

0 mins
Test Coverage
/* Paging.ts



        Fri Jan 23 15:00:58     2009, Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C) 2008 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
function _rerenderIfBothPaging(wgt: Paging): true | undefined {
    if (wgt.isBothPaging()) {
        return true;

//Returns whether the string is integer or not
function _isUnsignedInteger(s: string | number): boolean {
    return s.toString().search(/^[0-9]+$/) == 0;

export interface PagingFocusInfo {
    uuid: string;
    lastPos?: [number, number];
    inpIdx?: number;

 * Paging of long content.
 * @defaultValue {@link getZclass}: z-paging.
export class Paging extends zul.Widget {
    override parent?: zul.mesh.MeshWidget;
    /** @internal */
    _pageSize = 20;
    /** @internal */
    _totalSize = 0;
    /** @internal */
    _pageCount = 1;
    /** @internal */
    _activePage = 0;
    /** @internal */
    _pageIncrement = zk.mobile ? 5 : 10;
    /** @internal */
    _showFirstLast = true;
    /** @internal */
    _detailed = false;
    /** @internal */
    _autohide?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _disabled?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _meshWidget?: zul.mesh.MeshWidget;
    /** @internal */
    static _autoFocusInfo?: PagingFocusInfo;
    /** @internal */
    _lastIsWide?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _navWidth?: number;

     * Sets the total number of items.
    setTotalSize(totalSize: number, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._totalSize;
        this._totalSize = totalSize;

        if (o !== totalSize || opts?.force) {
            if (this._detailed) {
                if (!_rerenderIfBothPaging(this)) {
                    const info = this.$n('info');
                    if (info) {
                        info.textContent = this.infoText_();
                    } else if (this._totalSize) {
                        this.rerender(); // recreate infoTag

        return this;

     * @returns the total number of items.
    getTotalSize(): number {
        return this._totalSize;

     * @returns the number of page anchors shall appear at the client.
     * @defaultValue `10`.
    getPageIncrement(): number {
        return this._pageIncrement;

     * Sets the number of page anchors shall appear at the client.
    setPageIncrement(pageIncrement: number, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._pageIncrement;
        this._pageIncrement = pageIncrement;

        if (o !== pageIncrement || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns whether to show the detailed info, such as {@link getTotalSize}.
    isDetailed(): boolean {
        return this._detailed;

     * Sets whether to show the detailed info, such as {@link getTotalSize}.
    setDetailed(detailed: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._detailed;
        this._detailed = detailed;

        if (o !== detailed || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the number of pages.
     * Note: there is at least one page even no item at all.
    getPageCount(): number {
        return this._pageCount;

     * Sets the number of pages.
     * Note: there is at least one page even no item at all.
    setPageCount(pageCount: number, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._pageCount;
        this._pageCount = pageCount;

        if (o !== pageCount || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the active page (starting from 0).
    getActivePage(): number {
        return this._activePage;

     * Sets the active page (starting from 0).
    setActivePage(activePage: number, opts?: Record<string, boolean> | boolean): this {
        const o = this._activePage;
        this._activePage = activePage;

        if (o !== activePage || (typeof opts != 'boolean' && (opts as Record<string, boolean>)?.force)) {

        // for client mvvm if activePage is set at client, we should trigger onPaging event to server
        if (opts === undefined) {
            this.fire('onPaging', activePage);

        return this;

     * @returns the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
    getPageSize(): number {
        return this._pageSize;

     * Sets the page size, aka., the number rows per page.
    setPageSize(pageSize: number, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._pageSize;
        this._pageSize = pageSize;

        if (o !== pageSize || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns whether to automatically hide this component if there is only one
     * page available.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    isAutohide(): boolean {
        return !!this._autohide;

     * Sets whether to automatically hide this component if there is only one
     * page available.
    setAutohide(autohide: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._autohide;
        this._autohide = autohide;

        if (o !== autohide || opts?.force) {
            if (this.getPageCount() == 1) this.rerender();

        return this;

     * @returns whether it is disabled.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
     * @since 8.0.3
    isDisabled(): boolean {
        return !!this._disabled;

     * Sets whether it is disabled.
     * @since 8.0.3
    setDisabled(disabled: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._disabled;
        this._disabled = disabled;

        if (o !== disabled || opts?.force) {
            if (this.desktop) this._drawDisabled(disabled);

        return this;

     * @returns the associated {@link zul.mesh.MeshWidget} if any.
     * @since 10.0.0
    getMeshWidget(): zul.mesh.MeshWidget | undefined {
        return this._meshWidget;

     * Sets the associated {@link zul.mesh.MeshWidget}.
     * @since 10.0.0
    setMeshWidget(meshWidget?: zul.mesh.MeshWidget): this {
        this._meshWidget = meshWidget;
        return this;

    override setStyle(style: string): this {
        return this;

    override setSclass(sclass: string): this {
        return this;

    override setWidth(width?: string): this {
        if (this.desktop)
            zUtl.fireSized(this, -1);
        return this;

    override setHeight(height?: string): this {
        return this;

    override setLeft(left: string): this {
        return this;

    override setTop(top: string): this {
        return this;

    override setTooltiptext(tooltiptext: string): this {
        return this;

    override replaceHTML(n: HTMLElement | string, desktop: zk.Desktop | undefined, skipper?: zk.Skipper, _trim_?: boolean, _callback_?: CallableFunction[]): void {
        if (!_rerenderIfBothPaging(this))
            super.replaceHTML(n, desktop, skipper, _trim_, _callback_);

     * @returns whether the paging is in both mold. i.e. Top and Bottom
    isBothPaging(): boolean {
        return !!this.parent && this.parent.getPagingPosition
            && 'both' == this.parent.getPagingPosition();

    /** @internal */
    _drawDisabled(disabled: boolean): void {
        const uuid = this.uuid,
            ap = this.getActivePage(),
            pc = this.getPageCount(),
            input = jq.$$(uuid, 'real')!;
        if ('os' == this.getMold()) {
            const btns = jq.$$(uuid, 'button')!;
            jq(btns).attr('disabled', disabled);
        } else {
            const postfix = (ap == 0 && ap == pc - 1) ? [] : ap == 0 ? ['last', 'next'] : ap == pc - 1 ? ['first', 'prev'] : ['first', 'prev', 'last', 'next'];
            for (let j = input.length; j--;) {
                jq(input[j]).attr('disabled', disabled);
                for (let k = postfix.length; k--;)
                    for (let btn = jq.$$(uuid, postfix[k])!, i = btn.length; i--;)
                        jq(btn[i]).attr('disabled', disabled);
                const fnm = disabled ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass',
                    pgtext = input[j].nextSibling;

    /** @internal */
    _updatePageNum(): void {
        let pageCount = Math.floor((this.getTotalSize() - 1) / this._pageSize + 1);
        if (pageCount == 0) pageCount = 1;
        if (pageCount != this.getPageCount()) {
            if (this.getActivePage() >= pageCount)
                this.setActivePage(pageCount - 1);
            if (this.desktop && this.parent) {
                if (!_rerenderIfBothPaging(this)) {

                    // Bug 2931951
                    if (this.parent instanceof zul.mesh.MeshWidget) {
                        // Bug ZK-2624
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            if (this.desktop) {
                                const n = this.parent?.$n();

                                // reset and recalculate
                                if (n?._lastsz) {
                                    n._lastsz = undefined;

     * @returns the information text of the paging, if {@link isDetailed} is enabled.
     * @internal
    infoText_(): string {
        const acp = this.getActivePage(),
            psz = this.getPageSize(),
            tsz = this.getTotalSize(),
            lastItem = (acp + 1) * psz;
        let dash = '';

        if ('os' != this.getMold())
            dash = ` - ${Math.min(lastItem, tsz)}`;

        return `[ ${acp * psz + 1}${dash} / ${tsz} ]`;

    /** @internal */
    _infoTags(out: string[]): void {
        if (this.getTotalSize() == 0)
        const uuidHTML = this.uuid,
            nameOrId = _rerenderIfBothPaging(this) ? 'name' : 'id'; // Bug ZK-2280
        out.push('<div ', nameOrId, '="', uuidHTML, '-detail" class="', this.$s('info'), '"><span ',
            nameOrId, '="', uuidHTML, '-info" aria-hidden="true">', DOMPurify.sanitize(this.infoText_()), '</span></div>');

    /** @internal */
    _innerTags(): string {
        const out = new zk.Buffer(),
            pinc = this.getPageIncrement(),
            pcount = this.getPageCount(),
            acp = this.getActivePage(),
            half = Math.round(pinc / 2);
        let begin: number,
            end = acp + half - 1;

        if (end >= pcount) {
            end = pcount - 1;
            begin = end - pinc + 1;
            if (begin < 0)
                begin = 0;
        } else {
            begin = acp - half;
            if (begin < 0)
                begin = 0;
            end = begin + pinc - 1;
            if (end >= pcount)
                end = pcount - 1;
        if (acp > 0) {
            if (begin > 0) //show first
                this.appendAnchor(out, msgzul.FIRST, 0);
            this.appendAnchor(out, msgzul.PREV, acp - 1);

        const bNext = acp < pcount - 1;
        for (; begin <= end; ++begin)
            this.appendAnchor(out, begin + 1, begin, begin == acp);

        if (bNext) {
            this.appendAnchor(out, msgzul.NEXT, acp + 1);
            if (end < pcount - 1) //show last
                this.appendAnchor(out, msgzul.LAST, pcount - 1);
        if (this.isDetailed())
        return out.join('');

    appendAnchor(out: string[], label: string | number, val: number, seld?: boolean): void {
        let cls = this.$s('button'),
            navCls = '';

        if (!_isUnsignedInteger(label)) {
            cls += ' ' + this.$s('noborder');
            navCls = ' class="' + this.$s('navigate') + '"';
        if (seld)
            cls += ' ' + this.$s('selected');

        out.push('<li', navCls, '><a name="', this.uuid, '-button" class="', /*safe*/ cls,
            '" href="javascript:;" data-paging="', val as unknown as string, '"', seld ? ' aria-current="page"' : '', '>', label as string, '</a></li>');

    /** @internal */
    override domClass_(no?: zk.DomClassOptions): string {
        const /*safe*/ cls = super.domClass_(no),
            added = 'os' == this.getMold() ? ' ' + this.$s('os') : '';
        return cls + added;

    override isVisible(strict?: boolean): boolean {
        const visible = super.isVisible(strict);
        return visible && (this.getPageCount() > 1 || !this._autohide);

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop?: zk.Desktop, skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);
        zWatch.listen({ onSize: this });
        const uuid = this.uuid,
            input = jq.$$(uuid, 'real')!,
            pcount = this.getPageCount(),
            acp = this.getActivePage(),
            postfix = ['first', 'prev', 'last', 'next'] as const,
            focusInfo = zul.mesh.Paging._autoFocusInfo;

        if (!this.$weave)
            for (let i = input.length; i--;)
                jq(input[i]).on('keydown', this.proxy(this._domKeyDown)).on('blur', this.proxy(this._domBlur));

        for (let k = postfix.length; k--;) {
            const btn = jq.$$(uuid, postfix[k])!;
            for (let j = btn.length; j--;) {
                if (!this.$weave)
                    jq(btn[j]).on('click', this.proxy(this[`_dom${postfix[k]}Click`]));

                if (pcount == 1) {
                    jq(btn[j]).attr('disabled', true);
                } else if (postfix[k] == 'first' || postfix[k] == 'prev') {
                    if (acp == 0)
                        jq(btn[j]).attr('disabled', true);
                } else if (acp == pcount - 1) {
                    jq(btn[j]).attr('disabled', true);

        if (this.getMold() == 'os') {
            const btns = jq.$$(uuid, 'button')!;
            for (let j = btns.length; j--;) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
                const self = this;
                jq(btns[j]).on('click', function (this: HTMLElement) {
                    if (self.isDisabled()) return;
                    Paging.go(self, parseInt(jq(this).attr('data-paging')!));

        if (this.isDisabled()) this._drawDisabled(true);

        if (focusInfo && focusInfo.uuid === this.uuid) {
            const pos = focusInfo.lastPos!,
                zinp = zk(input[focusInfo.inpIdx!]);
            zinp.setSelectionRange(pos[0], pos[1]);

        //remove second id
        if (this.isBothPaging())
            jq(this.parent!.$n_('pgib')).find('.' + this.$s())[0].id = '';

    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        const uuid = this.uuid;
        if (this.getMold() == 'os') {
            const btns = jq.$$(uuid, 'button')!;
            for (let j = btns.length; j--;)
        } else {
            const input = jq.$$(uuid, 'real')!,
                postfix = ['first', 'prev', 'last', 'next'] as const;

            for (let i = input.length; i--;)
                    .off('keydown', this.proxy(this._domKeyDown))
                    .off('blur', this.proxy(this._domBlur));

            for (let k = postfix.length; k--;) {
                const btn = jq.$$(uuid, postfix[k])!;
                for (let j = btn.length; j--;)
                    jq(btn[j]).off('click', this.proxy(this[`_dom${postfix[k]}Click`]));
        zWatch.unlisten({ onSize: this });
        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);

    /** @internal */
    _domKeyDown(evt: JQuery.KeyDownEvent<unknown, unknown, unknown, HTMLInputElement>): void {
        const inp = evt.target;
        if (inp.disabled || inp.readOnly)

        const code = evt.keyCode;
        switch (code) {
            case 48: case 96://0
            case 49: case 97://1
            case 50: case 98://2
            case 51: case 99://3
            case 52: case 100://4
            case 53: case 101://5
            case 54: case 102://6
            case 55: case 103://7
            case 56: case 104://8
            case 57: case 105://9
            case 37://left
            case 38: //up
                Paging._increase(inp, this, 1);
            case 39://right
            case 40: //down
                Paging._increase(inp, this, -1);
            case 33: // PageUp
                Paging._increase(inp, this, -1);
                Paging.go(this, +inp.value - 1, inp);
            case 34: // PageDown
                Paging._increase(inp, this, +1);
                Paging.go(this, +inp.value - 1, inp);
            case 36://home
                Paging.go(this, 0, inp);
            case 35://end
                Paging.go(this, this.getPageCount() - 1, inp);
            case 9: case 8: case 46: //tab, backspace, delete
            case 13: //enter
                Paging._increase(inp, this, 0);
                Paging.go(this, +inp.value - 1, inp);
                if (!(code >= 112 && code <= 123) //F1-F12
                    && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey)

    /** @internal */
    _domBlur(evt: JQuery.BlurEvent<unknown, unknown, unknown, HTMLInputElement>): void {
        const inp = evt.target;
        if (inp.disabled || inp.readOnly)

        Paging._increase(inp, this, 0);
        Paging.go(this, +inp.value - 1);

    /** @internal */
    _domfirstClick(evt: JQuery.ClickEvent<unknown, unknown, HTMLElement>): void {
        if (this.isDisabled()) return;
        const uuid = this.uuid,
            postfix = ['first', 'prev'];

        if (this.getActivePage() != 0) {
            Paging.go(this, 0);
            for (let k = postfix.length; k--;)
                for (let btn = jq.$$(uuid, postfix[k])!, i = btn.length; i--;)
                    jq(btn[i]).attr('disabled', true);
        Paging._callWgtDoAfterGo(this, evt.currentTarget, 'first');

    /** @internal */
    _domprevClick(evt: JQuery.ClickEvent<unknown, unknown, HTMLElement>): void {
        if (this.isDisabled()) return;
        const uuid = this.uuid,
            ap = this.getActivePage(),
            postfix = ['first', 'prev'];

        if (ap > 0) {
            Paging.go(this, ap - 1);
            if (ap - 1 == 0) {
                for (let k = postfix.length; k--;)
                    for (let btn = jq.$$(uuid, postfix[k])!, i = btn.length; i--;)
                        jq(btn[i]).attr('disabled', true);
        Paging._callWgtDoAfterGo(this, evt.currentTarget, 'prev');

    /** @internal */
    _domnextClick(evt: JQuery.ClickEvent<unknown, unknown, HTMLElement>): void {
        if (this.isDisabled()) return;
        const uuid = this.uuid,
            ap = this.getActivePage(),
            pc = this.getPageCount(),
            postfix = ['last', 'next'];

        if (ap < pc - 1) {
            Paging.go(this, ap + 1);
            if (ap + 1 == pc - 1) {
                for (let k = postfix.length; k--;)
                    for (let btn = jq.$$(uuid, postfix[k])!, i = btn.length; i--;)
                        jq(btn[i]).attr('disabled', true);
        Paging._callWgtDoAfterGo(this, evt.currentTarget, 'next');

    /** @internal */
    _domlastClick(evt: JQuery.ClickEvent<unknown, unknown, HTMLElement>): void {
        if (this._disabled) return;
        const uuid = this.uuid,
            pc = this.getPageCount(),
            postfix = ['last', 'next'];

        if (this.getActivePage() < pc - 1) {
            Paging.go(this, pc - 1);
            for (let k = postfix.length; k--;)
                for (let btn = jq.$$(uuid, postfix[k])!, i = btn.length; i--;)
                    jq(btn[i]).attr('disabled', true);
        Paging._callWgtDoAfterGo(this, evt.currentTarget, 'last');

    override onSize(): void {
        if (this.desktop) {
            // There are two nodes if using pagingPosition="both"
            const nodes = jq.$$(this.uuid)!;
            if (nodes.length > 0) {
                const node = nodes[0],
                    navWidth = Paging._getNavWidth(node, this),
                    tolerant = 50,
                    isWide = jq(node).width()! > navWidth + tolerant,
                    wideChanged = this._lastIsWide != isWide;
                if (wideChanged)
                    this._lastIsWide = this._showFirstLast = isWide;
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
                for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
                    Paging._fixControl(nodes[i], this, wideChanged);

    /** @internal */
    _doAfterGo(postfix: string, btnIndex?: number): void {
        // This function shoudn't do anything.

     * Goes to the active page according to the page number.
     * @param anc - the anchor of the page number
     * @param pgno - the page number
    static go(anc: Paging | HTMLAnchorElement, pgno: number, inp?: HTMLInputElement): void {
        const wgt = anc instanceof zk.Widget ? anc : zk.Widget.$<Paging>(anc);
        if (wgt && wgt.getActivePage() != pgno) {
            if (inp) {
                const uuid = wgt.uuid,
                    focusInfo: PagingFocusInfo = zul.mesh.Paging._autoFocusInfo = { uuid: uuid };
                focusInfo.lastPos = zk(inp).getSelectionRange();
                // concern about _pagingPosition equals "both"
                jq(jq.$$(uuid, 'real')!).each(function (idx) {
                    if (this == inp) {
                        focusInfo.inpIdx = idx;
                        return false;
            } else if (wgt.getMold() == 'os') {
                wgt._doAfterGo((anc as HTMLAnchorElement).text);

            // 1. update activePage at client for stateless
            // 2. update before onPaging for client mvvm
            wgt.setActivePage(pgno, true);

            wgt.fire('onPaging', pgno);

    /** @internal */
    static _increase(inp: HTMLInputElement, wgt: Paging, add: number): void {
        let value = zk.parseInt(inp.value);
        value += add;
        if (value < 1)
            value = 1;
        else if (value > wgt.getPageCount())
            value = wgt.getPageCount();
        inp.value = String(value);

    /** @internal */
    static _fixControl(node: Node, wgt: Paging, wideChanged: boolean): void {
        const control = jq('> ul', node),
            info = jq('> .z-paging-info', node),
            mold = wgt.getMold(),
            showFirstLast = wgt._showFirstLast;

        if (wideChanged) {
            // in mode=os, developer sets pageIncrement smaller manually
            if (mold == 'default') {
                const navs = control.find('li');
        info.css('visibility', function () {
            return zk(control).isOverlapped(this, 1) ? 'hidden' : '';

    /** @internal */
    static _getNavWidth(node: Node, wgt: zul.mesh.Paging): number {
        if (wgt._navWidth)
            return wgt._navWidth;

        let navWidth = 0;
        jq('ul > li', node).each(function () {
            navWidth += jq(this).outerWidth(true)!;
        wgt._navWidth = navWidth;
        return navWidth;

    /** @internal */
    static _callWgtDoAfterGo(wgt: Paging, btn: HTMLElement, postfix: string): void {
        let btnIdx = 0;
        jq(jq.$$(wgt.uuid, postfix)!).each(function (idx) {
            if (this == btn) {
                btnIdx = idx;
                return false;
        wgt._doAfterGo(postfix, btnIdx);