import Foundation
import CocoaLumberjackSwift
/// The rule matches the session based on the geographical location of the corresponding IP address.
open class CountryRule: Rule {
fileprivate let adapterFactory: AdapterFactory
/// The ISO code of the country.
public let countryCode: String
/// The rule should match the session which matches the country or not.
public let match: Bool
open override var description: String {
return "<CountryRule countryCode:\(countryCode) match:\(match)>"
Create a new `CountryRule` instance.
- parameter countryCode: The ISO code of the country.
- parameter match: The rule should match the session which matches the country or not.
- parameter adapterFactory: The factory which builds a corresponding adapter when needed.
public init(countryCode: String, match: Bool, adapterFactory: AdapterFactory) {
self.countryCode = countryCode
self.match = match
self.adapterFactory = adapterFactory
Match DNS request to this rule.
- parameter session: The DNS session to match.
- parameter type: What kind of information is available.
- returns: The result of match.
override open func matchDNS(_ session: DNSSession, type: DNSSessionMatchType) -> DNSSessionMatchResult {
guard type == .ip else {
return .unknown
if (session.countryCode != countryCode) != match {
if let _ = adapterFactory as? DirectAdapterFactory {
return .real
} else {
return .fake
return .pass
Match connect session to this rule.
- parameter session: connect session to match.
- returns: The configured adapter if matched, return `nil` if not matched.
override open func match(_ session: ConnectSession) -> AdapterFactory? {
if ( != countryCode) != match {
return adapterFactory
return nil