// BinaryDataScanner.swift
// Murphy
// Created by Dave Peck on 7/20/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Dave Peck. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
Toying with tools to help read binary formats.
I've seen lots of approaches in swift that create
an intermediate object per-read (usually another NSData)
but even if these are lightweight under the hood,
it seems like overkill. Plus this taught me about <()> aka <Void>
And it would be nice to have an extension to
NSFileHandle too that does much the same.
public protocol BinaryReadable {
var littleEndian: Self { get }
var bigEndian: Self { get }
extension UInt8: BinaryReadable {
public var littleEndian: UInt8 { return self }
public var bigEndian: UInt8 { return self }
extension UInt16: BinaryReadable {}
extension UInt32: BinaryReadable {}
extension UInt64: BinaryReadable {}
open class BinaryDataScanner {
let data: Data
let littleEndian: Bool
// let encoding: NSStringEncoding
var remaining: Int {
return data.count - position
var position: Int = 0
public init(data: Data, littleEndian: Bool) { = data
self.littleEndian = littleEndian
open func read<T: BinaryReadable>() -> T? {
if remaining < MemoryLayout<T>.size {
return nil
let v = data.withUnsafeBytes {
$0.baseAddress!.advanced(by: position).assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self).pointee
position += MemoryLayout<T>.size
return littleEndian ? v.littleEndian : v.bigEndian
// swiftlint:disable variable_name
open func skip(to n: Int) {
position = n
open func advance(by n: Int) {
position += n
/* convenience read funcs */
open func readByte() -> UInt8? {
return read()
open func read16() -> UInt16? {
return read()
open func read32() -> UInt32? {
return read()
open func read64() -> UInt64? {
return read()