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Test Coverage
/* SortWidget.ts



        Tue May 26 14:51:17     2009, Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C) 2009 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.0 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
export interface SortableWidget extends zk.Widget {
    getLabel?(): string | undefined;
    getValue?(): unknown;

 * A skeletal implementation for a sortable widget.
export abstract class SortWidget extends zul.mesh.HeaderWidget {
    /** @internal */
    override _sortDirection: zul.mesh.SortDirection = 'natural';
    /** @internal */
    _sortAscending = 'none';
    /** @internal */
    _sortDescending = 'none';
    abstract getMeshBody(): zk.Widget | undefined;

     * @returns the sort direction.
     * @defaultValue `"natural"`.
    getSortDirection(): zul.mesh.SortDirection {
        return this._sortDirection;

     * Sets the sort direction. This does not sort the data, it only serves
     * as an indicator as to how the widget is sorted.
     * <p>If you use {@link sort} to sort rows,
     * the sort direction is maintained automatically.
     * If you want to sort it in customized way, you have to set the
     * sort direction manually.
     * @param sortDirection - one of "ascending", "descending" and "natural"
    setSortDirection(sortDirection: zul.mesh.SortDirection, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._sortDirection;
        this._sortDirection = sortDirection;

        if (o !== sortDirection || opts?.force) {
            if (this.desktop) {
                var $n = jq(this.$n_('sort-icon'));
                switch (sortDirection) {
                case 'ascending':
                case 'descending':

        return this;

     * @returns the ascending sorter, or null if not available.
    getSortAscending(): string {
        return this._sortAscending;

     * Sets the ascending sorter with "client", "auto", or null for
     * no sorter for the ascending order.
    setSortAscending(sortAscending: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._sortAscending;
        this._sortAscending = sortAscending;

        if (o !== sortAscending || opts?.force) {
            if (!sortAscending)
                this._sortAscending = sortAscending = 'none';

            if (this.desktop) {
                jq(this.$n_()).toggleClass(this.$s('sort'), this.isSortable_());

        return this;

     * @returns the descending sorter, or null if not available.
    getSortDescending(): string {
        return this._sortDescending;

     * Sets the descending sorter with "client", "auto", or null for
     * no sorter for the descending order.
    setSortDescending(sortDescending: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._sortDescending;
        this._sortDescending = sortDescending;

        if (o !== sortDescending || opts?.force) {
            if (!sortDescending)
                this._sortDescending = sortDescending = 'none';

            if (this.desktop) {
                jq(this.$n_()).toggleClass(this.$s('sort'), this.isSortable_());

        return this;

    constructor() {
        super(); // FIXME: params to be decided
        this.listen({onSort: this}, -1000);

     * Sets the type of the sorter.
     * You might specify either "auto", "client", or "none".
     * <p>If "client" or "client(number)" is specified,
     * the sort functionality will be done by Javascript at client without notifying
     * to server, that is, the order of the component in the row is out of sync.
     * <ul>
     * <li> "client" : it is treated by a string</li>
     * <li> "client(number)" : it is treated by a number</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>Note: client sorting cannot work in model case.
    setSort(sort: string): this {
        if (sort && sort.startsWith('client')) {
        } else {
        return this;

    /** @internal */
    override isSortable_(): boolean {
        return this._sortAscending != 'none' || this._sortDescending != 'none';

     * Sorts the data.
    sort(ascending: boolean, evt: zk.Event): boolean {
        if (!this.checkClientSort_(ascending))
            return false;



        return true;

     * Check the status whether can be sort in client side.
     * @since 5.0.6
     * @see {@link sort}
     * @internal
    checkClientSort_(ascending: boolean): boolean {
        var dir = this.getSortDirection();
        if (ascending) {
            if ('ascending' == dir) return false;
        } else {
            if ('descending' == dir) return false;

        var sorter = ascending ? this._sortAscending : this._sortDescending;
        if (sorter == 'fromServer')
            return false;
        else if (sorter == 'none') {
            return false;

        var mesh = this.getMeshWidget();
        if (!mesh || mesh.isModel()) return false;
            // if in model, the sort should be done by server

        return true;

     * Replaced the child widgets with the specified order.
     * @since 5.0.6
     * @see {@link sort}
     * @internal
    replaceCavedChildrenInOrder_(ascending: boolean): void {
        var mesh = this.getMeshWidget()!,
            body = this.getMeshBody()!,
            dir = this.getSortDirection(),
            sorter = ascending ? this._sortAscending : this._sortDescending,
            desktop = body.desktop,
            node = body.$n_();
        try {
            interface Data {
                wgt: zk.Widget;
                index: number;
            var d: Data[] = [], col = this.getChildIndex();
            for (var i = 0, z = 0, it = mesh.getBodyWidgetIterator(), w: zk.Widget | undefined; (w = it.next()); z++)
                for (var k = 0, cell = w.firstChild; cell; cell = cell.nextSibling, k++)
                    if (k == col) {
                        d[i++] = {
                            wgt: cell,
                            index: z

            var dsc = dir == 'ascending' ? -1 : 1, fn = this.sorting, isNumber = sorter == 'client(number)';
            d.sort(function (a, b) {
                var v = fn(a.wgt, b.wgt, isNumber) * dsc;
                if (v == 0) {
                    v = (a.index < b.index ? -1 : 1);
                return v;
            for (var i = 0, k = d.length; i < k; i++) {

        } finally {
            body.replaceHTML(node, desktop);

     * The default implementation to compare the data.
     * @param a - the first object to be compared.
     * @param b - the second object to be compared.
    sorting(a: zul.mesh.SortableWidget, b: zul.mesh.SortableWidget, isNumber: boolean): number {
        var v1: never, v2: never;
        if (typeof a.getLabel == 'function')
            v1 = a.getLabel() as never;
        else if (typeof a.getValue == 'function')
            v1 = a.getValue() as never;
        else v1 = a as never;

        if (typeof b.getLabel == 'function')
            v2 = b.getLabel() as never;
        else if (typeof b.getValue == 'function')
            v2 = b.getValue() as never;
        else v2 = b as never;

        if (isNumber) return v1 - v2;
        return v1 > v2 ? 1 : (v1 < v2 ? -1 : 0);

    /** @internal */
    _fixDirection(ascending: boolean): void {
        var direction: zul.mesh.SortDirection = ascending ? 'ascending' : 'descending';
        for (var w = this.parent!.firstChild; w; w = w.nextSibling)
            w.setSortDirection(w == this ? direction : 'natural');

    onSort(evt: zk.Event): void {
        var dir = this.getSortDirection();
        if ('ascending' == dir)
            this.sort(false, evt);
        else if ('descending' == dir)
            this.sort(true, evt);
        else if (!this.sort(true, evt))
            this.sort(false, evt);

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop?: zk.Desktop, skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);
        if (this._sortAscending != 'none' || this._sortDescending != 'none') {
            var $n = jq(this.$n_()),
                $sortIcon = jq(this.$n_('sort-icon'));
            switch (this._sortDirection) {
            case 'ascending':
            case 'descending':
            default: // "natural"

    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);

    /** @internal */
    getColumnMenuPopup_(): unknown { return; }

    /** @internal */
    _doMenuClick(evt: zk.Event): void {
        if (this.parent!._menupopup && this.parent!._menupopup != 'none') {
            var pp: string | zul.menu.Menupopup = this.parent!._menupopup,
                btn = this.$n_('btn');

            //for not removing hover effect when moving mouse on menupopup

            if ((pp == 'auto' || pp == 'auto-keep') && this.parent!._mpop)
                pp = this.parent!._mpop;
                pp = this.$f<zul.menu.Menupopup>(this.parent!._menupopup)!;

            if (pp instanceof zul.menu.Menupopup) {
                var ofs = zk(btn).revisedOffset(),
                    asc = this.getSortAscending() != 'none',
                    desc = this.getSortDescending() != 'none',
                    mw = this.getMeshWidget() as zul.sel.Listbox;
                if (pp instanceof zul.mesh.ColumnMenupopup) {
                    var model = mw.getModel();
                    if (zk.feature.pe && pp.getGroupitem()) {
                        if (model as unknown == 'group' || !model || this.isListen('onGroup', {asapOnly: true}))
                            pp.getGroupitem()!.setVisible((asc || desc));
                    if (zk.feature.ee && pp.getUngroupitem()) {
                        var visible = !model || this.isListen('onUngroup', {asapOnly: true});
                        pp.getUngroupitem()!.setVisible(visible && mw.hasGroup());

                    var sep = pp.getDescitem()!.nextSibling;
                    if (sep)
                        sep.setVisible((asc || desc));
                } else {
                    // In general, parent is not zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget, but it is here.
                    pp.listen({onOpen: [this.parent, (this.parent as zul.mesh.ColumnMenuWidget)._onMenuPopup]});
                pp.open(btn, [ofs[0], ofs[1] + btn.offsetHeight - 4], undefined, {sendOnOpen: true});
            evt.stop(); // avoid onSort event.