

4 hrs
Test Coverage
/* SAXBuilder.java

    2001/10/25 13:21:14, Create, Tom M. Yeh.

Copyright (C) 2001 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.idom.input;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.net.URL;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.zkoss.idom.Document;
import org.zkoss.lang.Exceptions;

 * The builder based on SAX parsers.
 * <p>A new instance of {@link SAXHandler} is created and configured
 * each time one of the build methods is called.
 * @author tomyeh
 * @see SAXHandler
public class SAXBuilder {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SAXBuilder.class);

    /** The parser. */
    private final SAXParser _parser;
    /** The iDOM factory. */
    private IDOMFactory _factory;
    /** Whether to ignore ignorable whitespace */
    private boolean _ignoreWhitespaces = false;
    /** Whether expansion of entities should occur */
    private boolean _expandEntities = true;
    /** Whether to convert CData to Text and coalesce them. */
    private boolean _coalescing = false;
    /** Whether to ignore comments. */
    private boolean _ignoreComments = false;
    /** The error handler. */
    private ErrorHandler _errHandler = null;
    /** The entity resolver. */
    private EntityResolver _resolver = null;

     * Constructor which reuses a parser.
    public SAXBuilder(SAXParser parser) {
        if (parser == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("parser");
        _parser = parser;
     * Constructor that creates the parser on-the-fly.
     * @param nsaware whether the parser is namespace aware
     * @param validate whether the parser shall validate the document
     * @exception ParserConfigurationException if a parser cannot be created
     * which satisfies the requested configuration.
     * @see #SAXBuilder(boolean, boolean, boolean)
    public SAXBuilder(boolean nsaware, boolean validate)
    throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
        SAXParserFactory fty = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

        // Fix XML external entity injection
        fty.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true);
        fty.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities", false);

        // Fix Resolving XML external entity in user-controlled data
        fty.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl", true);

        // SAX2 namespace-prefixes should be true for either builder
        setSafeFeature(fty, "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes", true);

        // Set SAX2 namespaces feature appropriately
        setSafeFeature(fty, "http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces", nsaware);

        setSafeFeature(fty, "http://xml.org/sax/features/validation", validate);
        setSafeFeature(fty, "http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/schema", validate);

        _parser = fty.newSAXParser();
    private static
    void setSafeFeature(SAXParserFactory fty, String feature, boolean value) {
        try {
            fty.setFeature(feature, value);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            //IGNORE IT (crimson doesn't support ...validation/schema)
            if (feature.startsWith("http://xml.org"))
                log.warn("Ignored: "+fty+" doesn't support "+feature+". Cause: "+Exceptions.getMessage(ex));
     * Constructor that creates the parser on-the-fly, that accepts
     * an additional option, smartIgnore.
     * <p>When parsing XML for input purpose only, it is better to use this
     * constructor with smartIgnore true, and then comments will be ignored
     * CDATA will be coalesced with TEXT. A smaller DOM tree is formed.
     * @param nsaware whether the parser is namespace aware
     * @param validate whether the parser shall validate the document
     * @param smartIgnore whether to ignore comments and ignorable-whitespace
     * (if validate is true), and to coalesce
     * @exception ParserConfigurationException if a parser cannot be created
     * which satisfies the requested configuration.
    public SAXBuilder(boolean nsaware, boolean validate, boolean smartIgnore)
    throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
        this(nsaware, validate);
        if (smartIgnore) {
            if (validate)

     * Tests whether to ignore whitespaces in element content.
    public final boolean isIgnoringElementContentWhitespace() {
        return _ignoreWhitespaces;
     * Sets whether the parser should eliminate whitespace in 
     * element content. They are known as "ignorable whitespace". 
     * Only whitespace which is contained within element content that has
     * an element only content model will be eliminated (see XML Rec 2.10).
     * <p>For this setting to take effect requires that validation be turned on.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @param ignore Whether to ignore whitespaces in element content.
    public final void setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(boolean ignore) {
        _ignoreWhitespaces = ignore;

     * Tests whether to expand entity reference nodes.
    public final boolean isExpandEntityReferences() {
        return _expandEntities;
     * Sets whether to expand entities during parsing.
     * A true means to expand entities as normal content.  A false means to
     * leave entities unexpanded as <code>EntityReference</code> objects.
     * <p>Default: true.
     * @param expand whether entity expansion should occur.
    public final void setExpandEntityReferences(boolean expand) {
        _expandEntities = expand;

     * Indicates whether or not the factory is configured to produce parsers
     * which converts CDATA to Text and appends it to the adjacent (if any)
     * Text node.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @return true if the factory is configured to produce parsers which
     * converts CDATA nodes to Text nodes
     * and appends it to the adjacent (if any) Text node; false otherwise.
    public final boolean isCoalescing() {
        return _coalescing;
     * Specifies that the parser produced by this code will convert
     * CDATA to Text and append it to the adjacent (if any) text.
     * <p>Default: false.
    public final void setCoalescing(boolean coalescing) {
        _coalescing = coalescing;

     * Indicates whether or not the factory is configured to produce parsers
     * which ignores comments.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @return true if the factory is configured to produce parsers
     * which ignores comments; false otherwise.
    public final boolean isIgnoringComments() {
        return _ignoreComments;
     * Specifies that the parser produced by this code will ignore comments.
     * <p>Default: false.
    public final void setIgnoringComments(boolean ignoreComments) {
        _ignoreComments = ignoreComments;

     * Specifies the org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler to be used to report errors
     * present in the XML document to be parsed.
     * <p>Default: null -- to use the default implementation and behavior.
    public final void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler eh) {
        _errHandler = eh;
     * Gets the org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler.
     * @return the error handler; null to use the default implementation
    public final ErrorHandler getErrorHandler() {
        return _errHandler;

     * Specifies the org.xml.sax.EntityResolver to be used to resolve
     * entities present in the XML document to be parsed.
     * <p>Default: null -- to use the default implementation and behavior.
    public final void setEntityResolver(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver er) {
        _resolver = er;
     * Gets the org.xml.sax.EntityResolver.
     * @return the entity resolver; null to use the default implementation
    public final EntityResolver getEntityResolver() {
        return _resolver;

     * Tests whether or not this parser is configured to understand namespaces.
    public final boolean isNamespaceAware() {
        return _parser.isNamespaceAware();
     * Tests whether or not this parser is configured to validate XML documents.
    public final boolean isValidating() {
        return _parser.isValidating();

     * Gets the iDOM factory. Null for DefaultIDOMFactory.THE.
    public final IDOMFactory getIDOMFactory() {
        return _factory;
     * Sets the iDOM factory. Null for DefaultIDOMFactory.THE.
    public final void setIDOMFactory(IDOMFactory factory) {
        _factory = factory;

     * Gets the SAX parser.
    public final SAXParser getParser() {
        return _parser;

     * Build an iDOM tree from a file.
    public final Document build(File src)
    throws SAXException, IOException {
        SAXHandler handler = newHandler();
        _parser.parse(src, handler);
        return handler.getDocument();
     * Build an iDOM tree from a input stream.
    public final Document build(InputStream src)
    throws SAXException, IOException {
        SAXHandler handler = newHandler();
        _parser.parse(src, handler);
        return handler.getDocument();
     * Build an iDOM tree from a input source.
    public final Document build(InputSource src)
    throws SAXException, IOException {
        SAXHandler handler = newHandler();
        _parser.parse(src, handler);
        return handler.getDocument();
     * Build an iDOM tree from a URI string.
    public final Document build(String uri)
    throws SAXException, IOException {
        SAXHandler handler = newHandler();
        _parser.parse(uri, handler);
        return handler.getDocument();
     * Build an iDOM tree from a URL.
    public final Document build(URL url)
    throws SAXException, IOException {
        SAXHandler handler = newHandler();
        _parser.parse(url.toExternalForm(), handler);
        return handler.getDocument();
     * Build an iDOM tree from a Reader.
    public final Document build(Reader src)
    throws SAXException, IOException {
        SAXHandler handler = newHandler();
        _parser.parse(new InputSource(src), handler);
        return handler.getDocument();
     * Creates a SAX Handler.
     * Deriving class might override to provide a subclass of SAXHandler.
    protected SAXHandler newHandler() throws SAXException {
        SAXHandler handler = new SAXHandler(_factory);

        //configure handler

        //configure parser

        if (!isExpandEntityReferences()) { //not expanding?
            //then, we need declaration-handler
                "http://xml.org/sax/properties/declaration-handler", null,
        return handler;
    private void setSafeProperty(String name, String auxnm, Object value) {
        Throwable ex;
        try {
            _parser.setProperty(name, value);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            ex = t;
        if (auxnm != null) {
            try {
                _parser.setProperty(auxnm, value);
            } catch (Throwable t) {

        if (name.startsWith("http://xml.org"))
            log.warn("Ignored: "+_parser+" doesn't support "+name+". Cause: "+Exceptions.getMessage(ex));