

2 days
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/* DialModelScale.java

        Jun 24, 2009 5:21:08 PM, Created by henrichen

Copyright (C) 2009 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.0 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

package org.zkoss.zul;

import java.awt.Font;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.zkoss.lang.Objects;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.ChartDataEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.DialChartDataEvent;

 * A set of information of a scale in a Dial chart. You cannot new a DialModelScale
 * directly; instead, use {@link DialModel#newScale()} to start setting the scale.
 * @author henrichen
public class DialModelScale implements Serializable {
    private DialModel _model;

    private double _value;

    //text annotation
    private String _text;
    private Font _textFont; //14, 10
    private double _textRadius = 0.7; //0.7, 0.5

    //value indicator
    private Font _valueFont; //10, 10
    private double _valueRadius = 0.6; //0.6, 0.6
    private double _valueAngle = -90; //-103.0, -77.0 

    private Font _tickFont; //14, 10
    private double _tickRadius = 0.88; //0.88, 0.50
    private String _tickColor; //tick, 0xFF0000
    private int[] _tickRGB; //tick, red, green, blue (0 ~ 255, 0 ~ 255, 0 ~ 255)
    private double _tickLabelOffset = 0.20; //offset between tick and tick label

    double _lowerBound;
    double _upperBound;
    double _startAngle;
    double _extent;
    double _majorTickInterval;
    int _minorTickCount;

    private List<DialModelRange> _ranges = new ArrayList<DialModelRange>(4);

    private String _needleType = "pointer"; //"pointer", "pin"
    private String _needleColor; //needle, 0xFF0000
    private int[] _needleRGB; //needle, red, green, blue (0 ~ 255, 0 ~ 255, 0 ~ 255)
    private double _needleRadius = 0.9; //0.9, 0.55

    /*package*/ DialModelScale(DialModel model) {
        _model = model;

    public int getIndex() {
        return _model.indexOf(this);

    /** Get the value */
    public double getValue() {
        return _value;

    public void setValue(double val) {
        if (Double.compare(_value, val) != 0) {
            _value = val;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.SCALE_VALUE, val);

     * Returns the text annotation of this scale.
    public String getText() {
        return _text;

     * Sets the text annotation of this scale; e.g. "Temperature" for a temperature dial meter.
     * @param text text annotation(subtitle) of this scale.
    public void setText(String text) {
        if (!Objects.equals(text, _text)) {
            _text = text;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.SCALE_TEXT, text);

     * Returns the text annotation font.
     * @return the text annotation font.
    public Font getTextFont() {
        return _textFont;

     * Sets the text annotation font.
     * @param font the text annotation font.
    public void setTextFont(Font font) {
        if (!Objects.equals(font, _textFont)) {
            _textFont = font;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.SCALE_FONT, font);

     * Return the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the text annotation.
     * @return the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the text annotation.
    public double getTextRadius() {
        return _textRadius;

     * Sets the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the text annotation.
     * @param radius radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the text annotation.
    public void setTextRadius(double radius) {
        if (Double.compare(_textRadius, radius) != 0) {
            _textRadius = radius;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.TEXT_RADIUS, radius);

     * Returns the value font.
     * @return the value font.
    public Font getValueFont() {
        return _valueFont;

     * Sets the value font.
     * @param font the value font.
    public void setValueFont(Font font) {
        if (!Objects.equals(font, _valueFont)) {
            _valueFont = font;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.VALUE_FONT, font);

     * Return the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the value.
     * @return the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the value.
    public double getValueRadius() {
        return _valueRadius;

     * Sets the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the value.
     * @param radius radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the value.
    public void setValueRadius(double radius) {
        if (Double.compare(_valueRadius, radius) != 0) {
            _valueRadius = radius;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.VALUE_RADIUS, radius);

     * Return the angle to place the value (counter clockwise is positive).
     * @return the angle to place the value (counter clockwise is positive).
    public double getValueAngle() {
        return _valueAngle;

     * Sets the angle in degree to place the value (counter clockwise is positive).
     * @param angle angle in degree to place the value (counter clockwise is positive).
    public void setValueAngle(double angle) {
        if (Double.compare(_valueAngle, angle) != 0) {
            _valueAngle = angle;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.VALUE_ANGLE, angle);

     * Sets the scale information of this DialModelScale.
     * @param lowerBound lower bound of this scale.
     * @param upperBound upper bound of this scale.
     * @param startAngle starting angle in degree associated to the sclae's lower bound(0 degree point to east, counter-clockwise is positive). 
     * @param extent angles in degree extended from the starting angle (counter clockwise is positive).
     * @param majorTickInterval the interval between major tick (in lower bound and upper bound).
     * @param minorTickCount the number of minor ticks between major tick.
    public void setScale(double lowerBound, double upperBound, double startAngle, double extent,
            double majorTickInterval, int minorTickCount) {
        if (Double.compare(lowerBound, _lowerBound) != 0 || Double.compare(upperBound, _upperBound) != 0
                || Double.compare(startAngle, _startAngle) != 0 || Double.compare(extent, _extent) != 0
                || Double.compare(majorTickInterval, _majorTickInterval) != 0
                || Double.compare(minorTickCount, _minorTickCount) != 0) {
            _lowerBound = lowerBound;
            _upperBound = upperBound;
            _startAngle = startAngle;
            _extent = extent;
            _majorTickInterval = majorTickInterval;
            _minorTickCount = minorTickCount;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.SCALE, this);

     * Returns the scale's lower bound.
     * @return the scale's lower bound.
    public double getScaleLowerBound() {
        return _lowerBound;

     * Returns the scale's upper bound.
     * @return the scale's upper bound.
    public double getScaleUpperBound() {
        return _upperBound;

     * Returns starting angle in degree associated to the sclae's lower bound
     * (0 degree point to east, counter-clockwise is positive).
     * @return starting angle in degree associated to the sclae's lower bound
     * (0 degree point to east, counter-clockwise is positive).
    public double getScaleStartAngle() {
        return _startAngle;

     * Returns angles in degree extended from the starting angle (counter clockwise is positive).
     * @return angles in degree extended from the starting angle (counter clockwise is positive).
    public double getScaleExtent() {
        return _extent;

     * Returns the interval between major tick (in lower bound and upper bound).
     * @return the interval between major tick (in lower bound and upper bound).
    public double getMajorTickInterval() {
        return _majorTickInterval;

     * returns the number of minor ticks between major tick.
     * @return the number of minor ticks between major tick.
    public int getMinorTickCount() {
        return _minorTickCount;

     * Returns the tick label font.
     * @return the tick label font.
    public Font getTickFont() {
        return _tickFont;

     * Sets the tick label font.
     * @param font the tick label font.
    public void setTickFont(Font font) {
        if (!Objects.equals(font, _tickFont)) {
            _tickFont = font;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.TICK_FONT, font);

     * Return the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the tick label.
     * @return the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the tick label.
    public double getTickRadius() {
        return _tickRadius;

     * Sets the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the tick label.
     * @param radius radius percentage(0 ~ 1) to place the tick label.
    public void setTickRadius(double radius) {
        if (Double.compare(_tickRadius, radius) != 0) {
            _tickRadius = radius;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.TICK_RADIUS, radius);

     * Returns the radius offset in percentage(0 ~ 1) between the tick and tick label.
     * @return the radius offset in percentage(0 ~ 1) between the tick and tick label.
    public double getTickLabelOffset() {
        return _tickLabelOffset;

     * Sets the radius offset in percentage(0 ~ 1) between the tick and tick label.
     * @param tickLabelOffset the radius offset in percentage(0 ~ 1) between the tick and tick label.
    public void setTickLabelOffset(double tickLabelOffset) {
        if (Double.compare(_tickLabelOffset, tickLabelOffset) != 0) {
            _tickLabelOffset = tickLabelOffset;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.TICK_LABEL_OFFSET, tickLabelOffset);

     * Set the tick color.
     * @param color in #RRGGBB format (hexadecimal).
    public void setTickColor(String color) {
        if (Objects.equals(color, _tickColor)) {
        _tickColor = color;
        if (_tickColor == null) {
            _tickRGB = null;
        } else {
            _tickRGB = new int[3];
            Chart.decode(_tickColor, _tickRGB);
        fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.TICK_COLOR, color);

     * Get the tick color of this scale(in string as #RRGGBB).
     * null means default.
    public String getTickColor() {
        return _tickColor;

     * Get the tick color of this scale in int array (0: red, 1: green, 2:blue).
     * null means default.
    public int[] getTickRGB() {
        return _tickRGB;

     * Setup the DailModel range.
     * @param lower the lower bound in the scale.
     * @param upper the upper bound in the scale.
     * @param color the color in #RRGGBB format (hexadecimal); default to blue.
     * @param innerRadius the inner radius percentage(0 ~ 1) of the range; default to 0.7.
     * @param outerRadius the outer radius percentage(0 ~ 1) of the range; default to 0.8;
    public DialModelRange newRange(double lower, double upper, String color, double innerRadius, double outerRadius) {
        final DialModelRange range = new DialModelRange(this);
        range.setRange(lower, upper, color, innerRadius, outerRadius);
        fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.ADDED, DialChartDataEvent.RANGE, range);
        return range;

    /** Returns the number of ranges associated with this scale.
     * @return the number of ranges associated with this scale.
    public int rangeSize() {
        return _ranges.size();

    /** Returns the color range of the specified index.
     * @param index the specified index.
     * @return the color range of the specified index.
    public DialModelRange getRange(int index) {
        return _ranges.get(index);

     * Removes the specified range from this scale.
     * @param range the range to be removed.
    public void removeRange(DialModelRange range) {
        int index = _ranges.indexOf(range);
        fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.REMOVED, DialChartDataEvent.RANGE, index);

     * Returns the needle type of this scale ("pointer" or "pin")
     * @return the needle type of this scale ("pointer" or "pin")
    public String getNeedleType() {
        return _needleType;

     * Sets the needle type of this scale ("pointer" or "pin")
     * @param type the needle type of this scale ("pointer" or "pin")
    public void setNeedleType(String type) {
        if (!Objects.equals(_needleType, type)) {
            _needleType = type;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.NEEDLE_TYPE, type);

     * Set the needle color.
     * @param color in #RRGGBB format (hexadecimal).
    public void setNeedleColor(String color) {
        if (Objects.equals(color, _needleColor)) {
        _needleColor = color;
        if (_needleColor == null) {
            _needleRGB = null;
        } else {
            _needleRGB = new int[3];
            Chart.decode(_needleColor, _needleRGB);
        fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.NEEDLE_COLOR, color);

     * Get the needle color of this scale(in string as #RRGGBB).
     * null means default.
    public String getNeedleColor() {
        return _needleColor;

     * Get the needle color of this scale in int array (0: red, 1: green, 2:blue).
     * null means default.
    public int[] getNeedleRGB() {
        return _needleRGB;

     * Sets the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) of the scale's needle; default to 0.9.
     * @param radius the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) of the scale's needle; default to 0.9.
    public void setNeedleRadius(double radius) {
        if (Double.compare(_needleRadius, radius) != 0) {
            _needleRadius = radius;
            fireEvent(ChartDataEvent.CHANGED, DialChartDataEvent.NEEDLE_RADIUS, radius);

     * Return the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) of the scale's needle; default to 0.9.
     * @return the radius percentage(0 ~ 1) of the scale's needle; default to 0.9.
    public double getNeedleRadius() {
        return _needleRadius;

     * Utility method to delegate event to {@link DialModel}
     * @param evt the {@link ChartDataEvent}.
    /*package*/ void fireEvent(int evt, String propertyKey, Object data) {
        if (_model != null)
            _model.fireEvent(evt, propertyKey, data);