

4 hrs
Test Coverage
/* IDOMs.java

    2002/01/08 10:37:16, Create, Tom M. Yeh

Copyright (C) 2001 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.idom.util;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.zkoss.idom.Attribute;
import org.zkoss.idom.Document;
import org.zkoss.idom.Element;
import org.zkoss.idom.Group;
import org.zkoss.idom.Item;
import org.zkoss.idom.Text;
import org.zkoss.idom.transform.Transformer;
import org.zkoss.lang.Classes;
import org.zkoss.lang.Objects;
import org.zkoss.mesg.MCommon;
import org.zkoss.util.IllegalSyntaxException;

 * The iDOM relevant utilities.
 * @author tomyeh
 * @see org.zkoss.idom.Item
 * @see org.zkoss.idom.Group
public class IDOMs {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IDOMs.class);

    /** Returns the required element.
     * @param elemnm the element name
    public static final Element getRequiredElement(Element e, String elemnm)
    throws IllegalSyntaxException {
        final Element sub = e.getElement(elemnm);
        if (sub == null)
            throw new IllegalSyntaxException(
                MCommon.XML_ELEMENT_REQUIRED, new Object[] {elemnm, e.getLocator()});
        return sub;
    /** Returns the required element value.
     * <p>Note: the returned value may be an empty string (if the element
     * contains no text at all).
     * @exception IllegalSyntaxException if the element is not found
    public static final String getRequiredElementValue(Element e, String elemnm)
    throws IllegalSyntaxException {
        final Element sub = e.getElement(elemnm);
        if (sub == null)
            throw new IllegalSyntaxException(
                MCommon.XML_ELEMENT_REQUIRED, new Object[] {elemnm, e.getLocator()});
        return sub.getText(true);
    /** Returns the required attribute value.
     * @exception IllegalSyntaxException if the element is not found
    public static final String getRequiredAttributeValue(Element e, String attrnm)
    throws IllegalSyntaxException {
        final Attribute attr = e.getAttributeItem(attrnm);
        if (attr == null)
            throw new IllegalSyntaxException(
                MCommon.XML_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, new Object[] {attrnm, e.getLocator()});
        return attr.getValue();
    /** Returns the first child element, or null if no child element at all.
    public static final Element getFirstElement(Group group) {
        final Iterator it = group.getElements().iterator();
        return it.hasNext() ? (Element)it.next(): null;

    /** Returns the first element whose sub-element called "name" has the
     * same content as the name argument, or null if not found.
     * @param elems a list of elements to look for the specified name
    public static final Element findElement(List elems, String name) {
        for (final Iterator it = elems.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Element e = (Element)it.next();
            if (Objects.equals(name, e.getElementValue("name", true)))
                return e;
        return null;

    /** Parses a tree of parameter elements into a map.
     * <p>The tree of parameter elements is as follows.
     * <pre><code>
     * &lt;type&gt;
     *   &lt;name&gt;any&lt;/name&gt;
     *   &lt;vaue&gt;any&lt;/vaue&gt;
     * &lt;/type&gt;
     * @return the map after parsed (never null). An empty map is returned
     * if no parameter is defined. The map is in the same order of the element tree.
    public static final
    Map<String, String> parseParams(Element elm, String type, String name, String value) {
        final Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        for (Iterator it = elm.getElements(type).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Element el = (Element)it.next();
            final String nm = getRequiredElementValue(el, name);
            final String val = getRequiredElementValue(el, value);
            map.put(nm, val);
        return map;
    /** Formats the specified element for better readability by
     * adding white spaces.
    public static void format(Element e) {
        //add proper spacing between consecutive elements
        boolean elemFound = true;
        for (final ListIterator<Item> it = e.getChildren().listIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Object o = it.next();
            if (o instanceof Element) {
                if (elemFound) { //insert space
                    it.add(new Text("\n\t"));
                } else {
                    elemFound = true;

                format((Element)o); //recursive
            } else {
                elemFound = false;

    /** Converts elements to their contents if the giving object is
     * an element or an array or a collection of elements.
     * One item of an collection might be another collection or array.
    public static final Object toContents(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof Collection) {
            Collection c = (Collection)obj;
            boolean cvted = false;
            Collection rets = new LinkedList();
            for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                Object o = it.next();
                Object o2 = toContents(o); //recursive
                if (o != o2)
                    cvted = true;

            if (cvted)
                return rets;
        } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
            Object[] ary = (Object[])obj;
            boolean cvted = false;
            Object[] rets = new Object[ary.length];
            for (int j = 0; j < ary.length; ++j) {
                Object o2 = toContents(ary[j]); //recursive
                if (ary[j] != o2)
                    cvted = true;
                rets[j] = o2;
            if (cvted)
                return rets;
        } else if (obj instanceof Element) {
            return ((Element)obj).getContent();
        return obj;
    /** Set the contents of elements.
     * The val argument could be an array and a collection, and each
     * item will be assigned to each of the list one-by-one.
     * <p>Unlike {@link #toContents}, it handles only a collection of elements
     * -- all items must be elements.
     * @param elems the collection of elements
     * @param val the value which could be an object, an array or a collection
    public static final void setContents(Collection<Element> elems, Object val) {
        Object[] ary = null;
        if (val instanceof Object[]) {
            ary = (Object[])val;
        } else if (val instanceof Collection) {
            ary = ((Collection)val).toArray();
        } else {
            ary = new Object[] {val};

        Iterator<Element> it = elems.iterator();
        for (int j = 0; it.hasNext(); ++j) {
            it.next().setContent(j < ary.length ? ary[j]: null);

    /** Transforms a document to a string.
     * The string is XML correct.
    public final static String toString(Document doc)
    throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException {
        final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        new Transformer().transform(doc, new StreamResult(writer));
        return writer.toString();
     * Print a readable tree of the specified group to System.out.
     * It is for debug purpose and the generated format is <i>not</i> XML.
     * To generate XML, uses {@link Transformer} or {@link #toString}.
     * @see #toString
    public static final void dumpTree(Group group) {
        dumpTree(System.out, group);
     * Print a readable tree of the specified group to the specified stream.
     * It is for debug purpose and the generated format is <i>not</i> XML.
     * To generate XML, uses {@link Transformer} or {@link #toString}.
     * @see #toString
    public static final void dumpTree(PrintStream s, Group group) {
        dumpTree(new PrintWriter(s, true), group);
     * Print a readable tree of the specified group to the specified writer.
     * It is for debug purpose and the generated format is <i>not</i> XML.
     * To generate XML, uses {@link Transformer} or {@link #toString}.
     * @see #toString
    public static final void dumpTree(PrintWriter s, Group group) {
        dumpTree(s, group, "");
    private static final void
    dumpTree(PrintWriter s, Item vtx, String prefix) {
        if (vtx instanceof Group) {
            prefix = prefix + "  ";
            for (Iterator it = ((Group)vtx).getChildren().iterator();
                dumpTree(s, (Item)it.next(), prefix);

    /** Returns whether the loaded document's version is correct.
     * <p>It assumes the version info is specified in the document in
     * the following format:
     * <pre></code>
     * <p>Note: it returns true if the version info is not found.
     * @param doc the document to check
     * @param url the URL used to show the readable message if the
     * version doesn't match
     * @since 3.0.0
    public static boolean checkVersion(Document doc, URL url)
    throws Exception {
        final Element el = doc.getRootElement().getElement("version");
        if (el != null) {
            final String clsnm = IDOMs.getRequiredElementValue(el, "version-class");
            final String uid = IDOMs.getRequiredElementValue(el, "version-uid");
            final Class cls = Classes.forNameByThread(clsnm);
            final Field fld = cls.getField("UID");
            final String uidInClass = (String)fld.get(null);
            if (uid.equals(uidInClass)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                log.info("Ignore "+url+"\nCause: version not matched; expected="+uidInClass+", xml="+uid);
                return false;
        } else {
            return true;