

1 wk
Test Coverage
/* Scrollbar.ts


        A scrollbar used for mesh element
        Thu, May 23, 2013 4:44:22 PM, Created by vincentjian

Copyright (C) 2013 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

function _showScrollbar(wgt: Scrollbar, orient: string, opacity: number): void {
    var isHide = opacity == 0,
        bar = wgt.$n(orient),
        embed = wgt.$n(orient + '-embed'),
        style: CSSStyleDeclaration;
    if (bar) {
        style = bar.style;
        style.display = isHide ? 'none' : 'block';
        style.opacity = opacity as unknown as string;
    if (embed) {
        style = embed.style;
        style.display = isHide ? 'block' : 'none';
function _setScrollPos(position: number, min: number, max: number): number {
    if (min > max)
        return position;
    if (position < min)
        position = min;
    if (position > max)
        position = max;
    return position;

export interface Position {
    x: number;
    y: number;
export interface ScrollbarOptions {
    onSyncPosition?: (this: zul.Scrollbar) => void;
    onScrollEnd?: (this: zul.Scrollbar) => void;
    embed?: boolean;
    step: number; // scrolling pixels
    wheelAmountStep: number; // wheel amount of step
    startPositionX: number; // hor-bar start position
    startPositionY: number; // ver-bar start position

 * A Scrollbar used to replace browser native scrollbar on Mesh Element to
 * navigate the content, such as Grid/Listbox/Tree.
export class Scrollbar extends zk.Object {
    /** The container object for this scrolling that user can scroll the whole content
     * @type DOMElement
    //cave: null,
    /** The content inside container object that will be scrolled.
     * @type DOMElement
    //scroller: null,
     * The opts of this scrollbar controls.
     * <h4>embed</h4>
     * boolean embed
     * <p>Embed the scrollbar inside container or not.
     * @defaultValue `false`
     * <h4>step</h4>
     * int step
     * <p>Specifies scrolling pixels each time click on scroll-bar arrow.
     * @defaultValue `20`
     * <h4>wheelAmountStep</h4>
     * int wheelAmountStep
     * <p>Specifies the multiple of step when mouse wheel scrolling.
     * @defaultValue `3`
     * <h4>startPositionX</h4>
     * int startPositionX
     * <p>Specifies the horizontal scroll-bar start position according to the scrolling area.
     * @defaultValue `0`
     * <h4>startPositionY</h4>
     * int startPositionY
     * <p>Specifies the vertical scroll-bar start position according to the scrolling area.
     * @defaultValue `0`
     * @type Map
        //opts: null,
    /** @internal */
    _pos?: zk.Offset = undefined;
    /** @internal */
    _barPos?: zk.Offset = undefined;
    /** @internal */
    _pressTimer?: number = undefined;
    cave: HTMLElement;
    scroller: HTMLElement;
    widget: zk.Widget & {frozen?: zul.mesh.Frozen};
    uid: string;
    currentPos?: Position;
    opts: ScrollbarOptions;
    dragging?: boolean;
    needV?: boolean;
    needH?: boolean;
    hLimit!: number;
    hBarLimit!: number;
    hRatio!: number;
    vLimit!: number;
    vBarLimit!: number;
    vRatio!: number;
    frozen?: zul.mesh.Frozen; // Tested for falsity in `zul.mesh.Scrollbar.init`

    $n(id: string): HTMLElement {
        return jq(this.uid + '-' + id, zk)[0];

    constructor(cave: HTMLElement | undefined, scroller: HTMLElement | undefined, opts: Partial<ScrollbarOptions>) {
        if (!cave || !scroller)
            throw 'Both wrapper and scroller dom element are required to generate scrollbar';
        //define cave container style to hide native browser scroll-bar
        this.cave = cave;
        var cs = cave.style;
        cs.position = 'relative';
        cs.overflow = 'hidden';
        //scrolling content
        this.scroller = scroller;
        //default options
        this.opts = zk.$default(opts, {
            embed: false,
            step: 20, //scrolling pixels
            wheelAmountStep: 3, //wheel amount of step
            startPositionX: 0, //hor-bar start position
            startPositionY: 0 //ver-bar start position
        this.widget = zk.Widget.$(cave)!;
        this.uid = this.widget.uuid;
        //initialize scroll-bar position
        this._pos = [0, 0];
        this._barPos = [0, 0];
        this.currentPos = {x: this._pos[0], y: this._pos[1]};

            //bind scroll event for input tab key scroll
            .on('scroll', this.proxy(this._fixScroll))
            //bind mouse enter / mouse leave
            .on('mouseenter', this.proxy(this._mouseEnter))
            .on('mouseleave', this.proxy(this._mouseLeave));

    destroy(): void {
        var cave = this.cave;
            //unbind scroll event for input tab scroll
            .off('scroll', this.proxy(this._fixScroll))
            //unbind mouse enter / mouse leave
            .off('mouseenter', this.proxy(this._mouseEnter))
            .off('mouseleave', this.proxy(this._mouseLeave));
        var hbar = this.$n('hor'),
            vbar = this.$n('ver');
        if (hbar)

        if (vbar)
        if (this.opts.embed) {
            var hembed = this.$n('hor-embed'),
                vembed = this.$n('ver-embed');
            if (hembed)
            if (vembed)
        this._pos = this._barPos = this.currentPos = undefined;

    hasVScroll(): boolean {
        return !!this.needV;

    hasHScroll(): boolean {
        return !!this.needH;

    syncSize(showScrollbar?: boolean): void {

        var wgt = this.widget,
            frozen = wgt.frozen, froenScrollWidth = 0,
            tpad = wgt.$n('tpad'), bpad = wgt.$n('bpad'),
            cave = this.cave, scroller = this.scroller,
            hbar = this.$n('hor'), vbar = this.$n('ver'),
            needH = this.needH, needV = this.needV,
            opts = this.opts,
            scrollHeight = scroller.scrollHeight;

        if (tpad && bpad) //for Mesh Widget ROD
            scrollHeight += tpad.offsetHeight + bpad.offsetHeight;
        if (frozen) //for Frozen component
            froenScrollWidth = 50 * (frozen._scrollScale || 0);

        if (needH) {
            var old = hbar.style.display;
            hbar.style.display = 'block'; // for calculate size
            var embed = this.$n('hor-embed'),
                left = this.$n('hor-left'),
                right = this.$n('hor-right'),
                wrapper = this.$n('hor-wrapper'),
                ws = wrapper.style,
                startX = opts.startPositionX,
                wdh = cave.offsetWidth - startX,
                swdh = scroller.scrollWidth - startX + froenScrollWidth,
                lwdh = left.offsetWidth,
                rwdh = right.offsetWidth,
                hwdh = wdh - lwdh - rwdh;

            if (swdh < wdh) //only happened with Frozen
                swdh = wdh + froenScrollWidth;

            if (startX) {
                left.style.left = jq.px(startX);
                ws.left = jq.px(startX + lwdh);
                if (embed)
                    embed.style.left = jq.px(startX);

            if (needV) {
                ws.width = jq.px(hwdh - rwdh);
                right.style.right = jq.px(rwdh);
                var oldv = vbar.style.display;
                vbar.style.display = 'block';
                swdh += jq(vbar).outerWidth(true)!;
                vbar.style.display = oldv;
            } else {
                ws.width = jq.px(hwdh);

            var indicator = this.$n('hor-indicator'),
                wwdh = wrapper.offsetWidth,
                iwdh = Math.round(wwdh * wdh / swdh),
                iwdh = iwdh > 15 ? iwdh : 15;

            indicator.style.width = iwdh + 'px';
            if (embed)
                embed.style.width = (iwdh + lwdh + rwdh) + 'px';
            //sync scroller position limit
            this.hLimit = swdh - wdh;
            //sync scroll-bar indicator position limit
            var limit = wwdh - iwdh;
            if (limit <= 0) {
                this.hBarLimit = 0;
                indicator.style.display = 'none';
            } else {
                this.hBarLimit = limit;
            //sync indicator/scroller width ratio
            this.hRatio = Math.abs(this.hLimit / this.hBarLimit);

            hbar.style.display = old; // for calculate size
        if (needV) {
            var old = vbar.style.display;
            vbar.style.display = 'block'; // for calculate size
            var embed = this.$n('ver-embed'),
                up = this.$n('ver-up'),
                down = this.$n('ver-down'),
                wrapper = this.$n('ver-wrapper'),
                ws = wrapper.style,
                startY = opts.startPositionY,
                hgh = cave.offsetHeight - startY,
                shgh = scrollHeight - startY,
                uhgh = up.offsetHeight,
                dhgh = down.offsetHeight,
                vhgh = hgh - uhgh - dhgh;

            if (startY) {
                vbar.style.top = jq.px(cave.offsetTop + startY);
                down.style.bottom = jq.px(startY);
                if (embed)
                    embed.style.top = vbar.style.top;
            if (needH) {
                ws.height = jq.px0(vhgh - dhgh);
                down.style.bottom = jq.px(startY + dhgh);
                var oldh = hbar.style.display;
                hbar.style.display = 'block';
                shgh += jq(hbar).outerHeight(true)!;
                hbar.style.display = oldh;
            } else {
                ws.height = jq.px(vhgh);

            var indicator = this.$n('ver-indicator'),
                whgh = wrapper.offsetHeight,
                ihgh = Math.round(whgh * hgh / shgh),
                ihgh = ihgh > 15 ? ihgh : 15;

            indicator.style.height = ihgh + 'px';
            if (embed)
                embed.style.height = (ihgh + uhgh + dhgh) + 'px';
            //sync scroller position limit
            this.vLimit = shgh - hgh;
            //sync scroll-bar indicator position limit
            var limit = whgh - ihgh;
            if (limit <= 0) {
                this.vBarLimit = 0;
                indicator.style.display = 'none';
            } else {
                this.vBarLimit = limit;
            //sync indicator/scroller width ratio
            this.vRatio = Math.abs(this.vLimit / this.vBarLimit);

            vbar.style.display = old; // for calculate size

        this.scrollTo(this._pos![0], this._pos![1]); //keep scroll position
        if (showScrollbar) {
            _showScrollbar(this, 'hor', 1);
            _showScrollbar(this, 'ver', 1);

    scrollTo(x: number, y: number, time?: number /* Compatibility with IScroll */, relative?: boolean /* Compatibility with IScroll */): void {
        if (this.needH) {
            x = _setScrollPos(x, 0, this.hLimit);
            var barPos = x / this.hRatio;
            this._syncPosition('hor', x);
            this._syncBarPosition('hor', barPos);
            this._syncEmbedBarPosition('hor', x + barPos);
        if (this.needV) {
            y = _setScrollPos(y, 0, this.vLimit);
            var barPos = y / this.vRatio;
            this._syncPosition('ver', y);
            this._syncBarPosition('ver', barPos);
            this._syncEmbedBarPosition('ver', y + barPos);
        //onScrollEnd callback

    scrollToElement(dom: HTMLElement): void {
        var cave = this.cave,
            domTop = jq(dom).offset()!.top,
            domBottom = domTop + dom.offsetHeight,
            domLeft = jq(dom).offset()!.left,
            domRight = domLeft + dom.offsetWidth,
            viewTop = jq(cave).offset()!.top,
            viewBottom = viewTop + cave.offsetHeight,
            viewLeft = jq(cave).offset()!.left,
            viewRight = viewLeft + cave.offsetWidth,
            scrollUp = true,
            // if the offsetWidth are the same, we don't need to move to left.
            scrollLeft = dom.offsetWidth == cave.offsetWidth;

        // Bug ZK-2418 should consider the case when dom size is greater than view size
        if (((domRight >= viewLeft && domRight <= viewRight)
                || (domLeft >= viewLeft && domLeft <= viewRight)
                || (domLeft <= viewLeft && domRight >= viewRight))
            && ((domTop >= viewTop && domTop <= viewBottom)
                || (domBottom >= viewTop && domBottom <= viewBottom)
                || (domTop <= viewTop && domBottom >= viewBottom))) {
            return; //already in the view port

        if (domTop < viewTop)
            scrollUp = false;
        if (domLeft < viewLeft)
            scrollLeft = false;

        //calculate scrolling movement
        var movementY = scrollUp ? domBottom - viewBottom : viewTop - domTop,
            posY = this._pos![1] + (scrollUp ? movementY : -movementY),
            movementX = scrollLeft ? domRight - viewRight : viewLeft - domLeft,
            posX = this._pos![0] + (scrollLeft ? movementX : -movementX),
            barPos: number;

        if (this.needV) {
            //set and check if exceed scrolling limit
            posY = _setScrollPos(posY, 0, this.vLimit);
            barPos = posY / this.vRatio;
            //sync scroll position
            this._syncPosition('ver', posY);
            this._syncBarPosition('ver', barPos);
            this._syncEmbedBarPosition('ver', posY + barPos);
        if (this.needH) {
            //set and check if exceed scrolling limit
            posX = _setScrollPos(posX, 0, this.hLimit);
            barPos = posX / this.hRatio;
            //sync scroll position
            this._syncPosition('hor', posX);
            this._syncBarPosition('hor', barPos);
            this._syncEmbedBarPosition('hor', posX + barPos);
        //onScrollEnd callback

        // Bug ZK-2194
        // always sync with native scrollbar, if any.

    isScrollIntoView(dom: HTMLElement): boolean {
        var cave = this.cave,
            domTop = jq(dom).offset()!.top,
            domBottom = domTop + dom.offsetHeight,
            domLeft = jq(dom).offset()!.left,
            domRight = domLeft + dom.offsetWidth,
            viewTop = jq(cave).offset()!.top,
            viewBottom = viewTop + cave.offsetHeight,
            viewLeft = jq(cave).offset()!.left,
            viewRight = viewLeft + cave.offsetWidth;

        if ((this.needV && domBottom <= viewBottom && domTop >= viewTop)
            || (this.needH && domRight <= viewRight && domLeft >= viewLeft))
            return true;
            return false;

    getCurrentPosition(): Position | undefined {
        return this.currentPos;

    setBarPosition(barPosition: number): this { //for Frozen use only
        var frozen = this.widget.frozen;
        if (frozen && this.needH) {
            var step = this.hBarLimit / frozen._scrollScale,
                barPos = barPosition * step;
            this._syncBarPosition('hor', barPos);
            this._syncEmbedBarPosition('hor', barPos);
        return this;

    /** @internal */
    _checkBarRequired(): void {
        var cave = this.cave,
            scroller = this.scroller,
            frozen = this.widget.frozen;
        //check if horizontal scroll-bar required
        this.needH = frozen ? true : (cave.offsetWidth < scroller.scrollWidth);
        var hbar = this.$n('hor');
        if (!this.needH) {
            if (hbar) {
                this._syncPosition('hor', 0);
                if (this.opts.embed) {
                    var hembed = this.$n('hor-embed');
                    if (hembed)
        } else {
            if (!this.$n('hor')) {
                this.redraw(cave, 'hor');
        //check if vertical scroll-bar required
        this.needV = cave.offsetHeight < scroller.offsetHeight;
        var vbar = this.$n('ver');
        if (!this.needV) {
            if (vbar) {
                this._syncPosition('ver', 0);
                if (this.opts.embed) {
                    var vembed = this.$n('ver-embed');
                    if (vembed)
        } else {
            if (!vbar) {
                this.redraw(cave, 'ver');

    /** @internal */
    _bindMouseEvent(orient: string): void {
        var self = this,
            cave = self.cave,
            isH = orient == 'hor',
            bar = self.$n(orient),
            ind = self.$n(orient + '-indicator'),
            rail = self.$n(orient + '-rail'),
            arrow1 = self.$n(orient + (isH ? '-left' : '-up')),
            arrow2 = self.$n(orient + (isH ? '-right' : '-down'));

        if (isH && !zk.opera) {//IE and Opera does not support mouse wheel
            jq(cave).mousewheel(self._mousewheelX.bind(self) as never);
        } else {
            jq(cave).mousewheel(self._mousewheelY.bind(self) as never);

        jq(ind).on('mousedown', self.proxy(self._dragStart));
            .on('mousedown', self.proxy(self._mouseDown))
            .on('mouseup', self.proxy(self._mouseUp));
            .on('mousedown', self.proxy(self._mouseDown))
            .on('mouseup', self.proxy(self._mouseUp));
            .on('mousedown', self.proxy(self._mouseDown))
            .on('mouseup', self.proxy(self._mouseUp));

    /** @internal */
    _unbindMouseEvent(orient: string): void {
        var self = this,
            cave = self.cave,
            isH = orient == 'hor',
            bar = self.$n(orient),
            ind = self.$n(orient + '-indicator'),
            rail = self.$n(orient + '-rail'),
            arrow1 = self.$n(orient + (isH ? '-left' : '-up')),
            arrow2 = self.$n(orient + (isH ? '-right' : '-down'));

        if (isH && !zk.opera) {//IE and Opera does not support mouse wheel
            jq(cave).unmousewheel(self._mousewheelX.bind(self) as never);
        } else {
            jq(cave).unmousewheel(self._mousewheelY.bind(self) as never);

        jq(bar).off('click', zk.$void);
        jq(ind).off('mousedown', self.proxy(self._dragStart));
            .off('mousedown', self.proxy(self._mouseDown))
            .off('mouseup', self.proxy(self._mouseUp));
            .off('mousedown', self.proxy(self._mouseDown))
            .off('mouseup', self.proxy(self._mouseUp));
            .off('mousedown', self.proxy(self._mouseDown))
            .off('mouseup', self.proxy(self._mouseUp));

    /** @internal */
    _fixScroll(evt: zk.Event): void {
        var cave = this.cave;
        if (!this.dragging)
            this.scrollTo(cave.scrollLeft, cave.scrollTop);

    /** @internal */
    _mouseEnter(evt: JQuery.MouseEnterEvent): void {
        _showScrollbar(this, 'hor', 1);
        _showScrollbar(this, 'ver', 1);

    /** @internal */
    _mouseLeave(evt: JQuery.MouseLeaveEvent): void {
        if (this.dragging)

        _showScrollbar(this, 'hor', 0);
        _showScrollbar(this, 'ver', 0);

    /** @internal */
    _dragStart(evt: JQuery.DragStartEvent): void {
        if (this._pressTimer) { //just in case
            this._pressTimer = undefined;
        var self = this,
            orient = self.$n('hor-indicator') == evt.currentTarget ? 'hor' : 'ver',
            isHor = orient == 'hor',
            point = isHor ? evt.pageX : evt.pageY,
            pos = isHor ? self._barPos![0] : self._barPos![1],
            data = {
                orient: orient,
                point: point,
                pos: pos

            .on('mousemove', data, self.proxy(self._dragMove))
            .on('mouseup', self.proxy(self._dragEnd));

    /** @internal */
    _dragEnd(evt: JQuery.DragEndEvent): void {
        var self = this,
            x = evt.pageX!,
            y = evt.pageY!,
            cave = self.cave,
            left = jq(cave).offset()!.left,
            top = jq(cave).offset()!.top;

            .off('mousemove', self.proxy(self._dragMove))
            .off('mouseup', self.proxy(self._dragEnd));

        self.dragging = false;

        if ((x < left || x > left + cave.offsetWidth)
            || (y < top || y > top + cave.offsetHeight)) {
            _showScrollbar(self, 'hor', 0);
            _showScrollbar(self, 'ver', 0);

    /** @internal */
    _dragMove(evt: JQuery.DragEvent<never, {orient: string; point: number; pos: number}>): void {
        var data = evt.data,
            orient = data.orient,
            point = data.point,
            pos = data.pos,
            isHor = orient == 'hor',
            disp = (isHor ? evt.pageX : evt.pageY)! - point,
            barPos = pos + disp,
            limit = isHor ? this.hBarLimit : this.vBarLimit,
            ratio = isHor ? this.hRatio : this.vRatio,
            frozen = this.widget.frozen;

        this.dragging = true;
        //set and check if exceed scrolling limit
        barPos = _setScrollPos(barPos, 0, limit);
        //sync position
        this._syncBarPosition(orient, barPos);
        if (frozen && isHor) {
            var step = limit / frozen._scrollScale;
            frozen._doScroll(barPos / step);
            this._syncEmbedBarPosition('hor', barPos);
        } else {
            var pos = barPos * ratio;
            this._syncPosition(orient, pos);
            this._syncEmbedBarPosition(orient, pos + barPos);
            //onScrollEnd callback

    /** @internal */
    _mousewheelX(evt: zk.Event, delta: number, deltaX: number, deltaY: number): void {
        var opts = this.opts,
            step = opts.step * opts.wheelAmountStep,
            pos = this._pos![0];

        if (deltaX) {
            //left: -step, right: step
            pos += (deltaX > 0 ? -step : step);
            //set and check if exceed scrolling limit
            pos = _setScrollPos(pos + step, 0, this.hLimit);
            //sync position
            var frozen = this.widget.frozen,
                barPos = pos / this.hRatio;
            if (frozen) {
                step = this.hBarLimit / frozen._scrollScale;
                barPos = barPos / step;
                this._syncEmbedBarPosition('hor', barPos);
            } else {
                this._syncPosition('hor', pos);
                this._syncEmbedBarPosition('hor', pos + barPos);
            this._syncBarPosition('hor', barPos);
            //onScrollEnd callback

    /** @internal */
    _mousewheelY(evt: zk.Event, delta: number, deltaX: number, deltaY: number): void {
        var opts = this.opts,
            step = opts.step * opts.wheelAmountStep,
            pos = this._pos![1],
            barPos: number;

        if (deltaY) {
            var scrollUp = deltaY > 0;
            if (scrollUp && pos == 0)
            if (!scrollUp && pos == this.vLimit)

            //up: -step, down: step
            pos += (scrollUp ? -step : step);
            //set and check if exceed scrolling limit
            pos = _setScrollPos(pos, 0, this.vLimit);
            barPos = pos / this.vRatio;
            //sync position
            this._syncPosition('ver', pos);
            this._syncBarPosition('ver', barPos);
            this._syncEmbedBarPosition('ver', pos + barPos);
            //onScrollEnd callback

    /** @internal */
    _mouseUp(evt: JQuery.MouseUpEvent): void {
        this._pressTimer = undefined;

    /** @internal */
    _mouseDown(evt: JQuery.MouseDownEvent<never, never, HTMLElement>): void {
        if (this._pressTimer) {
            this._pressTimer = undefined;
        var target = evt.currentTarget,
            hRail = this.$n('hor-rail'),
            vRail = this.$n('ver-rail'),
            up = this.$n('ver-up'),
            down = this.$n('ver-down'),
            left = this.$n('hor-left'),
            right = this.$n('hor-right'),
            frozen = this.widget.frozen,
            hBarLimit = this.hBarLimit,
            step = frozen ? hBarLimit / frozen._scrollScale : this.opts.step;

        //click on rail
        if (target == hRail || target == vRail) {
            var isHor = target == hRail,
                orient = isHor ? 'hor' : 'ver',
                offset0 = jq(target).offset()!,
                offset = isHor ? offset0.left : offset0.top,
                ind = this.$n(orient + '-indicator'),
                indsz = isHor ? ind.offsetWidth : ind.offsetHeight,
                point = (isHor ? evt.pageX : evt.pageY) - offset - indsz / 2,
                limit = isHor ? this.hLimit : this.vLimit,
                ratio = isHor ? this.hRatio : this.vRatio,
                pos = isHor ? this._pos![0] : this._pos![1],
                barPos = isHor ? this._barPos![0] : this._barPos![1],
                pointlimit = point * ratio,
                rstep = step * 10;

            if (frozen) {
                point = _setScrollPos(point, 0, hBarLimit);
                this._syncBarPosition('hor', point);
                this._syncEmbedBarPosition('hor', point);
                frozen._doScroll(point / step);
            } else {
                //setInterval for long press on scroll rail
                this._pressTimer = setInterval(() => {
                    var isLeftDown = point > barPos,
                        min: number,
                        max: number,
                        bPos: number;

                    min = isLeftDown ? pos : pointlimit;
                    min = min < 0 ? 0 : min;
                    max = isLeftDown ? pointlimit : pos;
                    max = max > limit ? limit : max;
                    //left/down: rstep, right/up: -rstep
                    pos += (isLeftDown ? rstep : -rstep);
                    //set and check if exceed scrolling limit
                    pos = _setScrollPos(pos, min, max);
                    bPos = pos / ratio;
                    if (pos == pointlimit || pos <= min || pos >= max) {
                        this._pressTimer = undefined;
                    //sync position
                    this._syncPosition(orient, pos);
                    this._syncBarPosition(orient, bPos);
                    this._syncEmbedBarPosition(orient, pos + bPos);
                    //onScrollEnd callback
                }, 50);
        //click on arrows
        if (target == left || target == right || target == up || target == down) {
            var isHor = target == left || target == right,
                orient = isHor ? 'hor' : 'ver',
                limit = isHor ? this.hLimit : this.vLimit,
                ratio = isHor ? this.hRatio : this.vRatio,
                pos = isHor ? this._pos![0] : this._pos![1],
                barPos = this._barPos![0];

            //setInterval for long press on arrow button
            this._pressTimer = setInterval(() => {
                if (frozen && isHor) { //Frozen Mesh
                    barPos += (target == left ? -step : step);
                    barPos = _setScrollPos(barPos, 0, hBarLimit);
                    this._syncBarPosition(orient, barPos);
                    this._syncEmbedBarPosition(orient, barPos);
                    frozen._doScroll(barPos / step);
                } else {
                    //horizontal scroll
                    if (isHor) //left: -step, right: step
                        pos += (target == left ? -step : step);
                    else //up: -step, down: step
                        pos += (target == up ? -step : step);
                    //set and check if exceed scrolling limit
                    pos = _setScrollPos(pos, 0, limit);
                    barPos = pos / ratio;
                    //sync position
                    this._syncPosition(orient, pos);
                    this._syncBarPosition(orient, barPos);
                    this._syncEmbedBarPosition(orient, pos + barPos);
                    //onScrollEnd callback
            }, 50);

    /** @internal */
    _syncPosition(orient: string, pos: number): void {
        if (!this._pos)

        var isH = orient == 'hor',
            cave = this.cave,
            bar = this.$n(orient),
            embed = this.opts.embed;

        if (bar) {
            pos = Math.round(pos);
            this._pos[isH ? 0 : 1] = pos;

            bar.style[isH ? 'left' : 'top'] = pos + 'px';
            if (isH && this.needV) {
                this.$n('ver').style.right = -pos + 'px';
                if (embed)
                    this.$n('ver-embed').style.right = -pos + 'px';
            if (!isH && this.needH) {
                this.$n('hor').style.bottom = -pos + 'px';
                if (embed)
                    this.$n('hor-embed').style.bottom = -pos + 'px';
            cave[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = pos;

            //onSyncPosition callback
            var onSyncPosition = this.opts.onSyncPosition;
            if (onSyncPosition) {
                this.currentPos = {x: this._pos[0], y: this._pos[1]};

    /** @internal */
    _syncBarPosition(orient: string, pos: number): void {
        var isH = orient == 'hor',
            indicator = this.$n(orient + '-indicator');

        this._barPos![isH ? 0 : 1] = pos;
        indicator.style[isH ? 'left' : 'top'] = pos + 'px';

    /** @internal */
    _syncEmbedBarPosition(orient: string, pos: number): void {
        if (this.opts.embed) {
            var isH = orient == 'hor',
                embed = this.$n(orient + '-embed'),
                opts = this.opts,
                start = isH ? opts.startPositionX : opts.startPositionY;
            embed.style[isH ? 'left' : 'top'] = (pos + start) + 'px';

    /** @internal */
    _onScrollEnd(): void {
        var onScrollEnd = this.opts.onScrollEnd;
        if (onScrollEnd) {
            this.currentPos = {x: this._pos![0], y: this._pos![1]};

    redraw(cave: HTMLElement, orient: string): void {
        var isH = orient == 'hor',
            uidHTML = /*safe*/ this.uid + '-' + /*safe*/ orient,
            hvHTML = isH ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical',
            luHTML = isH ? 'left' : 'up',
            rdHTML = isH ? 'right' : 'down',
            outHTML = '';

        if (this.opts.embed) {
            outHTML += '<div id="' + uidHTML + '-embed" class="z-scrollbar-' + hvHTML + '-embed"></div>';
        outHTML +=
            '<div id="' + uidHTML + '" class="z-scrollbar z-scrollbar-' + hvHTML + '">'
            + '<div id="' + uidHTML + '-' + luHTML + '" class="z-scrollbar-' + luHTML + '">'
            + '<i class="z-icon-caret-' + luHTML + '"></i>'
            + '</div>'
            + '<div id="' + uidHTML + '-wrapper" class="z-scrollbar-wrapper">'
            + '<div id="' + uidHTML + '-indicator" class="z-scrollbar-indicator">'
            + '<i class="z-scrollbar-icon z-icon-reorder"></i></div>'
            + '<div id="' + uidHTML + '-rail" class="z-scrollbar-rail"></div>'
            + '</div>'
            + '<div id="' + uidHTML + '-' + rdHTML + '" class="z-scrollbar-' + rdHTML + '">'
            + '<i class="z-icon-caret-' + rdHTML + '"></i>'
            + '</div>'
            + '</div>';
        jq(cave).append(/*safe*/ outHTML);