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/* Calendar.js



        Fri Jan 23 10:32:34 TST 2009, Created by Flyworld

Copyright (C) 2008 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

/** The date related widgets, such as datebox and calendar.

export interface MarkCalOptions {
    sameMonth?: boolean;
    silent?: boolean;
    timeout?: number;
interface TimeZoneWidget extends zk.Widget {
    getTimeZone?: () => string;
declare global {
    interface HTMLTableCellElement {
        /** @internal */
        _monofs?: number;

function _newDate(year, month, day, bFix, tz?: string): DateImpl {
    var v = Dates.newInstance([year, month, day], tz);
    return bFix && v.getMonth() != month && v.getDate() != day ? //Bug ZK-1213: also need to check date
        Dates.newInstance([year, month + 1, 0], tz)/*last day of month*/ : v;

function _getTimeZone(wgt: zul.db.Calendar): string | undefined {
    var parent: TimeZoneWidget | undefined = wgt.parent,
        tz = parent?.getTimeZone?.();
    return tz ? tz : wgt._defaultTzone;

/** @class zul.db.Renderer
 * The renderer used to render a calendar.
 * It is designed to be overridden
export var Renderer = {
     * @returns the HTML fragment representing a day cell.
     * By overriding this method, you could customize the look of a day cell.
     * @defaultValue day
     * @param cal - the calendar
     * @param y - the year
     * @param m - the month (between 0 to 11)
     * @param day - the day (between 1 to 31)
     * @param monthofs - the month offset. If the day is in the same month
     * @since 5.0.3
    cellHTML(cal: zul.db.Calendar, y: number, m: number, day: number, monthofs: number): string {
        return String(day);
     * @returns the label of a date cell.
     * By overriding this method, you could customize the aria-label of a day cell.
     * @defaultValue dd MMMM, yyyy
     * @param cal - the calendar
     * @param y - the year
     * @param m - the month (between 0 to 11)
     * @param day - the day (between 1 to 31)
     * @param monthofs - the month offset. If the day is in the same month
     * @param dayofweek - the day of the week (between 0 to 6)
     * @since 9.5.0
    cellAriaLabel(cal: zul.db.Calendar, y: number, m: number, day: number, monthofs: number, dayofweek: number): string {
        var localizedSymbols = cal.getLocalizedSymbols();
        return day + ' ' + localizedSymbols.FMON![m] + ', ' + y;
     * Called before {@link zul.db.Calendar#redraw} is invoked.
     * @defaultValue does nothing
     * @param cal - the calendar
     * @since 5.0.3
    beforeRedraw(cal: zul.db.Calendar): void {
        // empty on purpose
     * Tests if the specified date is disabled.
     * @defaultValue it depends on the constraint, if any
     * @param cal - the calendar
     * @param y - the year
     * @param m - the month (between 0 to 11)
     * @param v - the day (between 1 to 31)
     * @param today - today
     * @since 5.0.3
    disabled(cal: zul.db.Calendar, y: number, m: number, v: number, today: DateImpl): boolean {
        var d = Dates.newInstance([y, m, v, 0, 0, 0, 0], _getTimeZone(cal)),

        if ((constraint = cal._constraint) && typeof constraint == 'string') {

            // Bug ID: 3106676
            if ((constraint.includes('no past') && (+d - +today) / 86400000 < 0)
                || (constraint.includes('no future') && (+today - +d) / 86400000 < 0)
                || (constraint.includes('no today') && +today - +d == 0))
                    return true;

        var result = false;
        if (cal._beg && (result = (+d - +cal._beg) / 86400000 < 0))
            return result;
        if (cal._end && (result = (+cal._end - +d) / 86400000 < 0))
            return result;
        return result;
     * @returns the label of the week of year.
     * @defaultValue the string of the value
     * @param wgt - the calendar widget
     * @param val - number of the week of the value
     * @since 6.5.0
    labelOfWeekOfYear(wgt: zul.db.Calendar, val: number): string {
        return String(val);
     * @returns the title of the week of year.
     * @defaultValue 'Wk'
     * @param wgt - the calendar widget
     * @since 6.5.0
    titleOfWeekOfYear(wgt: zul.db.Calendar): string {
        return 'Wk';
     * Generates the title of the content HTML.
     * @param wgt - the calendar widget
     * @param out - an array to output HTML fragments.
     * @param localizedSymbols - the symbols for localization
     * @since 6.5.3
    titleHTML(wgt: zul.db.Calendar, out: string[], localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols): void {
        var uuidHTML = /*safe*/ wgt.uuid,
            view = wgt._view,
            val = wgt.getTime(),
            m = val.getMonth(),
            y = val.getFullYear(),
            date = val._moment.toDate(),
            localeDateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(localizedSymbols.LAN_TAG, {year: 'numeric'}),
            displayYear = this._getDisplayYear(date, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat),
            yofs = y - (y % 10 + 1),
            ydec = zk.parseInt(y / 100),
            textHTML = wgt.$s('text'),
            minyear = wgt._minyear,
            maxyear = wgt._maxyear,
            endYearLength = this._getPadYearLength(wgt, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat);

        switch (view) {
        case 'day':
            out.push('<span id="', uuidHTML, '-tm" class="', textHTML, '">',
                /*safe*/ localizedSymbols.SMON![m], '</span> <span id="', uuidHTML,
                    '-ty" class="', textHTML, '">', /*safe*/ displayYear, '</span>');
        case 'month':
            out.push('<span id="', uuidHTML,
                    '-ty" class="', textHTML, '">', /*safe*/ displayYear, '</span>');
        case 'year':
            var yearGap = 11,
                startYear = yofs < minyear ? minyear : yofs,
                startDate = new Date(startYear, m),
                displayStartYear = this._getDisplayYear(startDate, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat, endYearLength),
                expectedEndYear = yofs + yearGap;
                endYear = expectedEndYear > maxyear ? maxyear : expectedEndYear,
                endDate = new Date(endYear, m),
                displayEndYear = this._getDisplayYear(endDate, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat, endYearLength);
            out.push('<span id="', uuidHTML, '-tyd" class="', textHTML, '">',
                /*safe*/ displayStartYear, ' - ', /*safe*/ displayEndYear, '</span>');
        case 'decade':
            // each start year of cell is ten more than previous one,
            // so the end year of last cell equals the start year of first cell add 10 * 11 + 9.
            var yearGap = 10 * 11 + 9,
                expectedStartYear = ydec * 100 - 10,
                startYear = expectedStartYear < minyear ? minyear : expectedStartYear,
                startDate = new Date(startYear, m),
                displayStartYear = this._getDisplayYear(startDate, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat, endYearLength),
                expectedEndYear = expectedStartYear + yearGap,
                endYear = expectedEndYear > maxyear ? maxyear : expectedEndYear,
                endDate = new Date(endYear, m),
                displayEndYear = this._getDisplayYear(endDate, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat, endYearLength);
            out.push('<span id="', uuidHTML, '-tyd" class="', textHTML, '">',
                /*safe*/ displayStartYear, ' - ', /*safe*/ displayEndYear, '</span>');
     * Renderer the dayView for this calendar
     * @param wgt - the calendar widget
     * @param out - an array to output HTML fragments.
     * @param localizedSymbols - the symbols for localization
     * @since 6.5.0
    dayView(wgt: zul.db.Calendar, out: string[], localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols): void {
        var uuidHTML = /*safe*/ wgt.uuid,
            sun = (7 - localizedSymbols.DOW_1ST!) % 7, sat = (6 + sun) % 7,
            wkend = wgt.$s('weekend'),
            wkday = wgt.$s('weekday'),
            cell = wgt.$s('cell');

        out.push('<table role="grid" class="', wgt.$s('body'), '" id="', uuidHTML, '-mid"',
                /*safe*/ zUtl.cellps0, '>', '<thead><tr>');
        for (var j = 0; j < 7; ++j)
            out.push('<th class="', (j == sun || j == sat) ? /*safe*/ wkend : /*safe*/ wkday,
                    '" aria-label="', /*safe*/ localizedSymbols.FDOW![j], '">', /*safe*/ localizedSymbols.S2DOW![j], '</th>');
        for (var j = 0; j < 6; ++j) { //at most 7 rows
            out.push('<tr id="', uuidHTML, '-w', j as unknown as string, '">');
            for (var k = 0; k < 7; ++k)
                out.push('<td id="', uuidHTML, '-w', j as unknown as string, '-p', k as unknown as string, '" class="', /*safe*/ cell, ' ', (k == sun || k == sat) ? /*safe*/ wkend : /*safe*/ wkday,
     * Renderer the monthView for this calendar
     * @param wgt - the calendar widget
     * @param out - an array to output HTML fragments.
     * @param localizedSymbols - the symbols for localization
     * @since 6.5.0
    monthView(wgt: zul.db.Calendar, out: string[], localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols): void {
        var uuid = wgt.uuid,
            cell = wgt.$s('cell');
        out.push('<table role="grid" class="', wgt.$s('body'), ' ', wgt.$s('month'),
                '" id="', /*safe*/ uuid, '-mid"', /*safe*/ zUtl.cellps0, '><tbody>');
        for (var j = 0; j < 12; ++j) {
            if (!(j % 4)) out.push('<tr>');
            out.push('<td class="', /*safe*/ cell, '" id="', /*safe*/ uuid, '-m',
                j as unknown as string, '" data-value="', j as unknown as string,
                '" aria-label="', /*safe*/ localizedSymbols.FMON![j], '">',
                /*safe*/ localizedSymbols.SMON![j], '</td>');
            if (!((j + 1) % 4)) out.push('</tr>');
     * Renderer the yearView for this calendar
     * @param wgt - the calendar widget
     * @param out - an array to output HTML fragments.
     * @param localizedSymbols - the symbols for localization
     * @since 6.5.0
    yearView(wgt: zul.db.Calendar, out: string[], localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols): void {
        var uuid = wgt.uuid,
            cell = wgt.$s('cell'),
            disd = wgt.$s('disabled'),
            val = wgt.getTime(),
            y = val.getFullYear(),
            yofs = y - (y % 10 + 1),
            minyear = wgt._minyear,
            maxyear = wgt._maxyear,
            localeDateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(localizedSymbols.LAN_TAG, {year: 'numeric'}),
            endYearLength = this._getPadYearLength(wgt, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat);
        out.push('<table role="grid" class="', wgt.$s('body'), ' ', wgt.$s('year'), '" id="', /*safe*/ uuid, '-mid"',
                /*safe*/ zUtl.cellps0, '><tbody>');

        for (var j = 0; j < 12; ++j) {
            if (!(j % 4)) out.push('<tr>');
            if (yofs < minyear || yofs > maxyear) {
                out.push('<td class="', /*safe*/ disd, '">&nbsp;</td>');
                if (j + 1 == 12)
            var date = new Date(yofs, 0);
            out.push('<td class="', /*safe*/ cell, '" data-value="', yofs as unknown as string, '" id="', /*safe*/ uuid, '-y', j as unknown as string, '" >',
                /*safe*/ this._getDisplayYear(date, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat, endYearLength), '</td>');
            if (!((j + 1) % 4)) out.push('</tr>');
     * Renderer the decadeView for this calendar
     * @param wgt - the calendar widget
     * @param out - an array to output HTML fragments.
     * @param localizedSymbols - the symbols for localization
     * @since 6.5.0
    decadeView(wgt: zul.db.Calendar, out: string[], localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols): void {
        var uuid = wgt.uuid,
            cell = wgt.$s('cell'),
            disd = wgt.$s('disabled'),
            val = wgt.getTime(),
            y = val.getFullYear(),
            ydec = zk.parseInt(y / 100),
            minyear = wgt._minyear,
            maxyear = wgt._maxyear,
            mindec = zk.parseInt(minyear / 10) * 10,
            maxdec = zk.parseInt(maxyear / 10) * 10,
            localeDateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(localizedSymbols.LAN_TAG, {year: 'numeric'}),
            endYearLength = this._getPadYearLength(wgt, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat);

        out.push('<table role="grid" class="', wgt.$s('body'), ' ', wgt.$s('decade'),
                '" id="', /*safe*/ uuid, '-mid"',
            /*safe*/ zUtl.cellps0, '><tbody>');
        var temp = ydec * 100 - 10,
            selected = wgt.$s('selected');
        for (var j = 0; j < 12; ++j, temp += 10) {
            if (!(j % 4)) out.push('<tr>');
            if (temp < mindec || temp > maxdec) {
                out.push('<td class="', /*safe*/ disd, '">&nbsp;</td>');
                if (j + 1 == 12)

            var startDate = new Date(temp < minyear ? minyear : temp, 0),
                endDate = new Date(temp + 9 > maxyear ? maxyear : temp + 9, 11);
            out.push('<td data-value="', temp as unknown as string, '" id="', /*safe*/ uuid, '-de', j as unknown as string, '" class="',
                /*safe*/ cell, (y >= temp && y <= (temp + 9)) ? ' ' + /*safe*/ selected : '', '" >',
                /*safe*/ this._getDisplayYear(startDate, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat, endYearLength) + ' -<br aria-hidden="true" />'
                            + /*safe*/ this._getDisplayYear(endDate, localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat, endYearLength) + '</td>');
            if (!((j + 1) % 4)) out.push('</tr>');
     * Renderer the today link for this calendar
     * @param wgt - the calendar widget
     * @param out - an array to output HTML fragments.
     * @param localizedSymbols - the symbols for localization
     * @since 8.0.0
    todayView(wgt: zul.db.Calendar, out: string[], localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols): void {
        var val = wgt.getTodayLinkLabel();
        if (!val) {
            var tz = _getTimeZone(wgt);
            val = new zk.fmt.Calendar().formatDate(zUtl.today(!!wgt.parent, tz), wgt.getFormat(), localizedSymbols);
    /** @internal */
    _getDisplayYear(date: Date, localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat: Intl.DateTimeFormat, padLength?: number): string { // override
        return date.getFullYear() + localizedSymbols.YDELTA! + '';
    /** @internal */
    _getPadYearLength(wgt: zul.db.Calendar, localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat: Intl.DateTimeFormat): number {
        var y = wgt.getTime().getFullYear(),
            yearGap = 10 * 11 + 9,
            maxyear = wgt._maxyear,
            ydec = zk.parseInt(y / 100),
            expectedStartYear = ydec * 100 - 10,
            expectedEndYear = expectedStartYear + yearGap,
            endYear = expectedEndYear > maxyear ? maxyear : expectedEndYear,
            endYearLength = this._getDisplayYear(new Date(endYear, 0), localizedSymbols, localeDateTimeFormat).replace(/^\D+/g, '').length;
        return endYearLength;
zul.db.Renderer = Renderer;

export interface CalendarOnChangeData {
    value?: DateImpl;
    shallClose: boolean;
    shiftView: boolean;
export class Calendar extends zul.Widget {
    /** @internal */
    _view = 'day';
    /** @internal */
    _minyear = 1900; //"day", "month", "year", "decade",
    /** @internal */
    _maxyear = 2099;
    /** @internal */
    _beg?: DateImpl;
    /** @internal */
    _end?: DateImpl;
    /** @internal */
    _constraint?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _localizedSymbols?: zk.LocalizedSymbols;
    /** @internal */
    _selectedValue?: DateImpl;
    /** @internal */
    _value?: DateImpl;
    /** @internal */
    _defaultTzone?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _name?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _weekOfYear?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _showTodayLink?: boolean;
    efield?: HTMLInputElement;
    /** @internal */
    _fmt?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _todayLinkLabel?: string;

    constructor() {
        this.listen({onChange: this}, -1000);

     * Assigns a value to this component.
     * @param value - the date to assign. If null, today is assumed.
    setValue(value: DateImpl, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._value;
        this._value = value;

        if (o !== value || opts?.force) {
            var parent: TimeZoneWidget | undefined = this.parent;
            if (!parent || !parent.getTimeZone) {

        return this;

     * @returns the value that is assigned to this component.
    getValue(): DateImpl | undefined {
        return this._value;

     * Sets default time zone that this calendar belongs to.
     * @param defaultTzone - the time zone's ID, such as "America/Los_Angeles".
    setDefaultTzone(defaultTzone: string): this {
        this._defaultTzone = defaultTzone;
        return this;

     * @returns default time zone that this calendar belongs to, such as "America/Los_Angeles".
    getDefaultTzone(): string | undefined {
        return this._defaultTzone;

     * Set the date limit for this component with yyyyMMdd format,
     * such as 20100101 is mean Jan 01 2010
     * <dl>
     * <dt>Example:</dt>
     * <dd>between 20091201 and 20091231</dd>
     * <dd>before 20091201</dd>
     * <dd>after 20091231</dd>
     * </dl>
    setConstraint(constraint: string | undefined, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._constraint;
        this._constraint = constraint;

        if (o !== constraint || opts?.force) {
            // ZK-3619, this method could be called when datebox opening the calendar,
            // inServer means there is a calendar tag in zul file.
            if (this.desktop && this.inServer) {

        return this;

     * @returns the constraint of this component.
    getConstraint(): string | undefined {
        return this._constraint;

     * Sets the name of this component.
     * <p>The name is used only to work with "legacy" Web application that
     * handles user's request by servlets.
     * It works only with HTTP/HTML-based browsers. It doesn't work
     * with other kind of clients.
     * <p>Don't use this method if your application is purely based
     * on ZK's event-driven model.
     * @param name - the name of this component.
    setName(name: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._name;
        this._name = name;

        if (o !== name || opts?.force) {
            if (this.efield)
                this.efield.name = this._name;

        return this;

     * @returns the name of this component.
     * <p>The name is used only to work with "legacy" Web application that
     * handles user's request by servlets.
     * It works only with HTTP/HTML-based browsers. It doesn't work
     * with other kind of clients.
     * <p>Don't use this method if your application is purely based
     * on ZK's event-driven model.
     * @defaultValue `null`.
    getName(): string | undefined {
        return this._name;

     * Sets whether enable to show the week number within the current year or
     * not. [ZK EE]
     * @since 6.5.0
    setWeekOfYear(weekOfYear: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._weekOfYear;
        this._weekOfYear = weekOfYear;

        if (o !== weekOfYear || opts?.force) {
            if (this.desktop && zk.feature.ee)

        return this;

     * @returns whether enable to show the week number within the current year or not.
     * @defaultValue `false`
     * @since 6.5.0
    isWeekOfYear(): boolean {
        return !!this._weekOfYear;

     * Sets whether enable to show the link that jump to today in day view
     * @since 8.0.0
    setShowTodayLink(showTodayLink: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._showTodayLink;
        this._showTodayLink = showTodayLink;

        if (o !== showTodayLink || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns whether enable to show the link that jump to today in day view
     * @defaultValue `false`
     * @since 8.0.0
    isShowTodayLink(): boolean {
        return !!this._showTodayLink;

     * Sets the label of the link that jump to today in day view
     * @since 8.0.4
    setTodayLinkLabel(todayLinkLabel: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._todayLinkLabel;
        this._todayLinkLabel = todayLinkLabel;

        if (o !== todayLinkLabel || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the label of the link that jump to today in day view
     * @since 8.0.4
    getTodayLinkLabel(): string | undefined {
        return this._todayLinkLabel;

     * A method for component getter symmetry, it will call getValue
     * @since 10.0.0
    getValueInZonedDateTime(): DateImpl | undefined {
        return this.getValue();

     * A method for component setter symmetry, it will call setValue
     * @since 10.0.0
    setValueInZonedDateTime(valueInZonedDateTime: DateImpl, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        return this.setValue(valueInZonedDateTime, opts);

     * A method for component getter symmetry, it will call getValue
     * @since 10.0.0
    getValueInLocalDateTime(): DateImpl | undefined {
        return this.getValue();

     * A method for component setter symmetry, it will call setValue
     * @since 10.0.0
    setValueInLocalDateTime(valueInLocalDateTime: DateImpl, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        return this.setValue(valueInLocalDateTime, opts);

     * A method for component getter symmetry, it will call getValue
     * @since 10.0.0
    getValueInLocalDate(): DateImpl | undefined {
        return this.getValue();

     * A method for component setter symmetry, it will call setValue
     * @since 10.0.0
    setValueInLocalDate(valueInLocalDate: DateImpl, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        return this.setValue(valueInLocalDate, opts);

     * A method for component getter symmetry, it will call getValue
     * @since 10.0.0
    getValueInLocalTime(): DateImpl | undefined {
        return this.getValue();

     * A method for component setter symmetry, it will call setValue
     * @since 10.0.0
    setValueInLocalTime(valueInLocalTime: DateImpl, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        return this.setValue(valueInLocalTime, opts);

    override redraw(out: string[], skipper?: zk.Skipper): void {
        super.redraw(out, skipper);

    onChange(evt: zk.Event): void {
        this._updFormData((evt.data as {value: DateImpl}).value);

    /** @internal */
    override doKeyDown_(evt: zk.Event): void {

        const currentView = this._view;
        if (evt.key === 'PageUp') {
            // PageUp: prev month ; Shift + PageUp: prev year
            this._setView(evt.shiftKey ? 'year' : 'month');
        } else if (evt.key === 'PageDown') {
            // PageDown: next month ; Shift + PageDown: next year
            this._setView(evt.shiftKey ? 'year' : 'month');

        var keyCode = evt.keyCode,
            ofs = keyCode == 37 ? -1 : keyCode == 39 ? 1 : keyCode == 38 ? -7 : keyCode == 40 ? 7 : 0;
        if (ofs) {
            evt.stop(); // Bug ZK-2306: using the arrow keys in the calendar widget scrolls the browser window
        } else if (keyCode == 32 || keyCode == 13) {
            // pass a fake event
                target: this,
                domTarget: jq(this.$n('mid')).find('.' + this.$s('selected'))[0],
                stop: zk.$void

    /** @internal */
    setMinYear_(minYear: number): void {
        if (minYear) {
            var y = this.getTime().getFullYear();
            this._minyear = minYear > y ? y : (minYear > 100 ? minYear : 100);
        } else {
            this._minyear = 1900;

    /** @internal */
    setMaxYear_(maxYear: number): void {
        if (maxYear) {
            var y = this.getTime().getFullYear();
            this._maxyear = maxYear < y ? y : (maxYear > this._minyear ? maxYear : this._minyear);
        } else {
            this._maxyear = 2099;

    /** @internal */
    _shift(ofs: number, opts?: MarkCalOptions): void {
        var oldTime = this.getTime(),
            tz = _getTimeZone(this),
            shiftTime = Dates.newInstance(oldTime.getTime(), tz),
            minTime = Dates.newInstance([this._minyear, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz),
            maxTime = Dates.newInstance([this._maxyear, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999], tz),
            today = zUtl.today(false, tz);

        switch (this._view) {
        case 'day':
            shiftTime.setDate(oldTime.getDate() + ofs);
        case 'month':
            if (ofs == 7)
                ofs = 4;
            else if (ofs == -7)
                ofs = -4;
            shiftTime.setMonth(oldTime.getMonth() + ofs);
        case 'year':
            if (ofs == 7)
                ofs = 4;
            else if (ofs == -7)
                ofs = -4;
            shiftTime.setYear(oldTime.getFullYear() + ofs);
        case 'decade':
            if (ofs == 7)
                ofs = 4;
            else if (ofs == -7)
                ofs = -4;
            ofs *= 10;
            shiftTime.setYear(oldTime.getFullYear() + ofs);
        //Bug B65-ZK-1804: Constraint the shifted time should not be out of range between _minyear and _maxyear
        //Bug B96-ZK-4543: Calendar should respect the constraint while Month changing
        if (shiftTime.getTime() < minTime.getTime() || shiftTime.getTime() > maxTime.getTime() ||
            Renderer.disabled(this, shiftTime.getFullYear(), shiftTime.getMonth(), shiftTime.getDate(), today))
            return; // out of range

        this._shiftDate(this._view, ofs);

        var newTime = this.getTime();
        switch (this._view) {
        case 'day':
            if (oldTime.getYear() == newTime.getYear()
                && oldTime.getMonth() == newTime.getMonth()) {
                opts = opts || {};
                opts.sameMonth = true; //optimize
            } else {
        case 'month':
            if (oldTime.getYear() == newTime.getYear())
            else {

    /** @internal */
    _fixConstraint(): void {
        var constraint = this._constraint || '';
        // ZK-4641: Datebox doesn't clean beginning and end at client when removing constraint
        this._beg = undefined;
        this._end = undefined;
        if (typeof constraint != 'string' || constraint == '') return;
        // B50-ZK-591: Datebox constraint combination yyyymmdd and
        // no empty cause javascript error in zksandbox
        var constraints = constraint.split(','),
            format = 'yyyyMMdd',
            len = format.length + 1,
            tz = _getTimeZone(this);
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
        for (var i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
            constraint = jq.trim(constraints[i]); //Bug ZK-1718: should trim whitespace
            if (constraint.startsWith('between')) {
                var j = constraint.indexOf('and', 7);
                if (j < 0 && zk.debugJS)
                    zk.error('Unknown constraint: ' + constraint);
                this._beg = new zk.fmt.Calendar(undefined, this._localizedSymbols).parseDate(constraint.substring(7, j), format, undefined, undefined, undefined, tz);
                this._end = new zk.fmt.Calendar(undefined, this._localizedSymbols).parseDate(constraint.substring(j + 3, j + 3 + len), format, undefined, undefined, undefined, tz);
                if (this._beg!.getTime() > this._end!.getTime()) {
                    var d = this._beg;
                    this._beg = this._end;
                    this._end = d;
                this._beg!.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
                this._end!.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
            } else if (constraint.startsWith('before_') || constraint.startsWith('after_')) {
                continue; //Constraint start with 'before_' and 'after_' means errorbox position, skip it
            } else if (constraint.startsWith('before')) {
                this._end = new zk.fmt.Calendar(undefined, this._localizedSymbols).parseDate(constraint.substring(6, 6 + len), format, undefined, undefined, undefined, tz);
                this._end!.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
            } else if (constraint.startsWith('after')) {
                this._beg = new zk.fmt.Calendar(undefined, this._localizedSymbols).parseDate(constraint.substring(5, 5 + len), format, undefined, undefined, undefined, tz);
                this._beg!.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

     * @returns the format of this component.
    getFormat(): string {
        return this._fmt || 'yyyy/MM/dd';

    /** @internal */
    _updFormData(formData: DateImpl): void {
        let val = new zk.fmt.Calendar().formatDate(formData, this.getFormat(), this._localizedSymbols);
        if (this._name) {
            val = val || '';
            if (!this.efield)
                this.efield = jq.newHidden(this._name, val, this.$n());
                this.efield.value = val;

    /** @internal */
    override focus_(timeout: number): boolean {
        if (this._view != 'decade')
            this._markCal({timeout: timeout});
        else {
            var anc: HTMLAnchorElement | undefined;
            if (anc = this.getAnchor_())
                this._doFocus(anc, true);
        return true;

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop?: zk.Desktop, skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);
        var node = this.$n(),
            title = this.$n('title'),
            mid = this.$n('mid'),
            left = this.$n('left'),
            right = this.$n('right'),
            today = this.$n('today');
        if (this._view != 'decade')
            this._markCal({silent: true});

        this.domListen_(title!, 'onClick', '_changeView')
            .domListen_(mid!, 'onClick', '_clickDate')
            .domListen_(left!, 'onClick', '_clickArrow')
            .domListen_(right!, 'onClick', '_clickArrow')
            .domListen_(today!, 'onClick', '_clickToday')
            .domListen_(node!, 'onMousewheel');


    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        var node = this.$n(),
            title = this.$n('title'),
            mid = this.$n('mid'),
            left = this.$n('left'),
            right = this.$n('right'),
            today = this.$n('today');
        this.domUnlisten_(title!, 'onClick', '_changeView')
            .domUnlisten_(mid!, 'onClick', '_clickDate')
            .domUnlisten_(left!, 'onClick', '_clickArrow')
            .domUnlisten_(right!, 'onClick', '_clickArrow')
            .domUnlisten_(today!, 'onClick', '_clickToday')
            .domUnlisten_(node!, 'onMousewheel');
        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);
        this.efield = undefined;

    override rerender(skipper?: zk.Skipper | number): this {
        if (this.desktop) {
            var s = this.$n()!.style,
                w = s.width,
                h = s.height,
                result = super.rerender(skipper);
            s = this.$n()!.style;
            s.width = w;
            s.height = h;
            return result;
        return this;

    /** @internal */
    _clickArrow(evt: zk.Event): void {
        if (zk.animating()) return; // ignore
        var node = jq.nodeName(evt.domTarget, 'a') ? evt.domTarget
                    : jq(evt.domTarget).parent('a')[0];
        if (jq(node).attr('disabled'))
        this._shiftView(jq(node).hasClass(this.$s('left')) ? -1 : 1);
        //ZK-2679: prevent default behavior of clicking anchor

    /** @internal */
    _clickToday(): void {
        this.setValue(zUtl.today(!!this.parent, _getTimeZone(this)));

    /** @internal */
    _shiftView(ofs: number, disableAnima?: boolean): void {
        switch (this._view) {
        case 'day':
            this._shiftDate('month', ofs);
        case 'month':
            this._shiftDate('year', ofs);
        case 'year':
            this._shiftDate('year', ofs * 10);
        case 'decade':
            this._shiftDate('year', ofs * 100);
        if (!disableAnima)
            this._setView(this._view, ofs);
        else {

    /** @internal */
    _doMousewheel(evt: zk.Event, intDelta: number): void {
        if (jq(this.$n(-intDelta > 0 ? 'right' : 'left')).attr('disabled'))
        this._shiftView(intDelta > 0 ? -1 : 1, true);

     * @returns the Date that is assigned to this component.
     *  <p>returns today if value is null
    getTime(): DateImpl {
        return this._value || zUtl.today(this.getFormat(), _getTimeZone(this));

    /** @internal */
    _setTime(y: number | undefined, m?: number, d?: number, fireOnChange?: boolean): this {
        var dateobj = this.getTime(),
            year = y != null ? y : dateobj.getFullYear(),
            month = m != null ? m : dateobj.getMonth(),
            day = d != null ? d : dateobj.getDate(),
            tz = _getTimeZone(this),
            val = new zk.fmt.Calendar().escapeDSTConflict(_newDate(year, month, day, d == null, tz), tz); // B70-ZK-2382

        this._value = val;
        this._selectedValue = val;
        if (fireOnChange)
            this.fire('onChange', {value: val});
        return this;

    // calendar-ctrl.js will override this function
    /** @internal */
    _clickDate(evt: Pick<zk.Event, 'target' | 'domTarget' | 'stop'>): void {
        var target = evt.domTarget as HTMLTableCellElement | undefined,
            val: number;
        for (; target; target = target.parentNode as HTMLTableCellElement | undefined)
            try { //Note: data-dt is also used in mold/calendar.js
                if ((val = jq(target).data('value') as number) !== undefined) {
                    val = zk.parseInt(val);
            } catch (e) {
                continue; //skip
        this._chooseDate(target, val!);
        var anc: HTMLAnchorElement | undefined;
        if (anc = this.getAnchor_())
            this._doFocus(anc, true);


    /** @internal */
    _chooseDate(target: HTMLTableCellElement | undefined, val: number): void {
        if (target && !jq(target).hasClass(this.$s('disabled'))) {
            var cell = target,
                dateobj = this.getTime();
            switch (this._view) {
            case 'day':
                var oldTime = this.getTime();
                this._setTime(undefined, cell._monofs != null && cell._monofs != 0 ?
                        dateobj.getMonth() + cell._monofs : undefined, val, true /*fire onChange */);
                var newTime = this.getTime();
                if (oldTime.getYear() == newTime.getYear()
                    && oldTime.getMonth() == newTime.getMonth()) {
                        this._markCal({sameMonth: true}); // optimize
                } else {
            case 'month':
                this._setTime(undefined, val);
            case 'year':
            case 'decade':
                //Decade mode Set Year Also

    /** @internal */
    _shiftDate(opt: string, ofs: number, ignoreUpdate?: boolean): DateImpl {
        var dateobj = this.getTime(),
            year = dateobj.getFullYear(),
            month = dateobj.getMonth(),
            day = dateobj.getDate(),
            tz = _getTimeZone(this),
        switch (opt) {
        case 'day':
            day += ofs;
            nofix = true;
        case 'month':
            month += ofs;
        case 'year':
            year += ofs;
        case 'decade':
            year += ofs;
        var newTime = _newDate(year, month, day, !nofix, tz);
        if (!ignoreUpdate) {
            this._value = newTime;
            if (!Renderer.disabled(this, year, month, day, zUtl.today(false, this._defaultTzone))) {
                this._selectedValue = newTime;
                this.fire('onChange', {value: this._selectedValue, shallClose: false, shiftView: true});
        return newTime;

    /** @internal */
    _changeView(evt: zk.Event): void {
        var tm = this.$n('tm'),
            ty = this.$n('ty'),
            tyd = this.$n('tyd'),
            title = this.$n('title');
        if (evt.domTarget == tm)
        else if (evt.domTarget == ty)
        else if (evt.domTarget == tyd)
        else if (evt.domTarget == title) {
            if (tm == null && ty != null)
            else if (ty == null)

    /** @internal */
    _setView(view: string, force?: number): this {
        // check whether to disable the arrow
        /** @internal */
        function _updateArrow(wgt: zul.db.Calendar): void {
            if (wgt.isOutOfRange(true)) {
                jq(wgt.$n('left')).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
            } else {
            if (wgt.isOutOfRange()) {
                jq(wgt.$n('right')).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
            } else {
        type ComputedView = (wgt: zul.db.Calendar, out: string[], localizedSymbols: zk.LocalizedSymbols) => void;

        if (this._view != view) {
            this._view = view;

            var out = new zk.Buffer(),
                localizedSymbols = this.getLocalizedSymbols();

            (Renderer[view + 'View'] as ComputedView)(this, out, localizedSymbols);


            var after = [];
            // unlisten event
            this.unbind_(undefined, after);
            // listen event
            this.bind_(this.desktop, undefined, after);

            out = []; // reset
            Renderer.titleHTML(this, out, localizedSymbols);
            // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-html-method
            jq(this.$n('mid')).transition({scale: 0}, 0).transition({scale: 1}, this.animationSpeed_() as number);


            var anc = this.getAnchor_();
            if (anc)
                this._doFocus(anc, true);

        } else if (force) {
            var out: string[] = [],
                localizedSymbols = this.getLocalizedSymbols(),
                oldMid = this.$n('mid')!,
                isLeft = force == -1,
                width = oldMid.offsetWidth,
                x = width * -1,
                self = this,
                animaCSSHTML = this.$s('anima'),
                todayBtn = this.isShowTodayLink() ? jq(this.$n('today')).parent() : undefined;

            if (todayBtn) todayBtn.is(':hidden') && todayBtn.css('display', 'none');

            (Renderer[view + 'View'] as ComputedView)(this, out, localizedSymbols);

            jq(oldMid).after(/*safe*/ '<div style="height:' + jq.px(oldMid.offsetHeight)
                    + ';width:' + jq.px(width) + '" class="' + animaCSSHTML
                    + '"><div class="' + animaCSSHTML + '-inner"></div');

            var animaInner = oldMid.nextSibling!.firstChild!;
            oldMid = animaInner.firstChild as HTMLElement;
            if (isLeft) {
            } else {

            // clear for _makrCal to get the latest reference
            if (view != 'decade')

            var newMid: HTMLElement;
            if (isLeft) {
                newMid = oldMid.previousSibling as HTMLElement;
                jq(animaInner).css({left: x});
                x = 0;
            } else {
                newMid = oldMid.nextSibling as HTMLElement;

            jq(animaInner).animate({left: x}, {
                duration: this.animationSpeed_(),
                always: function (/*callback*/) {
                    self.domUnlisten_(oldMid, 'onClick', '_clickDate');
                    self.domListen_(newMid, 'onClick', '_clickDate');
                    var out = []; // reset
                    Renderer.titleHTML(self, out, localizedSymbols);
                    // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-html-method
                    if (todayBtn) todayBtn.css('display', '');

        return this;

    getLocalizedSymbols(): zk.LocalizedSymbols {
        return this._localizedSymbols || {
            DOW_1ST: zk.DOW_1ST,
            MINDAYS: zk.MINDAYS,
                ERA: zk.ERA,
             YDELTA: zk.YDELTA,
            LAN_TAG: zk.LAN_TAG,
               SDOW: zk.SDOW,
              S2DOW: zk.S2DOW,
               FDOW: zk.FDOW,
               SMON: zk.SMON,
              S2MON: zk.S2MON,
               FMON: zk.FMON,
                APM: zk.APM

     * Check whether the date is out of range between 1900~2100 years
     * @param left - it is used for the left arrow button
     * @param date - the date object for the range if null, the current value
     * of {@link getTime} is assumed.
     * @returns if true it means the date is out of range.
     * @since 6.5.3
    isOutOfRange(left?: boolean, date?: Date): boolean {
        var view = this._view,
            val = date || this.getTime(),
            y = val.getFullYear(),
            yofs = y - (y % 10 + 1),
            ydec = zk.parseInt(y / 100),
            minyear = this._minyear,
            maxyear = this._maxyear,
            mincen = zk.parseInt(minyear / 100) * 100,
            maxcen = zk.parseInt(maxyear / 100) * 100;

        if (view == 'decade') {
            var value = ydec * 100;
            return left ? value == mincen : value == maxcen;
        } else if (view == 'year') {
            var value = yofs;
            return left ? value < minyear : value + 10 >= maxyear;
        } else if (view == 'day') {
            var value = y,
                m = val.getMonth();
            return left ? value <= minyear && m == 0 : value >= maxyear && m == 11;
        } else {
            var value = y;
            return left ? value <= minyear : value >= maxyear;


    /** @internal */
    _markCal(opts?: MarkCalOptions): void {
        var anc: HTMLAnchorElement | undefined;
        if ((anc = this.getAnchor_()) && (!opts || !opts.silent))
            this._doFocus(anc, opts && opts.timeout);

    // calendar-ctrl.js will override this function
    /** @internal */
    _markCal0(opts?: MarkCalOptions): void {
        var    seldate = this.getTime(),
            m = seldate.getMonth(),
            mid = this.$n('mid')!,
            $mid = jq(mid),
            seldClass = this.$s('selected'),
            y = seldate.getFullYear(),
            minyear = this._minyear,
            maxyear = this._maxyear;

        if (this._view == 'day') {
            //B70-ZK-2477, if zul declares the locale, don't use system's locale
            var DOW_1ST = zk.DOW_1ST;
            if (this._localizedSymbols && this._localizedSymbols.DOW_1ST != undefined) {
                DOW_1ST = this._localizedSymbols.DOW_1ST;
            var d = seldate.getDate(),
                tz = seldate.getTimeZone(),
                v = Dates.newInstance([y, m, 1], 'UTC').getDay() - DOW_1ST,
                last = Dates.newInstance([y, m + 1, 0], 'UTC').getDate(), //last date of this month
                prev = Dates.newInstance([y, m, 0], 'UTC').getDate(), //last date of previous month
                today = zUtl.today(false, tz), //no time part
                outsideClass = this.$s('outside'),
                disdClass = this.$s('disabled');

            $mid.find('.' + seldClass).removeClass(seldClass);
            if (!opts || !opts.sameMonth) {
                $mid.find('.' + outsideClass).removeClass(outsideClass);
                $mid.find('.' + disdClass).removeClass(disdClass);

            if (v < 0) v += 7;
            for (var j = 0, cur = -v + 1; j < 6; ++j) {
                var week = this.$n<HTMLTableRowElement>('w' + j);
                if (week != null) {
                    for (var k = 0; k < 7; ++k, ++cur) {
                        v = cur <= 0 ? prev + cur : cur <= last ? cur : cur - last;
                        if (k == 0 && cur > last)
                            week.style.display = 'none';
                        else {
                            if (k == 0) week.style.display = '';
                            var    monofs = cur <= 0 ? -1 : cur <= last ? 0 : 1,
                                bSel = cur == d;

                            // Bug B65-ZK-1804: check whether the date is out of range
                            if (y >= maxyear && m == 11 && monofs == 1
                                    || y <= minyear && m == 0 && monofs == -1)

                            var $cell = jq(week.cells[k]),
                                isSelectDisabled = Renderer.disabled(this, y, m + monofs, v, today);

                            $cell[0]._monofs = monofs;
                            if (bSel && !isSelectDisabled) {

                            //not same month
                            if (!opts || !opts.sameMonth) { // optimize
                                if (monofs) {
                                if (isSelectDisabled) {
                                // eslint-disable-next-line @microsoft/sdl/no-inner-html
                                $cell[0].innerHTML = DOMPurify.sanitize(Renderer.cellHTML(this, y, m + monofs, v, monofs)) as unknown as string;
                                $cell[0].setAttribute('aria-label', Renderer.cellAriaLabel(this, y, m + monofs, v, monofs, k));
                                $cell.data('value', v);
        } else {
            var isMon = this._view == 'month',
                field = isMon ? 'm' : 'y',
                index = isMon ? m : y % 10 + 1,
                node: HTMLElement | undefined;

            $mid.find('.' + seldClass).removeClass(seldClass);

            for (var j = 0; j < 12; ++j)
                if (index == j && (node = this.$n(field + j)))

    /** @internal */
    override domClass_(no?: zk.DomClassOptions): string {
        var cls = '';
        if (this._weekOfYear)
            cls += this.$s('wk') + ' ';
        return cls + super.domClass_(no);

    /** @internal */
    animationSpeed_(): 'slow' | 'fast' | number {
        return zk(this).getAnimationSpeed();

    /** @internal */
    getAnchor_(): HTMLAnchorElement | undefined {
        return this.$n('a');

    // Bug 2936994, fixed unnecessary setting scrollTop
    /** @internal */
    _doFocus(n: HTMLElement, timeout?: number | boolean): void {
        if (zk.gecko && timeout)
            setTimeout(() => zk(n).focus()); // FIXME: missing timeout argument?