

0 mins
Test Coverage
/* Frozen.ts



        Wed Sep  2 10:07:04     2009, Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C) 2009 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.0 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
// Bug 3218078
function _onSizeLater(wgt: Frozen): void {
    var parent = wgt.parent!;

    // ZK-2130: should skip fake scroll bar
    if (parent.eheadtbl && parent._nativebar) {
        var cells = parent._getFirstRowCells(parent.eheadrows)!,
            head = parent.head!,
            totalcols = cells.length - jq(head).find(head.$n_('bar')).length,
            columns = wgt._columns!,
            leftWidth = 0;

        //B70-ZK-2553: one may specify frozen without any real column
        if (totalcols <= 0) {
            //no need to do the following computation since there is no any column

        //ZK-2776: don't take hidden column, like setVisible(false), into account
        for (var header = parent.head!.firstChild; header; header = header.nextSibling) {
            if (!header.isVisible())
                totalcols -= 1;
        for (var i = 0; i < columns; i++)
            leftWidth += cells[i].offsetWidth;


        wgt.$n_('cave').style.width = jq.px0(leftWidth);
        var scroll = wgt.$n_('scrollX'),
            width = parent.$n_('body').offsetWidth;

        // B70-ZK-2074: Resize forzen's width as meshwidget's body.
        parent.$n_('frozen').style.width = jq.px0(width);
        width -= leftWidth;
        scroll.style.width = jq.px0(width);
        var scrollScale = totalcols - columns - 1;
        (scroll.firstChild as HTMLElement).style.width = jq.px0(width + 50 * scrollScale);

 * A frozen component to represent a frozen column or row in grid, like MS Excel.
 * @defaultValue {@link getZclass}: z-frozen.
export class Frozen extends zul.Widget {
    // Parent could be null because it's checked in `Frozen.prototype.syncScroll`.
    override parent!: zul.mesh.MeshWidget | undefined;
    /** @internal */
    _start = 0;
    /** @internal */
    _scrollScale = 0;
    /** @internal */
    _smooth: boolean | undefined; // eslint-disable-line zk/preferStrictBooleanType
    /** @internal */
    _columns?: number;
    /** @internal */
    _shallSyncScale?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _delayedScroll?: number;
    /** @internal */
    _lastScale?: number;
    /** @internal */
    _shallSync?: boolean;

     * @returns the number of columns to freeze.
     * @defaultValue `0`
    getColumns(): number | undefined {
        return this._columns;

     * Sets the number of columns to freeze.(from left to right)
     * @param columns - positive only
    setColumns(columns: number, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._columns;
        columns = Math.max(0, columns);
        this._columns = columns;

        if (o !== columns || opts?.force) {
            if (this._columns) {
                if (this.desktop) {
            } else this.rerender();

        return this;

     * @returns the start position of the scrollbar.
     * @defaultValue `0`
    getStart(): number {
        return this._start;

     * Sets the start position of the scrollbar.
     * @defaultValue `0`
     * @param start - the column number
    setStart(start: number, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._start;
        this._start = start;

        if (o !== start || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * Synchronizes the scrollbar according to {@link getStart}.
    syncScroll(): void {
        if (this.parent?._nativebar) {
            var scroll = this.$n('scrollX');
            if (scroll)
                scroll.scrollLeft = this._start * 50;

     * Synchronizes the scrollbar according to parent ebody scrollleft.
    syncScrollByParentBody(): void {
        var p = this.parent,
            ebody: HTMLDivElement | undefined,
            l: number;
        if (p?._nativebar && (ebody = p.ebody) && (l = ebody.scrollLeft) > 0) {
            var scroll = this.$n('scrollX');
            if (scroll) {
                var scrollScale = l / (ebody.scrollWidth - ebody.clientWidth);
                scroll.scrollLeft = Math.ceil(scrollScale * (scroll.scrollWidth - scroll.clientWidth));

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop?: zk.Desktop, skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);
        var p = this.parent!,
            body = p.$n('body'),
            foot = p.$n('foot');

        if (p._nativebar) {
            //B70-ZK-2130: No need to reset when beforeSize, ZK-343 with native bar works fine too.
            zWatch.listen({ onSize: this });
            var scroll = this.$n_('scrollX'),
                scrollbarWidth = jq.scrollbarWidth();
            // ZK-2583: native IE bug, add 1px in scroll div's height for workaround
            this.$n_().style.height = this.$n_('cave').style.height = this.$n_('right').style.height = scroll.style.height
                = (scroll.firstChild as HTMLElement).style.height = jq.px0(scrollbarWidth);
            p._currentLeft = 0;
            this.domListen_(scroll, 'onScroll');

            var head = p.$n('head');
            if (head)
                this.domListen_(head, 'onScroll', '_doHeadScroll');

        } else {
            // Bug ZK-2264
            this._shallSyncScale = true;
        // refix-ZK-3100455 : grid/listbox with frozen trigger "invalidate" should _syncFrozenNow
        zWatch.listen({ onResponse: this });
        if (body)
        if (foot)

    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        var p = this.parent!,
            body = p.$n('body'),
            foot = p.$n('foot'),
            head = p.$n('head');

        if (p._nativebar) {
            this.domUnlisten_(this.$n_('scrollX'), 'onScroll');
            p.unlisten({ onScroll: this.proxy(this._onScroll) });
            zWatch.unlisten({ onSize: this });

            if (head)
                this.domUnlisten_(head, 'onScroll', '_doHeadScroll');
        } else {
            this._shallSyncScale = false;
        // refix-ZK-3100455 : grid/listbox with frozen trigger "invalidate" should _syncFrozenNow
        zWatch.unlisten({ onResponse: this });
        if (body)
        if (foot)
        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);

    // Bug ZK-2264, we should resync the variable of _scrollScale, which do the same as HeadWidget.js
    onResponse(): void {
        if (this.parent!._nativebar) {
            // refix-ZK-3100455 : grid/listbox with frozen trigger "invalidate" should _syncFrozenNow
        } else if (this._shallSyncScale) {
            var hdfaker = this.parent!.ehdfaker;
            if (hdfaker) {
                this._scrollScale = hdfaker.childNodes.length - this._columns! - 1;
            this._shallSyncScale = false;

    override onSize(): void {
        if (!this._columns)
        this._syncFrozen(); // B65-ZK-1470

        //B70-ZK-2129: prevent height changed by scrolling
        var p = this.parent!,
            phead = p.head,
            firstHdcell: HTMLElement | undefined;
        if (p._nativebar && phead) {
            //B70-ZK-2558: frozen will onSize before other columns,
            //so there might be no any column in the beginning
            var n = phead.$n() as (HTMLElement & Partial<Pick<HTMLTableRowElement, 'cells'>>) | undefined;
            firstHdcell = n ? (n.cells ? n.cells[0] : undefined) : undefined;
            //B70-ZK-2463: if firstHdcell is not undefined
            if (firstHdcell) {
                const fhcs = firstHdcell.style;
                if (!fhcs.height || n!.cells![1]) {
                    fhcs.height = jq.px0(Math.max(firstHdcell.offsetHeight, n!.cells![1] ? n!.cells![1].offsetHeight : 0));

        // Bug 3218078, to do the sizing after the 'setAttr' command
        setTimeout(() => {

    /** @internal */
    _syncFrozen(): void { //called by Rows, HeadWidget...
        this._shallSync = true;

    /** @internal */
    _syncFrozenNow(): void {
        var num = this._start;
        if (this._shallSync && num)
            this._doScrollNow(num, true);

        this._shallSync = false;

    /** @internal */
    override beforeParentChanged_(p: zk.Widget | undefined): void {
        //bug B50-ZK-238
        //ZK-2651: JS Error showed when clear grid children component that include frozen
        if (this.desktop && this._lastScale) //if large then 0


    /** @internal */
    _onScroll(evt: zk.Event): void {
        if (!evt.data || !zk.currentFocus)

        var p = this.parent,
            td: HTMLTableCellElement | undefined,
            fn = (): void => { // p shouldn't be null when fn is called
                var cf = zk.currentFocus;
                if (cf) {
                    td = p!.getFocusCell(cf.$n_());
                    var index: number;
                    if (td && (index = td.cellIndex - this._columns!) >= 0) {
                        p!.ebody!.scrollLeft = 0;

                        if (p!.ehead)
                            p!.ehead.scrollLeft = 0;
        if (p) {

    /** @internal */
    _doHeadScroll(evt: zk.Event): void {
        var head = evt.domTarget,
            num = Math.ceil(head.scrollLeft / 50);
        // ignore scrollLeft is 0
        if (!head.scrollLeft || this._lastScale == num)
        evt.data = head.scrollLeft;

    /** @internal */
    _doScroll(n: number): void {
        var p = this.parent!,
            num: number;
        if (p._nativebar)
            num = Math.ceil(this.$n_('scrollX').scrollLeft / 50);
            num = Math.ceil(n);
        if (this._lastScale == num)
        if (this._delayedScroll) {
        this._delayedScroll = setTimeout(() => {
            this._lastScale = num;
            this.smartUpdate('start', num);
            this._start = num;
            this._delayedScroll = undefined;
        }, 0);

    /** @internal */
    _doScrollNow(num: number, force?: boolean): void {
        var totalWidth = 0,
            mesh = this.parent!,
            cnt = num,
            c = this._columns!,
            width0 = zul.mesh.MeshWidget.WIDTH0,
            hasVScroll = zk(mesh.ebody).hasVScroll(),
            scrollbarWidth = hasVScroll ? jq.scrollbarWidth() : 0;
        if (mesh.head) {
            // set fixed size
            var totalCols = mesh.head.nChildren,
                // B70-ZK-2071: Use mesh.head to get columns.
                hdcells = mesh.head.$n_().cells,
                hdcol = mesh.ehdfaker!.firstChild,
                ftrows = mesh.foot ? mesh.efootrows : undefined,
                ftcells = ftrows ? ftrows.rows[0].cells : undefined;

            for (var faker: HTMLElement | undefined, i = 0; hdcol && i < totalCols; hdcol = hdcol.nextSibling, i++) {
                if (!(hdcol as HTMLElement).style.width.includes('px')) {
                    var sw = (hdcol as HTMLElement).style.width = jq.px0(hdcells[i].offsetWidth),
                        wgt = zk.Widget.$(hdcol)!;
                    if (!(wgt instanceof zul.mesh.HeadWidget)) {
                        if ((faker = wgt.$n('bdfaker')))
                            faker.style.width = sw;
                        if ((faker = wgt.$n('ftfaker')))
                            faker.style.width = sw;

            interface Update {
                node: HTMLTableCellElement;
                index: number;
                width?: string;
            var updateBatch: Update[] = [], isVisible = false;
            // B70-ZK-2071: Use mesh.head to get column.
            for (var i = c, faker: HTMLElement | undefined; i < totalCols; i++) {
                var n = hdcells[i],
                    hdWgt = zk.Widget.$<zul.mesh.HeaderWidget>(n)!,
                    shallUpdate = false,
                    cellWidth: string | undefined;

                isVisible = hdWgt && hdWgt.isVisible();

                //ZK-2776, once a column is hidden, there is an additional style
                if (!hdWgt.isVisible())
                    continue; //skip column which is hide

                if (cnt-- <= 0) { //show
                    var wd = isVisible ?
                        n.offsetWidth // Bug ZK-2690
                        : 0;
                    // ZK-2071: nativebar behavior should be same as fakebar
                    // ZK-4762: cellWidth should update while scroll into view
                    if (force || (wd < 2)) {
                        cellWidth = hdWgt._origWd || jq.px(wd);
                        // ZK-2772: consider faker's width first for layout consistent
                        // if the column is visible.
                        if ((wd > 1) && (faker = jq('#' + n.id + '-hdfaker')[0]) && faker.style.width)
                            cellWidth = faker.style.width;
                        hdWgt._origWd = undefined;
                        shallUpdate = true;
                } else if (force ||
                    // Bug ZK-2690
                    (n.offsetWidth != 0)) { //hide
                    faker = jq('#' + n.id + '-hdfaker')[0];
                    //ZK-2776: consider faker's width first for layout consistent
                    if (faker.style.width && zk.parseInt(faker.style.width) > 1)
                        hdWgt._origWd = faker.style.width;
                    cellWidth = width0;
                    shallUpdate = true;

                if (force || shallUpdate) {
                    updateBatch.push({ node: n, index: i, width: cellWidth });

            //hide the element without losing focus
            jq(mesh).css({ position: 'absolute', left: -9999 });

            var update: Update | undefined;
            while ((update = updateBatch.shift())) {
                const n = update.node,
                    cellWidth = update.width!,
                    i = update.index;

                if ((faker = jq('#' + n.id + '-hdfaker')[0]))
                    faker.style.width = cellWidth;
                if ((faker = jq('#' + n.id + '-bdfaker')[0]) && isVisible)
                    faker.style.width = cellWidth;
                if ((faker = jq('#' + n.id + '-ftfaker')[0]))
                    faker.style.width = cellWidth;
                // ZK-2071: display causes wrong in colspan case
                hdcells[i].style.width = cellWidth;
                // foot
                if (ftcells) {
                    // ZK-2071: display causes wrong in colspan case
                    if (ftcells.length > i)
                        ftcells[i].style.width = cellWidth;

            hdcol = mesh.ehdfaker!.firstChild;
            for (var i = 0; hdcol && i < totalCols; hdcol = hdcol.nextSibling, i++) {
                if ((hdcol as HTMLElement).style.display != 'none')
                    totalWidth += zk.parseInt((hdcol as HTMLElement).style.width);
            totalWidth += scrollbarWidth;

            //hide the element without losing focus
            jq(mesh).css({ position: '', left: '' });
        // NOTE: Set style width to table to avoid colgroup width not working
        // because of width attribute (width="100%") on table

        const { eheadtbl, ebodytbl, efoottbl } = mesh;
        if (eheadtbl)
            eheadtbl.style.width = jq.px(totalWidth);
        if (ebodytbl)
            ebodytbl.style.width = jq.px(totalWidth - scrollbarWidth);
        if (efoottbl)
            efoottbl.style.width = jq.px(totalWidth);
