

4 days
Test Coverage
/* Window.java

        Tue May 31 19:29:13     2005, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.zul;

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.zkoss.lang.Objects;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Execution;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.IdSpace;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.SuspendNotAllowedException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.WrongValueException;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Events;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.MaximizeEvent;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.MinimizeEvent;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.OpenEvent;
import org.zkoss.zul.ext.Framable;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.Utils;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.XulElement;

 * A window.
 * <p>Unlike other elements, each {@link Window} is an independent ID space
 * (by implementing {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.IdSpace}).
 * It means a window and all its descendants forms a ID space and
 * the ID of each of them is unique in this space.
 * You could retrieve any of them in this space by calling {@link #getFellow}.
 * <p>If a window X is a descendant of another window Y, X's descendants
 * are not visible in Y's space. To retrieve a descendant, say Z, of X, 
 * you have to invoke Y.getFellow('X').getFellow('Z').
 * <p>Events:<br/>
 * onMove, onOpen, onMaximize, onMinimize, and onClose.<br/>
 * Note: to have better performance, onOpen is sent only if a
 * non-deferrable event listener is registered
 * (see {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Deferrable}).
 * <p><code>onMaximize</code> and <code>onMinimize</code> are supported. (since 3.5.0)
 * <p><code>onClose</code> is sent when the close button is pressed
 * (if {@link #isClosable} is true). The window has to detach or hide
 * the window. By default, {@link #onClose} detaches the window. To prevent
 * it from detached, you have to call {@link org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event#stopPropagation}
 * to prevent {@link #onClose} is called.
 * <p>On the other hand, <code>onOpen</code> is sent when a popup
 * window (i.e., {@link #getMode} is popup) is closed due to user's activity
 * (such as press ESC). This event is only a notification.
 * In other words, the popup is hidden before the event is sent to the server.
 * The application cannot prevent the window from being hidden.
 * <p>Default {@link #getZclass}: z-window.(since 3.5.0)
 * @author tomyeh
public class Window extends XulElement implements Framable, IdSpace {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Window.class);
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20100721L;

    private transient Caption _caption;

    private String _border = "none";
    private String _title = "";
    private int _mode = EMBEDDED;
    /** Used for doModal. */
    private Mutex _mutex = new Mutex();
    /** The style used for the content block. */
    private String _cntStyle;
    /** The style class used for the content block. */
    private String _cntSclass;
    /** How to position the window. */
    private String _pos;
    /** Whether to show a close button. */
    private boolean _closable;
    /** Whether the window is sizable. */
    private boolean _sizable;
    /** Whether to show the shadow. */
    private boolean _shadow = true;

    private boolean _maximizable, _minimizable, _maximized, _minimized;
    private int _minheight = 100, _minwidth = 200;

    /** Embeds the window as normal component. */
    public static final int EMBEDDED = 0;
    /** Makes the window as a modal dialog. once {@link #doModal}
     * is called, the execution of the event processing thread
     * is suspended until one of the following occurs.
     * <ol>
     * <li>{@link #setMode} is called with a mode other than MODAL.</li>
     * <li>Either {@link #doOverlapped}, {@link #doPopup},
     * {@link #doEmbedded}, or {@link #doHighlighted} is called.</li>
     * <li>{@link #setVisible} is called with false.</li>
     * <li>The window is detached from the window.</li>
     * </ol>
     * <p>Note: In the last two cases, the mode becomes {@link #OVERLAPPED}.
     * In other words, one might say a modal window is a special overlapped window.
     * @see #HIGHLIGHTED
    public static final int MODAL = 1;
    //Represent a modal when the event thread is disabled (internal)
    private static final int MODAL_EVENT_THREAD_DISABLED = -100;
    /** Makes the window as overlapped other components.
    public static final int OVERLAPPED = 2;
    /** Makes the window as popup.
     * It is similar to {@link #OVERLAPPED}, except it is auto hidden
     * when user clicks outside of the window.
    public static final int POPUP = 3;
    /** Makes the window as highlighted.
     * Its visual effect is the same as {@link #MODAL}.
     * However, from the server side's viewpoint, it is similar to
     * {@link #OVERLAPPED}. The execution won't be suspended when
     * {@link #doHighlighted} is called.
     * @see #MODAL
     * @see #OVERLAPPED
    public static final int HIGHLIGHTED = 4;

    static {
        addClientEvent(Window.class, Events.ON_CLOSE, 0);
        addClientEvent(Window.class, Events.ON_MOVE, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT);
        addClientEvent(Window.class, Events.ON_SIZE, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT);
        addClientEvent(Window.class, Events.ON_OPEN, CE_IMPORTANT);
        addClientEvent(Window.class, Events.ON_Z_INDEX, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT);
        addClientEvent(Window.class, Events.ON_MAXIMIZE, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT);
        addClientEvent(Window.class, Events.ON_MINIMIZE, CE_DUPLICATE_IGNORE | CE_IMPORTANT);

    public Window() {
        setAttribute("z$is", Boolean.TRUE); //optional but optimized to mean no need to generate z$is since client handles it

     * @param title the window title (see {@link #setTitle}).
     * @param border the border (see {@link #setBorder}).
     * @param closable whether it is closable (see {@link #setClosable}).
    public Window(String title, String border, boolean closable) {

     * Returns whether the window is maximized.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public boolean isMaximized() {
        return _maximized;

     * Sets whether the window is maximized, and then the size of the window will depend 
     * on it to show a appropriate size. In other words, if true, the size of the
     * window will count on the size of its offset parent node whose position is
     * absolute (by not {@link #inEmbedded()}) or its parent node. Otherwise, its size
     * will be original size. Note that the maximized effect will run at client's
     * sizing phase not initial phase.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @exception UiException if {@link #isMaximizable} is false.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public void setMaximized(boolean maximized) {
        if (_maximized != maximized) {
            if (!_maximizable)
                throw new UiException("Not maximizable, " + this);

            _maximized = maximized;
            if (_maximized) {
                _minimized = false;
                setVisible0(true); //avoid dead loop
            smartUpdate("maximized", _maximized);

     * Returns whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize
     * the window. 
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public boolean isMaximizable() {
        return _maximizable;

     * Sets whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize
     * the window, when a window is maximized, the button will automatically
     * change to a restore button with the appropriate behavior already built-in
     * that will restore the window to its previous size.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * <p>Note: the maximize button won't be displayed if no title or caption at all.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public void setMaximizable(boolean maximizable) {
        if (_maximizable != maximizable) {
            _maximizable = maximizable;
            smartUpdate("maximizable", _maximizable);

     * Returns whether the window is minimized.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public boolean isMinimized() {
        return _minimized;

     * Sets whether the window is minimized.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @exception UiException if {@link #isMinimizable} is false.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public void setMinimized(boolean minimized) {
        if (_minimized != minimized) {
            if (!_minimizable)
                throw new UiException("not minimizable, " + this);

            _minimized = minimized;
            if (_minimized) {
                _maximized = false;
                setVisible0(false); //avoid dead loop
            } else
            smartUpdate("minimized", _minimized);

     * Returns whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize
     * the window. 
     * <p>Default: false.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public boolean isMinimizable() {
        return _minimizable;

     * Sets whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize
     * the window. Note that this button provides no implementation -- the behavior
     * of minimizing a window is implementation-specific, so the MinimizeEvent
     * event must be handled and a custom minimize behavior implemented for this
     * option to be useful.
     * <p>Default: false. 
     * <p>Note: the maximize button won't be displayed if no title or caption at all.
     * @see MinimizeEvent
     * @since 3.5.0
    public void setMinimizable(boolean minimizable) {
        if (_minimizable != minimizable) {
            _minimizable = minimizable;
            smartUpdate("minimizable", _minimizable);

     * Sets the minimum height in pixels allowed for this window. If negative, 100 is assumed.
     * <p>Default: 100. 
     * <p>Note: Only applies when {@link #isSizable()} = true.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public void setMinheight(int minheight) {
        if (minheight < 0)
            minheight = 100;
        if (_minheight != minheight) {
            _minheight = minheight;
            smartUpdate("minheight", _minheight);

     * Returns the minimum height.
     * <p>Default: 100.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public int getMinheight() {
        return _minheight;

     * Sets the minimum width in pixels allowed for this window. If negative, 200 is assumed.
     * <p>Default: 200. 
     * <p>Note: Only applies when {@link #isSizable()} = true.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public void setMinwidth(int minwidth) {
        if (minwidth < 0)
            minwidth = 200;
        if (_minwidth != minwidth) {
            _minwidth = minwidth;
            smartUpdate("minwidth", _minwidth);

     * Returns the minimum width.
     * <p>Default: 200.
     * @since 3.5.0
    public int getMinwidth() {
        return _minwidth;

    /** Returns the caption of this window.
    public Caption getCaption() {
        return _caption;

    /** Returns the border.
     * <p>Default: "none".
    public String getBorder() {
        return _border;

    /** Sets the border (either none or normal).
     * @param border the border. If null, "0" or "false", "none" is assumed.
     * If "true", "normal" is assumed (since 5.0.8).
    public void setBorder(String border) {
        if (border == null || "0".equals(border) || "false".equals(border))
            border = "none";
        else if ("true".equals(border))
            border = "normal";
        if (!Objects.equals(_border, border)) {
            _border = border;
            smartUpdate("border", border);

    /** Enables or disables the border.
     * @param border whether to have a border. If true is specified,
     * it is the same as <code>setBorder("normal")</code>.
     * @since 5.0.8
    public void setBorder(boolean border) {
        setBorder(border ? "normal" : "none");

    /** Returns the title.
     * Besides this attribute, you could use {@link Caption} to define
     * a more sophisticated caption (a.k.a., title).
     * <p>If a window has a caption whose label ({@link Caption#getLabel})
     * is not empty, then this attribute is ignored.
     * <p>Default: empty.
    public String getTitle() {
        return _title;

    /** Sets the title.
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        if (title == null)
            title = "";
        if (!Objects.equals(_title, title)) {
            _title = title;
            smartUpdate("title", title);

    /** Returns the current mode.
     * One of "modal", "embedded", "overlapped", "popup", and "highlighted".
     * @see #getModeType
    public String getMode() {
        return modeToString(_mode);

    private static String modeToString(int mode) {
        switch (mode) {
        case MODAL:
            return "modal";
        case POPUP:
            return "popup";
        case OVERLAPPED:
            return "overlapped";
        case HIGHLIGHTED:
            return "highlighted";
            return "embedded";

    /** Sets the mode.
     * @since 6.0.0
    public void setMode(Mode mode) {
    /** Sets the mode to overlapped, popup, modal, embedded or highlighted.
     * <p>Notice: {@link Events#ON_MODAL} is posted if you specify
     * "modal" to this method.
     * Unlike {@link #doModal}, {@link Events#ON_MODAL} is posted, so
     * the window will become modal later (since 3.0.4).
     * In other words, setMode("modal") never suspends the execution
     * of the current thread. On the other hand, {@link #doModal} will
     * suspends the execution if executed in an event listener, or
     * throws an exception if <em>not</em> executed in an event listener.
     * <p>Refer to <a href="http://books.zkoss.org/wiki/ZK_Component_Reference/Containers/Window">Overlapped, Popup, Modal, Highlighted and Embedded</a>
     * for more information.
     * @param name the mode which could be one of
     * "embedded", "overlapped", "popup", "modal", "highlighted".
     * Note: it cannot be "modal". Use {@link #doModal} instead.
    public void setMode(String name) {
        if ("popup".equals(name))
        else if ("overlapped".equals(name))
        else if ("embedded".equals(name))
        else if ("modal".equals(name)) {
            if (isEventThreadEnabled(false))
                Events.postEvent(Events.ON_MODAL, this, null);
        } else if ("highlighted".equals(name))
            throw new WrongValueException("Unknown mode: " + name);
    /** Sets the mode to overlapped, popup, modal, embedded or highlighted.
     * @see #setMode(String)
    public void setMode(int mode) {
        switch (mode) {
        case POPUP:
        case OVERLAPPED:
        case EMBEDDED:
        case MODAL:
            if (isEventThreadEnabled(false))
                Events.postEvent(Events.ON_MODAL, this, null);
        case HIGHLIGHTED:
            throw new WrongValueException("Unknown mode: " + mode);

    /** Returns the current mode.
     * @see #getMode
     * @see #setMode(Mode)
     * @since 6.0.0
    public Mode getModeType() {
        return toModeType(_mode);

    private static Mode toModeType(int mode) {
        switch (mode) {
        case MODAL:
            return Mode.MODAL;
        case POPUP:
            return Mode.POPUP;
        case OVERLAPPED:
            return Mode.OVERLAPPED;
        case HIGHLIGHTED:
            return Mode.HIGHLIGHTED;
            return Mode.EMBEDDED;

    /** Returns whether this is a modal dialog.
    public boolean inModal() {
        return _mode == MODAL || _mode == MODAL_EVENT_THREAD_DISABLED;

    /** Returns whether this is embedded with other components (Default).
     * @see #doEmbedded
    public boolean inEmbedded() {
        return _mode == EMBEDDED;

    /** Returns whether this is a overlapped window.
    public boolean inOverlapped() {
        return _mode == OVERLAPPED;

    /** Returns whether this is a popup window.
    public boolean inPopup() {
        return _mode == POPUP;

    /** Returns whether this is a highlighted window.
    public boolean inHighlighted() {
        return _mode == HIGHLIGHTED;

    /** Makes this window as a modal dialog.
     * It will automatically center the window (ignoring {@link #getLeft} and
     * {@link #getTop}).
     * <p>Notice: though both setMode("modal") and doModal() both
     * causes the window to become modal, they are a bit different.
     * doModal causes the event listener to suspend immediately,
     * while setMode("modal") posts an event ({@link Events#ON_MODAL}).
     * That is, {@link #setMode} won't suspend the execution immediately,
     * but {@link #doModal} will.
     * {@link #doModal} can be called only in an event listener,
     * while {@link #setMode} can be called anytime.
     * @since 3.0.4
    public void doModal() {
        if (!isEventThreadEnabled(true)) {


        if (_mode != MODAL) {
            if (!Events.inEventListener())
                throw new SuspendNotAllowedException("doModal must be called in an event listener");

            int oldmode = _mode;
            boolean oldvisi = isVisible();

            setVisible(true); //if MODAL, it must be visible; vice versa

            try {
            } catch (SuspendNotAllowedException ex) {
                handleFailedModal(oldmode, oldvisi);
                throw ex;

    private void handleFailedModal(int oldmode, boolean oldvisi) {
        try {
            if (Executions.getCurrent().getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.exception") != null) {
                //handle it specially if it is used for displaying err
            } else {
                setMode(oldmode); //restore
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            log.error("Causing another error", ex);

    /** Makes this window as overlapped with other components.
    public void doOverlapped() {

    /** Makes this window as popup, which is overlapped with other component
     * and auto-hidden when user clicks outside of the window.
    public void doPopup() {

    /** Makes this window as highlighted. The visual effect is
     * the similar to the modal window, but, like overlapped,
     * it doesn't suspend (block) the execution at the server.
     * In other words, it is more like an overlapped window from the
     * server side's viewpoint.
    public void doHighlighted() {

    /** Makes this window as embedded with other components (Default).
    public void doEmbedded() {

    /* Set non-modal mode. */
    private void setNonModalMode(int mode) {
        if (_mode != mode) {
            if (_mode == MODAL)
            else {
                _mode = mode;
                smartUpdate("mode", modeToString(_mode));

    /** Set mode to MODAL and suspend this thread. */
    private void enterModal() {
        _mode = MODAL;
        smartUpdate("mode", modeToString(_mode));

        //no need to synchronized (_mutex) because no racing is possible
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            throw UiException.Aide.wrap(ex);

    /** Resumes the suspended thread and set mode to OVERLAPPED. */
    private void leaveModal(int mode) {
        _mode = mode;
        smartUpdate("mode", modeToString(_mode));


    private boolean isEventThreadEnabled(boolean attachedRequired) {
        Desktop desktop = getDesktop();
        if (desktop == null) {
            if (attachedRequired)
                throw new SuspendNotAllowedException("Not attached, " + this);

            final Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
            if (exec == null || (desktop = exec.getDesktop()) == null)
                return true; //assume enabled (safer)
        return desktop.getWebApp().getConfiguration().isEventThreadEnabled();

    /** Makes sure it is not draggable. */
    private void checkOverlappable(int mode) {
        if (!"false".equals(getDraggable()))
            throw new UiException("Draggable window cannot be modal, overlapped, popup, or highlighted: " + this);

        if (mode == MODAL)
            for (Component comp = this; (comp = comp.getParent()) != null;)
                if (!comp.isVisible())
                    throw new UiException(
                            "One of its ancestors, " + comp + ", is not visible, so unable to be modal or highlighted");

    /** Returns whether to show a close button on the title bar.
    public boolean isClosable() {
        return _closable;

    /** Sets whether to show a close button on the title bar.
     * If closable, a button is displayed and the onClose event is sent
     * if an user clicks the button.
     * <p>Default: false.
     * <p>You can intercept the default behavior by either overriding
     * {@link #onClose}, or listening the onClose event.
     * <p>Note: the close button won't be displayed if no title or caption at all.
    public void setClosable(boolean closable) {
        if (_closable != closable) {
            _closable = closable;
            smartUpdate("closable", closable); //re-init is required

    /** Returns whether the window is sizable.
    public boolean isSizable() {
        return _sizable;

    /** Sets whether the window is sizable.
     * If true, an user can drag the border to change the window width.
     * <p>Default: false.
    public void setSizable(boolean sizable) {
        if (_sizable != sizable) {
            _sizable = sizable;
            smartUpdate("sizable", sizable);

    /** Returns whether to show the shadow of an overlapped/popup/modal
     * window. It is meaningless if it is an embedded window.
     * @since 3.6.0
    public boolean isShadow() {
        return _shadow;

    /** Sets whether to show the shadow of an overlapped/popup/modal
     * window. It is meaningless if it is an embedded window.
     * <p>Default: true.
     * @since 3.6.0
    public void setShadow(boolean shadow) {
        if (_shadow != shadow) {
            _shadow = shadow;
            smartUpdate("shadow", shadow);

    /** Returns how to position the window at the client screen.
     * It is meaningless if the embedded mode is used.
     * <p>Default: null which depends on {@link #getMode}:
     * If overlapped or popup, {@link #setLeft} and {@link #setTop} are
     * assumed. If modal or highlighted, it is centered.
    public String getPosition() {
        return _pos;

    /** Sets how to position the window at the client screen.
     * It is meaningless if the embedded mode is used.
     * @param pos how to position. It can be null (the default), or
     * a combination of the following values (by separating with comma).
     * <dl>
     * <dt>center</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the center. {@link #setTop} and {@link #setLeft}
     * are both ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>nocenter</dt>
     * <dd>Not to position the window at the center. A modal window, by default,
     * will be position at the center. By specifying this value could
     * prevent it and the real position depends on {@link #setTop} and {@link #setLeft} (since 5.0.4)</dd>
     * <dt>left</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the left edge. {@link #setLeft} is ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>right</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the right edge. {@link #setLeft} is ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>top</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the top edge. {@link #setTop} is ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>bottom</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the bottom edge. {@link #setTop} is ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>parent</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window relative to its parent.
     * That is, the left and top ({@link #getTop} and {@link #getLeft})
     * is an offset to his parent's let-top corner. (since 3.0.2)</dd>
     * </dl>
     * <p>For example, "left,center" means to position it at the center of
     * the left edge.
    public void setPosition(String pos) {
        //Note: we always update since the window might be dragged by an user
        _pos = pos;
        smartUpdate("position", pos);

    /** Process the onClose event sent when the close button is pressed.
     * <p>Default: detach itself.
    public void onClose() {

    /** Process the onModal event by making itself a modal window.
    public void onModal() {

    /** Returns the CSS style for the content block of the window.
    public String getContentStyle() {
        return _cntStyle;

    /** Sets the CSS style for the content block of the window.
     * <p>Default: null.
    public void setContentStyle(String style) {
        if (!Objects.equals(_cntStyle, style)) {
            _cntStyle = style;
            smartUpdate("contentStyle", _cntStyle);

    /** Returns the style class used for the content block.
     * @see #setContentSclass
    public String getContentSclass() {
        return _cntSclass;

    /** Sets the style class used for the content block.
     * @see #getContentSclass
     * @since 3.0.0
    public void setContentSclass(String scls) {
        if (!Objects.equals(_cntSclass, scls)) {
            _cntSclass = scls;
            smartUpdate("contentSclass", scls);

    /** Makes this window as topmost.
     * It has no effect if this window is embedded.
     * @since 5.0.0
    public void setTopmost() {
        smartUpdate("topmost", true);

    //ZK-3678: Provide a switch to enable/disable iscroll
    /*package*/ boolean isNativeScrollbar() {
        return Utils.testAttribute(this, "org.zkoss.zul.nativebar", true, true);

    // super
    protected void renderProperties(org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.ContentRenderer renderer) throws java.io.IOException {

        render(renderer, "title", _title);
        render(renderer, "maximized", _maximized);
        render(renderer, "maximizable", _maximizable);
        render(renderer, "minimized", _minimized);
        render(renderer, "minimizable", _minimizable);
        render(renderer, "closable", _closable);
        render(renderer, "sizable", _sizable);
        render(renderer, "position", _pos);
        render(renderer, "contentStyle", _cntStyle);
        render(renderer, "contentSclass", _cntSclass);
        if (_minheight != 100)
            renderer.render("minheight", _minheight);
        if (_minwidth != 200)
            renderer.render("minwidth", _minwidth);
        if (!"none".equals(_border))
            renderer.render("border", _border);
        if (!isShadow())
            renderer.render("shadow", false);
        if (_mode != EMBEDDED)
            renderer.render("mode", modeToString(_mode));
        //render mode as the last property

        //ZK-3678: Provide a switch to enable/disable iscroll
        if (!isNativeScrollbar())
            renderer.render("_nativebar", false);

    public String getZclass() {
        return _zclass == null ? "z-window" : _zclass;

    //-- Component --//
    public void beforeChildAdded(Component child, Component refChild) {
        if (child instanceof Caption) {
            if (_caption != null && _caption != child)
                throw new UiException("Only one caption is allowed: " + this);
        } else if (refChild instanceof Caption) {
            throw new UiException("caption must be the first child");
        super.beforeChildAdded(child, refChild);

    public boolean insertBefore(Component child, Component refChild) {
        if (child instanceof Caption) {
            refChild = getFirstChild();
            //always makes caption as the first child
            if (super.insertBefore(child, refChild)) {
                _caption = (Caption) child;
                return true;
            return false;
        return super.insertBefore(child, refChild);

    public void onChildRemoved(Component child) {
        if (child instanceof Caption)
            _caption = null;

    public void onPageDetached(Page page) {
        if (_mode == MODAL && getPage() == null)

    /** Changes the visibility of the window.
     * <p>Note if you turned on the event thread:<br/>
     * If a modal dialog becomes invisible, the modal state
     * will be ended automatically. In other words, the mode ({@link #getMode})
     * will become {@link #OVERLAPPED} and the suspending thread is resumed.
     * In other words, the modal window ({@link #MODAL}) can not be invisible
     * (while a window in other modes could be invisible).
     * <p>However, if the event thread is not enabled (default), there is no
     * such limitation. In other words, it remains the same mode when becoming
     * invisible.
    public boolean setVisible(boolean visible) {
        if (visible == isVisible())
            return visible;
        _maximized = _minimized = false;
        return setVisible0(visible);

    private boolean setVisible0(boolean visible) {
        if (!visible && _mode == MODAL) {
            //Hide first to avoid unpleasant effect
            return true;
        return super.setVisible(visible);

    //-- super --//
    public void setDraggable(String draggable) {
        if (_mode != EMBEDDED) {
            if (draggable != null && (draggable.length() > 0 && !"false".equals(draggable)))
                throw new UiException("Only embedded window could be draggable: " + this);

    public Object clone() {
        final Window clone = (Window) super.clone();
        clone._mutex = new Mutex();
        if (clone._caption != null)
        return clone;

    private void afterUnmarshal() {
        for (Iterator<Component> it = getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            final Object child = it.next();
            if (child instanceof Caption) {
                _caption = (Caption) child;

    private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

    //-- ComponentCtrl --//
    /** Processes an AU request.
     * <p>Default: in addition to what are handled by {@link XulElement#service},
     * it also handles onOpen.
     * @since 5.0.0
    public void service(org.zkoss.zk.au.AuRequest request, boolean everError) {
        final String cmd = request.getCommand();
        if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_OPEN)) {
            OpenEvent evt = OpenEvent.getOpenEvent(request);
        } else if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_MAXIMIZE)) {
            MaximizeEvent evt = MaximizeEvent.getMaximizeEvent(request);
            _maximized = evt.isMaximized();
            if (_maximized)
        } else if (cmd.equals(Events.ON_MINIMIZE)) {
            MinimizeEvent evt = MinimizeEvent.getMinimizeEvent(request);
            _minimized = evt.isMinimized();
            if (_minimized) {
                if (_mode == MODAL)
        } else
            super.service(request, everError);

     * Always return false.
     * @since 3.6.2
    public boolean isCollapsible() {
        return false;

    /** The window's mode used with {@link Window#setMode(Mode)}.
     * @since 6.0.0
    public static enum Mode {
        /** Embeds the window as normal component. */
        /** Makes the window as a modal dialog. once {@link #doModal}
         * is called, the execution of the event processing thread
         * is suspended until one of the following occurs.
         * <ol>
         * <li>{@link #setMode(Mode)} is called with a mode other than MODAL.</li>
         * <li>Either {@link #doOverlapped}, {@link #doPopup},
         * {@link #doEmbedded}, or {@link #doHighlighted} is called.</li>
         * <li>{@link #setVisible} is called with false.</li>
         * <li>The window is detached from the window.</li>
         * </ol>
         * <p>Note: In the last two cases, the mode becomes {@link #OVERLAPPED}.
         * In other words, one might say a modal window is a special overlapped window.
         * @see #HIGHLIGHTED
        /** Makes the window as overlapped other components.
        /** Makes the window as popup.
         * It is similar to {@link #OVERLAPPED}, except it is auto hidden
         * when user clicks outside of the window.
        /** Makes the window as highlighted.
         * Its visual effect is the same as {@link #MODAL}.
         * However, from the server side's viewpoint, it is similar to
         * {@link #OVERLAPPED}. The execution won't be suspended when
         * {@link #doHighlighted} is called.
         * @see #MODAL
         * @see #OVERLAPPED

        private final int id;

        private Mode(int v) {
            this.id = v;