #      Client object for the HMC to be used.
        super(MetricsContextManager, self).__init__(

        self._client = client
        self._metrics_contexts = []

    def __repr__(self):
        Return a string with the state of this manager object, for debug
        ret = (
            "{classname} at 0x{id:08x} (\n"
            "  _resource_class={_resource_class!r},\n"
            "  _class_name={_class_name!r},\n"
            "  _session={_session_classname} at 0x{_session_id:08x},\n"
            "  _parent={_parent_classname} at 0x{_parent_id:08x},\n"
            "  _base_uri={_base_uri!r},\n"
            "  _oid_prop={_oid_prop!r},\n"
            "  _uri_prop={_uri_prop!r},\n"
            "  _name_prop={_name_prop!r},\n"
            "  _query_props={_query_props},\n"
            "  _list_has_name={_list_has_name!r},\n"
            "  _name_uri_cache={_name_uri_cache!r},\n"
            "  _client={_client_classname} at 0x{_client_id:08x},\n"
            "  _metrics_contexts={_metrics_contexts},\n"
                _query_props=repr_list(self._query_props, indent=2),
                _metrics_contexts=repr_list(self._metrics_contexts, indent=2),
        return ret

    def client(self):
          The client defining the scope for this manager.
        return self._client

    def list(self, full_properties=False):
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        List the :term:`Metrics Context` resources that were created through
        this manager object.

        Note that the HMC does not provide a way to enumerate the existing
        :term:`Metrics Context` resources. Therefore, this method will only
        list the :term:`Metrics Context` resources that were created through
        this manager object. For example, :term:`Metrics Context` resources
        created through a second :class:`~zhmcclient.Client` object will not be


          full_properties (bool):
            This parameter exists for compatibility with other resource
            classes, but for this class, it has no effect on the result.


          : A list of :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContext` objects.


        return self._metrics_contexts

    def create(self, properties):
        Create a :term:`Metrics Context` resource in the HMC this client is
        connected to.


          properties (dict): Initial property values.
            Allowable properties are defined in section 'Request body contents'
            in section 'Create Metrics Context' in the :term:`HMC API` book.


            The resource object for the new :term:`Metrics Context` resource.


        result = self.session.post('/api/services/metrics/context',
        mc_properties = properties.copy()
        new_metrics_context = MetricsContext(self,
        return new_metrics_context

class MetricsContext(BaseResource):
    Representation of a :term:`Metrics Context` resource.

    A :term:`Metrics Context` resource specifies a list of metrics groups for
    which the current metric values can be retrieved using the
    :meth:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContext.get_metrics` method.

    The properties of this resource are the response fields described for the
    'Create Metrics Context' operation in the :term:`HMC API` book.

    This class is derived from :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource`; see there
    for common methods and attributes.

    Objects of this class can be created by the user with the
    :meth:`zhmcclient.MetricsContextManager.create` method.

    def __init__(self, manager, uri, name=None, properties=None):
        # This function should not go into the docs.
        #   manager (:class:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContextManager`):
        #     Manager object for this resource object.
        #   uri (string):
        #     Canonical URI path of the resource.
        #   name (string):
        #     Name of the resource.
        #   properties (dict):
        #     Properties to be set for this resource object. May be `None` or
        #     empty.
        if not isinstance(manager, MetricsContextManager):
            raise AssertionError(
                "MetricsContext init: Expected manager type {}, got {}"
                .format(MetricsContextManager, type(manager)))
        super(MetricsContext, self).__init__(manager, uri, name, properties)

        self._metric_group_definitions = self._setup_metric_group_definitions()

    def _setup_metric_group_definitions(self):
        Return the dict of MetricGroupDefinition objects for this metrics
        context, by processing its 'metric-group-infos' property.
        # Dictionary of MetricGroupDefinition objects, by metric group name
        metric_group_definitions = {}
        for mg_info in self._properties['metric-group-infos']:
            mg_name = mg_info['group-name']
            mg_def = MetricGroupDefinition(
            for i, m_info in enumerate(mg_info['metric-infos']):
                m_name = m_info['metric-name']
                m_def = MetricDefinition(
                mg_def.metric_definitions[m_name] = m_def
            metric_group_definitions[mg_name] = mg_def
        return metric_group_definitions

    def metric_group_definitions(self):
        dict: The metric definitions for the metric groups of this
          :term:`Metrics Context` resource, as a dictionary of
          :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricGroupDefinition` objects, by metric group
        return self._metric_group_definitions

    def get_metrics(self):
        Retrieve the current metric values for this :term:`Metrics Context`
        resource from the HMC.

        The metric values are returned by this method as a string in the
        `MetricsResponse` format described with the 'Get Metrics' operation in
        the :term:`HMC API` book.

        The :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricsResponse` class can be used to process
        the `MetricsResponse` string returned by this method, and provides
        structured access to the metrics values.


            The current metric values, in the `MetricsResponse` string format.


        metrics_response = self.manager.session.get(self.uri, resource=self)
        return metrics_response

    def delete(self):
        Delete this :term:`Metrics Context` resource.


        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        self.manager.session.delete(self.uri, resource=self)

_MetricGroupDefinitionTuple = namedtuple(
    ['name', 'resource_class', 'metric_definitions']

class MetricGroupDefinition(_MetricGroupDefinitionTuple):
    A :func:`namedtuple <py:collections.namedtuple>` representing definitional
    information for a metric group.

    def __new__(cls, name, resource_class, metric_definitions):

          name (:term:`string`):
            Metric group name, as defined in section 'Metric groups' in the
            :term:`HMC API` book.

          resource_class (:term:`string`):
            A string identifying the resource class to which this metric group
            belongs, using the values from the 'class' property of resource

          metric_definitions (dict):
            Metric definitions for the metrics in this metric group, as a
            dictionary where the key is the metric name and the value is the
            :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricDefinition` object for the metric.

        All these parameters are also available as same-named attributes.
        self = super(MetricGroupDefinition, cls).__new__(
            cls, name, resource_class, metric_definitions)
        return self

    __slots__ = ()

    def __repr__(self):
        repr_str = "MetricGroupDefinition(" \
            "name={s.name!r}, " \
            "resource_class={s.resource_class!r}, " \
            "metric_definitions={s.metric_definitions!r})". \
        return repr_str

_MetricDefinitionTuple = namedtuple(
    ['index', 'name', 'type', 'unit']

class MetricDefinition(_MetricDefinitionTuple):
    A :func:`namedtuple <py:collections.namedtuple>` representing definitional
    information for a single metric.

    def __new__(cls, index, name, type, unit):
        # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

          index (:term:`integer`):
            0-based index (=position) of the metric in a MetricsResponse value

          name (:term:`string`):
            Metric field name, as shown in the tables defining the metric
            groups in section 'Metric groups' in the :term:`HMC API` book.

          type (:term:`callable`):
            Python type for the metric value. The type must be a constructor
            (callable) that takes the metrics value from the `MetricsResponse`
            string as its only argument, using the following Python types
            for the metric group description types shown in the :term:`HMC API`

            =============================  ======================
            Description type               Python type
            =============================  ======================
            Boolean                        :class:`py:bool`
            Byte                           :term:`integer`
            Short                          :term:`integer`
            Integer                        :term:`integer`
            Long                           :term:`integer`
            Double                         :class:`py:float`
            String, String Enum            :term:`unicode string`
            =============================  ======================

          unit (:term:`string`):
            Unit of the metric value.

        All these parameters are also available as same-named attributes.
        self = super(MetricDefinition, cls).__new__(
            cls, index, name, type, unit)
        return self

    __slots__ = ()

    def __repr__(self):
        repr_str = "MetricDefinition(" \
            "index={s.index!r}, " \
            "name={s.name!r}, " \
            "type={s.type!r}, " \
            "unit={s.unit!r})". \
        return repr_str

def _metric_type(metric_type_name):
    Return a constructor callable for the given metric type name.

    The returned callable takes the metric value as a string as its only
    argument and returns a Python object representing that metric value using
    the correct Python type.
    return _METRIC_TYPES_BY_NAME[metric_type_name]

    'boolean-metric': bool,
    'byte-metric': int,
    'short-metric': int,
    'integer-metric': int,
    'long-metric': int,
    'double-metric': float,
    'string-metric': six.text_type,

def _metric_value(value_str, metric_type):
    Return a Python-typed metric value from a metric value string.
    if metric_type in (int, float):
            return metric_type(value_str)
        except ValueError:
            new_exc = ValueError(
                "Invalid {} metric value: {!r}".
                format(metric_type.__class__.__name__, value_str))
            new_exc.__cause__ = None
            raise new_exc  # ValueError
    elif metric_type is six.text_type:
        # In Python 3, decode('unicode_escape) requires bytes, so we need
        # to encode to bytes. This also works in Python 2.
        return value_str.strip('"').encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')
        assert metric_type is bool
        lower_str = value_str.lower()
        if lower_str == 'true':
            return True
        if lower_str == 'false':
            return False
        raise ValueError("Invalid boolean metric value: {!r}".format(value_str))

def _metric_unit_from_name(metric_name):
    Return a metric unit string for human consumption, that is inferred from
    the metric name.

    If a unit cannot be inferred, `None` is returned.
    for item in _PATTERN_UNIT_LIST:
        pattern, unit = item
        if pattern.match(metric_name):
            return unit
    return None

    MICROSECONDS = u"\u00b5s"  # U+00B5 = Micro Sign
    CELSIUS = u"\u00B0C"  # U+00B0 = Degree Sign
    # Note: Use of U+2103 (Degree Celsius) is discouraged by Unicode standard
    MICROSECONDS = u"us"
    CELSIUS = u"degree Celsius"  # Official SI unit when not using degree sign

    # End patterns:
    (re.compile(r".+-usage$"), u"%"),
    (re.compile(r".+-time$"), MICROSECONDS),
    (re.compile(r".+-time-used$"), MICROSECONDS),
    (re.compile(r".+-celsius$"), CELSIUS),
    (re.compile(r".+-watts$"), u"W"),
    (re.compile(r".+-paging-rate$"), u"pages/s"),
    (re.compile(r".+-sampling-rate$"), u"samples/s"),
    # Begin patterns:
    (re.compile(r"^bytes-.+"), u"B"),
    (re.compile(r"^heat-load.+"), u"BTU/h"),  # Note: No trailing hyphen
    (re.compile(r"^interval-bytes-.+"), u"B"),
    (re.compile(r"^bytes-per-second-.+"), u"B/s"),
    # Special cases:
    (re.compile(r"^storage-rate$"), u"kB/s"),
    (re.compile(r"^humidity$"), u"%"),
    (re.compile(r"^memory-used$"), u"MiB"),
    (re.compile(r"^policy-activation-time$"), u""),  # timestamp
    (re.compile(r"^velocity-numerator$"), MICROSECONDS),
    (re.compile(r"^velocity-denominator$"), MICROSECONDS),
    (re.compile(r"^utilization$"), u"%"),

def _resource_class_from_group(metric_group_name):
    Return the resource class string from the metric group name.

    Metric groups for resources that are specific to ensemble mode are not

    Returns an empty string if a metric group name is unknown.
    return CLASS_FROM_GROUP.get(metric_group_name, '')

    # DPM mode only:
    'dpm-system-usage-overview': 'cpc',
    'partition-usage': 'partition',
    'adapter-usage': 'adapter',
    'network-physical-adapter-port': 'adapter',
    'partition-attached-network-interface': 'nic',
    # Classic mode only:
    'cpc-usage-overview': 'cpc',
    'logical-partition-usage': 'logical-partition',
    'channel-usage': 'cpc',
    'crypto-usage': 'cpc',
    'flash-memory-usage': 'cpc',  # TODO: verify CPC mode dependency
    'roce-usage': 'cpc',  # TODO: verify CPC mode dependency
    # DPM mode or classic mode:
    'zcpc-environmentals-and-power': 'cpc',
    'zcpc-processor-usage': 'cpc',

class MetricsResponse(object):
    Represents the metric values returned by one call to the
    :meth:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContext.get_metrics` method, and provides
    structured access to the data.

    def __init__(self, metrics_context, metrics_response_str):

          metrics_context (:class:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContext`):
            The :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContext` object that was used to
            retrieve the metrics response string. It defines the structure of
            the metric values in the metrics response string.

          metrics_response_str (:term:`string`):
            The metrics response string, as returned by the
            :meth:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContext.get_metrics` method.
        self._metrics_context = metrics_context
        self._metrics_response_str = metrics_response_str
        self._client = self._metrics_context.manager.client

        self._metric_group_values = self._setup_metric_group_values()

    def _setup_metric_group_values(self):
        Return the list of MetricGroupValues objects for this metrics response,
        by processing its metrics response string.

        The lines in the metrics response string are::

            MetricsResponse: MetricsGroup{0,*}
                             <emptyline>      a third empty line at the end

            MetricsGroup:    MetricsGroupName
                             <emptyline>      a second empty line after each MG

            ObjectValues:    ObjectURI
                             <emptyline>      a first empty line after this blk

        mg_defs = self._metrics_context.metric_group_definitions

        metric_group_name = None
        resource_uri = None
        dt_timestamp = None

        object_values = None
        metric_group_values = []
        state = 0
        for mr_line in self._metrics_response_str.splitlines():
            if state == 0:
                if object_values is not None:
                    # Store the result from the previous metric group
                    mgv = MetricGroupValues(metric_group_name, object_values)
                    object_values = None
                if mr_line == '':
                    # Skip initial (or trailing) empty lines
                    # Process the next metrics group
                    metric_group_name = mr_line.strip('"')  # No " or \ inside
                    assert metric_group_name in mg_defs
                    m_defs = mg_defs[metric_group_name].metric_definitions
                    object_values = []
                    state = 1
            elif state == 1:
                if mr_line == '':
                    # There are no (or no more) ObjectValues items in this
                    # metrics group
                    state = 0
                    # There are ObjectValues items
                    resource_uri = mr_line.strip('"')  # No " or \ inside
                    state = 2
            elif state == 2:
                # Process the timestamp
                assert mr_line != ''
                    dt_timestamp = datetime_from_timestamp(int(mr_line))
                except ValueError:
                    # Sometimes, the returned epoch timestamp values are way
                    # too large, e.g. 3651584404810066 (which would translate
                    # to the year 115791 A.D.). Python datetime supports
                    # up to the year 9999. We circumvent this issue by
                    # simply using the current date&time.
                    # TODO: Remove the circumvention for too large timestamps.
                    dt_timestamp = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
                state = 3
            elif state == 3:
                if mr_line != '':
                    # Process the metric values in the ValueRow line
                    str_values = mr_line.split(',')
                    metrics = {}
                    for m_name in m_defs:
                        m_def = m_defs[m_name]
                        m_type = m_def.type
                        m_value_str = str_values[m_def.index]
                        m_value = _metric_value(m_value_str, m_type)
                        metrics[m_name] = m_value
                    ov = MetricObjectValues(
                        self._client, mg_defs[metric_group_name], resource_uri,
                        dt_timestamp, metrics)
                    # stay in this state, for more ValueRow lines
                    # On the empty line after the last ValueRow line
                    state = 1

        return metric_group_values

    def metrics_context(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricsContext` object for this metric response.
        This can be used to access the metric definitions for this response.
        return self._metrics_context

    def metric_group_values(self):
        :class:`py:list`: The list of :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricGroupValues`
          objects representing the metric groups in this metric response.

          Each :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricGroupValues` object contains a list of
          :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricObjectValues` objects representing the
          metric values in this group (each for a single resource and point in
        return self._metric_group_values

class MetricGroupValues(object):
    Represents the metric values for a metric group in a MetricsResponse

    def __init__(self, name, object_values):

          name (:term:`string`):
            Metric group name.

          object_values (:class:`py:list`):
            The :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricObjectValues` objects in this metric
            group. Each of them represents the metric values for a single
            resource at a single point in time.
        self._name = name
        self._object_values = object_values

    def name(self):
        string: The metric group name.
        return self._name

    def object_values(self):
        :class:`py:list`: The :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricObjectValues` objects
          in this metric group. Each of them represents the metric values for
          a single resource at a single point in time.
        return self._object_values

class MetricObjectValues(object):
    Represents the metric values for a single resource at a single point in

    def __init__(self, client, metric_group_definition, resource_uri,
                 timestamp, metrics):

          client (:class:`~zhmcclient.Client`):
            Client object, for retrieving the actual resource.

          metric_group_definition (:class:`~zhmcclient.MetricGroupDefinition`):
            Metric group definition for this set of metric values.

          resource_uri (:term:`string`):
            Resource URI of the resource these metric values apply to.

          timestamp (:class:`py:datetime.datetime`):
            Point in time when the HMC captured these metric values (as a
            timezone-aware datetime object).

          metrics (dict):
            The metric values, as a dictionary of the (Python typed) metric
            values, by metric name.
        self._client = client
        self._metric_group_definition = metric_group_definition
        self._resource_uri = resource_uri
        self._timestamp = timestamp
        self._metrics = metrics
        self._resource = None  # Lazy initialization

    def client(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.Client`: Client object, for retrieving the actual
        return self._client

    def metric_group_definition(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.MetricGroupDefinition`: Metric group definition for
        this set of metric values.
        return self._metric_group_definition

    def resource_uri(self):
        string: The canonical URI path of the resource these metric values
        apply to.

        Example: ``/api/cpcs/12345``
        return self._resource_uri

    def timestamp(self):
        :class:`py:datetime.datetime`: Point in time when the HMC captured
          these metric values (as a timezone-aware datetime object).
        return self._timestamp

    def metrics(self):
        dict: The metric values, as a dictionary of the (Python typed) metric
          values, by metric name.
        return self._metrics

    def resource(self):
        :class:`~zhmcclient.BaseResource`: The Python resource object of the
          resource these metric values apply to.


          :exc:`~zhmcclient.MetricsResourceNotFound`: The resource for the
          resource URI of the resource these metric values apply to, was not
          found on the HMC.
        if self._resource is not None:
            return self._resource

        resource_class = self.metric_group_definition.resource_class
        resource_uri = self.resource_uri

        if resource_class == 'cpc':
            cpc_managers = [self.client.cpcs]
            filter_args = {'object-uri': resource_uri}
                resource = self.client.cpcs.find(**filter_args)
            except NotFound:
                raise MetricsResourceNotFound(
                    "{} with URI {} not found on HMC {}".
                    format(resource_class, resource_uri,
                    Cpc, cpc_managers)
        elif resource_class == 'logical-partition':
            lpar_managers = []
            cpc_list = self.client.cpcs.list()
            for cpc in cpc_list:
                    filter_args = {'object-uri': resource_uri}
                    resource = cpc.lpars.find(**filter_args)
                except NotFound:
                    pass  # Try next CPC
                raise MetricsResourceNotFound(
                    "{} with URI {} not found in CPCs {}".
                    format(resource_class, resource_uri,
                           ', '.join([cpc.name for cpc in cpc_list])),
                    Lpar, lpar_managers)
        elif resource_class == 'partition':
            partitions = self.client.consoles.console.list_permitted_partitions(
                filter_args={'object-uri': resource_uri})
            if len(partitions) < 1:
                raise MetricsResourceNotFound(
                    "Partition with URI {} not found".
                    Partition, [])
            resource = partitions[0]
        elif resource_class == 'adapter':
            cpc_list = self.client.cpcs.list()
            adapter_managers = []
            for cpc in cpc_list:
                    filter_args = {'object-uri': resource_uri}
                    resource = cpc.adapters.find(**filter_args)
                except NotFound:
                    pass  # Try next CPC
                raise MetricsResourceNotFound(
                    "{} with URI {} not found in CPCs {}".
                    format(resource_class, resource_uri,
                           ', '.join([cpc.name for cpc in cpc_list])),
                    Adapter, adapter_managers)
        elif resource_class == 'nic':
            nic_properties = self.client.session.get(resource_uri)
            partition_uri = nic_properties['parent']
            partitions = self.client.consoles.console.list_permitted_partitions(
                filter_args={'object-uri': partition_uri})
            if len(partitions) < 1:
                raise MetricsResourceNotFound(
                    "Parent partition with URI {} of NIC with URI {} not found".
                    format(partition_uri, resource_uri),
                    Partition, [])
            partition = partitions[0]
            nic_managers = [partition.nics]
            filter_args = {'element-uri': resource_uri}
                resource = partition.nics.find(**filter_args)
            except NotFound:
                raise MetricsResourceNotFound(
                    "NIC with URI {} not found in its parent partition {}.{}".
                    format(resource_uri, cpc.name, partition.name),
                    Nic, nic_managers)
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid resource class: {!r}".format(resource_class))

        self._resource = resource
        return self._resource

    def dump(self):
        Dump these metric values as a resource definition.

        The timestamp of the object is represented as an ISO8601 string using
        this format::

            YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.ssssss]shh:mm


          * YYYY-MM-DD - is year, month and day.

          * HH:MM:SS - is hour in 24-hour format, minutes and seconds.

          * .ssssss - is an optional part specifying microseconds. It is not
            created when the timestamp microsecond value is 0.

          * shh:mm - is the timezone offset from UTC with sign, hours (hh) and
            minutes (mm). Since the FakedMetricObjectValues class ensures that
            the timestamp is always timezone-aware, this part is always created.

          dict: Resource definition of this object.
        obj_dict = OrderedDict()
        # Faked Simple properties
        obj_dict['group_name'] = self.metric_group_definition.name
        obj_dict['resource_uri'] = self.resource_uri
        obj_dict['timestamp'] = datetime_to_isoformat(self.timestamp)
        obj_dict['metrics'] = self.metrics
        return obj_dict