import Foundation
The current connection status of the socket.
- Invalid: The socket is just created but never connects.
- Connecting: The socket is connecting.
- Established: The connection is established.
- Disconnecting: The socket is disconnecting.
- Closed: The socket is closed.
public enum SocketStatus {
/// The socket is just created but never connects.
case invalid,
/// The socket is connecting.
/// The connection is established.
/// The socket is disconnecting.
/// The socket is closed.
/// Protocol for socket with various functions.
/// Any concrete implementation does not need to be thread-safe.
public protocol SocketProtocol: class {
/// The underlying TCP socket transmitting data.
var socket: RawTCPSocketProtocol! { get }
/// The delegate instance.
var delegate: SocketDelegate? { get set }
/// The current connection status of the socket.
var status: SocketStatus { get }
// /// The description of the currect status.
// var statusDescription: String { get }
/// If the socket is disconnected.
var isDisconnected: Bool { get }
/// The type of the socket.
var typeName: String { get }
var readStatusDescription: String { get }
var writeStatusDescription: String { get }
Read data from the socket.
- warning: This should only be called after the last read is finished, i.e., `delegate?.didReadData()` is called.
func readData()
Send data to remote.
- parameter data: Data to send.
- warning: This should only be called after the last write is finished, i.e., `delegate?.didWriteData()` is called.
func write(data: Data)
Disconnect the socket elegantly.
func disconnect(becauseOf error: Error?)
Disconnect the socket immediately.
func forceDisconnect(becauseOf error: Error?)
extension SocketProtocol {
/// If the socket is disconnected.
public var isDisconnected: Bool {
return status == .closed || status == .invalid
public var typeName: String {
return String(describing: type(of: self))
public var readStatusDescription: String {
return "\(status)"
public var writeStatusDescription: String {
return "\(status)"
/// The delegate protocol to handle the events from a socket.
public protocol SocketDelegate : class {
The socket did connect to remote.
- parameter adapterSocket: The connected socket.
func didConnectWith(adapterSocket: AdapterSocket)
The socket did disconnect.
This should only be called once in the entire lifetime of a socket. After this is called, the delegate will not receive any other events from that socket and the socket should be released.
- parameter socket: The socket which did disconnect.
func didDisconnectWith(socket: SocketProtocol)
The socket did read some data.
- parameter data: The data read from the socket.
- parameter from: The socket where the data is read from.
func didRead(data: Data, from: SocketProtocol)
The socket did send some data.
- parameter data: The data which have been sent to remote (acknowledged). Note this may not be available since the data may be released to save memory.
- parameter by: The socket where the data is sent out.
func didWrite(data: Data?, by: SocketProtocol)
The socket is ready to forward data back and forth.
- parameter socket: The socket which becomes ready to forward data.
func didBecomeReadyToForwardWith(socket: SocketProtocol)
Did receive a `ConnectSession` from local now it is time to connect to remote.
- parameter session: The received `ConnectSession`.
- parameter from: The socket where the `ConnectSession` is received.
func didReceive(session: ConnectSession, from: ProxySocket)
The adapter socket decided to replace itself with a new `AdapterSocket` to connect to remote.
- parameter newAdapter: The new `AdapterSocket` to replace the old one.
func updateAdapterWith(newAdapter: AdapterSocket)