

2 wks
Test Coverage
/* Grid.java



        Tue Oct 25 15:40:35     2005, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.zul;

import static org.zkoss.lang.Generics.cast;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.zkoss.io.Serializables;
import org.zkoss.lang.Classes;
import org.zkoss.lang.Exceptions;
import org.zkoss.lang.Library;
import org.zkoss.lang.Objects;
import org.zkoss.lang.Strings;
import org.zkoss.zk.au.AuRequest;
import org.zkoss.zk.au.AuRequests;
import org.zkoss.zk.au.out.AuInvoke;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Execution;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.CloneableEventListener;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.SerializableEventListener;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.render.Cropper;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.IntegerPropertyAccess;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.PropertyAccess;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.ComponentCloneListener;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.DataLoadingEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.GroupsDataEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.GroupsDataListener;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.ListDataEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.ListDataListener;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.PageSizeEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.PagingEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.PagingListener;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.RenderEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.event.ZulEvents;
import org.zkoss.zul.ext.Pageable;
import org.zkoss.zul.ext.Paginal;
import org.zkoss.zul.ext.Sortable;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.DataLoader;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.GridDataLoader;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.GroupsListModel;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.MeshElement;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.Padding;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.Utils;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.XulElement;

 * A grid is an element that contains both rows and columns elements.
 * It is used to create a grid of elements.
 * Both the rows and columns are displayed at once although only one will
 * typically contain content, while the other may provide size information.
 * <p>Events: onAfterRender<br/>
 * onAfterRender is sent when the model's data has been rendered.(since 5.0.4)
 * <p>Besides creating {@link Row} programmatically, you can assign
 * a data model (a {@link ListModel} or {@link GroupsModel} instance) to a grid via
 * {@link #setModel(ListModel)} or {@link #setModel(GroupsModel)}
 * and then the grid will retrieve data
 * by calling {@link ListModel#getElementAt} when necessary.
 * <p>Besides assign a list model, you could assign a renderer
 * (a {@link RowRenderer} instance) to a grid, such that
 * the grid will use this
 * renderer to render the data returned by {@link ListModel#getElementAt}.
 * If not assigned, the default renderer, which assumes a label per row,
 * is used.
 * In other words, the default renderer adds a label to
 * a row by calling toString against the object returned
 * by {@link ListModel#getElementAt}
 * <p>There are two ways to handle long content: scrolling and paging.
 * If {@link #getMold} is "default", scrolling is used if {@link #setHeight}
 * is called and too much content to display.
 * If {@link #getMold} is "paging", paging is used if two or more pages are
 * required. To control the number of rows to display in a page, use
 * {@link #setPageSize}.
 * <p>If paging is used, the page controller is either created automatically
 * or assigned explicitly by {@link #setPaginal}.
 * The paging controller specified explicitly by {@link #setPaginal} is called
 * the external page controller. It is useful if you want to put the paging
 * controller at different location (other than as a child component), or
 * you want to use the same controller to control multiple grids.
 * <p>Default {@link #getZclass}: z-grid.(since 3.5.0)
 * <p>To have a grid without stripping, you can specify a non-existent
 * style class to {@link #setOddRowSclass}.
 * <h3>Clustering and Serialization</h3>
 * <p>When used in a clustering environment, you have to make {@link RowRenderer}
 * ({@link #setRowRenderer}) and {@link ListModel} ({@link #setModel}) either
 * serializable or re-assign them when {@link #sessionDidActivate} is called.
 * <h3>Render on Demand (rod)</h3>
 * [ZK EE]
 * [Since 5.0.0]
 * <p>For huge data, you can turn on Grid's ROD to request ZK engine to load from
 * {@link ListModel} only the required data chunk and create only the required
 * {@link Row}s in memory and render only the required DOM elements in browser.
 * So it saves both the memory and the processing time in both server and browser
 * for huge data. If you don't use the {@link ListModel} with the Grid, turn on
 * the ROD will still have ZK engine to render only a chunk of DOM elements in
 * browser so it at least saves the memory and processing time in browser. Note
 * that ROD works only if the Grid is configured to has a limited "view port"
 * height. That is, either the Grid is in the "paging" mold or you have to
 * {@link #setHeight(String)} or {@link #setVflex(String)} of the Grid to
 * make ROD works.</p>
 * <p>You can turn on/off ROD for all Grids in the application or only
 * for a specific Grid. To turn on ROD for all Grids in the application, you
 * have to specify the Library Property "org.zkoss.zul.grid.rod" to "true" in
 * WEB-INF/zk.xml. If you did not specify the Library Property,
 * default is false.</p>
 * <pre>{@code
 *    <library-property>
 *        <name>org.zkoss.zul.grid.rod</name>
 *        <value>true</value>
 *    </library-property>
 * }</pre>
 * <p>To turn on ROD for a specific Grid, you have to specify the Grid's attribute
 * map with key "org.zkoss.zul.grid.rod" to true. That is, for example, if in
 * a zul file, you shall specify &lt;custom-attributes&gt; of the Grid like this:</p>
 * <pre>{@code
 *    <grid ...>
 *    <custom-attributes org.zkoss.zul.grid.rod="true"/>
 *  </grid>
 * }</pre>
 * <p>You can mix the Library Property and &lt;custom-attributes&gt; ways together.
 * The &lt;custom-attributes&gt; way always takes higher priority. So you
 * can turn OFF ROD in general and turn ON only some specific Grid component. Or
 * you can turn ON ROD in general and turn OFF only some specific Grid component.</P>
 * <p>Since only partial {@link Row}s are created and rendered in the Grid if
 * you turn the ROD on, there will be some limitations on accessing {@link Row}s.
 * For example, if you call
 * <pre><code>
 * Row rowAt100 = (Row) getRows().getChildren().get(100);
 * </code></pre>
 * <p>The {@link Row} in index 100 is not necessary created yet if it is not in the
 * current "view port" and you will get "null" instead.</p>
 * <p>And it is generally a bad idea to "cache" the created {@link Row} in your
 * application if you turn the ROD on because rows might be removed later.
 * Basically, you shall operate on the item of the ListModel rather than on the
 * {@link Row} if you use the ListModel and ROD.</p>
 * <h3>Custom Attributes</h3>
 * <dl>
 * <dt>org.zkoss.zul.grid.rod</dt>
 * <dd>Specifies whether to enable ROD (render-on-demand).</br>
 * Notice that you could specify this attribute in any of its ancestor's attributes.
 * It will be inherited.</dd>
 * <dt>org.zkoss.zul.grid.autoSort</dt>.(since 5.0.7)
 * <dd>Specifies whether to sort the model when the following cases:</br>
 * <ol>
 * <li>{@link #setModel} is called and {@link Column#setSortDirection} is set.</li>
 * <li>{@link Column#setSortDirection} is called.</li>
 * <li>Model receives {@link ListDataEvent} and {@link Column#setSortDirection} is set.</li>
 * </ol>
 * If you want to ignore sort when receiving {@link ListDataEvent},
 * you can specifies the value as "ignore.change".</br>
 * Notice that you could specify this attribute in any of its ancestor's attributes.
 * It will be inherited.</dd>
 * </dl>
 * <dt>org.zkoss.zul.grid.preloadSize</dt>.(since 5.0.8)
 * <dd>Specifies the number of rows to preload when receiving
 * the rendering request from the client.
 * <p>It is used only if live data ({@link #setModel(ListModel)} and
 * not paging ({@link #getPagingChild}).</dd>
 * <dt>org.zkoss.zul.grid.initRodSize</dt>.(since 5.0.8)
 * <dd>Specifies the number of rows rendered when the Grid first render.
 * <p>
 * It is used only if live data ({@link #setModel(ListModel)} and not paging
 * ({@link #getPagingChild}).</dd>
 * @author tomyeh
 * @see ListModel
 * @see RowRenderer
 * @see RowRendererExt
public class Grid extends MeshElement {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Grid.class);
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20091111L;

    private static final String ATTR_ON_INIT_RENDER_POSTED = "org.zkoss.zul.Grid.onInitLaterPosted";
    private static final String ATTR_ON_PAGING_INIT_RENDERER_POSTED = "org.zkoss.zul.Grid.onPagingInitLaterPosted";

    private static final int INIT_LIMIT = 50;

    private transient DataLoader _dataLoader;
    private transient Rows _rows;
    private transient Columns _cols;
    private transient Foot _foot;
    private transient Frozen _frozen;
    private transient Collection<Component> _heads;
    private transient ListModel<?> _model;
    private transient RowRenderer<?> _renderer;
    private transient ListDataListener _dataListener;
    private transient GroupsDataListener _groupsDataListener;
    /** The paging controller, used only if mold = "paging". */
    private transient Paginal _pgi;
    /** The paging controller, used only if mold = "paging" and user
     * doesn't assign a controller via {@link #setPaginal}.
     * If exists, it is the last child.
    private transient Paging _paging;
    private EventListener<Event> _pgListener, _pgImpListener, _modelInitListener;
    /** The style class of the odd row. */
    private String _scOddRow = null;
    /** the # of rows to preload. */
    private int _preloadsz = 50;
    private String _innerWidth = "100%";
    private int _currentTop = 0; //since 5.0.0 scroll position
    private int _currentLeft = 0;
    private int _topPad; //since 5.0.0 top padding
    private boolean _renderAll; //since 5.0.0

    private transient boolean _rod;
    /** the message to display when there are no items */
    private String _emptyMessage;
    private int _visibleRows; //since 8.5.0

    static {
        addClientEvent(Grid.class, Events.ON_INNER_WIDTH, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT);
        addClientEvent(Grid.class, Events.ON_SCROLL_POS, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT); //since 5.0.0
        addClientEvent(Grid.class, Events.ON_TOP_PAD, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE); //since 5.0.0
        addClientEvent(Grid.class, Events.ON_DATA_LOADING, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT | CE_NON_DEFERRABLE); //since 5.0.0
        addClientEvent(Grid.class, ZulEvents.ON_PAGE_SIZE, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT | CE_NON_DEFERRABLE); //since 5.0.2

    public Grid() {

    private void init() {
        _heads = new AbstractCollection<Component>() {
            public int size() {
                int sz = getChildren().size();
                if (_rows != null)
                if (_foot != null)
                if (_paging != null)
                if (_frozen != null)
                return sz;

            public Iterator<Component> iterator() {
                return new Iter();

    public void onPageAttached(Page newpage, Page oldpage) {
        super.onPageAttached(newpage, oldpage);
        if (oldpage == null) {
            Executions.getCurrent().setAttribute("zkoss.Grid.deferInitModel_" + getUuid(), Boolean.TRUE);
            //prepare a right moment to init Grid(must be as early as possible)
            this.addEventListener("onInitModel", _modelInitListener = new ModelInitListener());
            Events.postEvent(20000, new Event("onInitModel", this)); //first event to be called
        GroupsModel groupsModel = getGroupsModel();
        if (_model != null || groupsModel != null) {
            getDataLoader().syncModel(-1, -1);
        if (_model != null && _dataListener != null) {
        if (_model instanceof PageableModel && _pgListener != null) {
            ((PageableModel) _model).removePagingEventListener((PagingListener) _pgListener);
            ((PageableModel) _model).addPagingEventListener((PagingListener) _pgListener);
        if (groupsModel != null && _groupsDataListener != null) {

    public void onPageDetached(Page page) {
        if (_model != null && _dataListener != null)
        if (_model instanceof PageableModel && _pgListener != null)
            ((PageableModel) _model).removePagingEventListener((PagingListener) _pgListener);
        GroupsModel groupsModel = getGroupsModel();
        if (groupsModel != null && _groupsDataListener != null)

    private void resetDataLoader() {

    private void resetDataLoader(boolean shallReset) {
        if (_dataLoader != null) {
            if (shallReset) {
                smartUpdate("_lastoffset", 0); //reset for bug 3357641
            _dataLoader = null;

        if (shallReset) {
            // Bug ZK-373
            smartUpdate("resetDataLoader", true);
            _currentTop = 0;
            _currentLeft = 0;
            _topPad = 0;

    private class ModelInitListener implements SerializableEventListener<Event>, CloneableEventListener<Event> {
        public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
            if (_modelInitListener != null) {
                Grid.this.removeEventListener("onInitModel", _modelInitListener);
                _modelInitListener = null;
            //initialize data loader
            //Tricky! might has been initialized when apply properties
            if (_dataLoader != null) {
                final boolean rod = evalRod();
                if (_rod != rod || getRows() == null || getRows().getChildren().isEmpty()) {
                    if (_model != null) { //so has to recreate rows and items
                        if (getRows() != null)
                        resetDataLoader(); //enforce recreate dataloader, must after getRows().getChildren().clear()
                    } else {
                        resetDataLoader(); //enforce recreate dataloader

                        // Bug ZK-1895
                        //The attribute shall be removed, otherwise DataLoader will not syncModel when setModel
                        Executions.getCurrent().removeAttribute("zkoss.Grid.deferInitModel_" + getUuid());
            } else if (_model != null) { //rows not created yet
            } else {
                //bug# 3039282: NullPointerException when assign a model to Grid at onCreate
                //The attribute shall be removed, otherwise DataLoader will not syncModel when setModel
                Executions.getCurrent().removeAttribute("zkoss.Grid.deferInitModel_" + getUuid());
            final DataLoader loader = getDataLoader();

            //initialize paginal if any
            Paginal pgi = getPaginal();
            if (pgi != null)

        //reinit the model
        private void initModel() {
            Executions.getCurrent().removeAttribute("zkoss.Grid.deferInitModel_" + getUuid());

        public Object willClone(Component comp) {
            return null; // skip to clone

    /** Returns whether to grow and shrink vertical to fit their given space,
     * so called vertical flexibility.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public boolean isVflex() {
        final String vflex = getVflex();
        if ("true".equals(vflex) || "min".equals(vflex)) {
            return true;
        if (Strings.isBlank(vflex) || "false".equals(vflex)) {
            return false;
        return Integer.parseInt(vflex) > 0;

    /** Sets whether to grow and shrink vertical to fit their given space,
     * so called vertical flexibility.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public void setVflex(boolean vflex) {
        if (isVflex() != vflex) {

    public void setVflex(String flex) { //ZK-4296: Error indicating incorrect usage when using both vflex and rows
        if (_visibleRows != 0)
            throw new UiException("Not allowed to set vflex and visibleRows at the same time");


    /** Returns the rows.
    public Rows getRows() {
        return _rows;

    /** Returns the columns.
    public Columns getColumns() {
        return _cols;

    /** Returns the foot.
    public Foot getFoot() {
        return _foot;

     * Returns the frozen child.
     * @since 5.0.0
    public Frozen getFrozen() {
        return _frozen;

    /** Returns a collection of heads, including {@link #getColumns}
     * and auxiliary heads ({@link Auxhead}) (never null).
     * @since 3.0.0
    public Collection<Component> getHeads() {
        return _heads;

    /** Returns the specified cell, or null if not available.
     * @param row which row to fetch (starting at 0).
     * @param col which column to fetch (starting at 0).
    public Component getCell(int row, int col) {
        final Rows rows = getRows();
        if (rows == null)
            return null;

        List children = rows.getChildren();
        if (children.size() <= row)
            return null;

        children = ((Row) children.get(row)).getChildren();
        return children.size() <= col ? null : (Component) children.get(col);

    /** Returns the visible rows. Zero means no limitation.
     * <p>Default: 0.
     * @since 8.5.0
    public int getVisibleRows() {
        return _visibleRows;

    /** Sets the visible rows.
     * <p>
     * Note: Not allowed to set visibleRows and height/vflex at the same time
     * @since 8.5.0
    public void setVisibleRows(int visibleRows) throws WrongValueException {

        if (visibleRows < 0)
            throw new WrongValueException("Illegal rows: " + visibleRows);

        if (_visibleRows != visibleRows) {
            _visibleRows = visibleRows;
            smartUpdate("visibleRows", _visibleRows);

    public void setHeight(String height) {
        if (_visibleRows != 0)
            throw new UiException("Not allowed to set height and visibleRows at the same time");


    /** Returns the paging controller, or null if not available.
     * Note: the paging controller is used only if {@link #getMold} is "paging".
     * <p>If mold is "paging", this method never returns null, because
     * a child paging controller is created automatically (if not specified
     * by developers with {@link #setPaginal}).
     * <p>If a paging controller is specified (either by {@link #setPaginal},
     * or by {@link #setMold} with "paging"),
     * the grid will rely on the paging controller to handle long-content
     * instead of scrolling.
    public Paginal getPaginal() {
        return _pgi;

    /** Specifies the paging controller.
     * Note: the paging controller is used only if {@link #getMold} is "paging".
     * <p>It is OK, though without any effect, to specify a paging controller
     * even if mold is not "paging".
     * @param pgi the paging controller. If null and {@link #getMold} is "paging",
     * a paging controller is created automatically as a child component
     * (see {@link #getPagingChild}).
    public void setPaginal(Paginal pgi) {
        if (!Objects.equals(pgi, _pgi)) {
            final Paginal old = _pgi;
            _pgi = pgi; //assign before detach paging, since removeChild assumes it

            if (inPagingMold()) {
                if (old != null)
                if (_pgi == null) {
                    if (_paging != null) {
                        _pgi = _paging;
                    } else
                } else { //_pgi != null
                    if (_pgi != _paging) {
                        if (_paging != null)
                        _pgi.setTotalSize(_rows != null ? getDataLoader().getTotalSize() : 0);
                        if (_pgi instanceof Component)
                            smartUpdate("paginal", _pgi);
                // Bug ZK-1696: model also preserves paging information
                if (_model instanceof Pageable) {
                    Pageable m = (Pageable) _model;

    /** Creates the internal paging component.
    private void newInternalPaging() {
        final Paging paging = new InternalPaging();
        //min page size is 1
        if (_model instanceof Pageable && ((Pageable) _model).getPageSize() > 0) {
            paging.setPageSize(((Pageable) _model).getPageSize());
        paging.setTotalSize(_rows != null ? getDataLoader().getTotalSize() : 0);
        //min page index is 0
        if (_model instanceof Pageable && ((Pageable) _model).getActivePage() >= 0) {
            paging.setActivePage(((Pageable) _model).getActivePage());

        if (_pgi != null)

    private class PGListener implements PagingListener {
        public void onEvent(Event event) {
            if (event instanceof PagingEvent) {
                PagingEvent pe = (PagingEvent) event;
                int pgsz = pe.getPageable().getPageSize();
                int actpg = pe.getActivePage();
                if (PageableModel.INTERNAL_EVENT.equals(pe.getName())) {
                    if (pgsz > 0) //min page size is 1
                    if (actpg >= 0) //min page index is 0
                } else if (_model instanceof Pageable) {
                    //Bug ZK-1696: model also preserves paging information
                    ((Pageable) _model).setActivePage(actpg);
                Events.postEvent(new PagingEvent(event.getName(), Grid.this, pe.getPageable(), actpg));

        public Object willClone(Component comp) {
            return null; // skip to clone

    private class PGImpListener implements PagingListener {
        public void onEvent(Event event) {
            if (_rows != null && _model != null && inPagingMold()) {
                //theoretically, _rows shall not be null if _model is not null when
                //this method is called. But, just in case -- if sent manually
                final Paginal pgi = getPaginal();
                int pgsz = pgi.getPageSize();
                int ofs = pgi.getActivePage() * pgsz;
                if (event instanceof PagingEvent) {
                    // Bug ZK-1696: PagingEvent have the newest paging information
                    pgsz = ((PagingEvent) event).getPageable().getPageSize();
                    ofs = ((PagingEvent) event).getActivePage() * pgsz;
                if (_model instanceof Pageable) {
                    ((Pageable) _model).setPageSize(pgsz);
                    ((Pageable) _model).setActivePage(pgi.getActivePage());
                if (_rod) {
                    getDataLoader().syncModel(ofs, pgsz);

            if (getModel() != null || getPagingPosition().equals("both"))
                invalidate(); // just in case.
            else if (_rows != null) {

                // Bug 3218078
                if (_frozen != null)

        public Object willClone(Component comp) {
            return null; // skip to clone

    /** Adds the event listener for the onPaging event. */
    private void addPagingListener(Paginal pgi) {
        if (_pgListener == null)
            _pgListener = new PGListener();
        pgi.addEventListener(ZulEvents.ON_PAGING, _pgListener);
        if (_model instanceof PageableModel) {
            ((PageableModel) _model).addPagingEventListener((PagingListener) _pgListener);

        if (_pgImpListener == null)
            _pgImpListener = new PGImpListener();
        pgi.addEventListener("onPagingImpl", _pgImpListener);

    /** Removes the event listener for the onPaging event. */
    private void removePagingListener(Paginal pgi) {
        if (_model instanceof PageableModel) {
            ((PageableModel) _model).removePagingEventListener((PagingListener) _pgListener);
        pgi.removeEventListener(ZulEvents.ON_PAGING, _pgListener);
        pgi.removeEventListener("onPagingImpl", _pgImpListener);

    /** Returns the child paging controller that is created automatically,
     * or null if mold is not "paging", or the controller is specified externally
     * by {@link #setPaginal}.
     * @since 3.0.7
    public Paging getPagingChild() {
        return _paging;

    protected Paginal pgi() {
        if (_pgi == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Available only the paging mold");
        return _pgi;

    /** Returns whether this grid is in the paging mold.
    /*package*/ boolean inPagingMold() {
        return "paging".equals(getMold());

    //-- ListModel dependent codes --//
    /** Returns the model associated with this grid, or null
     * if this grid is not associated with any list data model.
     * <p>Note: if {@link #setModel(GroupsModel)} was called with a
     * groups model, this method returns an instance of {@link ListModel}
     * encapsulating it.
     * @see #setModel(ListModel)
     * @see #setModel(GroupsModel)
    public <T> ListModel<T> getModel() {
        return (ListModel) _model;

    /** Returns the list model associated with this grid, or null
     * if this grid is associated with a {@link GroupsModel}
     * or not associated with any list data model.
     * @see #setModel(ListModel)
     * @since 3.5.0
    public <T> ListModel<T> getListModel() {
        return _model instanceof GroupsListModel ? null : (ListModel) _model;

    /** Returns the groups model associated with this grid, or null
     * if this grid is associated with a {@link ListModel}
     * or not associated with any list data model.
     * @since 3.5.0
     * @see #setModel(GroupsModel)
    public <D, G, F> GroupsModel<D, G, F> getGroupsModel() {
        return _model instanceof GroupsListModel ? ((GroupsListModel) _model).getGroupsModel() : null;

    /** Sets the list model associated with this grid.
     * If a non-null model is assigned, no matter whether it is the same as
     * the previous, it will always cause re-render.
     * @param model the list model to associate, or null to dissociate
     * any previous model.
     * @exception UiException if failed to initialize with the model
     * @see #getListModel
     * @see #setModel(GroupsModel)
    public void setModel(ListModel<?> model) {
        //ZK-3514: speed up
        if (_model != null && _model != model) {
            int threshold = Utils.getIntAttribute(this, "org.zkoss.zul.invalidateThreshold", 10, true);
            int diff = Math.abs((model != null ? model.getSize() : 0) - _model.getSize());
            if (diff > threshold)
        if (model != null) {
            if (_model != model) {
                if (_model != null) {
                    if (_model instanceof PageableModel && _pgListener != null)
                        ((PageableModel) _model).removePagingEventListener((PagingListener) _pgListener);
                    GroupsModel groupsModel = getGroupsModel();
                    if (groupsModel != null) {
                        ((GroupsListModel) _model).cleanInternalListener();
                    /* Bug ZK-1512: should clear row anyway
                    if (_model instanceof GroupsListModel)

                    resetDataLoader(); // Bug 3357641

                    if (!isAutosort()) {
                        Columns cols = getColumns();
                        if (cols != null) {
                            for (Component column : cols.getChildren()) {
                                ((Column) column).setSortDirection("natural");
                if (_rows != null)
                    _rows.getChildren().clear(); //Bug 1807414, ZK-1512

                smartUpdate("model", model instanceof GroupsListModel || model instanceof GroupsModel ? "group" : true);

                _model = model;
                setAttribute(Attributes.BEFORE_MODEL_ITEMS_RENDERED, Boolean.TRUE);
                //ZK-3173: move the block here to avoid modifying pgi "again" before PagingEvent is handled
                if (inPagingMold()) {
                    if (_model instanceof PageableModel)
                        ((PageableModel) _model).addPagingEventListener((PagingListener) _pgListener);
                    //B30-2129667, B36-2782751, (ROD) exception when zul applyProperties
                    //must update paginal totalSize or exception in setActivePage
                    final Paginal pgi = getPaginal();
                    Pageable m = _model instanceof Pageable ? (Pageable) _model : null;
                    //if pageable model contain non-default values, sync from model to pgi
                    //otherwise, sync from pgi to model
                    if (m != null) {
                        if (m.getPageSize() > 0) { //min page size is 1
                        } else {
                    if (m != null) {
                        if (m.getActivePage() >= 0) { //min page index is 0
                        } else {

            final Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
            final boolean defer = exec == null ? false
                    : exec.getAttribute("zkoss.Grid.deferInitModel_" + getUuid()) != null;
            final boolean rod = evalRod();
            //Always syncModel because it is easier for user to enforce reload
            if (!defer || !rod) { //if attached and rod, defer the model sync
                getDataLoader().syncModel(-1, -1); //create rows if necessary
            if (!doSort(this))
            //Since user might setModel and setRender separately or repeatedly,
            //we don't handle it right now until the event processing phase
            //such that we won't render the same set of data twice
            //For better performance, we shall load the first few row now
            //(to save a round trip)
        } else if (_model != null) {
            if (_model instanceof PageableModel && _pgListener != null)
                ((PageableModel) _model).removePagingEventListener((PagingListener) _pgListener);
            GroupsModel g = getGroupsModel();
            if (g != null)
            _model = null;
            if (_rows != null)
            smartUpdate("model", false);

    /** Sets the groups model associated with this grid.
     * If a non-null model is assigned, no matter whether it is the same as
     * the previous, it will always cause re-render.
     * <p>The groups model is used to represent a list of data with
     * grouping.
     * @param model the groups model to associate, or null to dissociate
     * any previous model.
     * @exception UiException if failed to initialize with the model
     * @since 3.5.0
     * @see #setModel(ListModel)
     * @see #getGroupsModel()
    public void setModel(GroupsModel<?, ?, ?> model) {
        setModel((model != null ? GroupsListModel.toListModel(model) : null));

    private void initDataListener() {
        if (_dataListener == null)
            _dataListener = new ListDataListener() {
                public void onChange(ListDataEvent event) {
                    // ZK-1864: share listmodelist cause un-predictable reload
                    if (event.getType() != ListDataEvent.SELECTION_CHANGED)

        // ZK-3088: for updating group status
        GroupsModel g = getGroupsModel();
        if (g != null) {
            if (_groupsDataListener == null) {
                _groupsDataListener = new GroupsDataListener() {
                    public void onChange(GroupsDataEvent event) {

     * Sort the rows based on {@link Column#getSortDirection}.
     * @return whether the method susseed or not
    private static boolean doSort(Grid grid) {
        Columns cols = grid.getColumns();
        if (!grid.isAutosort() || cols == null)
            return false;
        for (Iterator it = cols.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Column hd = (Column) it.next();
            String dir = hd.getSortDirection();
            if (!"natural".equals(dir)) {
                return hd.doSort("ascending".equals(dir));
        return false;

    /** Returns the renderer to render each row, or null if the default
     * renderer is used.
    public <T> RowRenderer<T> getRowRenderer() {
        return (RowRenderer) _renderer;

    /** Sets the renderer which is used to render each row
     * if {@link #getModel} is not null.
     * <p>Note: changing a render will not cause the grid to re-render.
     * If you want it to re-render, you could assign the same model again
     * (i.e., setModel(getModel())), or fire an {@link ListDataEvent} event.
     * @param renderer the renderer, or null to use the default.
     * @exception UiException if failed to initialize with the model
    public void setRowRenderer(RowRenderer<?> renderer) {
        if (_renderer != renderer) {
            _renderer = renderer;

            if (_model != null) {
                if ((renderer instanceof RowRendererExt) || (_renderer instanceof RowRendererExt)) {
                    //bug# 2388345, a new renderer that might new own Row, shall clean all Row first
                    getDataLoader().syncModel(-1, -1); //we have to recreate all
                } else if (getAttribute(ATTR_ON_INIT_RENDER_POSTED) == null) {
                    getDataLoader().syncModel(-1, -1); //we have to recreate all
                } else {
                    //bug# 3039282, we need to resyncModel if not in a defer mode
                    final Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
                    final boolean defer = exec == null ? false
                            : exec.getAttribute("zkoss.Grid.deferInitModel_" + getUuid()) != null;
                    final boolean rod = evalRod();
                    if (!defer || !rod)
                        getDataLoader().syncModel(-1, -1);

    /** Sets the renderer by use of a class name.
     * It creates an instance automatically.
    public void setRowRenderer(String clsnm) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException,
            IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException {
        if (clsnm != null)
            setRowRenderer((RowRenderer) Classes.newInstanceByThread(clsnm));

     * Sets the inner width of this component.
     * The inner width is the width of the inner table.
     * By default, it is 100%. That is, it is the same as the width
     * of this component. However, it is changed when the user
     * is sizing the column's width.
     * <p>Application developers rarely call this method, unless
     * they want to preserve the widths of sizable columns
     * changed by the user.
     * To preserve the widths, the developer have to store the widths of
     * all columns and the inner width ({@link #getInnerWidth}),
     * and then restore them when re-creating this component.
     * @param innerWidth the inner width. If null, "100%" is assumed.
     * @since 3.0.0
    public void setInnerWidth(String innerWidth) {
        if (innerWidth == null)
            innerWidth = "100%";
        if (!_innerWidth.equals(innerWidth)) {
            _innerWidth = innerWidth;
            smartUpdate("innerWidth", innerWidth);

     * Returns the inner width of this component.
     * The inner width is the width of the inner table.
     * <p>Default: "100%"
     * @see #setInnerWidth
     * @since 3.0.0
    public String getInnerWidth() {
        return _innerWidth;

    /** Handles a private event, onInitRender. It is used only for
     * implementation, and you rarely need to invoke it explicitly.
    public void onInitRender() {

     * Handles a private event, onPagingInitRender. It is used only for
     * implementation, and you rarely need to invoke it explicitly.
    public void onPagingInitRender() {

    private void doInitRenderer() {
        if (getPage() == null)
        final Renderer renderer = new Renderer();
        try {
            int pgsz, ofs;
            if (inPagingMold()) {
                pgsz = _pgi.getPageSize();
                ofs = _pgi.getActivePage() * pgsz;
            } else {
                pgsz = getDataLoader().getLimit();
                ofs = getDataLoader().getOffset();
                //we don't know # of visible rows, so a 'smart' guess
                //It is OK since client will send back request if not enough
            final List<Component> rowChildren = _rows != null ? _rows.getChildren() : Collections.emptyList();
            final int cnt = rowChildren.size() + getDataLoader().getOffset();
            if (ofs >= cnt) { //not possible; just in case
                ofs = cnt - pgsz;
                if (ofs < 0)
                    ofs = 0;

            int j = 0;
            int index = 0; // ZK-1867: Set visible of row doesn't work correctly
            int realOfs = ofs - getDataLoader().getOffset();
            if (realOfs < 0)
                realOfs = 0;
            boolean open = true;
            for (Row row = rowChildren.size() <= realOfs ? null
                    : (Row) rowChildren.get(realOfs), nxt; j < pgsz && row != null; row = nxt) {
                nxt = (Row) row.getNextSibling();

                if (row.isVisible() && (open || row instanceof Groupfoot || row instanceof Group)) {
                    renderer.render(row, index + ofs);
                if (row instanceof Group)
                    open = ((Group) row).isOpen();

                // B65-ZK-1867 and Z60-Grid-GroupsModelArray-Paging-noROD.zul

        } catch (Throwable ex) {
        } finally {
        Events.postEvent(ZulEvents.ON_AFTER_RENDER, this, null); // notify the grid when all of the row have been rendered.

    private void postOnInitRender() {
        //20080724, Henri Chen: optimize to avoid postOnInitRender twice
        if (getAttribute(ATTR_ON_INIT_RENDER_POSTED) == null) {
            setAttribute(ATTR_ON_INIT_RENDER_POSTED, Boolean.TRUE);
            Events.postEvent("onInitRender", this, null);

    private void postOnPagingInitRender() {
        if (getAttribute(ATTR_ON_PAGING_INIT_RENDERER_POSTED) == null
                && getAttribute(ATTR_ON_INIT_RENDER_POSTED) == null) { // B50-ZK-345
            setAttribute(ATTR_ON_PAGING_INIT_RENDERER_POSTED, Boolean.TRUE);
            Events.postEvent("onPagingInitRender", this, null);

    private void onGroupsDataChange(GroupsDataEvent event) {

    /** Handles when the list model's content changed.
    private void onListDataChange(ListDataEvent event) {
        int type = event.getType();
        // ZK-4549: should ignore before handling sorting
        if (getAttribute(Attributes.BEFORE_MODEL_ITEMS_RENDERED) != null
                && (type == ListDataEvent.INTERVAL_ADDED || type == ListDataEvent.INTERVAL_REMOVED))
        //sort when add
        if ((type == ListDataEvent.INTERVAL_ADDED || type == ListDataEvent.CONTENTS_CHANGED)
                && !isIgnoreSortWhenChanged()) {
            if (doSort(this)) {
            } else {
                postOnInitRender(); // to improve performance
        } else {
            postOnInitRender(); // to improve performance

            // TODO: We have to skip the synchronization of the target component
            // when the event is fired from it, i.e. No need to sync the sorting
            // status here.
            if (type == ListDataEvent.STRUCTURE_CHANGED && _model instanceof Sortable && _cols != null) { //ZK-1704 added null check for _cols
                Sortable<Object> smodel = cast(_model);
                List<Column> cols = cast(_cols.getChildren());
                boolean found = false;
                for (Column col : cols) {
                    if (found) {
                    } else {
                        Comparator<Object> cmpr = cast(col.getSortAscending());
                        String dir = smodel.getSortDirection(cmpr);
                        found = !"natural".equals(dir);
                        if (!found) {
                            cmpr = cast(col.getSortDescending());
                            dir = smodel.getSortDirection(cmpr);
                            found = !"natural".equals(dir);

    /** Returns the label for the cell generated by the default renderer.
    private static Label newRenderLabel(String value) {
        final Label label = new Label(value != null && value.length() > 0 ? value : " ");
        label.setPre(true); //to make sure &nbsp; is generated, and then occupies some space
        return label;

    /** Used to render row if _model is specified. */
    /*package*/ class Renderer {
        private final RowRenderer _renderer;
        private boolean _rendered, _ctrled;

        /*package*/ Renderer() {
            _renderer = (RowRenderer) getDataLoader().getRealRenderer();

        /*package*/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
        void render(Row row, int index) throws Throwable {
            if (row.isLoaded())
                return; //nothing to do

            if (!_rendered && (_renderer instanceof RendererCtrl)) {
                ((RendererCtrl) _renderer).doTry();
                _ctrled = true;

            final Component cell = row.getFirstChild();
            if (!(_renderer instanceof RowRendererExt)
                    || (((RowRendererExt) _renderer).getControls() & RowRendererExt.DETACH_ON_RENDER) != 0) { //detach (default)

            final boolean oldFlag = _rows.setReplacingRow(true);
            try {
                final Object value = _model.getElementAt(index);
                try {
                    _renderer.render(row, value, index);
                } catch (AbstractMethodError ex) {
                    final Method m = _renderer.getClass().getMethod("render",
                            new Class<?>[] { Row.class, Object.class });
                    m.invoke(_renderer, new Object[] { row, value });
                Object v = row.getAttribute(Attributes.MODEL_RENDERAS);
                if (v != null) //a new row is created to replace the existent one
                    row = (Row) v;
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                try {
                    final Label label = newRenderLabel(Exceptions.getMessage(ex));
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    log.error("", t);
                throw ex;
            } finally {
                if (row.getChildren().isEmpty())

            _rendered = true;

        /*package*/ void doCatch(Throwable ex) {
            if (_ctrled) {
                try {
                    ((RendererCtrl) _renderer).doCatch(ex);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw UiException.Aide.wrap(t);
            } else {
                throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);

        /*package*/ void doFinally() {
            if (_ctrled)
                ((RendererCtrl) _renderer).doFinally();

    /** Renders the specified {@link Row} if not loaded yet,
     * with {@link #getRowRenderer}.
     * <p>It does nothing if {@link #getModel} returns null.
     * In other words, it is meaningful only if live data model is used.
    public void renderRow(Row row) {
        if (_model == null)

        final Renderer renderer = new Renderer();
        try {
            renderer.render(row, row.getIndex());
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
        } finally {

    /** Renders all {@link Row} if not loaded yet,
     * with {@link #getRowRenderer}.
    public void renderAll() {
        if (_model == null)

        _renderAll = true;

        final Renderer renderer = new Renderer();
        if (!_rows.getChildren().isEmpty())
            try {
                Row row = (Row) _rows.getChildren().get(0);
                int index = row.getIndex();
                for (Row nxt; row != null; row = nxt) {
                    nxt = (Row) row.getNextSibling(); //retrieve first since it might be changed
                    renderer.render(row, index++);
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
            } finally {

    /** Renders a set of specified rows.
     * It is the same as {@link #renderItems}.
    public void renderRows(Set<? extends Row> rows) {

    public void renderItems(Set<? extends Row> rows) {
        if (_model == null) { //just in case that application developers might change it
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("No model no render");

        if (rows.isEmpty())
            return; //nothing to do

        final Renderer renderer = new Renderer();
        try {
            for (final Row row : rows)
                renderer.render(row, row.getIndex());
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
        } finally {

    /** Returns the style class for the odd rows.
     * <p>Default: {@link #getZclass()}-odd. (since 3.5.0)
     * @since 3.0.0
    public String getOddRowSclass() {
        return _scOddRow == null ? getZclass() + "-odd" : _scOddRow;

    /** Sets the style class for the odd rows.
     * If the style class doesn't exist, the striping effect disappears.
     * You can provide different effects by providing the proper style
     * classes.
     * @since 3.0.0
    public void setOddRowSclass(String scls) {
        if (scls != null && scls.length() == 0)
            scls = null;
        if (!Objects.equals(_scOddRow, scls)) {
            _scOddRow = scls;
            smartUpdate("oddRowSclass", scls);

    /** Sets the mold to render this component.
     * @param mold the mold. If null or empty, "default" is assumed.
     * Allowed values: default, paging
     * @see org.zkoss.zk.ui.metainfo.ComponentDefinition
    //-- super --//
    public void setMold(String mold) {
        final String old = getMold();
        if (!Objects.equals(old, mold)) {
            //we have to change model before detaching paging,
            //since removeChild assumes it

            if ("paging".equals(old)) { //change from paging
                if (_paging != null) {
                } else if (_pgi != null) {
                if (getModel() != null) {
                    getDataLoader().syncModel(0, initRodSize()); //change offset back to 0
                invalidate(); //paging mold -> non-paging mold
            } else if (inPagingMold()) { //change to paging
                if (_pgi != null)
                _topPad = 0;
                _currentTop = 0;
                _currentLeft = 0;
                //enforce a page loading
                // B50-ZK-345: speed up onPagingImpl to surpass onInitRender
                Events.postEvent(10001, new PagingEvent("onPagingImpl", (Component) _pgi, _pgi.getActivePage()));
                invalidate(); //non-paging mold -> paging mold

    public String getZclass() {
        return _zclass == null ? "z-grid" : _zclass;

    //-- Component --//
    public void beforeChildAdded(Component newChild, Component refChild) {
        if (newChild instanceof Rows) {
            if (_rows != null && _rows != newChild)
                throw new UiException("Only one rows child is allowed: " + this
                        + "\nNote: rows is created automatically if live data");
        } else if (newChild instanceof Columns) {
            if (_cols != null && _cols != newChild)
                throw new UiException("Only one columns child is allowed: " + this);
        } else if (newChild instanceof Frozen) {
            if (_frozen != null && _frozen != newChild)
                throw new UiException("Only one frozen child is allowed: " + this);
        } else if (newChild instanceof Paging) {
            if (_pgi != null)
                throw new UiException("External paging cannot coexist with child paging");
            if (_paging != null && _paging != newChild)
                throw new UiException("Only one paging is allowed: " + this);
            if (!inPagingMold())
                throw new UiException("The child paging is allowed only in the paging mold");
        } else if (newChild instanceof Foot) {
            if (_foot != null && _foot != newChild)
                throw new UiException("Only one foot child is allowed: " + this);
        } else if (!(newChild instanceof Auxhead)) {
            throw new UiException("Unsupported child for grid: " + newChild);

        super.beforeChildAdded(newChild, refChild);

    public boolean insertBefore(Component newChild, Component refChild) {
        if (newChild instanceof Rows) {
            if (super.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)) {
                _rows = (Rows) newChild;
                return true;
        } else if (newChild instanceof Columns) {
            if (super.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)) {
                _cols = (Columns) newChild;
                return true;
        } else if (newChild instanceof Frozen) {
            if (super.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)) {
                _frozen = (Frozen) newChild;
                return true;
        } else if (newChild instanceof Paging) {
            if (super.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)) {
                _pgi = _paging = (Paging) newChild;
                return true;
        } else if (newChild instanceof Foot) {
            if (super.insertBefore(newChild, refChild)) {
                _foot = (Foot) newChild;
                return true;
        } else {
            return super.insertBefore(newChild, refChild);
        return false;

    public boolean removeChild(Component child) {
        if (_paging == child && _pgi == child && inPagingMold())
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "The paging component cannot be removed manually. It is removed automatically when changing the mold");
        //Feature 1906110: prevent developers from removing it accidently

        if (!super.removeChild(child))
            return false;

        if (_rows == child)
            _rows = null;
        else if (_cols == child)
            _cols = null;
        else if (_frozen == child)
            _frozen = null;
        else if (_foot == child)
            _foot = null;
        else if (_paging == child) {
            _paging = null;
            if (_pgi == child)
                _pgi = null;
        return true;

    protected boolean isAutohidePaging() {
        return Utils.testAttribute(this, "org.zkoss.zul.grid.autohidePaging", true, true);

    /*package*/ boolean evalRod() {
        return Utils.testAttribute(this, "org.zkoss.zul.grid.rod", false, true) && !(_model instanceof GroupsListModel);
        //TODO: performance enhancement: support GroupsModel in ROD

    /** Returns whether to sort all items when model or sort direction be changed.
     * @since 5.0.7
    /*package*/ boolean isAutosort() {
        String attr = "org.zkoss.zul.grid.autoSort";
        Object val = getAttribute(attr, true);
        if (val == null)
            val = Library.getProperty(attr);
        return val instanceof Boolean ? ((Boolean) val).booleanValue()
                : val != null ? "true".equals(val) || "ignore.change".equals(val) : false;

     * Returns the number of rows to preload when receiving the rendering
     * request from the client.
     * <p>
     * Default: 50. (since 6.0.1)
     * <p>
     * It is used only if live data ({@link #setModel(ListModel)} and not paging
     * ({@link #getPagingChild}.
    private int preloadSize() {
        final String size = (String) getAttribute("pre-load-size");
        int sz = size != null ? Integer.parseInt(size) : _preloadsz;

        if ((sz = Utils.getIntAttribute(this, "org.zkoss.zul.grid.preloadSize", sz, true)) < 0)
            throw new UiException("nonnegative is required: " + sz);
        return sz;

     * Returns the number of rows rendered when the Grid first render.
     *  <p>
     * Default: 50. (since 6.0.1)
     * <p>
     * It is used only if live data ({@link #setModel(ListModel)} and not paging
     * ({@link #getPagingChild}.
    private int initRodSize() {
        int sz = Utils.getIntAttribute(this, "org.zkoss.zul.grid.initRodSize", INIT_LIMIT, true);
        if ((sz) < 0)
            throw new UiException("nonnegative is required: " + sz);
        return sz;

    /** Returns whether to sort all of item when model or sort direction be changed.
     * @since 5.0.7
    private boolean isIgnoreSortWhenChanged() {
        String attr = "org.zkoss.zul.grid.autoSort";
        Object val = getAttribute(attr, true);
        if (val == null)
            val = Library.getProperty(attr);
        return val == null ? true : "ignore.change".equals(val);

    /*package*/ DataLoader getDataLoader() {
        if (_dataLoader == null) {
            _rod = evalRod();
            final String loadercls = Library.getProperty("org.zkoss.zul.grid.DataLoader.class");
            try {
                _dataLoader = _rod && loadercls != null ? (DataLoader) Classes.forNameByThread(loadercls).newInstance()
                        : new GridDataLoader();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw UiException.Aide.wrap(e);
            _dataLoader.init(this, 0, initRodSize());
        return _dataLoader;

    public Object clone() {
        final Grid clone = (Grid) super.clone();

        // remove cached listeners
        clone._pgListener = null;
        clone._pgImpListener = null;

        //recreate the DataLoader
        final int offset = clone.getDataLoader().getOffset();

        int cnt = 0;
        if (clone._rows != null)
        if (clone._cols != null)
        if (clone._foot != null)
        if (clone._frozen != null)
        if (clone._paging != null)
        if (cnt > 0)

        // after _pgi ready, and then getLimit() will work
        final int limit = clone.getDataLoader().getLimit();
        clone.getDataLoader().init(clone, offset, limit);

        if (clone._model != null) {
            if (clone._model instanceof ComponentCloneListener) {
                final ListModel model = (ListModel) ((ComponentCloneListener) clone._model).willClone(clone);
                if (model != null)
                    clone._model = model;
            clone._dataListener = null;

            // As the bug in tree - B30-1892446.zul, the component clone won't
            // clone the posted event, so we need to remove the attributes here.


        return clone;

    /** @param cnt # of children that need special handling (used for optimization).
     * -1 means process all of them
    private void afterUnmarshal(int cnt) {
        for (Iterator it = getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Object child = it.next();
            if (child instanceof Rows) {
                _rows = (Rows) child;
                if (--cnt == 0)
            } else if (child instanceof Columns) {
                _cols = (Columns) child;
                if (--cnt == 0)
            } else if (child instanceof Paging) {
                _pgi = _paging = (Paging) child;
                if (--cnt == 0)
            } else if (child instanceof Frozen) {
                _frozen = (Frozen) child;
                if (--cnt == 0)
            } else if (child instanceof Foot) {
                _foot = (Foot) child;
                if (--cnt == 0)

     * Returns the message to display when there are no items
     * @return String
     * @since 5.0.7
    public String getEmptyMessage() {
        return _emptyMessage;

     * Sets the message to display when there are no items
     * @param emptyMessage
     * @since 5.0.7
    public void setEmptyMessage(String emptyMessage) {
        if (!Objects.equals(emptyMessage, _emptyMessage)) {
            _emptyMessage = emptyMessage;
            smartUpdate("emptyMessage", _emptyMessage);

    //NOTE: they must be declared as private
    private synchronized void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws java.io.IOException {

        Serializables.smartWrite(s, _model);
        Serializables.smartWrite(s, _renderer);

        // keep the scrolling status after serialized
        if (_dataLoader != null) {
        } else {

    private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

        _model = (ListModel) s.readObject();
        _renderer = (RowRenderer) s.readObject();


        int offset = s.readInt();
        int limit = s.readInt();
        resetDataLoader(false); // no need to reset, it will reset the old reference.
        getDataLoader().init(this, offset, limit);

        //TODO: how to marshal _pgi if _pgi != _paging
        //TODO: re-register event listener for onPaging

        if (_model != null) {

            // Map#Entry cannot be serialized, we have to restore them
            if (_model instanceof ListModelMap && _rows != null) {
                for (Component o : _rows.getChildren()) {
                    Row item = (Row) o;

    // super
    protected void renderProperties(org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ContentRenderer renderer) throws java.io.IOException {

        render(renderer, "oddRowSclass", _scOddRow);

        if (_model != null)
            render(renderer, "model",
                    _model instanceof GroupsListModel || _model instanceof GroupsModel ? "group" : true);

        if (!"100%".equals(_innerWidth))
            render(renderer, "innerWidth", _innerWidth);
        if (_currentTop != 0)
            renderer.render("_currentTop", _currentTop);
        if (_currentLeft != 0)
            renderer.render("_currentLeft", _currentLeft);

        renderer.render("_topPad", _topPad);

        renderer.render("emptyMessage", _emptyMessage);

        renderer.render("_totalSize", getDataLoader().getTotalSize());
        renderer.render("_offset", getDataLoader().getOffset());

        if (_visibleRows > 0)
            renderer.render("visibleRows", _visibleRows);

        if (_rod && !_renderAll) {
            if (((Cropper) getDataLoader()).isCropper())//bug #2936064
                renderer.render("_grid$rod", true);
            int sz = initRodSize();
            if (sz != INIT_LIMIT)
                renderer.render("initRodSize", initRodSize());

        if (_pgi != null && _pgi instanceof Component)
            renderer.render("paginal", _pgi);


    /*package*/ boolean isRod() {
        return _rod;

    public void sessionWillPassivate(Page page) {

    public void sessionDidActivate(Page page) {

    //-- ComponentCtrl --//
    public Object getExtraCtrl() {
        return new ExtraCtrl();

    /** A utility class to implement {@link #getExtraCtrl}.
     * It is used only by component developers.
    protected class ExtraCtrl extends XulElement.ExtraCtrl implements Padding {
        //-- Padding --//
        public int getHeight() {
            return _topPad;

        public void setHeight(int height) {
            _topPad = height;

    private static HashMap<String, PropertyAccess> _properties = new HashMap<String, PropertyAccess>(3);

    static {
        _properties.put("_currentTop", new IntegerPropertyAccess() {
            public void setValue(Component cmp, Integer currentTop) {
                ((Grid) cmp)._currentTop = currentTop;

            public Integer getValue(Component cmp) {
                return ((Grid) cmp)._currentTop;
        _properties.put("_currentLeft", new IntegerPropertyAccess() {
            public void setValue(Component cmp, Integer currentLeft) {
                ((Grid) cmp)._currentLeft = currentLeft;

            public Integer getValue(Component cmp) {
                return ((Grid) cmp)._currentLeft;
        _properties.put("_topPad", new IntegerPropertyAccess() {
            public void setValue(Component cmp, Integer topPad) {
                ((Grid) cmp)._topPad = topPad;

            public Integer getValue(Component cmp) {
                return ((Grid) cmp)._topPad;

    public PropertyAccess getPropertyAccess(String prop) {
        PropertyAccess pa = _properties.get(prop);
        if (pa != null)
            return pa;
        return super.getPropertyAccess(prop);

    /** Processes an AU request.
     * <p>Default: in addition to what are handled by {@link XulElement#service(AuRequest, boolean)},
     * it also handles onSelect.
     * @since 5.0.0
    public void service(org.zkoss.zk.au.AuRequest request, boolean everError) {
        final String cmd = request.getCommand();
        if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_DATA_LOADING)) {
            Events.postEvent(DataLoadingEvent.getDataLoadingEvent(request, preloadSize()));
        } else if (inPagingMold() && cmd.equals(ZulEvents.ON_PAGE_SIZE)) {
            final Map<String, Object> data = request.getData();
            final int oldsize = getPageSize();
            int size = AuRequests.getInt(data, "size", oldsize);
            if (size != oldsize) {
                int begin = getActivePage() * oldsize;
                int end = begin + oldsize;
                end = Math.min(getPaginal().getTotalSize(), end);
                int sel = size > oldsize ? (end - 1) : begin;
                int newpg = sel / size;
                // Bug: B50-3204965: onPageSize is not fired in autopaging scenario
                Events.postEvent(new PageSizeEvent(cmd, this, pgi(), size));
        } else if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_SCROLL_POS)) {
            final Map<String, Object> data = request.getData();
            _currentTop = AuRequests.getInt(data, "top", 0);
            _currentLeft = AuRequests.getInt(data, "left", 0);
        } else if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_TOP_PAD)) {
            _topPad = AuRequests.getInt(request.getData(), "topPad", 0);
        } else if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_INNER_WIDTH)) {
            final String width = AuRequests.getInnerWidth(request);
            _innerWidth = width == null ? "100%" : width;
        } else if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_RENDER)) {
            final RenderEvent<Row> event = RenderEvent.getRenderEvent(request);
            final Set<Row> items = event.getItems();

            int cnt = items.size();
            if (cnt == 0)
                return; //nothing to do

            cnt = 20 - cnt;
            if (cnt > 0 && _preloadsz > 0) { //Feature 1740072: pre-load
                if (cnt > _preloadsz)
                    cnt = _preloadsz;

                //1. locate the first item found in items
                final List<Row> toload = new LinkedList<Row>();
                Iterator<Component> it = getRows().getChildren().iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    final Row row = (Row) it.next();
                    if (items.contains(row)) //found
                    if (!row.isLoaded())
                        toload.add(0, row); //reverse order

                //2. add unload items before the found one
                if (!toload.isEmpty()) {
                    int bfcnt = cnt / 3;
                    for (Iterator<Row> e = toload.iterator(); bfcnt > 0 && e.hasNext(); --bfcnt, --cnt) {

                //3. add unloaded after the found one
                while (cnt > 0 && it.hasNext()) {
                    final Row row = (Row) it.next();
                    if (!row.isLoaded() && items.add(row))
        } else
            super.service(request, everError);

    /** An iterator used by _heads.
    private class Iter implements Iterator<Component> {
        private final ListIterator<Component> _it = getChildren().listIterator();

        public boolean hasNext() {
            while (_it.hasNext()) {
                Component o = _it.next();
                if (o instanceof Columns || o instanceof Auxhead) {
                    return true;
            return false;

        public Component next() {
            for (;;) {
                Component o = _it.next();
                if (o instanceof Columns || o instanceof Auxhead)
                    return o;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public void setActivePage(int pg) throws WrongValueException {
        // Bug ZK-1696: model also preserves paging information
        if (_model instanceof Pageable) {
            ((Pageable) _model).setActivePage(pg);

    public void setPageSize(int pgsz) throws WrongValueException {
        // Bug ZK-1696: model also preserves paging information
        if (_model instanceof Pageable) {
            ((Pageable) _model).setPageSize(pgsz);

    public void onAfterRender() {
        if (inPagingMold() && _model instanceof Pageable) {
            Pageable m = (Pageable) _model;
            if (m.getPageSize() > 0) { //min page size is 1
            } else {
            if (m.getActivePage() >= 0) { //min page index is 0
            } else {

     * Scroll to the specified row by the given index.
     * @param index the index of row
     * @since 8.5.2
    public void scrollToIndex(int index) {
        ListModel<Object> model = getModel();
        int rowCount = model != null ? model.getSize() : getRows().getChildren().size();
        if (index < 0 || index > rowCount - 1) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal index: " + index);
        response(new AuInvoke(this, "scrollToIndex", index, (double) index / rowCount));