

1 hr
Test Coverage
/* Cell.java

        Aug 31, 2009 4:24:00 PM , Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C) 2009 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

package org.zkoss.zul;

import org.zkoss.lang.Objects;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.XulElement;

 * The generic cell component to be embedded into {@link Row} or {@link Vbox}
 * or {@link Hbox} for fully control style and layout.
 * <p>Default {@link #getZclass}: z-cell.
 * @author jumperchen
 * @since 5.0.0
public class Cell extends XulElement {
    private AuxInfo _auxinf;

    /** Returns the horizontal alignment.
     * <p>Default: null (system default: left unless CSS specified).
    public String getAlign() {
        return _auxinf != null ? _auxinf.align : null;

    /** Sets the horizontal alignment.
     * Allowed values: left,right,center,justify,char. 
    public void setAlign(String align) {
        if (!Objects.equals(getAlign(), align)) {
            initAuxInfoForCell().align = align;
            smartUpdate("align", getAlign());

    /** Returns the vertical alignment.
     * <p>Default: null (system default: top).
    public String getValign() {
        return _auxinf != null ? _auxinf.valign : null;

    /** Sets the vertical alignment of this grid.
     * Allowed values:     top, middle, bottom, baseline
    public void setValign(String valign) {
        if (!Objects.equals(getValign(), valign)) {
            initAuxInfoForCell().valign = valign;
            smartUpdate("valign", getValign());

    /** Returns number of columns to span.
     * Default: 1.
    public int getColspan() {
        return _auxinf != null ? _auxinf.colspan : 1;

    /** Sets the number of columns to span.
     * <p>It is the same as the colspan attribute of HTML TD tag.
    public void setColspan(int colspan) throws WrongValueException {
        if (colspan <= 0)
            throw new WrongValueException("Positive only");
        if (getColspan() != colspan) {
            initAuxInfoForCell().colspan = colspan;
            smartUpdate("colspan", getColspan());

    /** Returns number of rows to span.
     * Default: 1.
    public int getRowspan() {
        return _auxinf != null ? _auxinf.rowspan : 1;

    /** Sets the number of rows to span.
     * <p>It is the same as the rowspan attribute of HTML TD tag.
    public void setRowspan(int rowspan) throws WrongValueException {
        if (rowspan <= 0)
            throw new WrongValueException("Positive only");
        if (getRowspan() != rowspan) {
            initAuxInfoForCell().rowspan = rowspan;
            smartUpdate("rowspan", getRowspan());

    public String getZclass() {
        return _zclass == null ? "z-cell" : _zclass;

    public Object clone() {
        final Cell clone = (Cell) super.clone();
        if (_auxinf != null)
            clone._auxinf = (AuxInfo) _auxinf.clone();
        return clone;

    protected void renderProperties(org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ContentRenderer renderer) throws java.io.IOException {

        if (getColspan() != 1)
            renderer.render("colspan", getColspan());
        if (getRowspan() != 1)
            renderer.render("rowspan", getRowspan());

        renderer.render("align", getAlign());
        renderer.render("valign", getValign());

    private AuxInfo initAuxInfoForCell() {
        if (_auxinf == null)
            _auxinf = new AuxInfo();
        return _auxinf;

    public boolean evalCSSFlex() {
        return false;

    private static class AuxInfo implements java.io.Serializable, Cloneable {
        private String align = null;
        private String valign = null;
        private int colspan = 1;
        private int rowspan = 1;

        public Object clone() {
            try {
                return super.clone();
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new InternalError();