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Test Coverage
/* Button.ts



        Sat Nov  8 22:58:16     2008, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2008 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

function _initUpld(wgt: zul.wgt.Button): void {
    var v: string | undefined;
    if (v = wgt._upload)
        wgt._uplder = new zul.Upload(wgt, undefined, v);

function _cleanUpld(wgt: zul.wgt.Button): void {
    var v: zul.Upload | undefined;
    if (v = wgt._uplder) {
        wgt._uplder = undefined;

 * A button.
 * @defaultValue {@link getZclass}: z-button.
export class Button extends zul.LabelImageWidget<HTMLButtonElement> implements zul.LabelImageWidgetWithAutodisable {
    /** @internal */
    _orient = 'horizontal';
    /** @internal */
    _dir = 'normal';
    /** @internal */
    _type = 'button';
    /** @internal */
    _href?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _target?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _upload?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _delayFocus?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _disabled?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _adbs?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _autodisable?: string;

     * @returns the href that the browser shall jump to, if an user clicks
     * this button.
     * @defaultValue `null`. If null, the button has no function unless you
     * specify the onClick event listener.
     * <p>If it is not null, the onClick event won't be sent.
    getHref(): string | undefined {
        return this._href;

     * Sets the href.
    setHref(href: string): this {
        this._href = href;
        return this;

     * @returns the target frame or window.
     * <p>Note: it is useful only if href ({@link setHref}) is specified
     * (i.e., use the onClick listener).
     * @defaultValue `null`.
    getTarget(): string | undefined {
        return this._target;

     * Sets the target frame or window.
     * @param target - the name of the frame or window to hyperlink.
    setTarget(target: string): this {
        this._target = target;
        return this;

     * @returns the direction.
     * @defaultValue `"normal"`.
    getDir(): string {
        return this._dir;

     * Sets the direction.
     * @param dir - either "normal" or "reverse".
    setDir(dir: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._dir;
        this._dir = dir;

        if (o !== dir || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the orient.
     * @defaultValue `"horizontal"`.
    getOrient(): string {
        return this._orient;

     * Sets the orient.
     * @param orient - either "horizontal" or "vertical".
    setOrient(orient: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._orient;
        this._orient = orient;

        if (o !== orient || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the button type.
     * @defaultValue `"button"`.
    getType(): string {
        return this._type;

     * Sets the button type.
     * @param type - either "button", "submit" or "reset".
    setType(type: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._type;
        this._type = type;

        if (o !== type || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns whether it is disabled.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    isDisabled(): boolean {
        return !!this._disabled;

     * Sets whether it is disabled.
    setDisabled(disabled: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const oldDisabled = this._disabled;

        // eslint-disable-next-line zk/preferStrictBooleanType
        let value: boolean | undefined = disabled;

        // B60-ZK-1176
        // Autodisable should not re-enable when setDisabled(true) is called during onClick
        if (opts?.adbs)
            // called from zul.wgt.ADBS.autodisable
            this._adbs = true;    // Start autodisabling
        else if (!opts || opts.adbs === undefined)
            // called somewhere else (including server-side)
            this._adbs = false;    // Stop autodisabling
        if (!value) {
            if (this._adbs) {
                // autodisable is still active, allow enabling
                this._adbs = false;
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare
            } else if (opts && opts.adbs === false)
                // ignore re-enable by autodisable mechanism
                value = this._disabled;
        this._disabled = value;

        if (oldDisabled !== value || opts?.force) {
            var doDisable = (): void => {
                    if (this.desktop) {
                        jq(this.$n()).attr('disabled', value ? 'disabled' : null); // use jQuery's attr() instead of dom.disabled for non-button element. Bug ZK-2146
                        // B70-ZK-2059: Initialize or clear upload when disabled attribute changes.
                        if (this._upload)
                            value ? _cleanUpld(this) : _initUpld(this);

            // ZK-2042: delay the setting when the button's type is submit
            if (this._type == 'submit')
                setTimeout(doDisable, 50);

        return this;

    /*     B70-ZK-2031: Use LabelImageWidget's define instead
     image: function (v) {
     if (v && this._preloadImage) zUtl.loadImage(v);
     var n = this.getImageNode();
     if (n)
     n.src = v || '';
    setAutodisable(autodisable: string): this {
        this._autodisable = autodisable;
        return this;

     * @returns a list of component IDs that shall be disabled when the user
     * clicks this button.
     * <p>To represent the button itself, the developer can specify `self`.
     * For example,
     * ```ts
     * button.setId('ok');
     * wgt.setAutodisable('self,cancel');
     * ```
     * is the same as
     * ```ts
     * button.setId('ok');
     * wgt.setAutodisable('ok,cancel');
     * ```
     * that will disable
     * both the ok and cancel buttons when an user clicks it.
     * <p>The button being disabled will be enabled automatically
     * once the client receives a response from the server.
     * In other words, the server doesn't notice if a button is disabled
     * with this method.
     * <p>However, if you prefer to enable them later manually, you can
     * prefix with '+'. For example,
     * ```ts
     * button.setId('ok');
     * wgt.setAutodisable('+self,+cancel');
     * ```
     * <p>Then, you have to enable them manually such as
     * ```ts
     * if (something_happened) {
     *  ok.setDisabled(false);
     *  cancel.setDisabled(false);
     * }
     * ```
     * @defaultValue `null`.
    getAutodisable(): string | undefined {
        return this._autodisable;

     * @returns non-null if this button is used for file upload, or null otherwise.
     * Refer to {@link setUpload} for more details.
    getUpload(): string | undefined {
        return this._upload;

     * Sets the JavaScript class at the client to handle the upload if this
     * button is used for file upload.
     * @defaultValue `null`.
     * <p>For example, the following example declares a button for file upload:
     * ```ts
     * button.setLabel('Upload');
     * button.setUpload('true');
     * ```
     * <p>If you want to customize the handling of the file upload at
     * the client, you can specify a JavaScript class when calling
     * this method:
     * `button.setUpload('foo.Upload');`
     * <p> Another options for the upload can be specified as follows:
     * ```ts
     * button.setUpload('true,maxsize=-1,native');
     * ```
     *  <ul>
     *  <li>maxsize: the maximal allowed upload size of the component, in kilobytes, or
     * a negative value if no limit.</li>
     *  <li>native: treating the uploaded file(s) as binary, i.e., not to convert it to
     * image, audio or text files.</li>
     *  </ul>
     * @param upload - a JavaScript class to handle the file upload
     * at the client, or "true" if the default class is used,
     * or null or "false" to disable the file download (and then
     * this button behaves like a normal button).
    setUpload(upload: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._upload;
        this._upload = upload;

        if (o !== upload || opts?.force) {
            var n = this.$n();
            if (n && !this._disabled) {
                if (upload && upload != 'false') _initUpld(this);

        return this;

     * @returns the file(s) belongs to this button if any.
     * @since 10.0.0
    getFile(): FileList | undefined {
        return this._uplder!.getFile();

    /** @internal */
    override focus_(timeout?: number): boolean {
        // Bug ZK-1295 and ZK-2935: Disabled buttons cannot regain focus by re-enabling and then setting focus
        const btn = this.$n();
        if (btn && btn.disabled) {
            if (!this._delayFocus) {
                this._delayFocus = true;
                zk.currentFocus = this;
                setTimeout(() => {
                    // ZK-4865: do not focus if currentFocus has been changed during delay
                    if (this.desktop && !this.isDisabled() && zk.currentFocus == this) {
                        if (!zk.focusBackFix || !this._upload) {
                    this._delayFocus = undefined;
                }, 0);
            return false;

        // Bug ZK-354: refer to _docMouseDown in mount.js for details
        if (!zk.focusBackFix || !this._upload) {
        return true;

    /** @internal */
    override domContent_(): string {
        var label = zUtl.encodeXML(this.getLabel()),
            img = this.getImage(),
            /*safe*/ iconSclass = this.domIcon_();
        if (!img && !iconSclass) return label;

        if (!img) img = iconSclass;
            img = `<img class="${this.$s('image')}" src="${img}" alt="" aria-hidden="true" />${iconSclass ? ' ' + iconSclass : ''}`;
        var space = 'vertical' == this.getOrient() ? '<br/>' : ' ';
        return DOMPurify.sanitize(this.getDir() == 'reverse' ?
            label + space + img : img + space + label);

    onShow(): void {
        // ZK-2233: should sync upload position when button showed
        if (this.$n() && !this._disabled && this._uplder) {

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop?: zk.Desktop, skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);

        var n = this.$n()!;
        this.domListen_(n, 'onFocus', 'doFocus_')
            .domListen_(n, 'onBlur', 'doBlur_');
        zWatch.listen({onShow: this});

        if (!this._disabled && this._upload) _initUpld(this);

    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {

        var n = this.$n()!;
        this.domUnlisten_(n, 'onFocus', 'doFocus_')
            .domUnlisten_(n, 'onBlur', 'doBlur_');
        zWatch.unlisten({onShow: this});

        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);

    /** @internal */
    override doClick_(evt: zk.Event): void {
        if (!evt.domEvent) // mobile will trigger doClick twice

        if (!this._disabled) {
            if (!this._upload)

            if (!evt.stopped) {
                var href = this._href,
                    isMailTo = href ? href.toLowerCase().startsWith('mailto:') : false;

                if (href) {
                    // ZK-2506: use iframe to open a 'mailto' href
                    if (isMailTo) {
                        var ifrm = jq.newFrame('mailtoFrame', href, undefined);
                    } else {
                        zUtl.go(href, {target: this._target || ((evt.data as zk.EventMetaData).ctrlKey ? '_blank' : '')});
                super.doClick_(evt, true);
        //Unlike DOM, we don't proprogate to parent (otherwise, onClick
        //will fired)

    /** @internal */
    override setFlexSize_(flexSize: zk.FlexSize): void { //Bug #2870652
        var n = this.$n()!;
        if (flexSize.height !== undefined) {
            if (flexSize.height == 'auto')
                n.style.height = '';
            else if (flexSize.height != '')
                n.style.height = jq.px0(parseInt(flexSize.height as string));
                n.style.height = this._height ? this._height : '';
        if (flexSize.width !== undefined) {
            if (flexSize.width == 'auto')
                n.style.width = '';
            else if (flexSize.width != '')
                n.style.width = jq.px0(parseInt(flexSize.width as string));
                n.style.width = this._width ? this._width : '';

    /** @internal */
    override shallIgnoreClick_(_evt: zk.Event): boolean {
        return this.isDisabled();

//handle autodisabled buttons
export class ADBS extends zk.Object {
    /** @internal */
    _ads: zul.LabelImageWidgetWithAutodisable[];
    constructor(ads: zul.LabelImageWidgetWithAutodisable[]) {
        this._ads = ads;

    onResponse(): void {
        for (var ads = this._ads, ad: zul.LabelImageWidgetWithAutodisable | undefined; ad = ads.shift();) {
            // B60-ZK-1176: distinguish from other usages
            ad.setDisabled(false, {adbs: false, skip: true});
            if (zk.chrome) ad.domListen_(ad.$n()!, 'onBlur', 'doBlur_'); //ZK-2739: prevent chrome fire onBlur event after autodisabled
        zWatch.unlisten({onResponse: this});

    /* Disable Targets and re-enable after response
     * @param zk.Widget wgt
    static autodisable(wgt: zul.LabelImageWidgetWithAutodisable): void {
        var ads: string[] | string | undefined = wgt._autodisable,
            aded: zul.LabelImageWidgetWithAutodisable[] | undefined,
            uplder: zul.Upload | undefined;
        if (ads) {
            if (zk.chrome) wgt.domUnlisten_(wgt.$n()!, 'onBlur', 'doBlur_'); //ZK-2739: prevent chrome fire onBlur event after autodisabled
            ads = ads.split(',');
            for (var j = ads.length; j--;) {
                var ad: string | zul.LabelImageWidgetWithAutodisable | undefined = ads[j].trim();
                if (ad) {
                    var perm = ad.startsWith('+');
                    if (perm)
                        ad = ad.substring(1);
                    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style
                    ad = 'self' == ad ? wgt : wgt.$f(ad) as zul.LabelImageWidgetWithAutodisable;
                    //B50-3304877: autodisable and Upload
                    if (ad == wgt) { //backup uploader before disable
                        uplder = wgt._uplder;
                        wgt._uplder = undefined;
                        wgt._autodisable_self = true;
                    if (ad && !ad._disabled) {
                        // B60-ZK-1176: distinguish from other usages
                        ad.setDisabled(true, {adbs: true, skip: true});
                        if (wgt.inServer) {
                            if (perm)
                                ad.smartUpdate('disabled', true);
                            else if (!aded) aded = [ad];
                            else aded.push(ad);
        if (aded) {
            const adbs = new zul.wgt.ADBS(aded);
            if (uplder) {
                uplder._aded = adbs;
                wgt._uplder = uplder;//zul.Upload.sendResult came on it.
            } else if (wgt.isListen('onClick', {asapOnly: true}))
                zWatch.listen({onResponse: adbs});
                setTimeout(() => adbs.onResponse(), 800);