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/* Treechildren.ts



        Wed Jun 10 15:32:40     2009, Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C) 2009 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.0 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
function _prevsib(child: zul.sel.Treeitem): zul.sel.Treeitem | undefined {
    const p = child.parent;
    if (p && p.lastChild == child)
        return child.previousSibling;
function _fixOnAdd(oldsib: zul.sel.Treeitem | undefined, child: zul.sel.Treeitem, ignoreDom?: boolean): void {
    if (!ignoreDom) {
        if (oldsib) oldsib._syncIcon();
        const p = child.parent, q = child.previousSibling;
        if (p && p.lastChild == child && q)

function _syncFrozen(wgt: zul.sel.Treechildren): void {
    var tree = wgt.getTree(),
        frozen: zul.mesh.Frozen | undefined;
    if (tree?._nativebar && (frozen = tree.frozen))

export class Treechildren extends zul.Widget {
    override parent?: zul.sel.Tree | zul.sel.Treeitem;
    override firstChild?: zul.sel.Treeitem;
    override lastChild?: zul.sel.Treeitem;
    override nextSibling?: zul.sel.Treerow | zul.sel.Treechildren;
    override previousSibling?: zul.sel.Treerow | zul.sel.Treechildren;

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop: zk.Desktop | undefined, skipper: zk.Skipper | undefined, after: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);
        zWatch.listen({ onResponse: this });

        after.push(() => _syncFrozen(this));

    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        zWatch.unlisten({ onResponse: this });
        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);

    onResponse(): void {
        if (this.desktop) {
            var tree = this.getTree();
            if (tree?.frozen) {
                tree._shallSyncFrozen = true;

     * @returns the {@link Tree} instance containing this element.
    getTree(): zul.sel.Tree | undefined {
        return this.isTopmost() ? this.parent as zul.sel.Tree : this.parent ? (this.parent as zul.sel.Treeitem).getTree() : undefined;

     * @returns the {@link Treerow} that is associated with
     * this treechildren, or null if no such treerow.
    getLinkedTreerow(): zul.sel.Treerow | undefined {
        // optimised to assume the tree doesn't have treerow property
        return this.parent ? (this.parent as zul.sel.Treeitem).treerow : undefined;

     * @returns whether this treechildren is topmost.
     * @since 5.0.6
    isTopmost(): boolean {
        // null/undefined can only be instanceof null/undefined, respectively
        return this.parent instanceof zul.sel.Tree;

    override isRealElement(): boolean {
        return false; // fixed for ZK Client selector issue

    override insertBefore(child: zul.sel.Treeitem, sibling?: zk.Widget, ignoreDom?: boolean): boolean {
        var oldsib = _prevsib(child);
        if (super.insertBefore(child, sibling, ignoreDom)) {
            _fixOnAdd(oldsib, child, ignoreDom);
            return true;
        return false;

    override appendChild(child: zul.sel.Treeitem, ignoreDom?: boolean): boolean {
        var oldsib = _prevsib(child);
        if (super.appendChild(child, ignoreDom)) {
            if (!this.insertingBefore_)
                _fixOnAdd(oldsib, child, ignoreDom);
            return true;
        return false;

    /** @internal */
    override insertChildHTML_(child: zk.Widget, before_?: zk.Widget, desktop?: zk.Desktop): void {
        var ben: HTMLElement | undefined,
            isTopmost = this.isTopmost(),
            before: zk.Widget | HTMLElement | undefined = before_;
        if (before)
            before = before.$n() ? before.getFirstNode_() : undefined; //Bug ZK-1424: fine tune performance when open with rod
        if (!before && !isTopmost)
            ben = this.getCaveNode() ?? this.parent!.getCaveNode();

        if (before)
            jq(before).before(/*safe*/ child.redrawHTML_());
        else if (ben)
        else {
            if (isTopmost)

    override getCaveNode(): HTMLElement | undefined {
        for (var w = this.lastChild; w; w = w.previousSibling) {
            let cn = w.getCaveNode();
            if (cn) {
                // Bug 2909820
                if (w.treechildren) {
                    const _cn = w.treechildren.getCaveNode();
                    if (_cn)
                        cn = _cn;
                return cn;

    override isRealVisible(opts?: zk.RealVisibleOptions): boolean {
        return !!this._isRealVisible() && super.isRealVisible(opts);

    /** @internal */
    _isRealVisible(): boolean {
        const p = this.parent as zul.sel.Treeitem | undefined;
        return this.isVisible() && !!(this.isTopmost() || (p?.isOpen() && p._isRealVisible()));

     * @returns a readonly list of all descending {@link Treeitem}
     * (children's children and so on).
     * <p>Note: the performance of the size method of returned collection
     * is no good.
    getItems(items?: zul.sel.Treeitem[], opts?: { skipHidden?: boolean }): zul.sel.Treeitem[] {
        items = items ?? [];
        var skiphd = opts?.skipHidden;
        for (var w = this.firstChild; w; w = w.nextSibling)
            if (!skiphd || w.isVisible()) {
                if (w.treechildren && (!skiphd || w.isOpen()))
                    w.treechildren.getItems(items, opts);
        return items;

     * @returns the number of child {@link Treeitem}
     * including all descendants. The same as {@link getItems}.size().
     * <p>Note: the performance is no good.
    getItemCount(opts?: { skipHidden?: boolean }): number {
        var sz = 0,
            skiphd = opts?.skipHidden;
        for (var w = this.firstChild; w; w = w.nextSibling)
            if (!skiphd || w.isVisible()) {
                if (w.treechildren && (!skiphd || w.isOpen()))
                    sz += w.treechildren.getItemCount(opts);
        return sz;

    /** @internal */
    override beforeParentChanged_(newParent?: zul.sel.Tree | zul.sel.Treeitem): void {
        var oldtree = this.getTree();
        if (oldtree)

        if (newParent) {
            var tree = newParent instanceof zul.sel.Tree ? newParent : newParent.getTree();
            if (tree) tree._onTreechildrenAdded(this);

    /** @internal */
    override removeHTML_(n: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[]): void {
        for (var w = this.firstChild; w; w = w.nextSibling) {
            const cn = w.$n();
            if (cn)

    /** @internal */
    override getOldWidget_(n: HTMLElement | string): zk.Widget | undefined {
        var old = super.getOldWidget_(n);
        if (old && old instanceof zul.sel.Treerow) {
            var ti = old.parent;
            if (ti)
                return ti.treechildren;
            return undefined;
        return old;

    // FIXME: make this generic? Note that its super method is generic.
    override $n<T extends HTMLElement>(nm?: string): T | undefined {
        if (this.isTopmost())
            return this.getTree()!.$n('rows');

        // to support @treechildren selector on zk.Widget.$(),
        // the original implementation may not work properly, because
        // its firstChild.$n() may not exists (in ROD case) but itself does, so
        // we use parent.$n() instead here to prevent this issue, and from the
        // other part of the implementation in Treechildren.js seems not to
        // depend on this.$n() if isTopmost() is returned with false
        return this.parent!.$n() as T | undefined;

    override replaceWidget(newwgt: zul.sel.Treechildren, skipper?: zk.Skipper): void {
        while (this.firstChild != this.lastChild)


        zul.sel.Treeitem._syncSelItems(this, newwgt);

        super.replaceWidget(newwgt, skipper);

    /** @internal */
    override onChildAdded_(child: zk.Widget): void {
        if (this.desktop)

    /** @internal */
    override onChildRemoved_(child: zk.Widget): void {
        if (this.desktop)

    /** @internal */
    override replaceChildHTML_(child: zk.Widget, n: HTMLElement | string, desktop?: zk.Desktop, skipper?: zk.Skipper, _trim_?: boolean): void {
        var oldwgt = child.getOldWidget_(n);
        if (oldwgt) oldwgt.unbind(skipper); //unbind first (w/o removal)
        else if (this.shallChildROD_(child))
            (this.$class as typeof Treechildren)._unbindrod(child); //possible (e.g., Errorbox: jq().replaceWith)
        jq(n).replaceWith(/*safe*/ child.redrawHTML_(skipper, _trim_));
        child.bind(desktop, skipper);

    /** @internal */
    getLastVisibleItem_(): zul.sel.Treeitem | undefined {
        for (let w = this.lastChild; w; w = w.previousSibling) {
            if (w._isVisibleInTree()) return w;
        return undefined;