import Foundation
open class Checksum {
public static func computeChecksum(_ data: Data, from start: Int = 0, to end: Int? = nil, withPseudoHeaderChecksum initChecksum: UInt32 = 0) -> UInt16 {
return toChecksum(computeChecksumUnfold(data, from: start, to: end, withPseudoHeaderChecksum: initChecksum))
public static func validateChecksum(_ payload: Data, from start: Int = 0, to end: Int? = nil) -> Bool {
let cs = computeChecksumUnfold(payload, from: start, to: end)
return toChecksum(cs) == 0
public static func computeChecksumUnfold(_ data: Data, from start: Int = 0, to end: Int? = nil, withPseudoHeaderChecksum initChecksum: UInt32 = 0) -> UInt32 {
let scanner = BinaryDataScanner(data: data, littleEndian: true)
scanner.skip(to: start)
var result: UInt32 = initChecksum
var end = end
if end == nil {
end = data.count
while scanner.position + 2 <= end! {
let value = scanner.read16()!
result += UInt32(value)
if scanner.position != end {
// data is of odd size
// Intel and ARM are both litten endian
// so just add it
let value = scanner.readByte()!
result += UInt32(value)
return result
public static func toChecksum(_ checksum: UInt32) -> UInt16 {
var result = checksum
while (result) >> 16 != 0 {
result = result >> 16 + result & 0xFFFF
return ~UInt16(result)