

0 mins
Test Coverage
/* Groupbox.ts



        Sun Nov 16 12:39:24     2008, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2008 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
 * Groups a set of child elements to have a visual effect.
 * @defaultValue {@link getZclass}: "z-groupbox". If {@link getMold} is 3d,
 * "z-groupbox-3d" is assumed.
 * <p>Events: onOpen.
export class Groupbox extends zul.ContainerWidget {
    /** @internal */
    _open = true;
    /** @internal */
    _closable = true;
    /** @internal */
    _nativebar = true;
    /** @internal */
    _contentStyle?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _contentSclass?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _title?: string;
    caption?: zul.wgt.Caption;

     * Opens or closes this groupbox.
    setOpen(open: boolean, fromServer?: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._open;
        this._open = open;

        if (o !== open || opts?.force) {
            var node = this.$n();
            if (node && this._closable) {
                var caveNode = this.getCaveNode()!;
                if (open) {
                    zk(this).redoCSS(-1, {'fixFontIcon': true});
                if (zk(this).getAnimationSpeed() === 0) {
                    jq(caveNode)[open ? 'show' : 'hide']();
                } else
                    zk(caveNode)[open ? 'slideDown' : 'slideUp'](this);

                if (!fromServer) this.fire('onOpen', {open: open});

        return this;

     * @returns whether this groupbox is open.
     * @defaultValue `true`.
    isOpen(): boolean {
        return this._open;

     * @returns whether user can open or close the group box.
     * In other words, if false, users are no longer allowed to
     * change the open status (by clicking on the title).
     * @defaultValue `true`.
    isClosable(): boolean {
        return this._closable;

     * Sets whether user can open or close the group box.
    setClosable(closable: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._closable;
        this._closable = closable;

        if (o !== closable || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the CSS style for the content block of the groupbox.
     * Used only if {@link getMold} is not default.
    getContentStyle(): string | undefined {
        return this._contentStyle;

     * Sets the CSS style for the content block of the groupbox.
     * Used only if {@link getMold} is not default.
     * @defaultValue `null`.
    setContentStyle(contentStyle: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._contentStyle;
        this._contentStyle = contentStyle;

        if (o !== contentStyle || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the style class used for the content block of the groupbox.
     * Used only if {@link getMold} is not default.
    getContentSclass(): string | undefined {
        return this._contentSclass;

     * Sets the style class used for the content block.
    setContentSclass(contentSclass: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._contentSclass;
        this._contentSclass = contentSclass;

        if (o !== contentSclass || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the title of the groupbox.
     * @since 6.0.0
    getTitle(): string | undefined {
        return this._title;

     * Sets the title of the groupbox.
     * @since 6.0.0
    setTitle(title: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._title;
        this._title = title;

        if (o !== title || opts?.force) {

        return this;

    /** @internal */
    _isDefault(): boolean {
        return this._mold == 'default';

    /** @internal */
    _updDomOuter(): void {

    /** @internal */
    _contentAttrs(): string {
        var html = ' class="', s = this._contentSclass;
        if (s)
            html += /*safe*/ s + ' ';
        html += this.$s('content') + '"';

        s = this._contentStyle;
        if (this.caption || this.getTitle()) // B60-ZK-987
            s = 'border-top:0;' + (s || '');
        if (!this._open)
            s = 'display:none;' + (s || '');
        if (s)
            html += ' style="' + /*safe*/ s + '"';
        return DOMPurify.sanitize(html);

    /** @internal */
    _redrawCave(out: string[], skipper?: zk.Skipper): void { //reserve for customizing
        out.push('<div id="', this.uuid, '-cave"', /*safe*/ this._contentAttrs(), '>');

        if (!skipper)
            for (var w = this.firstChild, cap = this.caption; w; w = w.nextSibling)
                if (w != cap)


    override setHeight(height?: string): this {
        if (this.desktop) this._fixHgh();
        return this;

    /** @internal */
    _fixHgh(): void {
        var n = this.$n_(),
            hgh: string | number = n.style.height;
        if (!hgh && this._cssflex && this._vflex) // due to css flex, need to use offsetHeight
            hgh = n.offsetHeight;
        if (hgh && hgh != 'auto' && this.isOpen()) {
            const n = this.$n('cave');
            if (n) {
                var $n = zk(n);
                // B50-ZK-487: height isuue in the groupbox (with specified caption)
                n.style.height = ($n.revisedHeight($n.vflexHeight(), true)
                                - (this._isDefault() ? parseInt(jq(this).css('padding-top')) : 0)) + 'px';
                    //if (zk.gecko) setTimeout(fix, 0);
                    //Gecko bug: height is wrong if the browser visits the page first time
                    //(reload won't reproduce the problem) test case: test/z5.zul
        if (this._isDefault()) {
            var title = this.$n('title'),
                cap = this.caption;
            if (cap)
                cap.$n_().style.top = jq.px(zk(cap.$n('cave')).offsetHeight() / 2 * -1);
            if (title)
                title.style.top = jq.px(zk(this.$n('title-cnt')).offsetHeight() / 2 * -1);

    // B60-ZK-562: Groupbox vflex=min is wrong
    // eslint-disable-next-line zk/javaStyleSetterSignature
    /** @internal */
    override setFlexSizeH_(flexSizeH: HTMLElement, zkn: zk.JQZK, height: number, isFlexMin?: boolean): void {
        if (isFlexMin && (this.caption || this._title)) {
            // B60-ZK-562
            height = this._isDefault() ? parseInt(jq(this).css('padding-top')) : 0;
            for (var c = flexSizeH.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling)
                height += jq(c).outerHeight()!;

        super.setFlexSizeH_(flexSizeH, zkn, height, isFlexMin);

    override onSize(): void {
        // B50-ZK-487
        // classicblue is deprecated and
        // shadow not used in breeze, sapphire and silvertail,

    /** @internal */
    override clearCachedSize_(): void {
        this.$n_('cave').style.height = '';

    /** @internal */
    override updateDomStyle_(): void {
        if (this.desktop) this.onSize();

    /** @internal */
    override focus_(timeout?: number): boolean {
        var cap = this.caption;
        for (var w = this.firstChild; w; w = w.nextSibling)
            if (w.desktop && w != cap && w.focus_(timeout))
                return true;
        return !!cap?.focus_(timeout);

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop?: zk.Desktop, skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);
        zWatch.listen({onSize: this});
        var tt: HTMLElement | undefined;
        if (this.getTitle() && (tt = this.$n('title')))
            this.domListen_(tt, 'onClick', '_doTitleClick');

    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        zWatch.unlisten({onSize: this});
        const tt = this.$n('title');
        if (tt)
            this.domUnlisten_(tt, 'onClick', '_doTitleClick');
        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);

    // will be called while click on title and title exists but no caption
    /** @internal */
    _doTitleClick(evt: zk.Event, popupOnly?: boolean): void {
        if (this._closable) this.setOpen(!this.isOpen());
        super.doClick_(evt, popupOnly);

    /** @internal */
    override onChildAdded_(child: zk.Widget): void {
        if (child instanceof zul.wgt.Caption) {
            this.caption = child;

    /** @internal */
    override onChildRemoved_(child: zk.Widget): void {
        if (child == this.caption) {
            this.caption = undefined;

    //@Override, Bug ZK-1524: caption children should not considered.
    /** @internal */
    override getChildMinSize_(attr: zk.FlexOrient, wgt: zk.Widget): number {
        if (!(wgt instanceof zul.wgt.Caption))
            return super.getChildMinSize_(attr, wgt);
        return 0; // FIXME: prior to TS migration, it returns nothing here.

    /** @internal */
    override domClass_(no?: zk.DomClassOptions): string {
        var clsHTML = super.domClass_(no);
        if (!this._isDefault()) {
            if (clsHTML) clsHTML += ' ';
            clsHTML += this.$s('3d');

        if (!this.caption && !this.getTitle()) {
            if (clsHTML) clsHTML += ' ';
            clsHTML += ' ' + this.$s('notitle');

        if (!this._open && this._isDefault()) {
            if (clsHTML) clsHTML += ' ';
            clsHTML += this.$s('collapsed');
        return clsHTML;

    /** @internal */
    override afterAnima_(visible: boolean): void {

    /** @internal */
    _afterOpen(visible: boolean): void {
        if (!visible && this._isDefault())

        var p = this.parent;
        if (p) {
            var parentHasFlex = (p.getHflex && p.getHflex() != 'min') || (p.getVflex && p.getVflex() != 'min');
            if (parentHasFlex) {
                // ZK-3248: parent should resize if parent itself has flex
            } else {
                // ZK-2138: parent should resize if parent has child with vflex
                for (var c = p.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) {
                    if (c == this)
                    var vflex = c.getVflex();
                    if (vflex && vflex != 'min') {
        // ZK-2978: should appear zul.Scrollbar after setOpen