

6 days
Test Coverage
/* Treecol.java

        Wed Jul  6 18:55:59     2005, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.zul;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.zkoss.lang.Classes;
import org.zkoss.lang.Objects;
import org.zkoss.lang.Strings;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Components;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Scopes;
import org.zkoss.zul.ext.Sortable;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.HeaderElement;

 * A treecol.
 * <p>Default {@link #getZclass}: z-treecol (since 5.0.0)
 * @author tomyeh
public class Treecol extends HeaderElement {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20110131122933L;

    private String _sortDir = "natural";
    private transient Comparator<?> _sortAsc, _sortDsc;
    private String _sortAscNm = "none";
    private String _sortDscNm = "none";
    private int _maxlength;
    private boolean _ignoreSort = false;
    private boolean _isCustomAscComparator = false;
    private boolean _isCustomDscComparator = false;

    static {
        addClientEvent(Treecol.class, Events.ON_SORT, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE);

    public Treecol() {

    public Treecol(String label) {

    /* Constructs a tree header with label and image.
     * @param lable the label. No label if null or empty.
     * @param src the URI of the image. Ignored if null or empty.
    public Treecol(String label, String src) {
        super(label, src);

    /* Constructs a tree header with label, image and width.
     * @param src the URI of the image. Ignored if null or empty.
     * @param width the width of the column. Ignored if null or empty.
     * @since 3.0.4
    public Treecol(String label, String src, String width) {
        super(label, src);

    /** Returns the tree that it belongs to.
    public Tree getTree() {
        final Component comp = getParent();
        return comp != null ? (Tree) comp.getParent() : null;

    /** Returns the sort direction.
     * @since 5.0.6
     * <p>Default: "natural".
    public String getSortDirection() {
        return _sortDir;

    /** Sets the sort direction. This does not sort the data, it only serves
     * as an indicator as to how the tree is sorted. (unless the tree has "autosort" attribute)
     * <p>If you use {@link #sort(boolean)} to sort treechildren ({@link Treeitem}),
     * the sort direction is maintained automatically.
     * If you want to sort it in customized way, you have to set the
     * sort direction manually.
     * @since 5.0.6
     * @param sortDir one of "ascending", "descending" and "natural"
    public void setSortDirection(String sortDir) throws WrongValueException {
        if (sortDir == null
                || (!"ascending".equals(sortDir) && !"descending".equals(sortDir) && !"natural".equals(sortDir)))
            throw new WrongValueException("Unknown sort direction: " + sortDir);
        if (!Objects.equals(_sortDir, sortDir)) {
            _sortDir = sortDir;
            if (!"natural".equals(sortDir) && !_ignoreSort) {
                Tree tree = getTree();
                if (tree != null && tree.isAutosort()) {
            smartUpdate("sortDirection", _sortDir);

    /** Sets the type of the sorter.
     * You might specify either "auto", "auto(FIELD_NAME1[,FIELD_NAME2] ...)",
     * "auto(<i>number</i>)" or "none".
     * <p>If "client" or "client(number)" is specified,
     * the sort functionality will be done by Javascript at client without notifying
     * to server, that is, the order of the component in the row is out of sync.
     * <ul>
     * <li> "client" : it is treated by a string</li>
     * <li> "client(number)" : it is treated by a number</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>Note: client sorting cannot work in model case.
     * <p>If "auto" is specified,
     * {@link #setSortAscending} and/or {@link #setSortDescending} 
     * are called with {@link TreeitemComparator}, if
     * {@link #getSortDescending} and/or {@link #getSortAscending} are null.
     * If you assigned a comparator to them, it won't be affected.
     * The auto created comparator is case-insensitive.
     * <p>If "auto(FIELD_NAME1, FIELD_NAME2, ...)" is specified,
     * {@link #setSortAscending} and/or {@link #setSortDescending} 
     * are called with {@link FieldComparator}, if
     * {@link #getSortDescending} and/or {@link #getSortAscending} are null.
     * If you assigned a comparator to them, it won't be affected.
     * The auto created comparator is case-sensitive.
     * <p>If "auto(LOWER(FIELD_NAME))" or "auto(UPPER(FIELD_NAME))" is specified,
     * {@link #setSortAscending} and/or {@link #setSortDescending} 
     * are called with {@link FieldComparator}, if
     * {@link #getSortDescending} and/or {@link #getSortAscending} are null.
     * If you assigned a comparator to them, it won't be affected.
     * The auto created comparator is case-insensitive.
     * <p>If "auto(<i>number</i>)" is specified, 
     * {@link #setSortAscending} and/or {@link #setSortDescending} 
     * are called with {@link ArrayComparator}. Notice that the data must
     * be an array and the number-th element must be comparable ({@link Comparable}).
     * <p>If "none" is specified, both {@link #setSortAscending} and
     * {@link #setSortDescending} are called with null.
     * Therefore, no more sorting is available to users for this column.
     * @throws IllegalAccessException 
     * @throws InstantiationException 
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException 
     * @since 5.0.6
    public void setSort(String type) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        if (type == null)
        if (type.startsWith("client")) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex); //not possible to throw ClassNotFoundException...
        } else if ("auto".equals(type)) {
            if (getSortAscending() == null)
                setSortAscending(new TreeitemComparator(this, true, true));
            if (getSortDescending() == null)
                setSortDescending(new TreeitemComparator(this, false, true));
        } else if (!Strings.isBlank(type) && type.startsWith("auto")) {
            final int j = type.indexOf('(');
            final int k = type.lastIndexOf(')');
            if (j >= 0 && k >= 0) {
                final String name = type.substring(j + 1, k);
                char cc;
                int index = -1;
                if (name.length() > 0 && (cc = name.charAt(0)) >= '0' && cc <= '9')
                    if ((index = Integer.parseInt(name)) < 0)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nonnegative number is required: " + name);
                if (getSortAscending() == null || !_isCustomAscComparator) {
                    if (index < 0)
                        setSortAscending(new FieldComparator(name, true));
                        setSortAscending(new ArrayComparator(index, true));
                    _isCustomAscComparator = false;
                if (getSortDescending() == null || !_isCustomDscComparator) {
                    if (index < 0)
                        setSortDescending(new FieldComparator(name, false));
                        setSortDescending(new ArrayComparator(index, false));
                    _isCustomDscComparator = false;
            } else {
                throw new UiException("Unknown sort type: " + type);
        } else if ("none".equals(type)) {
            setSortAscending((Comparator) null);
            setSortDescending((Comparator) null);

    /** Returns the ascending sorter, or null if not available.
     *     @since 5.0.6
    public Comparator<?> getSortAscending() {
        return _sortAsc;

    /** Sets the ascending sorter, or null for no sorter for
     * the ascending order.
     * @param sorter the comparator used to sort the ascending order.
     * @since 5.0.6
    public void setSortAscending(Comparator<?> sorter) {
        if (!Objects.equals(_sortAsc, sorter)) {
            _sortAsc = sorter;
            _isCustomAscComparator = _sortAsc != null;
            String nm = _isCustomAscComparator ? "fromServer" : "none";
            if (!_sortAscNm.equals(nm)) {
                _sortAscNm = nm;
                smartUpdate("sortAscending", _sortAscNm);

    /** Sets the ascending sorter with the class name, or null for
     * no sorter for the ascending order.
     * @since 5.0.6
    public void setSortAscending(String clsnm)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        if (!Strings.isBlank(clsnm) && clsnm.startsWith("client") && !_sortAscNm.equals(clsnm)) {
            _sortAscNm = clsnm;
            smartUpdate("sortAscending", clsnm);
        } else

    /** Returns the descending sorter, or null if not available.
     * @since 5.0.6
    public Comparator<?> getSortDescending() {
        return _sortDsc;

    /** Sets the descending sorter, or null for no sorter for the
     * descending order.
     * @param sorter the comparator used to sort the ascending order.
     * @since 5.0.6
    public void setSortDescending(Comparator<?> sorter) {
        if (!Objects.equals(_sortDsc, sorter)) {
            _sortDsc = sorter;
            _isCustomDscComparator = _sortDsc != null;
            String nm = _isCustomDscComparator ? "fromServer" : "none";
            if (!_sortDscNm.equals(nm)) {
                _sortDscNm = nm;
                smartUpdate("sortDescending", _sortDscNm);

    /** Sets the descending sorter with the class name, or null for
     * no sorter for the descending order.
     * @since 5.0.6
    public void setSortDescending(String clsnm)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        if (!Strings.isBlank(clsnm) && clsnm.startsWith("client") && !_sortDscNm.equals(clsnm)) {
            _sortDscNm = clsnm;
            smartUpdate("sortDescending", clsnm);
        } else

    private Comparator<?> toComparator(String clsnm)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        if (clsnm == null || clsnm.length() == 0)
            return null;

        final Page page = getPage();
        final Class cls = page != null ? page.resolveClass(clsnm) : Classes.forNameByThread(clsnm);
        if (cls == null)
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(clsnm);
        if (!Comparator.class.isAssignableFrom(cls))
            throw new UiException("Comparator must be implemented: " + clsnm);
        return (Comparator<?>) cls.newInstance();

    /** Returns the maximal length of each item's label.
     * <p>Default: 0 (no limit).
    public int getMaxlength() {
        return _maxlength;

    /** Sets the maximal length of each item's label.
     * <p>Default: 0 (no limit).
     * <p>Notice that maxlength will be applied to this header and all
     * listcell of the same column.
    public void setMaxlength(int maxlength) {
        if (maxlength < 0)
            maxlength = 0;
        if (_maxlength != maxlength) {
            _maxlength = maxlength;
            smartUpdate("maxlength", maxlength);

    /** Returns the column index, starting from 0.
    public int getColumnIndex() {
        int j = 0;
        for (Iterator it = getParent().getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ++j)
            if (it.next() == this)
        return j;

    /** Sorts the treechildren ({@link Treeitem}) based on {@link #getSortAscending}
     * and {@link #getSortDescending}, if {@link #getSortDirection} doesn't
     * matches the ascending argument.
     * <p>It checks {@link #getSortDirection} to see whether sorting
     * is required, and update {@link #setSortDirection} after sorted.
     * For example, if {@link #getSortDirection} returns "ascending" and
     * the ascending argument is false, nothing happens.
     * To enforce the sorting, you can invoke {@link #setSortDirection}
     * with "natural" before invoking this method.
     * Alternatively, you can invoke {@link #sort(boolean, boolean)} instead.
     * <p>It sorts the rows by use of {@link Components#sort}, if not live
     * data (i.e., {@link Tree#getModel} is null).
     * <p>On the other hand, it invokes {@link Sortable#sort} to sort
     * the treechildren, if live data (i.e., {@link Tree#getModel} is not null).
     * In other words, if you use the live data, you have to implement
     * {@link Sortable} to sort the live data explicitly.
     * @param ascending whether to use {@link #getSortAscending}.
     * If the corresponding comparator is not set, it returns false
     * and does nothing.
     * @return whether the rows are sorted.
     * @exception UiException if {@link Tree#getModel} is not
     * null but {@link Sortable} is not implemented.
     * @since 5.0.6
    public boolean sort(boolean ascending) {
        final String dir = getSortDirection();
        if (ascending) {
            if ("ascending".equals(dir))
                return false;
        } else {
            if ("descending".equals(dir))
                return false;
        return doSort(ascending);
    /** Sorts the treechildren ({@link Treeitem}) based on {@link #getSortAscending}
     * and {@link #getSortDescending}.
     * @param ascending whether to use {@link #getSortAscending}.
     * If the corresponding comparator is not set, it returns false
     * and does nothing.
     * @param force whether to enforce the sorting no matter what the sort
     * direction ({@link #getSortDirection}) is.
     * If false, this method is the same as {@link #sort(boolean)}.
     * @return whether the treechildren are sorted.
     * @since 5.0.6
    public boolean sort(boolean ascending, boolean force) {
        if (force)
        return sort(ascending);

    /*package*/ boolean doSort(boolean ascending) {
        final Comparator cmpr = ascending ? _sortAsc : _sortDsc;
        if (cmpr == null)
            return false;

        final Tree tree = getTree();
        if (tree == null)
            return false;

        //comparator might be zscript
        try {
            final TreeModel model = tree.getModel();
            boolean isPagingMold = tree.inPagingMold();
            int activePg = isPagingMold ? tree.getPaginal().getActivePage() : 0;
            if (model != null) { //live data
                if (!(model instanceof Sortable))
                    throw new UiException(Sortable.class + " must be implemented in " + model.getClass().getName());
                ((Sortable) model).sort(cmpr, ascending);
            } else { //not live data
                sort0(tree.getTreechildren(), cmpr);
            if (isPagingMold)
            // Because of maintaining the number of the visible item, we cause
            // the wrong active page when dynamically add/remove the item (i.e. sorting).
            // Therefore, we have to reset the correct active page.
        } finally {

        _ignoreSort = true;
        for (Iterator it = tree.getTreecols().getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Treecol col = (Treecol) it.next();
            col.setSortDirection(col != this ? "natural" : ascending ? "ascending" : "descending");
        _ignoreSort = false;

        // sometimes the items at client side are out of date

        return true;

    /** Sorts the treechildren.
     * @since 5.0.6
    private static void sort0(Treechildren treechildren, Comparator cmpr) {
        if (treechildren == null)
        Components.sort(treechildren.getChildren(), cmpr);
        for (Iterator it = treechildren.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Treeitem item = (Treeitem) it.next();
            sort0(item.getTreechildren(), cmpr);

    //-- event listener --//
    /** It invokes {@link #sort(boolean)} to sort list items and maintain
     * {@link #getSortDirection}.
     * @since 5.0.6
    public void onSort() {
        final String dir = getSortDirection();
        if ("ascending".equals(dir))
        else if ("descending".equals(dir))
        else if (!sort(true))

    //-- super --//
    public String getZclass() {
        return _zclass == null ? "z-treecol" : _zclass;

    protected void renderProperties(org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ContentRenderer renderer) throws java.io.IOException {

        if (!"none".equals(_sortDscNm))
            render(renderer, "sortDescending", _sortDscNm);

        if (!"none".equals(_sortAscNm))
            render(renderer, "sortAscending", _sortAscNm);

        if (!"natural".equals(_sortDir))
            render(renderer, "sortDirection", _sortDir);

        if (_maxlength > 0)
            renderer.render("maxlength", _maxlength);

    //-- Component --//
    public void beforeParentChanged(Component parent) {
        if (parent != null && !(parent instanceof Treecols))
            throw new UiException("Wrong parent: " + parent);

    public Object clone() {
        final Treecol clone = (Treecol) super.clone();
        return clone;

    private void fixClone() {
        if (_sortAsc instanceof TreeitemComparator) {
            final TreeitemComparator c = (TreeitemComparator) _sortAsc;
            if (c.getTreecol() == this && c.isAscending())
                _sortAsc = new TreeitemComparator(this, true, c.shallIgnoreCase());
        if (_sortDsc instanceof TreeitemComparator) {
            final TreeitemComparator c = (TreeitemComparator) _sortDsc;
            if (c.getTreecol() == this && !c.isAscending())
                _sortDsc = new TreeitemComparator(this, false, c.shallIgnoreCase());

    //NOTE: they must be declared as private
    private synchronized void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws java.io.IOException {

        boolean written = false;
        if (_sortAsc instanceof TreeitemComparator) {
            final TreeitemComparator c = (TreeitemComparator) _sortAsc;
            if (c.getTreecol() == this && c.isAscending()) {
                written = true;
        if (!written) {
            if (_sortAsc instanceof Serializable) {
            } else if (_sortAsc != null) {
                throw new java.io.NotSerializableException(_sortAsc.getClass().getName());
            } else {

        written = false;
        if (_sortDsc instanceof TreeitemComparator) {
            final TreeitemComparator c = (TreeitemComparator) _sortDsc;
            if (c.getTreecol() == this && !c.isAscending()) {
                written = true;
        if (!written) {
            if (_sortDsc instanceof Serializable) {
            } else if (_sortDsc != null) {
                throw new java.io.NotSerializableException(_sortDsc.getClass().getName());
            } else {

    private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

        boolean b = s.readBoolean();
        if (b) {
            final boolean igcs = s.readBoolean();
            final boolean byval = s.readBoolean();
            _sortAsc = new TreeitemComparator(this, true, igcs, byval);
        } else {
            //bug #2830325 FieldComparator not castable to ListItemComparator
            _sortAsc = (Comparator) s.readObject();

        b = s.readBoolean();
        if (b) {
            final boolean igcs = s.readBoolean();
            final boolean byval = s.readBoolean();
            _sortDsc = new TreeitemComparator(this, false, igcs, byval);
        } else {
            //bug #2830325 FieldComparator not castable to ListItemComparator
            _sortDsc = (Comparator) s.readObject();