import Foundation
import tun2socks
import CocoaLumberjackSwift
/// This class wraps around tun2socks to build a TCP only IP stack.
open class TCPStack: TSIPStackDelegate, IPStackProtocol {
/// The `TCPStack` singleton instance.
public static var stack: TCPStack {
TSIPStack.stack.delegate = _stack
TSIPStack.stack.processQueue = QueueFactory.getQueue()
return _stack
fileprivate static let _stack: TCPStack = TCPStack()
/// The proxy server that handles connections accepted from this stack.
/// - warning: This must be set before `TCPStack` is registered to `TUNInterface`.
open weak var proxyServer: ProxyServer?
/// This is set automatically when the stack is registered to some interface.
open var outputFunc: (([Data], [NSNumber]) -> Void)! {
get {
return TSIPStack.stack.outputBlock
set {
TSIPStack.stack.outputBlock = newValue
Inistailize a new TCP stack.
fileprivate init() {
Input a packet into the stack.
- note: Only process IPv4 TCP packet as of now, since stable lwip does not support ipv6 yet.
- parameter packet: The IP packet.
- parameter version: The version of the IP packet, i.e., AF_INET, AF_INET6.
- returns: If the stack takes in this packet. If the packet is taken in, then it won't be processed by other IP stacks.
open func input(packet: Data, version: NSNumber?) -> Bool {
if let version = version {
// we do not process IPv6 packets now
if version.int32Value == AF_INET6 {
return false
if IPPacket.peekProtocol(packet) == .tcp {
TSIPStack.stack.received(packet: packet)
return true
return false
public func start() {
Stop the TCP stack.
After calling this, this stack should never be referenced. Use `TCPStack.stack` to get a new reference of the singleton.
open func stop() {
TSIPStack.stack.delegate = nil
proxyServer = nil
// MARK: TSIPStackDelegate Implementation
open func didAcceptTCPSocket(_ sock: TSTCPSocket) {
DDLogDebug("Accepted a new socket from IP stack.")
let tunSocket = TUNTCPSocket(socket: sock)
let proxySocket = DirectProxySocket(socket: tunSocket)