

2 days
Test Coverage
/* Tab.java



        Tue Jul 12 10:43:18     2005, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.zul;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.zkoss.lang.Objects;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.SelectEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.LabelImageElement;

 * A tab.
 * <p>
 * Default {@link #getZclass}: z-tab. (since 3.5.0)
 * <h3>Support child component</h3>
 * {@link Caption} child component is allowed.
 * [ZK EE]
 * [Since 6.5.0]
 * @author tomyeh
public class Tab extends LabelImageElement {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Tab.class);

    private boolean _selected;
    /** Whether to show a close button. */
    private boolean _closable;

    private boolean _disabled;
    private transient Caption _caption;
    private transient Object _value;

    static {
        addClientEvent(Tab.class, Events.ON_CLOSE, 0);
        addClientEvent(Tab.class, Events.ON_SELECT, CE_IMPORTANT);

    public Tab() {

    public Tab(String label) {

    public Tab(String label, String image) {
        super(label, image);

    /** Returns the value.
     * <p>Default: null.
     * <p>Note: the value is application dependent, you can place
     * whatever value you want.
     * @since 7.0.0
    public <T> T getValue() {
        return (T) _value;

    /** Sets the value.
     * @param value the value.
     * <p>Note: the value is application dependent, you can place
     * whatever value you want.
     * @since 7.0.0
    public <T> void setValue(T value) {
        if (!Objects.equals(_value, value)) {
            _value = value;

    /** Returns the caption of this tab.
     * @since 6.5.0
    public Caption getCaption() {
        return _caption;

    //-- super --//
    public void setWidth(String width) {
        Tabbox tb = getTabbox();
        if (tb != null && tb.isVertical())
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Set Tabs' width instead");

     * Returns whether this tab is closable. If closable, a button is displayed
     * and the onClose event is sent if a user clicks the button.
     * <p>
     * Default: false.
    public boolean isClosable() {
        return _closable;

     * Sets whether this tab is closable. If closable, a button is displayed and
     * the onClose event is sent if a user clicks the button.
     * <p>
     * Default: false.
     * <p>
     * You can intercept the default behavior by either overriding
     * {@link #onClose}, or listening the onClose event.
     * <p>If {@link Tabbox#getModel()} is assigned, there is no an action to do with {@link #onClose},
     * i.e. developer has to listen onClose event to delete that item in model not
     * component itself. (since 7.0.0)
    public void setClosable(boolean closable) {
        if (_closable != closable) {
            _closable = closable;
            smartUpdate("closable", _closable);

     * Process the onClose event sent when the close button is pressed.
     * <p>
     * Default: invoke {@link #close} to detach itself and the corresponding {@link Tabpanel}.
    public void onClose() {

    /** Closes this tab and the linked tabpanel.
     * This method detaches this component and the linked {@link Tabpanel}), only if
     * {@link Tabbox#getModel()} is null. (since 7.0.0)
     * @since 5.0.0
    public void close() {
        if (_selected) {
            final Tab tab = selectNextTab();
            if (tab != null) {
                final Set<Tab> selItems = new HashSet<Tab>(2);
                Events.postEvent(new SelectEvent<Tab, Object>(Events.ON_SELECT, tab, selItems));
        Tabbox tabbox = getTabbox();

        // Nothing to do according to ZK-2027 issue, let application developer to do so.
        if (tabbox != null && tabbox.getModel() != null)

        //Cache panel before detach , or we couldn't get it after tab is detached.
        final Tabpanel panel = getLinkedPanel();


        if (panel != null) {
            // B60-ZK-1160: Exception when closing tab with included content
            // Must clean up included content before detaching tab panel
            Component include = panel.getFirstChild();
            if (include instanceof Include) {

    private Tab selectNextTab() {
        for (Tab tab = (Tab) getNextSibling(); tab != null; tab = (Tab) tab.getNextSibling())
            if (!tab.isDisabled()) {
                return tab;
        for (Tab tab = (Tab) getPreviousSibling(); tab != null; tab = (Tab) tab.getPreviousSibling())
            if (!tab.isDisabled()) {
                return tab;
        return null;

     * Returns the tabbox owns this component.
    public Tabbox getTabbox() {
        final Tabs tabs = (Tabs) getParent();
        return tabs != null ? tabs.getTabbox() : null;

     * Returns the panel associated with this tab.
    public Tabpanel getLinkedPanel() {
        final int j = getIndex();
        if (j >= 0) {
            final Tabbox tabbox = getTabbox();
            if (tabbox != null) {
                final Tabpanels tabpanels = tabbox.getTabpanels();
                if (tabpanels != null && tabpanels.getChildren().size() > j)
                    return (Tabpanel) tabpanels.getChildren().get(j);
        return null;

     * Returns whether this tab is selected.
    public boolean isSelected() {
        return _selected;

     * Sets whether this tab is selected.
    public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
        final Tabbox tabbox = (Tabbox) getTabbox();
        if (tabbox != null) {
            // Note: we don't update it here but let its parent does the job
            if (selected) { //Note that if already selected , tabbox will ignore it.
            } else if (tabbox.getSelectedTab() == this) { //selected false and selected

                //clean selected tab , not set any others selected , if user call setSelected(false) manually ,
                //they should set another tab to be selected or no any tab will be selected.
                _selected = false;
        } else if (_selected != selected) {
            _selected = selected;
            smartUpdate("selected", _selected);

     * Returns whether this tab is disabled.
     * <p>
     * Default: false.
     * @since 3.0.0
    public boolean isDisabled() {
        return _disabled;

     * Sets whether this tab is disabled. If a tab is disabled, then it cann't
     * be selected or closed by user, but it still can be controlled by server
     * side program.
     * @since 3.0.0
    public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) {
        if (_disabled != disabled) {
            _disabled = disabled;
            smartUpdate("disabled", _disabled);

     * Updates _selected directly without updating the client.
    /* package */void setSelectedDirectly(boolean selected) {
        _selected = selected;

     * Returns the index of this panel, or -1 if it doesn't belong to any tabs.
    public int getIndex() {
        final Tabs tabs = (Tabs) getParent();
        if (tabs == null)
            return -1;
        int j = 0;
        for (Iterator<Component> it = tabs.getChildren().iterator();; ++j)
            if (it.next() == this)
                return j;

    // -- super --//
    public String getZclass() {
        return _zclass == null ? "z-tab" : _zclass;

    // -- Component --//
     * Child is allowed, {@link Caption} only.
     * @since 6.5.0
    protected boolean isChildable() {
        return true;

    public void beforeChildAdded(Component child, Component refChild) {
        if (child instanceof Caption) {
            if (_caption != null && _caption != child)
                throw new UiException("Only one caption is allowed: " + this);
            super.beforeChildAdded(child, refChild);
        } else if (child instanceof Label) { // backward compatible
            super.beforeChildAdded(child, refChild);
        } else
            throw new UiException("Only caption is allowed: " + this);

    // backward compatible
    private transient Label _tmpLabel;

     * Internal use only
     * @since 6.5.0
    public void onCreate(Event evt) {
        if (_tmpLabel != null) {
        _tmpLabel = null;

    public boolean insertBefore(Component child, Component refChild) {
        if (child instanceof Caption) {
            refChild = getFirstChild();
            //always makes caption as the first child
            if (super.insertBefore(child, refChild)) {
                _caption = (Caption) child;
                return true;
            return false;
        } else if (child instanceof Label) { // backward compatible
            _tmpLabel = (Label) child;
            log.warn("Please use Tab#setLabel(msg) instead! [" + this + "]");
        return super.insertBefore(child, refChild);


    public void onChildRemoved(Component child) {
        if (child instanceof Caption) {
            _caption = null;

    public void beforeParentChanged(Component parent) {
        if (parent != null && !(parent instanceof Tabs))
            throw new UiException("Wrong parent: " + parent);

    public Object clone() {
        final Tab clone = (Tab) super.clone();
        if (clone._caption != null)
        return clone;

    private void afterUnmarshal() {
        for (Iterator<Component> it = getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Object child = it.next();
            if (child instanceof Caption) {
                _caption = (Caption) child;

    private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

    // -- ComponentCtrl --//
    /** Processes an AU request.
     * <p>Default: in addition to what are handled by {@link LabelImageElement#service},
     * it also handles onSelect.
     * @since 5.0.0
    public void service(org.zkoss.zk.au.AuRequest request, boolean everError) {
        final String cmd = request.getCommand();
        if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_SELECT)) {
            final Tabbox tabbox = getTabbox();
            final Set<Tab> prevSeldItems = new LinkedHashSet<Tab>();
            if (tabbox.getSelectedTab() != null)
            final SelectEvent<Tab, Object> evt = SelectEvent.getSelectEvent(request,
                    new SelectEvent.SelectedObjectHandler<Tab>() {
                        public Set<Object> getObjects(Set<Tab> items) {
                            if (items == null || items.isEmpty() || tabbox.getModel() == null)
                                return null;
                            Set<Object> objs = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
                            ListModel<Object> model = tabbox.getModel();
                            for (Tab i : items)
                            return objs;

                        public Set<Tab> getPreviousSelectedItems() {
                            return prevSeldItems;

                        // in single selection, getUnselectedItems() is same as getPreviousSelectedItems()
                        public Set<Tab> getUnselectedItems() {
                            return getPreviousSelectedItems();

                        public Set<Object> getPreviousSelectedObjects() {
                            ListModel<Object> model = tabbox.getModel();
                            Set<Tab> items = getPreviousSelectedItems();
                            if (model == null || items.size() < 1)
                                return null;
                            else {
                                Set<Object> s = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
                                s.add(model.getElementAt(((Tab) items.iterator().next()).getIndex()));
                                return s;

                        // in single selection, getUnselectedObjects() is same as getPreviousSelectedObjects()
                        public Set<Object> getUnselectedObjects() {
                            return getPreviousSelectedObjects();

            final Set<Tab> selItems = evt.getSelectedItems();
            if (selItems == null || selItems.size() != 1)
                throw new UiException("Exactly one selected tab is required: " + selItems); // debug purpose

            if (tabbox != null)
                tabbox.selectTabDirectly((Tab) selItems.iterator().next(), true);

        } else
            super.service(request, everError);

    protected void renderProperties(org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ContentRenderer renderer) throws java.io.IOException {
        if (_disabled)
            render(renderer, "disabled", _disabled);
        if (_selected)
            render(renderer, "selected", _selected);
        if (_closable)
            render(renderer, "closable", _closable);