

1 mo
Test Coverage
/* WScroll.ts


        A wave scrollbar control
        Wed, Feb 22, 2012  4:16:53 PM, Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C) 2012 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

function easing(x: number, t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number {
    return -c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + b; // easeOutQuart
function snap(dg: zk.Draggable, pointer: zk.Offset): zk.Offset {
    var x = pointer[0],
        y = pointer[1];
    if (dg._isVer) {
        var move = y;

        if (move - dg._start < 0) {
            move = pointer[1] = dg._start;
        } else if (move > dg._end) {
            move = pointer[1] = dg._end;

        if (dg._lastPos) { // optimized
            if (Math.abs(dg._lastPos - move) < 3)
                return pointer;

        dg._lastPos = move;
    } else {
        var move = x;

        if (move - dg._start < 0) {
            move = pointer[0] = dg._start;
        } else if (move > dg._end) {
            move = pointer[0] = dg._end;

        if (dg._lastPos) { // optimized
            if (Math.abs(dg._lastPos - move) < 3)
                return pointer;

        dg._lastPos = move;
    return pointer;

function starteffect(dg: zk.Draggable): void {
    var ctrl = dg.control as unknown as zul.WScroll,
        opts = ctrl.opts;

    dg._steps = opts.startStep;
    dg._endStep = opts.endStep - opts.viewport;
    dg._scale = ctrl._scale;
    dg._epos = ctrl.epos;
    dg._lastPos = dg._start;
    if (ctrl._isVer) {
        dg._isVer = true;
        dg._start = opts.startPosition;
        if (zk(ctrl.eend).isVisible()) {
            dg._end = ctrl.eend.offsetTop + Math.ceil(dg.handle!.offsetHeight / 2);
            if (dg._end > opts.viewportSize + dg._start)
                dg._end = opts.viewportSize + dg._start;
        } else {
            dg._end = opts.viewportSize + dg._start;
        dg._end -= dg.node!.offsetHeight - ctrl._gap;
    } else {
        dg._isVer = false;
        dg._start = opts.startPosition;
        if (zk(ctrl.eend).isVisible()) {
            dg._end = ctrl.eend.offsetLeft + Math.ceil(dg.handle!.offsetWidth / 2);
            if (dg._end > opts.viewportSize + dg._start)
                dg._end = opts.viewportSize + dg._start;
        } else {
            dg._end = opts.viewportSize + dg._start;
        dg._end -= dg.node!.offsetWidth - ctrl._gap;

    if (dg._timer) {
    var lastP,
        lastS: number[] = [],
        timeout = 30,
        duration = timeout * 20,
        t = 10,
        running = function (orient: 'top' | 'left'): void {
            var norient = zk.parseFloat(dg.node!.style[orient]),
                diff = norient - zk.parseFloat(dg._epos!.style[orient]);
            if (lastP == norient) {
                if (lastS.length > 4 && lastS.shift() == dg._lastSteps) {
                    lastS[0] = dg._lastSteps;
                    dg._timer = setTimeout(function () {running(orient);}, 100);
            } else t = 10; // reset

            lastP = norient;

            var down = diff > 0,
                total = down ? Math.max(0, diff / dg._scale) : Math.min(0, diff / dg._scale),
                step = Math.round(zul.WScroll.easing(t / duration, t, 0, total, duration));

            if (down) {
                if (total > 1)
                    step = Math.max(1, step);
            } else {
                if (-total > 1)
                    step = Math.min(-1, step);

            if (diff == 0 && step == 0) {
                if (norient == dg._start)
                    step = -dg._steps;
                else if (norient == dg._end)
                    step = dg._endStep - dg._steps;

            dg._steps += step;
            if (down) {
                if (dg._steps > dg._endStep)
                    dg._steps = dg._endStep;
            } else {
                if (dg._steps < 0)
                    dg._steps = 0;
            dg._epos!.style[orient] = dg._start + (dg._scale * dg._steps) + 'px';
            t += timeout;
            if (dg._lastSteps != dg._steps) {
                dg._lastSteps = dg._steps;
                var func = orient == 'top' ? ctrl.opts.onScrollY : ctrl.opts.onScrollX;
                if (typeof func == 'function') {
                    func.call((dg.control as unknown as zul.WScroll).widget, dg._steps + ctrl.opts.offset);
            dg._timer = setTimeout(function () {running(orient);}, timeout);
    dg._timer = setTimeout(function () {running((dg._isVer ? 'top' : 'left'));}, 50);
function endeffect(dg: zk.Draggable): void {
    var ctrl = dg.control as unknown as zul.WScroll;
    if (dg._timer) {
    var move: number, end: number;
    if (dg._isVer) {
        move = zk.parseInt(dg._epos!.style.top);
        end = dg._end;
        if (move > end)
            move = end;
        jq(dg.node).animate({top: move + 'px'}, 400, 'swing');

    } else {
        move = zk.parseInt(dg._epos!.style.left);
        end = dg._end;
        if (move > end)
            move = end;
        jq(dg.node).animate({left: move + 'px'}, 400, 'swing');

    ctrl.opts.startStep = dg._steps;
    var $jq = jq(dg._epos),
        old = $jq.css('opacity'); // fix old IE version
    jq(dg._epos).delay(300).fadeOut(500).css('opacity', old);
function ignoredrag(dg: zk.Draggable, p: zk.Offset, evt: zk.Event): boolean {
    return (dg.control as unknown as WScroll).edragBody != evt.domTarget;

export interface WScrollOptions {
    orient: 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
    startPosition: number;
    startStep: number;
    offset: number;

    anchor?: HTMLElement | null; // eslint-disable-line zk/noNull
    viewport: number;
    endStep: number;
    viewportSize: number;
    syncSize: boolean;
    onScrollX?(this: zk.Widget, delta: number): void;
    onScrollY?(this: zk.Widget, delta: number): void;

 * A wave Scrollbar used to scroll the specific content and provides four controls
 * to navigate the content, such as Home/Previous/Next/End, and also supports the
 * mousewheel control.
export class WScroll extends zk.Object {
    /** The control object for this scrolling that user can scroll the whole content
     * @type DOMElement
    //control: null,
    /** The widget object that owns the control object.
     * @type zk.Widget
    //widget: null,
     * The opts of this scrollbar controls.
     * <h4>startPosition</h4>
     * int startPosition
     * <p>Specifies the start position according to the scrolling area, like offset top for
     * the vertical scrolling and offset left for the horizental scrolling.
     * <h4>startStep</h4>
     * int startStep
     * <p>Specifies the start step for the scrolling.
     * <p>Note: it cannot be negative.
     * <h4>endStep</h4>
     * int endStep
     * <p>Specifies how many steps for the scrolling.
     * <p>Note: it cannot be negative.
     * <h4>viewport</h4>
     * int viewport
     * <p>Specifies how many steps will show in the viewport.
     * <p>Note: it cannot be negative.
     * <h4>viewportSize</h4>
     * int viewportSize
     * <p>Specifies how many pixels for the viewport size, like offsetHeight for
     * vertical scrolling and offsetWidth for horizental scrolling.
     * <p>Note: it cannot be negative.
     * <h4>orient</h4>
     * String orient
     * <p>Specifies either 'vertical' or 'horizontal' to indicate that it can be
     * scrolled only in the vertical or horizontal direction.
     * @defaultValue 'horizontal'
     * <h4>anchor</h4>
     * DOMElement anchor
     * <p>Specifies the anchor that indicates the scrollbar will be its child node.
     * @defaultValue the parent node of the control.
     * <h4>syncSize</h4>
     * boolean syncSize
     * <p>Specifies whether to sync the scrolling area size at initial phase.
     * @defaultValue `true`.
     * <h4>onScrollY</h4>
     * ```ts
     * void onScrollY(int step);
     * ```
     * <p>Specifies the callback function for the vertical scrolling, when user
     * changes the vertical scrolling step.
     * <h4>onScrollX</h4>
     * ```ts
     * void onScrollX(int step);
     * ```
     * <p>Specifies the callback function for the horizental scrolling, when user
     * changes the horizental scrolling step.
     * <h4>offset</h4>
     * int offset
     * <p>Specifies the offset for the scrolling step to shift when the callback
     * functions (onScrollX and onScrollY) are invoked.
     * For example, if the offset is 2, then the steps in the onScrollX/Y event
     * will start at 2.
     * @defaultValue `0`
    //opts: null,
    opts: WScrollOptions;
    /** @internal */
    _gap = 0;
    control: HTMLElement;
    widget: zk.Widget & {_cols?: number};
    /** @internal */
    _scale!: number; // Initialized before use.
    /** @internal */
    _isVer: boolean;
    uid: string;
    zcls: string;
    anchor: HTMLElement;

    // The following properties are initialized in _initDragdrop which is called
    // by the constructor.
    node!: HTMLElement;
    edrag!: HTMLElement;
    edragBody!: ChildNode;
    epos!: HTMLElement;
    eend!: HTMLElement;
    drag!: zk.Draggable;

    constructor(control: HTMLElement, opts: WScrollOptions) {
        this.control = control;
        this.opts = zk.$default(opts, {
            orient: 'horizontal',
            startPosition: 0,
            startStep: 0,
            offset: 0
        this.anchor = this.opts.anchor || control.parentNode as HTMLElement;
        this.widget = zk.Widget.$(control)!;
        this.uid = this.widget.uuid;
        this.zcls = /*safe*/ this.widget.getZclass();
        this._isVer = opts.orient == 'vertical';
        // ZK-2178: viewportSize is 0 if biglistbox has not model
        if (!opts.viewportSize && opts.viewportSize != 0)
            throw 'Handle required for a viewport size: {viewportSize: size}';
        if (this.opts.syncSize)

     * Syncs the scrolling area and control bar size.
     * @param opts - the opts can override the initail opts data for resizing.
    syncSize(opts?: Record<string, unknown>): void {
        if (opts) {
            this.opts = zk.copy(this.opts, opts);
        this.edrag.style.display = '';
        if (this._isVer) {
            const opts = this.opts,
                top = opts.startPosition,
                start = opts.startStep,
                view = opts.viewport,
                end = opts.endStep,
                rest = end - view,
                edragHeight = this.edrag.offsetHeight - this._gap;
            let vsize = opts.viewportSize;
            if (rest <= 0) {
                this.eend.style.display = this.edrag.style.display = 'none';
                if (typeof this.opts.onScrollY == 'function')
                    this.opts.onScrollY.call(this.widget, opts.offset); //reset scrolling
            vsize -= edragHeight;
            if (vsize > rest) {
                this.epos.style.height = edragHeight + 'px';
                this._scale = 1;
                var es = this.eend.style;
                es.display = '';
                es.top = top + edragHeight + rest + 'px';
            } else {
                var rate = vsize / rest,
                    height = Math.max(edragHeight * rate, 5);
                this.epos.style.height = height + 'px';
                this._scale = rate;
                this.eend.style.display = 'none'; // no end point
                if (vsize < 10)
                    this.edrag.style.display = 'none';
            var top1 = top + (this._scale * start),
                top2 = top + vsize;
            if (top1 > top2)
                top1 = top2;
            this.epos.style.top = this.edrag.style.top = top1 + 'px';
        } else {
            const opts = this.opts,
                left = opts.startPosition,
                start = opts.startStep,
                view = opts.viewport,
                end = opts.endStep,
                rest = end - view,
                edragWidth = this.edrag.offsetWidth - this._gap;
            let vsize = opts.viewportSize;
            if (rest <= 0) {
                this.eend.style.display = this.edrag.style.display = 'none';
                if (typeof this.opts.onScrollX == 'function')
                    this.opts.onScrollX.call(this.widget, opts.offset); //reset scrolling
            vsize -= edragWidth;
            if (vsize > rest) {
                this.epos.style.width = edragWidth + 'px';
                this._scale = 1;
                var es = this.eend.style;
                es.display = '';
                es.left = left + edragWidth + rest + 'px';
            } else {
                var rate = vsize / rest,
                    width = Math.max(edragWidth * rate, 5);
                this.epos.style.width = width + 'px';
                this._scale = rate;
                this.eend.style.display = 'none'; // no end point
                if (vsize < 10)
                    this.edrag.style.display = 'none';

            var left1 = left + (this._scale * start),
                left2 = left + vsize;
            if (left1 > left2)
                left1 = left2;
            this.epos.style.left = this.edrag.style.left = left1 + 'px';

    /** @internal */
    _listenMouseEvent(): void {
        if (this._isVer) {
            // @ts-expect-error: zk.Event is not completely compatible with JQueryMousewheelEventObject
        } else if (!zk.opera) { // ie and opera unsupported
            // @ts-expect-error: zk.Event is not completely compatible with JQueryMousewheelEventObject

        var $drag = jq(this.edrag);
            .on('mouseover', this._mouseOver.bind(this))
            .on('mouseout', this._mouseOut.bind(this))
            .on('mouseup', this._mouseUp.bind(this))
            .on('mousedown', this._mouseDown.bind(this));
        $drag.on('click', zk.$void);

    /** @internal */
    _unlistenMouseEvent(): void {
        if (this._isVer)
            // @ts-expect-error: unmousewheel expects 0 arguments, but got 1
        else if (!zk.opera) // ie and opera unsupported
            // @ts-expect-error: unmousewheel expects 0 arguments, but got 1

        var $drag = jq(this.edrag);
            .off('mouseover', this._mouseOver.bind(this))
            .off('mouseout', this._mouseOut.bind(this))
            .off('mouseup', this._mouseUp.bind(this))
            .off('mousedown', this._mouseDown.bind(this));
        $drag.off('click', zk.$void);

    /** @internal */
    _mouseOver(evt: zk.Event): void {
        var cls = evt.target.className,
            index = cls.lastIndexOf('-'),
            key = cls.substring(index + 1),
            $drag = jq(this.edrag);
        if ($drag.hasClass(cls + '-clk')) {
            $drag.removeClass(cls + '-clk');
        switch (key) {
            case 'home':
            case 'up':
                if (this.opts.startStep > 0)
                    $drag.addClass(cls + '-over');
            case 'down':
            case 'end':
                var opts = this.opts;
                if (opts.startStep < opts.endStep - opts.viewport) {
                    $drag.addClass(cls + '-over');

    /** @internal */
    _mouseOut(evt: zk.Event): void {
        var cls = evt.target.className,
            $drag = jq(this.edrag);
        $drag.removeClass(cls + '-over');
        if ($drag.hasClass(cls + '-clk')) {
            $drag.removeClass(cls + '-clk');

    /** @internal */
    _mouseUp(evt: zk.Event): void {
        jq(this.edrag).removeClass(evt.target.className + '-clk');

    /** @internal */
    _mouseDown(evt: zk.Event): void {
        var cls = evt.target.className,
            index = cls.lastIndexOf('-'),
            key = cls.substring(index + 1),
            $drag = jq(this.edrag);
        if (!$drag.hasClass(cls + '-over') && !zk.mobile) //no mouse over for mobile
            return;// disable

        $drag.addClass(cls + '-clk');

        var opts = this.opts;
        switch (key) {
            case 'home':
                if (opts.startStep > 0) {
                    opts.startStep = 0;
                    if (this._isVer) {
                        const moving = opts.startPosition + 'px';
                        this.epos.style.top = moving;
                    $drag.animate({top: moving}, 500);
                        if (typeof this.opts.onScrollY == 'function')
                            this.opts.onScrollY.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);
                    } else {
                        const moving = opts.startPosition + 'px';
                        this.epos.style.left = moving;
                    $drag.animate({left: moving}, 500);
                        if (typeof this.opts.onScrollX == 'function')
                            this.opts.onScrollX.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);
                    $drag.removeClass(cls + '-over');
            case 'up':
                if (opts.startStep > 0) {
                    opts.startStep -= 1;
                    var move = opts.startPosition + (opts.startStep * this._scale);
                    if (this._isVer) {
                        var end;
                        if (zk(this.eend).isVisible()) {
                            end = this.eend.offsetTop;
                        } else {
                            end = opts.viewportSize + opts.startPosition;
                        end -= this.edrag.offsetHeight - this._gap;

                        this.epos.style.top = move + 'px';
                        if (end < move) {
                            this.edrag.style.top = end + 'px';
                        } else {
                            this.edrag.style.top = move + 'px';
                        if (typeof this.opts.onScrollY == 'function')
                            this.opts.onScrollY.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);
                    } else {
                        var end;
                        if (zk(this.eend).isVisible()) {
                            end = this.eend.offsetLeft;
                        } else {
                            end = opts.viewportSize + opts.startPosition;
                        end -= this.edrag.offsetWidth - this._gap;

                        this.epos.style.left = move + 'px';
                        if (end < move) {
                            this.edrag.style.left = end + 'px';
                        } else {
                            this.edrag.style.left = move + 'px';

                        if (typeof this.opts.onScrollX == 'function')
                            this.opts.onScrollX.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);

                    if (opts.startStep == 0)
                        $drag.removeClass(cls + '-over');
            case 'down':
                if (opts.startStep < opts.endStep - opts.viewport) {
                    opts.startStep += 1;
                    var move = opts.startPosition + (opts.startStep * this._scale);
                    if (this._isVer) {
                        var end;
                        if (zk(this.eend).isVisible()) {
                            end = this.eend.offsetTop;
                        } else {
                            end = opts.viewportSize + opts.startPosition;
                        end -= this.edrag.offsetHeight - this._gap;

                        this.epos.style.top = move + 'px';
                        if (end < move) {
                            this.edrag.style.top = end + 'px';
                        } else {
                            this.edrag.style.top = move + 'px';
                        if (typeof this.opts.onScrollY == 'function')
                            this.opts.onScrollY.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);
                    } else {
                        var end;
                        if (zk(this.eend).isVisible()) {
                            end = this.eend.offsetLeft;
                        } else {
                            end = opts.viewportSize + opts.startPosition;
                        end -= this.edrag.offsetWidth - this._gap;

                        this.epos.style.left = move + 'px';
                        if (end < move) {
                            this.edrag.style.left = end + 'px';
                        } else {
                            this.edrag.style.left = move + 'px';

                        if (typeof this.opts.onScrollX == 'function')
                            this.opts.onScrollX.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);
                    if (opts.startStep == opts.endStep - opts.viewport)
                        $drag.removeClass(cls + '-over');
            case 'end':
                if (opts.startStep < opts.endStep - opts.viewport) {
                    opts.startStep = opts.endStep - opts.viewport;
                    if (this._isVer) {
                        let moving: number;
                        if (zk(this.eend).isVisible()) {
                            moving = this.eend.offsetTop - (this.edrag.offsetHeight - this._gap);
                        } else {
                            moving = opts.startPosition + opts.viewportSize - (this.edrag.offsetHeight - this._gap);
                        this.epos.style.top = moving as unknown as string;
                    $drag.animate({top: moving}, 500);
                        if (typeof this.opts.onScrollY == 'function')
                            this.opts.onScrollY.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);
                    } else {
                        let moving: number;
                        if (zk(this.eend).isVisible()) {
                            moving = this.eend.offsetLeft - (this.edrag.offsetWidth - this._gap);
                        } else {
                            moving = opts.startPosition + opts.viewportSize - (this.edrag.offsetWidth - this._gap);
                        this.epos.style.left = moving as unknown as string;
                    $drag.animate({left: moving}, 500);
                        if (typeof this.opts.onScrollX == 'function')
                            this.opts.onScrollX.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);
                    $drag.removeClass(cls + '-over');

    /** @internal */
    _mousewheelY(evt: zk.Event, delta: number, deltaX: number, deltaY: number): void {
        if (deltaY) {
            var opts = this.opts,
                steps = opts.startStep,
                endStep = opts.endStep - opts.viewport,
                scale = this._scale,
                wgt = this.widget;
            if (deltaY > 0) { // up
                opts.startStep -= Math.max(Math.round(wgt._cols! / 5), 1);
                if (opts.startStep < 0)
                    opts.startStep = 0;
            } else { // down
                opts.startStep += Math.max(Math.round(wgt._cols! / 5), 1);
                if (opts.startStep > endStep)
                    opts.startStep = endStep;
            if (steps == opts.startStep)
                return;// nothing changed

            var moving = opts.startPosition + (opts.startStep * scale),
                end = zk(this.eend).isVisible() ? this.eend.offsetTop - (this.edrag.offsetHeight - this._gap)
                    : opts.startPosition + opts.viewportSize - (this.edrag.offsetHeight - this._gap);
            this.epos.style.top = moving + 'px';

            if (moving > end)
                moving = end;

            this.edrag.style.top = moving + 'px';
            if (typeof this.opts.onScrollY == 'function')
                this.opts.onScrollY.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);

    /** @internal */
    _mousewheelX(evt: zk.Event, delta: number, deltaX: number, deltaY: number): void {
        if (deltaX) {
            var opts = this.opts,
                steps = opts.startStep,
                endStep = opts.endStep - opts.viewport,
                scale = this._scale,
                wgt = this.widget;
            if (deltaX < 0) { // up
                opts.startStep -= Math.max(Math.round(wgt._cols! / 5), 1);
                if (opts.startStep < 0)
                    opts.startStep = 0;
            } else { // down
                opts.startStep += Math.max(Math.round(wgt._cols! / 5), 1);
                if (opts.startStep > endStep)
                    opts.startStep = endStep;
            if (steps == opts.startStep)
                return;// nothing changed

            var moving = opts.startPosition + (opts.startStep * scale),
                end = zk(this.eend).isVisible() ? this.eend.offsetLeft - (this.edrag.offsetWidth - this._gap)
                    : opts.startPosition + opts.viewportSize - (this.edrag.offsetWidth - this._gap);
            this.epos.style.left = moving + 'px';

            if (moving > end)
                moving = end;

            this.edrag.style.left = moving + 'px';
            if (typeof this.opts.onScrollX == 'function')
                this.opts.onScrollX.call(this.widget, opts.startStep + opts.offset);

    /** @internal */
    _initDragdrop(): void {
        var orient = this._isVer ? 'v' : 'h',
            uuid = this.uid + '-' + orient + 'bar';
        this.node = jq(uuid, zk)[0];
        this.edrag = this.node.firstChild as HTMLElement;
        this.edragBody = this.edrag.childNodes[2];
        this.epos = this.edrag.nextSibling as HTMLElement;
        this.eend = this.node.lastChild as HTMLElement;

        // sync the gap between edrag and epos
        var s = this.epos.style,
            old = s.display;
        s.display = 'block';
        this._gap = this._isVer ? this.edrag.offsetHeight - this.epos.offsetHeight
            : this.edrag.offsetWidth - this.epos.offsetWidth;
        s.display = old;

        this.drag = new zk.Draggable(this, this.edrag, {
            constraint: this._isVer ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal',
            snap: snap,
            starteffect: starteffect,
            zIndex: '12000',
            ignoredrag: ignoredrag,
            endeffect: endeffect

    destroy(): void {
        // @ts-expect-error: these variables should only become undefined after destroy
        this.node = this.edrag = this.epos = this.drag = undefined;

    redraw(p: HTMLElement): void {
        var orient = this._isVer ? 'v' : 'h',
            ocls = this._isVer ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal',
            uuid = this.uid + '-' + orient + 'bar',
            zcls = this.widget.$s('wscroll');
        jq(p).append(/*safe*/ '<div id="' + uuid + '" class="' + zcls + '-' + ocls + '">'
            + '<div class="' + zcls + '-drag">'
            + '<div class="' + zcls + '-home" title="' + /*safe*/ msgzul.WS_HOME + '"></div>'
            + '<div class="' + zcls + '-up" title="' + /*safe*/ msgzul.WS_PREV + '"></div>'
            + '<div class="' + zcls + '-body"></div>'
            + '<div class="' + zcls + '-down" title="' + /*safe*/ msgzul.WS_NEXT + '"></div>'
            + '<div class="' + zcls + '-end" title="' + /*safe*/ msgzul.WS_END + '"></div>'
            + '</div>'
            + '<div class="' + zcls + '-pos"></div>'
            + '<div class="' + zcls + '-endbar"></div>'
            + '</div>');

    /** @internal */
    _syncButtonStatus(): void {
        var zcls = this.zcls + '-wscroll',
            $drag = jq(this.edrag),
            opts = this.opts;
        $drag.toggleClass(zcls + '-head', opts.startStep == 0);
        $drag.toggleClass(zcls + '-tail', opts.startStep == opts.endStep - opts.viewport);

     * Sets the easing animation function for the scrolling effects.
     * For more details, please refer to jquery's easing plugin.
     * http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
    static easing = easing;