import Foundation
import CocoaLumberjackSwift
public enum IPVersion: UInt8 {
case iPv4 = 4, iPv6 = 6
public enum TransportProtocol: UInt8 {
case icmp = 1, tcp = 6, udp = 17
/// The class to process and build IP packet.
/// - note: Only IPv4 is supported as of now.
open class IPPacket {
Get the version of the IP Packet without parsing the whole packet.
- parameter data: The data containing the whole IP packet.
- returns: The version of the packet. Returns `nil` if failed to parse the packet.
public static func peekIPVersion(_ data: Data) -> IPVersion? {
guard data.count >= 20 else {
return nil
let version = (data as NSData).bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: data.count).pointee >> 4
return IPVersion(rawValue: version)
Get the protocol of the IP Packet without parsing the whole packet.
- parameter data: The data containing the whole IP packet.
- returns: The protocol of the packet. Returns `nil` if failed to parse the packet.
public static func peekProtocol(_ data: Data) -> TransportProtocol? {
guard data.count >= 20 else {
return nil
return TransportProtocol(rawValue: (data as NSData).bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: data.count).advanced(by: 9).pointee)
Get the source IP address of the IP packet without parsing the whole packet.
- parameter data: The data containing the whole IP packet.
- returns: The source IP address of the packet. Returns `nil` if failed to parse the packet.
public static func peekSourceAddress(_ data: Data) -> IPAddress? {
guard data.count >= 20 else {
return nil
return IPAddress(fromBytesInNetworkOrder: (data as NSData).bytes.advanced(by: 12))
Get the destination IP address of the IP packet without parsing the whole packet.
- parameter data: The data containing the whole IP packet.
- returns: The destination IP address of the packet. Returns `nil` if failed to parse the packet.
public static func peekDestinationAddress(_ data: Data) -> IPAddress? {
guard data.count >= 20 else {
return nil
return IPAddress(fromBytesInNetworkOrder: (data as NSData).bytes.advanced(by: 16))
Get the source port of the IP packet without parsing the whole packet.
- parameter data: The data containing the whole IP packet.
- returns: The source IP address of the packet. Returns `nil` if failed to parse the packet.
- note: Only TCP and UDP packet has port field.
public static func peekSourcePort(_ data: Data) -> Port? {
guard let proto = peekProtocol(data) else {
return nil
guard proto == .tcp || proto == .udp else {
return nil
let headerLength = Int((data as NSData).bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: data.count).pointee & 0x0F * 4)
// Make sure there are bytes for source and destination bytes.
guard data.count > headerLength + 4 else {
return nil
return Port(bytesInNetworkOrder: (data as NSData).bytes.advanced(by: headerLength))
Get the destination port of the IP packet without parsing the whole packet.
- parameter data: The data containing the whole IP packet.
- returns: The destination IP address of the packet. Returns `nil` if failed to parse the packet.
- note: Only TCP and UDP packet has port field.
public static func peekDestinationPort(_ data: Data) -> Port? {
guard let proto = peekProtocol(data) else {
return nil
guard proto == .tcp || proto == .udp else {
return nil
let headerLength = Int((data as NSData).bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: data.count).pointee & 0x0F * 4)
// Make sure there are bytes for source and destination bytes.
guard data.count > headerLength + 4 else {
return nil
return Port(bytesInNetworkOrder: (data as NSData).bytes.advanced(by: headerLength + 2))
/// The version of the current IP packet.
open var version: IPVersion = .iPv4
/// The length of the IP packet header.
open var headerLength: UInt8 = 20
/// This contains the DSCP and ECN of the IP packet.
/// - note: Since we can not send custom IP packet out with NetworkExtension, this is useless and simply ignored.
open var tos: UInt8 = 0
/// This should be the length of the datagram.
/// This value is not read from header since NEPacketTunnelFlow has already taken care of it for us.
open var totalLength: UInt16 {
return UInt16(packetData.count)
/// Identification of the current packet.
/// - note: Since we do not support fragment, this is ignored and always will be zero.
/// - note: Theoratically, this should be a sequentially increasing number. It probably will be implemented.
var identification: UInt16 = 0
/// Offset of the current packet.
/// - note: Since we do not support fragment, this is ignored and always will be zero.
var offset: UInt16 = 0
/// TTL of the packet.
var TTL: UInt8 = 64
/// Source IP address.
var sourceAddress: IPAddress!
/// Destination IP address.
var destinationAddress: IPAddress!
/// Transport protocol of the packet.
var transportProtocol: TransportProtocol!
/// Parser to parse the payload in IP packet.
var protocolParser: TransportProtocolParserProtocol!
/// The data representing the packet.
var packetData: Data!
Initailize a new instance to build IP packet.
init() {}
Initailize an `IPPacket` with data.
- parameter packetData: The data containing a whole packet.
init?(packetData: Data) {
// no need to validate the packet.
self.packetData = packetData
let scanner = BinaryDataScanner(data: packetData, littleEndian: false)
let vhl = scanner.readByte()!
guard let v = IPVersion(rawValue: vhl >> 4) else {
DDLogError("Got unknown ip packet version \(vhl >> 4)")
return nil
version = v
headerLength = vhl & 0x0F * 4
guard packetData.count >= Int(headerLength) else {
return nil
tos = scanner.readByte()!
guard totalLength == scanner.read16()! else {
DDLogError("Packet length mismatches from header.")
return nil
identification = scanner.read16()!
offset = scanner.read16()!
TTL = scanner.readByte()!
guard let proto = TransportProtocol(rawValue: scanner.readByte()!) else {
DDLogWarn("Get unsupported packet protocol.")
return nil
transportProtocol = proto
// ignore checksum
_ = scanner.read16()!
switch version {
case .iPv4:
sourceAddress = IPAddress(ipv4InNetworkOrder: CFSwapInt32(scanner.read32()!))
destinationAddress = IPAddress(ipv4InNetworkOrder: CFSwapInt32(scanner.read32()!))
// IPv6 is not supported yet.
DDLogWarn("IPv6 is not supported yet.")
return nil
switch transportProtocol! {
case .udp:
guard let parser = UDPProtocolParser(packetData: packetData, offset: Int(headerLength)) else {
return nil
self.protocolParser = parser
DDLogError("Can not parse packet header of type \(String(describing: transportProtocol)) yet")
return nil
func computePseudoHeaderChecksum() -> UInt32 {
var result: UInt32 = 0
if let address = sourceAddress {
result += address.UInt32InNetworkOrder! >> 16 + address.UInt32InNetworkOrder! & 0xFFFF
if let address = destinationAddress {
result += address.UInt32InNetworkOrder! >> 16 + address.UInt32InNetworkOrder! & 0xFFFF
result += UInt32(transportProtocol.rawValue) << 8
result += CFSwapInt32(UInt32(protocolParser.bytesLength))
return result
func buildPacket() {
packetData = NSMutableData(length: Int(headerLength) + protocolParser.bytesLength) as Data?
// set header
setPayloadWithUInt8(headerLength / 4 + version.rawValue << 4, at: 0)
setPayloadWithUInt8(tos, at: 1)
setPayloadWithUInt16(totalLength, at: 2)
setPayloadWithUInt16(identification, at: 4)
setPayloadWithUInt16(offset, at: 6)
setPayloadWithUInt8(TTL, at: 8)
setPayloadWithUInt8(transportProtocol.rawValue, at: 9)
// clear checksum bytes
resetPayloadAt(10, length: 2)
setPayloadWithUInt32(sourceAddress.UInt32InNetworkOrder!, at: 12, swap: false)
setPayloadWithUInt32(destinationAddress.UInt32InNetworkOrder!, at: 16, swap: false)
// let TCP or UDP packet build
protocolParser.packetData = packetData
protocolParser.offset = Int(headerLength)
packetData = protocolParser.packetData
setPayloadWithUInt16(Checksum.computeChecksum(packetData, from: 0, to: Int(headerLength)), at: 10, swap: false)
func setPayloadWithUInt8(_ value: UInt8, at: Int) {
var v = value
withUnsafeBytes(of: &v) {
packetData.replaceSubrange(at..<at+1, with: $0)
func setPayloadWithUInt16(_ value: UInt16, at: Int, swap: Bool = true) {
var v: UInt16
if swap {
v = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(value)
} else {
v = value
withUnsafeBytes(of: &v) {
packetData.replaceSubrange(at..<at+2, with: $0)
func setPayloadWithUInt32(_ value: UInt32, at: Int, swap: Bool = true) {
var v: UInt32
if swap {
v = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(value)
} else {
v = value
withUnsafeBytes(of: &v) {
packetData.replaceSubrange(at..<at+4, with: $0)
func setPayloadWithData(_ data: Data, at: Int, length: Int? = nil, from: Int = 0) {
var length = length
if length == nil {
length = data.count - from
packetData.replaceSubrange(at..<at+length!, with: data)
func resetPayloadAt(_ at: Int, length: Int) {
packetData.resetBytes(in: at..<at+length)