

4 hrs
Test Coverage
/* AMedia.java

        Thu May 27 15:10:46     2004, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2004 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.util.media;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.net.URL;

import org.zkoss.io.Files;
import org.zkoss.io.NullInputStream;
import org.zkoss.io.NullReader;
import org.zkoss.io.RepeatableInputStream;
import org.zkoss.io.RepeatableReader;
import org.zkoss.lang.Library;
import org.zkoss.lang.SystemException;

 * A media object holding content such PDF, HTML, DOC or XLS content.
 * <p>AMedia is serializable, but, if you are using InputStream or Reader,
 * you have to extend this class, and provide the implementation to
 * serialize and deserialize {@link #_isdata} or {@link #_rddata}
 * (they are both transient).
 * @author tomyeh
public class AMedia implements Media, java.io.Serializable {

    /** Used if you want to implement a media whose input stream is created
     * dynamically each time {@link #getStreamData} is called.
     * @see #AMedia(String,String,String,InputStream)
    protected static final InputStream DYNAMIC_STREAM = new NullInputStream();
    /** Used if you want to implement a media whose reader is created
     * dynamically each time {@link #getReaderData} is called.
     * @see #AMedia(String,String,String,Reader)
    protected static final Reader DYNAMIC_READER = new NullReader();

    /** The binary data, {@link #getByteData}. */
    private byte[] _bindata;
    /** The text data, {@link #getStringData}. */
    private String _strdata;
    /** The input stream, {@link #getStreamData} */
    protected transient InputStream _isdata;
    /** The input stream, {@link #getReaderData} */
    protected transient Reader _rddata;
    /** The content type. */
    private String _ctype;
    /** The format (e.g., pdf). */
    private String _format;
    /** The name (usually filename). */
    private String _name;
    /** Whether to allow Content-Disposition 
     * or not when writing the media to response header. */
    private boolean _cntDisposition = true;

    /** Construct with name, format, content type and binary data.
     * <p>It tries to construct format and ctype from each other or name.
     * @param name the name (usually filename); might be null.
     * @param format the format; might be null. Example: "html" and "xml"
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null. Example: "text/html"
     * and "text/xml;charset=UTF-8".
     * @param data the binary data; never null
    public AMedia(String name, String format, String ctype, byte[] data) {
        if (data == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("data");
        _bindata = data;
        setup(name, format, ctype);
    /** Construct with name, format, content type and text data.
     * <p>It tries to construct format and ctype from each other or name.
     * @param name the name (usually filename); might be null.
     * @param format the format; might be null.
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null.
     * @param data the text data; never null
    public AMedia(String name, String format, String ctype, String data) {
        if (data == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("data");
        _strdata = data;
        setup(name, format, ctype);
    /** Construct with name, format, content type and stream data (binary).
     * <p>It tries to construct format and ctype from each other or name.
     * @param name the name (usually filename); might be null.
     * @param format the format; might be null.
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null.
     * @param data the binary data; never null.
     * If the input stream is created dynamically each time {@link #getStreamData}
     * is called, you shall pass {@link #DYNAMIC_STREAM}
     * as the data argument. Then, override {@link #getStreamData} to return
     * the correct stream.
     * Note: the caller of {@link #getStreamData} has to close
     * the returned input stream.
    public AMedia(String name, String format, String ctype, InputStream data) {
        if (data == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("data");
        _isdata = data;
        setup(name, format, ctype);
    /** Construct with name, format, content type and reader data (textual).
     * <p>It tries to construct format and ctype from each other or name.
     * @param name the name (usually filename); might be null.
     * @param format the format; might be null.
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null.
     * @param data the string data; never null
     * If the reader is created dynamically each time {@link #getReaderData}
     * is called, you shall pass {@link #DYNAMIC_READER}
     * as the data argument. Then, override {@link #getReaderData} to return
     * the correct reader.
    public AMedia(String name, String format, String ctype, Reader data) {
        if (data == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("data");
        _rddata = data;
        setup(name, format, ctype);
    /** Construct with name, format, content type and a file.
     * <p>Unlike others, it uses the so-called repeatable input
     * stream or reader (depending on binary or not) to represent the file,
     * so the input stream ({@link #getStreamData})
     * or the reader ({@link #getReaderData}) will be re-opened
     * in the next invocation of {@link InputStream#read}
     * after {@link InputStream#close} is called.
     * See also {@link RepeatableInputStream} and {@link RepeatableReader}.
     * @param name the name (usually filename); might be null.
     * If null, the file name is used.
     * @param format the format; might be null.
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null.
     * @param file the file; never null.
     * @param binary whether it is binary.
     * If not binary, "UTF-8" is assumed.
    public AMedia(String name, String format, String ctype, File file,
    boolean binary) throws java.io.FileNotFoundException {
        this(name, format, ctype, file, binary ? null: "UTF-8");
    /** Construct with name, format, content type and a file.
     * <p>Unlike others, it uses the so-called repeatable input
     * stream or reader (depending on charset is null or not)
     * to represent the file, so the input stream ({@link #getStreamData})
     * or the reader ({@link #getReaderData}) will be re-opened
     * in the next invocation of {@link InputStream#read}
     * after {@link InputStream#close} is called.
     * See also {@link RepeatableInputStream} and {@link RepeatableReader}.
     * @param name the name (usually filename); might be null.
     * If null, the file name is used.
     * @param format the format; might be null.
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null.
     * @param file the file; never null.
     * @param charset the charset. If null, it is assumed to be binary.
    public AMedia(String name, String format, String ctype, File file,
    String charset) throws java.io.FileNotFoundException {
        if (file == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("file");

        if (charset == null)
            _isdata = RepeatableInputStream.getInstance(file);
            _rddata = RepeatableReader.getInstance(file, charset);

        if (name == null) name = file.getName();
        setup(name, format, ctype);
    /** Construct with a file.
     * It is the same as AMedia(null, null, ctype, file, charset).
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null.
     * If null, it is retrieved from the file name's extension.
     * @since 3.0.8
    public AMedia(File file, String ctype, String charset)
    throws java.io.FileNotFoundException {
        this(null, null, ctype, file, charset);
    /** Construct with name, format, content type and URL.
     * <p>Unlike others, it uses the so-called repeatable input
     * stream or reader (depending on charset is null or not) to represent the
     * resource, so the input stream ({@link #getStreamData})
     * or the reader ({@link #getReaderData}) will be re-opened
     * in the next invocation of {@link InputStream#read}
     * after {@link InputStream#close} is called.
     * See also {@link RepeatableInputStream} and {@link RepeatableReader}.
     * @param name the name; might be null.
     * If null, URL's name is used.
     * @param format the format; might be null.
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null.
     * @param url the resource URL; never null.
     * @since 3.0.8
    public AMedia(String name, String format, String ctype, URL url,
    String charset) throws java.io.FileNotFoundException {
        if (url == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("url");

        if (charset == null)
            _isdata = RepeatableInputStream.getInstance(url);
            _rddata = RepeatableReader.getInstance(url, charset);

        if (name == null) {
            name = url.toExternalForm();
            final int j = name.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (j >= 0 && j < name.length() - 1)
                name = name.substring(j + 1);
        setup(name, format, ctype);
    /** Construct with a file.
     * It is the same as AMedia(null, null, ctype, url, charset).
     * @param ctype the content type; might be null.
     * If null, it is retrieved from the file name's extension.
     * @since 3.0.8
    public AMedia(URL url, String ctype, String charset)
    throws java.io.FileNotFoundException {
        this(null, null, ctype, url, charset);

    /** Sets up the format and content type.
     * It assumes one of them is not null.
    private void setup(String name, String format, String ctype) {
        if (ctype != null && !Boolean.parseBoolean(Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zul.Filedownload.contentTypeAsIs"))) {
            int j = ctype.indexOf(';');
            if (j >= 0) ctype = ctype.substring(0, j);

        if (ctype != null && format == null) {
            format = ContentTypes.getFormat(ctype);
        } else if (ctype == null && format != null) {
            ctype = ContentTypes.getContentType(format);
        if (name != null) {
            if (format == null) {
                final int j = name.lastIndexOf('.');
                if (j >= 0) {
                    format = name.substring(j + 1);
                    if (ctype == null) {
                        ctype = ContentTypes.getContentType(format);

        _name = name;
        _format = format;
        _ctype = ctype;

    /** Set whether to allow Content-Disposition 
     * or not when writing the media to response header.
     * @since 7.0.0
    public void setContentDisposition(boolean cntDisposition) {
        _cntDisposition = cntDisposition;

    //-- Media --//
    public boolean isBinary() {
        return _bindata != null || _isdata != null;
    public boolean inMemory() {
        return _bindata != null || _strdata != null;

    public byte[] getByteData() {
        if (_bindata != null) return _bindata;
        InputStream is = _isdata == DYNAMIC_STREAM ? getStreamData() : _isdata ; //ZK-938
        if (is != null) {
            try {
                byte[] bs = Files.readAll(is);
                return bs;
            } catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
                throw SystemException.Aide.wrap(ex);
        throw newIllegalStateException();
    public String getStringData() {
        if (_strdata != null) return _strdata;
        Reader reader =  _rddata == DYNAMIC_READER ? getReaderData() : _rddata; //ZK-938
        if (reader != null) {
            try {
                String ct = Files.readAll(reader).toString();
                return ct;
            } catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
                throw SystemException.Aide.wrap(ex);
        throw newIllegalStateException();
    /** Returns the input stream of this media.
     * <p>Note: the caller has to invoke {@link InputStream#close()}
     * after using the input stream returned by this method.
     * <p>It wraps {@link #getByteData()} with {@link ByteArrayInputStream}
     * if {@link #inMemory()} returns true.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if the media {@link #isBinary()} returns false
    public InputStream getStreamData() {
        if (_isdata != null) return _isdata;
        if (_bindata != null) return new ByteArrayInputStream(_bindata);
        throw newIllegalStateException();
    /** Returns the reader of this media to retrieve the data.
     * <p>Note: the caller has to invoke {@link Reader#close()}
     * after using the input stream returned by this method.
     * <p>It wraps {@link #getStringData()} with {@link StringReader},
     * if {@link #inMemory()} returns true.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if {@link #isBinary()} returns true
    public Reader getReaderData() {
        if (_rddata != null) return _rddata;
        if (_strdata != null) return new StringReader(_strdata);
        throw newIllegalStateException();
    private IllegalStateException newIllegalStateException() {
        return new IllegalStateException(
            "Use get"
            +(_bindata != null ? "Byte": _strdata != null ? "String":
                _isdata != null ? "Stream": "Reader")
            + "Data() instead");

    public String getName() {
        return _name;
    public String getFormat() {
        return _format;
    public String getContentType() {
        return _ctype;
    public boolean isContentDisposition() {
        return _cntDisposition;

    //-- Object --//
    public String toString() {
        return _name != null ? _name: "Media "+_format;