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/* noMixedHtml.ts

        11:15 AM 2023/12/25, Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C) 2023 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

 * @fileoverview Checks for missing encoding when concatenating HTML strings
 * @author Mikko Rantanen
import { TSESTree } from '@typescript-eslint/utils';
import {tree} from '../tree';
import {re} from '../re';
import {RulesJs, PassThroughRule, FunctionRule} from '../RulesJs';
import {type Rule} from 'eslint';

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const noMixedHtml = function (context: Rule.RuleContext) {

    // Default options.
    let htmlVariableRules = ['html/i'] as (RegExp| string | {object: string, property: string | RegExp})[];
    let htmlFunctionRules = ['AsHtml'] as (RegExp| string)[];
    let sanitizedVariableRules = [] as (RegExp| string | {object: string, property: string | RegExp})[];
    let functionRules = {
        '.join': { passthrough: { obj: true, args: true } },
        '.toString': { passthrough: { obj: true } },
        '.substr': { passthrough: { obj: true } },
        '.substring': { passthrough: { obj: true } },
    } as Record<string, FunctionRule>;

    // Read the user specified options.
    if (context.options.length > 0) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
        const opts = context.options[0] as {
            htmlVariableRules?: (RegExp | string)[], htmlFunctionRules?: (RegExp| string)[],
            sanitizedVariableRules?: (RegExp | string)[], functions?: Record<string, FunctionRule>};

        htmlVariableRules = opts.htmlVariableRules || htmlVariableRules;
        htmlFunctionRules = opts.htmlFunctionRules || htmlFunctionRules;
        sanitizedVariableRules = opts.sanitizedVariableRules || sanitizedVariableRules;
        functionRules = opts.functions || functionRules;

    // Turn the name rules from string/string array to regexp.
    // htmlVariableRules =;
    htmlVariableRules =, _, __) => {
        if (typeof rule === 'string') {
            return re.toRegexp(rule);
        } else if (!(rule instanceof RegExp) && {
            return {
                object: rule.object,  // Assuming object is always a string
                property: re.toRegexp( as never)
        return rule;
    }) as never;
    htmlFunctionRules = as never);
    sanitizedVariableRules =, _, __) => {
        if (typeof rule === 'string') {
            return re.toRegexp(rule);
        } else if (!(rule instanceof RegExp) && {
            return {
                object: rule.object,  // Assuming object is always a string
                property: re.toRegexp( as never)
        return rule;
    }) as never;

    const allRules = new RulesJs({
        functionRules: functionRules as never

    // Expression stack for tracking the topmost expression that is marked
    // XSS-candidate when we find '<html>' strings.
    const exprStack = [] as {node: TSESTree.Node, xss?: boolean, sanitized?: boolean | undefined}[];

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Helpers
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Checks whether the node represents a passthrough function.
     * @param {Node} node - Node to check.
     * @returns {bool} - True, if the node is an array join.
    const getPassthrough = function (node: TSESTree.Node): PassThroughRule | false {

        if (node.type !== 'CallExpression')
            return false;

        const rules = allRules.getFunctionRules(node);
        return rules.passthrough as PassThroughRule;

     * Gets all descendants that we know to affect the possible output string.
     * @param {Node} node - Node for which to get the descendants. Inclusive.
     * @param {Node} _children - Collection of descendants. Leave null.
     * @param {Node} _hasRecursed -
     *      Defines whether the function has recursed into inner structures.
     *      Leave false.
     * @returns {Node[]} - Flat list of descendant nodes.
    const getDescendants = function (node: TSESTree.Node, _children?: undefined | TSESTree.Node[], _hasRecursed?: boolean): TSESTree.Node[] {

        // The children array may be passed during recursion.
        if (_children === undefined)
            _children = [];

        // Handle the special case of .join() function.
        const passthrough = getPassthrough(node);
        if (passthrough) {
            const cn = node as TSESTree.CallExpression;
            // Get the descedants from the array and the function argument.
            if (passthrough.obj) {
                getDescendants((cn.callee as TSESTree.MemberExpression).object, _children, _hasRecursed);

            if (passthrough.args) {
                cn.arguments.forEach(function (a) {
                    getDescendants(a, _children, _hasRecursed);

            return _children;

        // Check the expression type.
        if (node.type === 'CallExpression' ||
            node.type === 'NewExpression' ||
            node.type === 'ThisExpression' ||
            node.type === 'ObjectExpression' ||
            node.type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
            node.type === 'UnaryExpression' ||
            node.type === 'UpdateExpression' ||
            node.type === 'MemberExpression' ||
            node.type === 'SequenceExpression' ||
            node.type === 'Literal' ||
            node.type === 'Identifier' ||
            (_hasRecursed && node.type === 'ArrayExpression')
        ) {

            // Basic expressions that won't be reflected further.

        } else if (node.type === 'ArrayExpression') {

            // For array nodes, get the descendant nodes.
            node.elements.forEach(function (e) {
                getDescendants(e as never, _children, true);

        } else if (node.type === 'BinaryExpression') {

            // Binary expressions concatenate strings.
            // Recurse to both left and right side.
            getDescendants(node.left, _children, true);
            getDescendants(node.right, _children, true);

        } else if (node.type === 'LogicalExpression') {

            // Binary expressions concatenate strings.
            // Recurse to both left and right side.
            getDescendants(node.left, _children, true);
            getDescendants(node.right, _children, true);

        } else if (node.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {

            // There might be assignment expressions in the middle of the node.
            // Use the assignment identifier as the descendant.
            // The assignment itself will be checked with its own descendants
            // check.
            getDescendants(node.left, _children, _hasRecursed);

        } else if (node.type === 'ConditionalExpression') {

            getDescendants(node.alternate, _children, _hasRecursed);
            getDescendants(node.consequent, _children, _hasRecursed);
        } else if (node.type === 'TSNonNullExpression') {

        return _children;

     * Checks whether the node is safe for XSS attacks.
     * @param {Node} node - Node to check.
     * @returns {bool} - True, if the node is XSS safe.
    const isXssSafe = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        // See if the item is commented to be safe.
        if (isCommentedSafe(node))
            return true;

        // Literal nodes and function expressions are okay.
        if (node.type === 'Literal' ||
            node.type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
            (node.type === 'UpdateExpression' && (node.operator === '++' || node.operator === '--'))) {
            return true;

        // Identifiers and member expressions are okay if they resolve to an
        // HTML name.
        if (node.type === 'Identifier' ||
            node.type === 'MemberExpression') {

            if (isSanitizedVariable(node)) return true;

            if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
                if ( === 'undefined' || === 'null') return true;

                // if the variable is initialized with a literal but not with Html, it is safe
                const parent: TSESTree.VariableDeclarator | undefined = (context.getScope().variables.find(v => ===[0] as {
                    parent?: TSESTree.VariableDeclarator
                if (parent && parent.init && (
                    (parent.init.type === 'Literal'&& !isHTMLLiteral(parent.init)) ||
                    (parent.init.type === 'ConditionalExpression' &&
                        parent.init.consequent.type === 'Literal' &&
                        parent.init.alternate.type === 'Literal'))) {
                    return true;
                const nodeParent = node.parent as TSESTree.VariableDeclarator;
                if (nodeParent.type === 'VariableDeclarator' &&
                    nodeParent.init && (
                    nodeParent.init.type == 'UnaryExpression' || (
                        nodeParent.init.type == 'LogicalExpression'
                        && nodeParent.init.left.type == 'UnaryExpression')
                )) {
                    return true;

                // ignore check condition expression
                if (node.parent!.type === 'BinaryExpression' && (node.parent as TSESTree.BinaryExpression).operator.includes('=')) {
                    return true;

            // isHtmlVariable handles both Identifiers and member expressions.
            return isHtmlVariable(node);

        if (node.type === 'ThisExpression') {
            if (isSanitizedVariable(node)) return true;

            return isHtmlVariable(node.parent as never);

        // Encode calls are okay.
        if (node.type === 'CallExpression') {

            return isHtmlOutputFunction(node.callee);

        // Assume unsafe.
        return false;

     * Check for whether the function identifier refers to an encoding function.
     * @param {Identifier} func - Function identifier to check.
     * @returns {bool} True, if the function is an encoding function.
    const isHtmlOutputFunction = function (func: TSESTree.Node) {

        return allRules.getFunctionRules(func).htmlOutput ||
            re.any(tree.getFullItemName(func), htmlFunctionRules as never);

     * Checks whether the function uses raw HTML input.
     * @param {Identifier} func - Function identifier to check.
     * @returns {bool} True, if the function is unsafe.
    const functionAcceptsHtml = function (func: TSESTree.Node): boolean {
        return !!allRules.getFunctionRules(func).htmlInput;

     * Checks whether the node-tree contains XSS-safe data.
     * Reports error to ESLint.
     * @param {Node} node - Root node to check.
     * @param {Node} target
     *      Target node the root is used for. Affects some XSS checks.
    const checkForXss = function (node: TSESTree.Node, target: TSESTree.Node) {

        // Skip functions.
        // This stops the following from giving errors:
        // > htmlEncoder = function() {}
        if (node.type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
            node.type === 'ObjectExpression')

        // Get the rules.
        const targetRules = allRules.get(target);

        // Get the descendants.
        const nodes = getDescendants(node);

        // Check each descendant.
        nodes.forEach(function (childNode: TSESTree.Node) {

            // Return if the parameter is marked as safe in the current context.
            if ( === true) {
            } else if (Array.isArray( &&
       !== -1) {

            // Node is okay, if it is safe.
            if (isXssSafe(childNode))

            // Node wasn't deemed okay. Report error.
            let msg = 'Unencoded input \'{{ identifier }}\' used in HTML context';
            if (childNode.type === 'CallExpression') {
                msg = 'Unencoded return value from function \'{{ identifier }}\' ' +
                    'used in HTML context';
                childNode = childNode.callee;

            let identifier = null;
            if (childNode.type === 'ObjectExpression')
                identifier = '[Object]';
            else if (childNode.type === 'ArrayExpression')
                identifier = '[Array]';
                identifier = context.sourceCode.getText(childNode as never);

                node: childNode as never,
                message: msg,
                data: { identifier: identifier }

     * Checks whether the node uses HTML.
     * @param {Node} node - Node to check.
     * @returns {bool} True, if the node uses HTML.
    const usesHtml = function (node: TSESTree.Node): boolean {

        // Check the node type.
        if (node.type === 'CallExpression') {

            // Check the valid call expression callees.
            return functionAcceptsHtml(node.callee);

        } else if (node.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {

            // Assignment operator.
            // x = y
            // HTML-name on the left indicates html expression.
            return isHtmlVariable(node.left);

        } else if (node.type === 'VariableDeclarator') {

            // Variable declaration.
            // var x = y
            // HTML-name as the variable name indicates html expression.
            return isHtmlVariable(;

        } else if (node.type === 'Property') {

            // Property declaration.
            // x: y
            // HTML-name as the key indicates html property.
            return isHtmlVariable(node.key);

        } else if (node.type === 'ArrayExpression') {

            // Array expression.
            // [ a, b, c ]
            return usesHtml(node.parent as never);

        } else if (node.type === 'ReturnStatement') {

            // Return statement.
            const func = tree.getParentFunctionIdentifier(node);
            if (!func) return false;

            return isHtmlFunction(func);

        } else if (node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {

            // Return statement.
            const func = tree.getParentFunctionIdentifier(node);
            if (!func) return false;

            return isHtmlFunction(func);

        return false;

     * Checks whether the node meets the criteria of storing HTML content.
     * Reports error to ESLint.
     * @param {Node} node - The node to check.
    const checkHtmlVariable = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        const msg = 'Non-HTML variable \'{{ identifier }}\' is used to store raw HTML';
        if (!isXssSafe(node)) {
                node: node as never,
                message: msg,
                data: {
                    identifier: context.sourceCode.getText(node as never)

     * Checks whether the node meets the criteria of storing HTML content.
     * Reports error to ESLint.
     * @param {Node} node - The node to check.
     * @param {Node} fault
     *      The node that causes the fail and should be reported as error location.
    const checkHtmlFunction = function (node: TSESTree.Node, fault: TSESTree.Node) {

        const msg = 'Non-HTML function \'{{ identifier }}\' returns HTML content';
        if (!isXssSafe(node)) {
                node: fault as never,
                message: msg,
                data: {
                    identifier: context.sourceCode.getText(node as never)

     * Checks whether the node meets the criteria of storing HTML content.
     * Reports error to ESLint.
     * @param {Node} node - The node to check.
    const checkFunctionAcceptsHtml = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        if (!functionAcceptsHtml(node)) {
                node: node as never,
                message: 'HTML passed in to function \'{{ identifier }}\'',
                data: {
                    identifier: context.sourceCode.getText(node as never)

     * Checks whether the node name matches the variable naming rule.
     * @param {Node} node - Node to check
     * @returns {bool} True, if the node matches HTML variable naming.
    const isHtmlVariable = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        const identifierNode = tree.getIdentifier(node);
        if (!identifierNode) return false;
        if (identifierNode.type === 'Identifier' && identifierNode.parent!.type === 'MemberExpression') {

            const parent = identifierNode.parent as TSESTree.MemberExpression;

            // ignore namespace type, for example or zul.wgt.HTML
            const source = context.sourceCode.getText(parent as never);
            if (source.startsWith('zhtml.') || source.startsWith('zul.') || source.startsWith('zk.')) {
                return false;
            if (htmlVariableRules.some(function (rule) {
                if (typeof rule === 'object' && !(rule instanceof RegExp) && rule.object && {
                    const objectMatch = (parent.object as TSESTree.Identifier).name === rule.object ||
                            rule.object == 'this' && parent.object.type === 'ThisExpression';

                    const propertyMatch = ( as RegExp).test((parent.object as TSESTree.Identifier).name);
                    return objectMatch && propertyMatch;
                return false;
            })) {
                return true;

        return htmlVariableRules.some(rule => {
            if (rule instanceof RegExp) {
                return rule.test(;
            return false;

    const isSanitizedVariable = function (node: TSESTree.Node | undefined): boolean {

        node = tree.getIdentifier(node!) as unknown as TSESTree.Identifier | undefined;
        if (!node) return false;
        if (node.type === 'Identifier' && node.parent!.type === 'MemberExpression') {

            const parent = node.parent;
            if (sanitizedVariableRules.some(rule => {
                if (typeof rule === 'object' && !(rule instanceof  RegExp) && rule.object && {
                    const objectMatch = ((parent as TSESTree.MemberExpression).object as TSESTree.Identifier).name === rule.object ||
                        rule.object == 'this' && (parent as TSESTree.MemberExpression).object.type === 'ThisExpression';

                    const propertyMatch = ( as RegExp).test(((parent as TSESTree.MemberExpression).property as TSESTree.Identifier).name);
                    return objectMatch && propertyMatch;
                return false;
            })) {
                return true;

        return sanitizedVariableRules.some(rule => {
            if (rule instanceof RegExp) {
                return rule.test((node as TSESTree.Identifier).name);
            return false;
     * Checks whether the node name matches the function naming rule.
     * @param {Node} node - Node to check
     * @returns {bool} True, if the node matches HTML function naming.
    const isHtmlFunction = function (node: TSESTree.Node | undefined): boolean {

        // Ensure we can get the identifier.
        node = tree.getIdentifier(node!) as TSESTree.Identifier | undefined;
        if (!node) return false;

        // Make the check against the function naming rule.
        return re.any(, htmlFunctionRules as never);

     * Checks whether the current node may infect the stack with XSS.
     * @param {Node} node - Current node.
     * @returns {bool} True, if the node can infect the stack.
    const canInfectXss = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        // If we got nothing in the stack, there's nothing to infect.
        if (exprStack.length === 0)
            return false;

        // Ensure the node to check is used as part of a 'parameter chain' from
        // the top stack node.
        // This 'parameter chain' is the group of nodes that directly affect the
        // node result. It ignores things like function expression argument
        // lists and bodies, etc.
        // We don't want to trigger xss checks in case the identifier
        // is the parent object of a function call expression for
        // example:
        // > html.encode( text )
        const top = exprStack[exprStack.length - 1]!.node;
        let parent = node;
        do {
            const child = parent;
            parent = parent.parent!;

            if (!tree.isParameter(child, parent)) {
                return false;

        } while (parent !== top);

        // Assume true.
        return true;

     * Pushes node to the expression stack.
     * @param {Node} node - Node to push.
    const pushNode = function (node: TSESTree.Node): void {

        exprStack.push({ node: node });

    const isHTMLLiteral = function (node: TSESTree.Literal): boolean {
        return !isCommentedSafe(node) && !!/<\/?[a-z]/.exec(node.value as string);

     * Pops a node from the expression stack and checks it for XSS issues.
    const exitNode = function () {

        // Quick checks for whether the node is even vulnerable to XSS.
        const expr = exprStack.pop()!;
        if (!expr.xss && !usesHtml(expr.node))

        // Now we should know there is HTML involved somewhere.

        // Check whether the node has been commented safe.
        if (isCommentedSafe(expr.node))

        // Check the node based on its type.
        if (expr.node.type === 'CallExpression') {
            if (allRules.get(expr.node).sanitized)

            const nodes = => getDescendants((x))).flat();
            const hasUnSafeHTML = nodes.some((x) => x.type === 'Literal' && isHTMLLiteral(x));

            // more check if arguments are not literal or sanitized
            if (expr.sanitized)  {
                if (!hasUnSafeHTML || !nodes.some((x) => x.type !== 'Literal' && !allRules.get(x).sanitized)) {

            // Call expression.
            // Ensure the function accepts HTML and none of the arguments have
            // XSS issues.
            if (hasUnSafeHTML || !nodes.some(x => x.type === 'Literal') /*if all variables, we should check*/) {
            expr.node.arguments.forEach(function (a) {
                checkForXss(a, expr.node);

        } else if (expr.node.type === 'AssignmentExpression') {

            if (allRules.get(expr.node.right).sanitized) return;

            // more check if right side is not literal or sanitized
            if (expr.sanitized)  {
                const nodes = getDescendants(expr.node.right);
                const hasUnSafeHTML = nodes.some((x) => x.type === 'Literal' && isHTMLLiteral(x));
                if (!hasUnSafeHTML || !nodes.some((x) => x.type !== 'Literal' && !allRules.get(x).sanitized)) {
            // Assignment.
            // Ensure the target variable is HTML compatible and the assigned
            // value doesn't have XSS issues.
            checkForXss(expr.node.right, expr.node);

        } else if (expr.node.type === 'VariableDeclarator') {
            if ((expr.node.init && allRules.get(expr.node.init).sanitized) || expr.sanitized) return;

            // New variable initialization.
            // Ensure the target variable is HTML compatible and the assigned
            // value doesn't have XSS issues.
            // ignore class type
            if (!expr.node.init || expr.node.init.type !== 'ClassExpression') {
            if (expr.node.init && (expr.node.init.type !== 'CallExpression' || expr.node.init.callee.type !== 'FunctionExpression')) {
                checkForXss(expr.node.init, expr.node);

        } else if (expr.node.type === 'Property') {
            if (expr.sanitized) return; // false alarm

            // Property declaration inside an object declaration.
            // Ensure the target property is HTML compatible and the assigned
            // value doesn't have XSS issues.
            checkForXss(expr.node.value, expr.node);

        } else if (expr.node.type === 'ReturnStatement') {

            // Return statement.
            // Make sure the function we are returning from is compatible
            // with a HTML return value and there are no XSS issues in the
            // value returned.

            // Get the closest function scope.
            const func = tree.getParentFunctionIdentifier(expr.node);
            if (!func) return;

            if (expr.sanitized) return; // false alarm

            checkHtmlFunction(func, expr.node);
            checkForXss(expr.node.argument!, expr.node);

        } else if (expr.node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {

            // Arrow function expression.
            // Make sure the function we are returning from is compatible
            // with a HTML return value and there are no XSS issues in the
            // value returned.

            // Get the closest function scope.
            const func = tree.getParentFunctionIdentifier(expr.node);
            if (!func) return;

            checkHtmlFunction(func, func);
            checkForXss(expr.node.body, expr.node);

    const markParentXSS = function () {

        // Ensure the current node is XSS candidate.
        const expr = exprStack.pop()!;
        if (!expr.xss && !usesHtml(expr.node))

        // Mark the parent element as XSS candidate.
        const candidate = getXssCandidateParent(expr.node);
        if (candidate) {
            candidate.xss = true;
            candidate.sanitized = expr.sanitized;

     * Checks whether the given node is commented to be safe from HTML.
     * @param {Node} node - The node to check for the comments.
     * @returns {bool} True, if the node is commented safe.
    const isCommentedSafe = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        while (node && (
            node.type === 'ArrayExpression' ||
            node.type === 'Identifier' ||
            node.type === 'Literal' ||
            node.type === 'CallExpression' ||
            node.type === 'BinaryExpression' ||
            node.type === 'MemberExpression')) {

            if (nodeHasSafeComment(node))
                return true;

            node = getCommentParent(node)!;

        return false;

     * Gets a parent node that might have a comment that is seemingly
     * attached to the current node.
     * This might differ from normal parent node in cases where the
     * physical location of the node isn't at the start of the parent:
     * /comment/ a + b
     * Here the comment is attached to the binary expression node 'a+b' instead
     * of the a 'a' identifier node.
     * However 'a' should still be considered commented - but 'b' isn't.
     * However this function also handles situation such as
     * /comment/ ( a + b )
     * Where the comment should count for both a and b.
     * @param {Node} node - The node to get the parent for.
     * @returns {Node} The practical parent node.
    const getCommentParent = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        let parent = node.parent;
        if (!parent) return parent;

        // Call expressions don't cause comment inheritance:
        // /comment/ foo( unsafe() )
        // Shouldn't equal:
        // foo( /comment/ unsafe() )
        if (parent.type === 'CallExpression')
            return null;

        // Binary expressions are a bit confusing when it comes to comment
        // parenting. /comment/ x + y belongs to the binary expression instead
        // of 'x'.
        if (parent.type === 'BinaryExpression') {

            // If the node is left side of binary expression, return parent no
            // matter what.
            if (node === parent.left)
                return parent;

            // Get the closest parenthesized binary expression.
            while (parent &&
            parent.type === 'BinaryExpression' &&
            !hasParentheses(parent)) {

                parent = parent.parent;

            if (parent && parent.type === 'BinaryExpression')
                return parent;

            return null;

        return parent;

     * Checks whether the node is surrounded by parentheses.
     * @param {Node} node - Node to check for parentheses.
     * @returns {bool} True, if the node is surrounded with parentheses.
    const hasParentheses = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {
        const prevToken = context.sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node as never)!;

        return (prevToken.type === 'Punctuator' && prevToken.value === '(');

     * Checks whether the given node is commented to be safe from HTML.
     * @param {Node} node - Node to check.
     * @returns {bool} True, if this specific node has a /safe/ comment.
    const nodeHasSafeComment = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        // Check all the comments in front of the node for comment 'safe'
        let isSafe = false;
        const sourceCode = context.sourceCode;
        const comments = sourceCode.getCommentsBefore(node as never);
        if (node.type !== 'Identifier') {
            const insideComments = sourceCode.getCommentsInside(node.parent as never);
            if (insideComments.length > 0) {
                const left = (node.parent as TSESTree.AssignmentExpression).left;
                const right = (node.parent as TSESTree.AssignmentExpression).right;
                if (left && right) {
                    insideComments.forEach((comment, _, __) => {
                        if ((comment as TSESTree.Comment).range[0] >= left.range[1] && (comment as TSESTree.Comment).range[1] <= right.range[0]) {
        comments.forEach(function (comment) {
            if (/^\s*safe\s*$/i.exec(comment.value))
                isSafe = true;

        return isSafe;

     * Gets the closest parent node that matches the given type. May return the
     * node itself.
     * @param {Node} node - The node to start the search from.
     * @param {string} parentType - The node type to search.
     * @returns {Node} The closest node of the correct type.
    const getPathFromParent = function (node: TSESTree.Node, parentType: string): TSESTree.Node[] | null {

        const path = [node];
        while (node && node.type !== parentType) {
            node = node.parent!;

        if (!node)
            return null;

        return path;

    const getXssCandidateParent = function (node: TSESTree.Node) {

        // Find the infectable node.
        // This takes care of call expressions that might use
        // passthrough functions. Here we need to check whether the
        // current node is in a passthrough position.
        for (let ptr = exprStack.length - 1; ptr >= 0; ptr--) {

            // Only CallExpressions may pass through the parameters.
            const candidate = exprStack[ptr]!;
            if (candidate.node.type !== 'CallExpression')
                return candidate;

            // Quick check for whether this is an passthrough at all.
            const functionRules = allRules.get(candidate.node);
            if (!functionRules.passthrough)
                return candidate;

            // The function is at least a partial passthrough.
            // Quickly check whether it passes everything through.
            if (functionRules.passthrough.obj && functionRules.passthrough.args)

            // Only obj OR args is passed through. Figure out which one the
            // current node is.
            const path = getPathFromParent(node, 'CallExpression')!;
            const callExpr = path[0] as {callee?: TSESTree.Node};
            const callImmediateChild = path[1];

            const isCallee = callImmediateChild === callExpr.callee;
            const isParam = !isCallee;

            // Continue to next stack part if the function passes the obj through
            // and the current node is the obj.
            if (isCallee && functionRules.passthrough.obj)

            // Continue to next stack part if the function passes the args through
            // and the current node is an argument.
            if (isParam && functionRules.passthrough.args)

            return candidate;

        return null;

    const infectParentConditional = function (condition: CallableFunction, node: TSESTree.Node) {

        if (exprStack.length > 0 &&
            !isCommentedSafe(node) &&
            canInfectXss(node) &&
            condition(node)) {
            // ignore pure literal HTML
            if (node.type === 'Literal' && node.parent!.type === 'CallExpression' &&
                (node.parent! as TSESTree.CallExpression).arguments.length === 1) {
                let hasUnsafeHTML = isHTMLLiteral(node);
                if (hasUnsafeHTML) {
                    hasUnsafeHTML = false;
                    let parent = node.parent as TSESTree.Node;
                    while (parent != null) {
                        if (parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' || parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator') {
                            hasUnsafeHTML = true;
                        parent = parent.parent!;
                if (!hasUnsafeHTML) {
                    return;// ignore pure literal HTML with any assignment

            // ignore TSTypeReference and boolean type
            if (node.type === 'Identifier' && (
                node.parent!.type === 'TSTypeReference' || node.parent!.type === 'UnaryExpression'
            )) return;

            const infectable = getXssCandidateParent(node);
            if (infectable) {
                infectable.xss = true;
                if (node.type === 'CallExpression') {
                    infectable.sanitized = allRules.get(node).sanitized;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Public
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    return {

        'AssignmentExpression': pushNode,
        'AssignmentExpression:exit': exitNode,
        'VariableDeclarator': pushNode,
        'VariableDeclarator:exit': exitNode,
        'Property': pushNode,
        'Property:exit': exitNode,
        'ReturnStatement': pushNode,
        'ReturnStatement:exit': exitNode,
        'ArrowFunctionExpression': pushNode,
        'ArrowFunctionExpression:exit': exitNode,
        'ArrayExpression': pushNode,
        'ArrayExpression:exit': markParentXSS,

        // Call expressions have a dual nature. They can either infect their
        // parents with XSS vulnerabilities or then they can suffer from them.
        'CallExpression': function (node: TSESTree.CallExpression) {

            // First check whether this expression marks the parent as dirty.
            infectParentConditional(function (node: TSESTree.CallExpression) {
                return isHtmlOutputFunction(node.callee);
            }, node);
        'CallExpression:exit': exitNode,

        // Literals infect parents if they contain <html> tags or fragments.
        'Literal': infectParentConditional.bind(null, function (node: TSESTree.Literal) {

            // Skip regex and /*safe*/ strings. Remaining strings infect parent
            // if they contain <html or </html tags.
            return !(node as unknown as {regex?: RegExp}).regex && isHTMLLiteral(node);

        // Identifiers infect parents if they refer to HTML in their name.
        'Identifier': infectParentConditional.bind(null, function (node: TSESTree.Identifier) {
            return isHtmlVariable(node);

export const schema = [
        type: 'object',
        properties: {
            htmlVariableRules: { type: 'array' },
            htmlFunctionRules: { type: 'array' },
            sanitizedVariableRules: { type: 'array' },
            functions: { type: 'object' },
        additionalProperties: false