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Test Coverage
/* Window.ts



        Mon Nov 17 17:52:31     2008, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2008 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
/** The window related widgets, such as window and panel.

export type WindowMode = 'embedded' | 'overlapped' | 'popup' | 'modal' | 'highlighted';

var _modals: zul.wnd.Window[] = [],
    _lastfocus: zk.Widget | undefined;

function _syncMaximized(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    if (!wgt._lastSize) return;
    var node = wgt.$n_(),
        floated = wgt._mode != 'embedded',
        $op = floated ? jq(node).offsetParent() : jq(node).parent(),
        zkop = $op.zk,
        s = node.style;

    s.width = jq.px0(zkop.clientWidthDoubleValue() - zkop.paddingWidth());
    s.height = jq.px0(zkop.clientHeightDoubleValue() - zkop.paddingHeight());

//drag move
function _startmove(dg: zk.Draggable): void {
    //Bug #1568393: we have to change the percetage to the pixel.
    var el = dg.node!;
    if (el.style.top && el.style.top.includes('%'))
            el.style.top = el.offsetTop + 'px';
    if (el.style.left && el.style.left.includes('%'))
            el.style.left = el.offsetLeft + 'px';

    //ZK-1309: Add a flag to identify is dragging or not in onFloatUp()
    //ZK-1662: refix ZK-1309
    //dg.control._isDragging = true;
    zWatch.fire('onFloatUp', dg.control!); //notify all
function _ghostmove(dg: zk.Draggable, ofs: zk.Offset, evt: zk.Event): HTMLElement {
    var wnd = dg.control as zul.wnd.Window,
        el = dg.node!,
        $el = jq(el),
        $top = $el.find('>div:first'),
        top = $top[0],
        $fakeT = jq(top).clone(),
        fakeT = $fakeT[0],
        /*safe*/ zcls = wnd.getZclass();

        '<div id="zk_wndghost" class="' + zcls + '-move-ghost" style="position:absolute;'
        + 'top:' + jq.px(ofs[1]) + '; left:' + jq.px(ofs[0]) + ';'
        + 'width:' + jq.px($el.width()! + zk(el).padBorderWidth()) + ';'
        + 'height:' + jq.px($el.height()! + zk(el).padBorderHeight()) + ';'
        + 'z-index:' + /*safe*/ el.style.zIndex + '"><dl></dl></div>'));
    dg._wndoffs = ofs;
    el.style.visibility = 'hidden';
    var h = el.offsetHeight - wnd._titleHeight();
    el = jq('#zk_wndghost')[0];

    var f = el.firstChild as HTMLElement;
    f.style.height = jq.px0(zk(f).revisedHeight(h));

    el.insertBefore(fakeT, el.lastChild);
    return el;

function _endghostmove(dg: zk.Draggable, origin: HTMLElement): void {
    var el = dg.node!; //ghost
    origin.style.top = jq.px(origin.offsetTop + el.offsetTop - dg._wndoffs![1]);
    origin.style.left = jq.px(origin.offsetLeft + el.offsetLeft - dg._wndoffs![0]);

    document.body.style.cursor = '';
    zWatch.fire('onMove', undefined!); //Bug ZK-1372: hide applet when overlapped
function _ignoremove(dg: zk.Draggable, pointer: zk.Offset, evt: zk.Event): boolean {
    var el = dg.node!,
        wgt = dg.control as zul.wnd.Window,
        tar = evt.domTarget;

    if (!tar.id)
        tar = tar.parentNode as HTMLElement;
    switch (tar) {
    case wgt.$n('close'):
    case wgt.$n('max'):
    case wgt.$n('min'):
        return true; //ignore special buttons
    const wtar = zk.Widget.$(tar);
    if (wgt != wtar && wgt.caption != wtar)
        return true; //ignore child widget of caption, Bug B50-3166874
    if (!wgt.isSizable()
    || (el.offsetTop + 4 < pointer[1] && el.offsetLeft + 4 < pointer[0]
    && el.offsetLeft + el.offsetWidth - 4 > pointer[0]))
        return false; //accept if not sizable or not on border
    return true;
function _aftermove(dg: zk.Draggable, evt: zk.Event<zul.wnd.Dimension>): void {
    dg.node!.style.visibility = '';
    var wgt = dg.control as zul.wnd.Window;

    //ZK-1309: Add a flag to identify is dragging or not in onFloatUp()
    //ZK-1662: refix ZK-1309
    //delete wgt._isDragging;

    // Bug for ZK-385 clear position value after move
    // ZK-4007: shouldn't clear position if nocenter
    if (wgt._position && wgt._position != 'parent' && wgt._position != 'nocenter') {
        wgt._position = undefined;
    zk(wgt).redoCSS(-1, {'fixFontIcon': true});

function _doOverlapped(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    var pos = wgt._position,
        n = wgt.$n_(),
        $n = zk(n);
    if (!pos && (!n.style.top || !n.style.left)) {
        var xy = $n.revisedOffset();
        //ZK-1391: use revisedOffset() only if style doesn't specify left/top value
        if (!n.style.left) {
            n.style.left = jq.px(xy[0]);
        if (!n.style.top) {
            n.style.top = jq.px(xy[1]);
    } else if (pos == 'parent')

    // B70-ZK-2067: Should pass widget as parameter not DOM element.
    zWatch.fireDown('onVParent', wgt);

function _doModal(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    var pos = wgt._position,
        n = wgt.$n(),
        $n = zk(n);
    if (pos == 'parent') _posByParent(wgt);

    // B70-ZK-2067: Should pass widget as parameter not DOM element.
    zWatch.fireDown('onVParent', wgt);

    _updDomPos(wgt, true, false, true);

    //Note: modal must be visible
    var realVisible = wgt.isRealVisible();

    if (!wgt._mask) {
        var anchor = wgt._shadowWgt ? wgt._shadowWgt.getBottomElement() : undefined;
        wgt._mask = new zk.eff.FullMask({
            id: wgt.uuid + '-mask',
            anchor: anchor ? anchor : wgt.$n(),
            //bug 1510218: we have to make it as a sibling
            zIndex: wgt._zIndex as number,
            visible: realVisible
        var tag = 'button';
        jq('#' + wgt.uuid + '-mask').append('<' + tag + ' id="' + wgt.uuid + '-mask-a" style="top:0;left:0" onclick="return false;" href="javascript:;" class="z-focus-a" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></' + tag + '>');
        wgt._anchor = jq('#' + wgt.uuid + '-mask-a')[0];
    if (realVisible)

function _markModal(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    zk.currentModal = wgt;
    var wnd = _modals[0], fc = zk.currentFocus;
    if (wnd) wnd._lastfocus = fc;
    else _lastfocus = fc;

    //We have to use setTimeout:
    //1) au's focus uses wgt.focus(0), i.e.,
    //   focus might have been changed to its decendant (Z30-focus.zul)
    //2) setVisible might use animation
    setTimeout(function () {
        zk.afterAnimate(function () {
            if (!zUtl.isAncestor(wgt, zk.currentFocus)) {
        }, -1);
function _unmarkModal(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    if (zk.currentModal == wgt) {
        var wnd = zk.currentModal = _modals[0],
            fc = wnd ? wnd._lastfocus : _lastfocus;
        if (!wnd)
            _lastfocus = undefined;
        if (!fc || !fc.desktop)
            fc = wnd;
        if (fc) {
            if (wgt._updDOFocus === false)
                wgt._updDOFocus = fc; //let _updDomOuter handle it
                fc.focus(0); // use timeout for the bug 3057311
                // use 0 instead of 10, otherwise it will cause this bug 1936366
    wgt._lastfocus = undefined;
/* Must be called before calling makeVParent. */
function _posByParent(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    var n = wgt.$n_(),
        ofs = zk(zk(n).vparentNode(true)).revisedOffset();
    wgt._offset = ofs;
    n.style.left = jq.px(ofs[0] + zk.parseInt(wgt._left));
    n.style.top = jq.px(ofs[1] + zk.parseInt(wgt._top));
function _updDomOuter(wgt: zul.wnd.Window, opts?: {sendOnMaximize?: boolean}): void {
    // B50-ZK-462
    wgt._notSendMaximize = !opts || !opts.sendOnMaximize;
    wgt._updDOFocus = false; //it might be set by unbind_
    try {
        var last = wgt._lastSize;
        if (last) {
            wgt._lastSize = last;

            // ZK-1826: should restore width and height
            var n = wgt.$n();
            if (n) {
                var s = n.style;

                // ZK-2041: should skip undefined value, or throws exception in ie8
                if (last.h)
                    s.height = last.h;
                if (last.w)
                    s.width = last.w;
        // NOTE: At this point, unbind_ would have set _updDOFocus to a zk.Widget.
        const cf = wgt._updDOFocus as unknown as zk.Widget | undefined;
        if (cf) //asked by unbind_
    } finally {
        delete wgt._updDOFocus;
        delete wgt._notSendMaximize;
//minTop - whether to at most 100px
function _updDomPos(wgt: zul.wnd.Window, force?: boolean, posParent?: boolean, minTop?): void {
    if (!wgt.desktop || wgt._mode == 'embedded')

    var n = wgt.$n_(), pos = wgt._position;
    if (pos == 'parent') {
        if (posParent)
    if (!pos && !force)

    var st = n.style;
    st.position = 'absolute'; //just in case
    var ol = st.left, ot = st.top;
    if (pos != 'nocenter')
    var sdw = wgt._shadowWgt;
    if (pos && sdw) {
        var opts = sdw.opts as Required<zk.eff.EffectStackupOptions>,
            l = n.offsetLeft,
            t = n.offsetTop;
        if (pos.includes('left') && opts.left < 0)
            st.left = jq.px(l - opts.left);
        else if (pos.includes('right') && opts.right > 0)
            st.left = jq.px(l - opts.right);
        if (pos.includes('top') && opts.top < 0)
            st.top = jq.px(t - opts.top);
        else if (pos.includes('bottom') && opts.bottom > 0)
            st.top = jq.px(t - opts.bottom);

    if (minTop && !pos) { //adjust y (to upper location)
        var top = zk.parseInt(n.style.top), y = jq.innerY();
        if (y) {
            var y1 = top - y;
            if (y1 > 100) n.style.top = jq.px0(top - (y1 - 100));
        } else if (top > 100)
            n.style.top = '100px';

    if (ol != st.left || ot != st.top)

function _hideShadow(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    var shadow = wgt._shadowWgt;
    if (shadow) shadow.hide();
function _makeSizer(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    if (!wgt._sizer) {
        wgt.domListen_(wgt.$n_(), 'onMouseMove');
        wgt.domListen_(wgt.$n_(), 'onMouseOut');
        wgt._sizer = new zk.Draggable(wgt, undefined, {
            stackup: true,
            overlay: true, // ZK-817
            draw: Window._drawsizing,
            snap: Window._snapsizing,
            initSensitivity: 0,
            starteffect: Window._startsizing,
            ghosting: Window._ghostsizing,
            endghosting: Window._endghostsizing,
            ignoredrag: Window._ignoresizing,
            endeffect: Window._aftersizing});
function _makeFloat(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): void {
    var handle = wgt.$n('cap');
    if (handle && !wgt._drag) {
        jq(handle).addClass(wgt.getZclass() + '-header-move');
        wgt._drag = new zk.Draggable(wgt, undefined, {
            handle: handle, stackup: true,
            fireOnMove: false,
            starteffect: Window._startmove,
            ghosting: Window._ghostmove,
            endghosting: Window._endghostmove,
            ignoredrag: Window._ignoremove,
            endeffect: Window._aftermove,
            zIndex: '99999' //Bug 2929590

function _isModal(mode: WindowMode): boolean {
    return mode == 'modal' || mode == 'highlighted';

//Bug ZK-1689: get relative position to parent.
function _getPosByParent(wgt: zul.wnd.Window, l: string, t: string): [string, string] {
    var pos = wgt._position,
        left = zk.parseInt(l),
        top = zk.parseInt(t),
        x = 0, y = 0;
    if (pos == 'parent') {
        var vp = zk(wgt.$n()).vparentNode();
        if (vp) {
            var ofs = zk(vp).revisedOffset();
            x = ofs[0];
            y = ofs[1];
    return [jq.px(left - x), jq.px(top - y)];

 * A window.
 * <p>Unlike other elements, each {@link Window} is an independent ID space.
 * It means a window and all its descendants forms a ID space and
 * the ID of each of them is unique in this space.
 * You could retrieve any of them in this space by calling {@link Window.$f}.
 * <p>If a window X is a descendant of another window Y, X's descendants
 * are not visible in Y's space. To retrieve a descendant, say Z, of X,
 * you have to invoke Y.$f('X').$f('Z').
 * <p>Events:<br/>
 * onMove, onOpen, onMaximize, onMinimize, and onClose.<br/>
 * Note: to have better performance, onOpen is sent only if a
 * non-deferrable event listener is registered.
 * <p>`onClose` is sent when the close button is pressed
 * (if {@link isClosable} is true). The window has to detach or hide
 * the window.
 * <p>On the other hand, `onOpen` is sent when a popup
 * window (i.e., {@link getMode} is popup) is closed due to user's activity
 * (such as press ESC). This event is only a notification.
 * In other words, the popup is hidden before the event is sent to the server.
 * The application cannot prevent the window from being hidden.
 * @defaultValue {@link getZclass}: z-window.
export class Window extends zul.ContainerWidget {
    /** @internal */
    _mode: WindowMode = 'embedded';
    /** @internal */
    _border = 'none';
    /** @internal */
    _minheight = 100;
    /** @internal */
    _minwidth = 200;
    /** @internal */
    _shadow = true;
    /** @internal */
    override _tabindex = 0;
    /** @internal */
    _nativebar = true;
    /** @internal */
    _title?: string;
    caption?: zul.wgt.Caption;
    /** @internal */
    _skipper: zul.wnd.Skipper;
    /** @internal */
    _closable?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _sizable?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _sizer?: zk.Draggable;
    /** @internal */
    _maximizable?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _minimizable?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _maximized?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _minimized?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _notSendMaximize?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _lastSize?: { l?: string; t?: string; w?: string; h?: string };
    /** @internal */
    _contentStyle?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _contentSclass?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _position?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _shadowWgt?: zk.eff.Shadow;
    /** @internal */
    _mask?: zk.eff.FullMask;
    /** @internal */
    _shallSize?: boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _anchor?: HTMLElement;
    /** @internal */
    _backupCursor?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _updDOFocus?: zk.Widget | boolean;
    /** @internal */
    _lastfocus?: zk.Widget;
    /** @internal */
    _offset?: zk.Offset;

    constructor(props: Record<string, unknown>) {
        this._fellows = {};
        this._lastSize = {};
        // NOTE: Prior to TS migration, super is called after _fellows/_lastSize
        // are initialized above, but it seems to not matter, as nowhere does super
        // nor do zkcml overrides use _fellows/_lastSize during initialization.

        this.listen({onMaximize: this, onClose: this, onMove: this, onSize: this.onSizeEvent, onZIndex: this}, -1000);
        this._skipper = new zul.wnd.Skipper(this);

     * Sets the mode to overlapped, popup, modal, embedded or highlighted.
     * @param name - the mode which could be one of
     * "embedded", "overlapped", "popup", "modal", "highlighted".
     * Note: it cannot be "modal". Use {@link doModal} instead.
    setMode(mode: WindowMode, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._mode;
        this._mode = mode;

        if (o !== mode || opts?.force) {

        return this;

    getMode(): WindowMode {
        return this._mode;

     * Sets the title.
    setTitle(title: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._title;
        this._title = title;

        if (o !== title || opts?.force) {
            if (this.caption)
                this.caption.updateDomContent_(); // B50-ZK-313

        return this;

     * @returns the title.
     * Besides this attribute, you could use {@link zul.wgt.Caption} to define
     * a more sophisticated caption (aka., title).
     * <p>If a window has a caption whose label ({@link zul.wgt.Caption#getLabel})
     * is not empty, then this attribute is ignored.
     * @defaultValue empty.
    getTitle(): string | undefined {
        return this._title;

     * Sets the border (either none or normal).
     * @param border - the border. If null or "0", "none" is assumed.
    setBorder(border: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._border;
        this._border = border;

        if (o !== border || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the border.
     * The border actually controls what the content style class is
     * is used. In fact, the name of the border (except "normal")
     * is generate as part of the style class used for the content block.
     * Refer to {@link getContentSclass} for more details.
     * @defaultValue `"none"`.
    getBorder(): string {
        return this._border;

     * Sets whether to show a close button on the title bar.
     * If closable, a button is displayed and the onClose event is sent
     * if an user clicks the button.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
     * <p>Note: the close button won't be displayed if no title or caption at all.
    setClosable(closable: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._closable;
        this._closable = closable;

        if (o !== closable || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns whether to show a close button on the title bar.
    isClosable(): boolean {
        return !!this._closable;

     * Sets whether the window is sizable.
     * If true, an user can drag the border to change the window width.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    setSizable(sizable: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._sizable;
        this._sizable = sizable;

        if (o !== sizable || opts?.force) {
            if (this.desktop) {
                if (sizable)
                else if (this._sizer) {
                    this._sizer = undefined;

        return this;

     * @returns whether the window is sizable.
    isSizable(): boolean {
        return !!this._sizable;

     * Sets whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize
     * the window, when a window is maximized, the button will automatically
     * change to a restore button with the appropriate behavior already built-in
     * that will restore the window to its previous size.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
     * <p>Note: the maximize button won't be displayed if no title or caption at all.
    setMaximizable(maximizable: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._maximizable;
        this._maximizable = maximizable;

        if (o !== maximizable || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns whether to display the maximizing button and allow the user to maximize
     * the window.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    isMaximizable(): boolean {
        return !!this._maximizable;

     * Sets whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize
     * the window. Note that this button provides no implementation -- the behavior
     * of minimizing a window is implementation-specific, so the MinimizeEvent
     * event must be handled and a custom minimize behavior implemented for this
     * option to be useful.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
     * <p>Note: the maximize button won't be displayed if no title or caption at all.
    setMinimizable(minimizable: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._minimizable;
        this._minimizable = minimizable;

        if (o !== minimizable || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns whether to display the minimizing button and allow the user to minimize
     * the window.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    isMinimizable(): boolean {
        return !!this._minimizable;

     * Sets whether the window is maximized, and then the size of the window will depend
     * on it to show a appropriate size. In other words, if true, the size of the
     * window will count on the size of its offset parent node whose position is
     * absolute (by not {@link doEmbedded}) or its parent node. Otherwise, its size
     * will be original size. Note that the maximized effect will run at client's
     * sizing phase not initial phase.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    setMaximized(maximized: boolean, fromServer?: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._maximized;
        this._maximized = maximized;

        if (o !== maximized || opts?.force) {
            var node = this.$n();
            if (node) {
                var isRealVisible = this.isRealVisible();
                if (!isRealVisible && maximized) return this;

                var l: string, t: string, w: string, h: string,
                    s = node.style,
                    up = this.getMaximizableIconClass_(),
                    down = this.getMaximizedIconClass_();
                if (maximized) {
                        .attr('title', msgzul.PANEL_RESTORE)
                        .children('.' + up).removeClass(up).addClass(down);

                    var floated = this._mode != 'embedded',
                        $op = floated ? jq(node).offsetParent() : jq(node).parent(),
                        zkop = $op.zk;
                    l = s.left;
                    t = s.top;
                    w = s.width;
                    h = s.height;

                    // prevent the scroll bar.
                    s.top = '-10000px';
                    s.left = '-10000px';

                    s.width = jq.px0(zkop.clientWidthDoubleValue() - (!floated ? zkop.paddingWidth() : 0));
                    s.height = jq.px0(zkop.clientHeightDoubleValue() - (!floated ? zkop.paddingHeight() : 0));
                    this._lastSize = {l: l, t: t, w: w, h: h};

                    // restore.
                    s.top = '0';
                    s.left = '0';

                    // resync
                    w = s.width;
                    h = s.height;
                } else {
                    var max = this.$n_('max'),
                        $max = jq(max);
                        .attr('title', msgzul.PANEL_MAXIMIZE)
                        .children('.' + down).removeClass(down).addClass(up);
                    if (this._lastSize) {
                        s.left = this._lastSize.l!;
                        s.top = this._lastSize.t!;
                        s.width = this._lastSize.w!;
                        s.height = this._lastSize.h!;
                        this._lastSize = undefined;
                    l = s.left;
                    t = s.top;
                    w = s.width;
                    h = s.height;

                    var body = this.$n('cave');
                    if (body)
                        body.style.width = body.style.height = '';
                if (!fromServer || isRealVisible) {
                    this._visible = true;
                    // B50-ZK-462: Window fire unexpected onMaximize event
                    if (!this._notSendMaximize) {
                        var p = _getPosByParent(this, l, t); //Bug ZK-1689
                        this.fire('onMaximize', {
                            left: p[0],
                            top: p[1],
                            width: w,
                            height: h,
                            maximized: maximized,
                            fromServer: fromServer
                if (isRealVisible)

        return this;

     * @returns whether the window is maximized.
    isMaximized(): boolean {
        return !!this._maximized;

     * Sets whether the window is minimized.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    setMinimized(minimized: boolean, fromServer?: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._minimized;
        this._minimized = minimized;

        if (o !== minimized || opts?.force) {
            if (this._maximized)

            var node = this.$n();
            if (node) {
                var s = node.style;
                if (minimized) {
                    zWatch.fireDown('onHide', this);
                } else {
                if (!fromServer) {
                    this._visible = false;
                    var p = _getPosByParent(this, s.left, s.top); //Bug ZK-1689
                    this.fire('onMinimize', {
                        left: p[0],
                        top: p[1],
                        width: s.width,
                        height: s.height,
                        minimized: minimized

        return this;

     * @returns whether the window is minimized.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    isMinimized(): boolean {
        return !!this._minimized;

     * Sets the CSS style for the content block of the window.
     * @defaultValue `null`.
    setContentStyle(contentStyle: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._contentStyle;
        this._contentStyle = contentStyle;

        if (o !== contentStyle || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the CSS style for the content block of the window.
    getContentStyle(): string | undefined {
        return this._contentStyle;

     * Sets the style class used for the content block.
    setContentSclass(contentSclass: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._contentSclass;
        this._contentSclass = contentSclass;

        if (o !== contentSclass || opts?.force) {

        return this;

     * @returns the style class used for the content block.
    getContentSclass(): string | undefined {
        return this._contentSclass;

     * Sets how to position the window at the client screen.
     * It is meaningless if the embedded mode is used.
     * @param pos - how to position. It can be null (the default), or
     * a combination of the following values (by separating with comma).
     * <dl>
     * <dt>center</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the center. {@link setTop} and {@link setLeft}
     * are both ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>left</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the left edge. {@link setLeft} is ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>right</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the right edge. {@link setLeft} is ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>top</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the top edge. {@link setTop} is ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>bottom</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window at the bottom edge. {@link setTop} is ignored.</dd>
     * <dt>parent</dt>
     * <dd>Position the window relative to its parent.
     * That is, the left and top ({@link getTop} and {@link getLeft})
     * is an offset to his parent's let-top corner.</dd>
     * </dl>
     * <p>For example, "left,center" means to position it at the center of
     * the left edge.
    setPosition(position: string, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._position;
        this._position = position;

        if (o !== position || opts?.force) {
            _updDomPos(this, false, this._visible);

        return this;

     * @returns how to position the window at the client screen.
     * It is meaningless if the embedded mode is used.
     * @defaultValue `null` which depends on {@link getMode}:
     * If overlapped or popup, {@link setLeft} and {@link setTop} are
     * assumed. If modal or highlighted, it is centered.
    getPosition(): string | undefined {
        return this._position;

     * Sets the minimum height in pixels allowed for this window.
     * If negative, 100 is assumed.
     * @defaultValue `100`.
     * <p>Note: Only applies when {@link isSizable} = true.
    setMinheight(minheight: number): this { //TODO
        this._minheight = minheight;
        return this;

     * @returns the minimum height.
     * @defaultValue `100`.
     * @returns int
    getMinheight(): number { //TODO
        return this._minheight;

     * Sets the minimum width in pixels allowed for this window. If negative,
     * 200 is assumed.
     * @defaultValue `200`.
     * <p>Note: Only applies when {@link isSizable} = true.
    setMinwidth(minwidth: number): this { //TODO
        this._minwidth = minwidth;
        return this;

     * @returns the minimum width.
     * @defaultValue `200`.
     * @returns int
    getMinwidth(): number { //TODO
        return this._minwidth;

     * Sets whether to show the shadow of an overlapped/popup/modal
     * window. It is meaningless if it is an embedded window.
     * @defaultValue `true`.
    setShadow(shadow: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._shadow;
        this._shadow = shadow;

        if (o !== shadow || opts?.force) {
            if (this._shadow) {
            } else if (this._shadowWgt) {
                this._shadowWgt = undefined;

        return this;

     * @returns whether to show the shadow of an overlapped/popup/modal
     * window. It is meaningless if it is an embedded window.
    isShadow(): boolean {
        return this._shadow;

     * Re-position the window based on the value of {@link getPosition}.
     * @since 5.0.3
    repos(): void {
        _updDomPos(this, false, this._visible);

     * Makes this window as overlapped with other components.
    doOverlapped(): void {

     * Makes this window as popup, which is overlapped with other component
     * and auto-hiden when user clicks outside of the window.
    doPopup(): void {

     * Makes this window as highlited. The visual effect is
     * the similar to the modal window.
    doHighlighted(): void {

     * Makes this window as a modal dialog.
     * It will automatically center the window (ignoring {@link getLeft} and
     * {@link getTop}).
    doModal(): void {

     * Makes this window as embeded with other components (Default).
    doEmbedded(): void {

    /** @internal */
    override afterAnima_(visible: boolean): void { //mode="highlighted" action="hide:slideDown"

    override zsync(opts?: zk.Object): void {
        if (this.desktop) {
            if (this._mode == 'embedded') {
                if (this._shadowWgt) {
                    this._shadowWgt = undefined;
            } else if (this._shadow) {
                if (!this._shadowWgt)
                    this._shadowWgt = new zk.eff.Shadow(this.$n_(),
                        {left: -4, right: 4, top: -2, bottom: 3});
                if (this._maximized || this._minimized || !this._visible) //since action might be applied, we have to check _visible
            if (this._mask) { //ZK-1079
                var n = (this._shadowWgt && this._shadowWgt.getBottomElement()) || this.$n(); //null if ff3.5 (no shadow/stackup)
                if (n) this._mask.sync(n);

    //event handler//
    onClose(): void {
        if (!this.inServer) //let server handle if in server
            this.parent!.removeChild(this); //default: remove

    onMove(evt: zk.Event & zul.wnd.Dimension): void {
        this._left = evt.left;
        this._top = evt.top;
        if (this._visible) //notify children onMove
            zWatch.fireDown('onMove', this);

    onMaximize(evt: zk.Event<zul.wnd.Dimension>): void {
        var data = evt.data!;
        this._top = data.top;
        this._left = data.left;
        this._height = data.height;
        this._width = data.width;

    onSizeEvent(evt: zk.Event<zul.wnd.Dimension>): void {
        var data = evt.data!,
            node = this.$n_(),
            s = node.style;

        if (data.width != s.width) {
            s.width = data.width;

            // ZK-2363
            this._width = s.width;
        if (data.height != s.height) {
            s.height = data.height;

            // ZK-2363
            this._height = s.height;

        if (data.left != s.left || data.top != s.top) {
            s.left = data.left;
            s.top = data.top;

        var self = this;
        setTimeout(function () {

    onZIndex(evt: zk.Event): void {

    onResponse(evt: zk.Event): void {

    onCommandReady(): void {
        if (this.desktop && this._shallSize) {
            this._shallSize = false;
            for (var w = this.firstChild; w; w = w.nextSibling) {
                if (w._nvflex || w._nhflex) {

    onShow(ctl: zk.ZWatchController): void {
        var w = ctl.origin;
        if (this != w && this._mode != 'embedded'
        && this.isRealVisible({until: w, dom: true})) {

    onHide(ctl: zk.ZWatchController): void {
        var w = ctl.origin;
        if (this != w && this._mode != 'embedded'
        && this.isRealVisible({until: w, dom: true})) {
        //Note: dom:true, since isVisible might be wrong when onHide is called.
        //For example, tab sets selected and then fire onHide, and tabpanel's
        //isVisible returns false (since unselected). Thus, it is better to
        //count on DOM only
            this.$n_().style.visibility = 'hidden';

    override onSize(): void {
        if (this._maximized)
        if (this._mode == 'modal')
            _updDomPos(this, true, false, true); // B70-ZK-2892

    onFloatUp(ctl: zk.ZWatchController): void {
            * ZK-1309: If window already has mask, ignore onFloatUp routine.
            * The reason is prevent zindex of window change(in `setTopmost()`) when dragging,
            * it will let full-mask is not visible.
        if (!this._visible || this._mode == 'embedded' || this._mask)
            return; //just in case

        var wgt: zk.Widget | undefined = ctl.origin as zk.Widget | undefined;
        if (this._mode == 'popup') {
            for (let floatFound = false; wgt; wgt = wgt.parent) {
                if (wgt == this) {
                    if (!floatFound) this.setTopmost();
                floatFound = floatFound || wgt.isFloating_();
            this.fire('onOpen', {open: false});
        } else
            for (; wgt; wgt = wgt.parent) {
                if (wgt == this) {
                if (wgt.isFloating_())

    /** @internal */
    _fixHgh(ignoreVisible?: boolean/* speed up */): void {
        if (ignoreVisible || this.isRealVisible()) {
            var n = this.$n_(),
                hgh: number | string = n.style.height,
                cave = this.$n_('cave'),
                cvh = cave.style.height;
            if (!hgh && this._cssflex && this._vflex) // due to css flex, need to use offsetHeight
                hgh = n.offsetHeight;
            if (hgh && hgh != 'auto') {
                cave.style.height = jq.px0(this._offsetHeight(n));
            } else if (cvh && cvh != 'auto') {
                cave.style.height = '';

    /** @internal */
    _offsetHeight(n: HTMLElement): number {
        return zk(n).offsetHeight() - this._titleHeight() - zk(n).padBorderHeight();

    /** @internal */
    _titleHeight(): number {
        var cap = this.getTitle() || this.caption ? this.$n('cap') : undefined;
        return cap ? cap.offsetHeight : 0;

    /** @internal */
    _fireOnMove(keys?: zul.wnd.Dimension): void {
        var s = this.$n_().style,
            p = _getPosByParent(this, s.left, s.top); //Bug ZK-1689
        this.fire('onMove', zk.copy({
            left: p[0],
            top: p[1]
        }, keys), {ignorable: true});


    override setVisible(visible: boolean): this {
        if (this._visible != visible) {
            if (this._maximized) {
            } else if (this._minimized) {

            var modal = _isModal(this._mode),
                p = this.parent;
            if (visible) {
                _updDomPos(this, modal, true, modal);
                if (modal && (!p || p.isRealVisible())) {
            } else if (modal)


            if (!visible)

            if (this.isFloating_() && p && !p.isRealVisible()) {
                var n = this.$n_();
                if (this._visible && n.style.display == 'none') {
                    this.setDomVisible_(n, false, {visibility: true});
                    this.setDomVisible_(n, true, {display: true});
                } else if (!this._visible && n.style.display != 'none') {
                    this.setDomVisible_(n, false, {display: true});
        return this;

    override setHeight(height?: string): this {
        if (this.desktop)
                // Note: IE6 is broken, because its offsetHeight doesn't update.
        return this;

    override setWidth(width?: string): this {
        if (this.desktop)
        return this;

    override setTop(top: string): this {
        return this;

    override setLeft(left: string): this {
        return this;

    override setZIndex(zIndex: number, opts: {floatZIndex?: boolean; fire?: boolean}): this {
        const old = this._zIndex;
        super.setZIndex(zIndex, opts);
        if (old != zIndex)
        return this;

    override setZindex(zindex: number, opts: {floatZIndex?: boolean; fire?: boolean}): this {
        return this.setZIndex(zindex, opts);

    /** @internal */
    override focus_(timeout?: number): boolean {
        var cap = this.caption;
        if (!zk.mobile) { //Bug ZK-1314: avoid focus on input widget to show keyboard on ipad
            for (var w = this.firstChild; w; w = w.nextSibling)
                //B65-ZK-1797: avoid focusing on removed widge when enable client ROD
                if (w.desktop && w != cap && w.focus_(timeout))
                    return true;
        if (cap?.focus_(timeout)) {
            return true;
        } else if (this._anchor) {
            return true;
        return false;

    /** @internal */
    override domClass_(no?: zk.DomClassOptions): string {
        var /*safe*/ cls = super.domClass_(no),
            bordercls = this._border;

        bordercls = 'normal' == bordercls ? '' :
            'none' == bordercls ? 'noborder' : bordercls;

        if (bordercls)
            cls += ' ' + this.$s(bordercls);

        if (!(this.getTitle() || this.caption))
            cls += ' ' + this.$s('noheader');

        cls += ' ' + this.$s(this._mode);
        return cls;

    /** @internal */
    override onChildVisible_(child: zk.Widget): void {
        if (this.desktop) {
            this._shallSize = true;

    /** @internal */
    override onChildAdded_(child: zk.Widget): void {
        if (child instanceof zul.wgt.Caption) {
            this.caption = child;
            this.rerender(this._skipper); // B50-ZK-275

    /** @internal */
    override onChildRemoved_(child: zk.Widget): void {
        if (child == this.caption) {
            this.caption = undefined;
            this.rerender(this._skipper); // B50-ZK-275
        if (this.desktop) {
            this._shallSize = true;

    /** @internal */
    override insertChildHTML_(child: zk.Widget, before?: zk.Widget, desktop?: zk.Desktop): void {
        if (!(child instanceof zul.wgt.Caption)) // B50-ZK-275
            super.insertChildHTML_(child, before, desktop);

    /** @internal */
    override domStyle_(no?: zk.DomStyleOptions): string {
        var /*safe*/ style = super.domStyle_(no);
        if ((!no || !no.visible) && this._minimized)
            style = 'display:none;' + style;
        if (this._mode != 'embedded')
            style = 'position:absolute;' + style;
        return style;

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop: zk.Desktop | undefined, skipper: zk.Skipper | undefined, after: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);

        var mode = this._mode;
        zWatch.listen({onSize: this});

        if (mode != 'embedded') {
            zWatch.listen({onFloatUp: this, onHide: this, onShow: this});

            if (_isModal(mode)) _doModal(this);
            else _doOverlapped(this);

        if (this._sizable)

        if (this._maximizable && this._maximized) {
            var self = this;
            after.push(function () {
                self._maximized = false;
                self.setMaximized(true, true);

        if (this._mode != 'embedded' && (!zk.css3)) {
            jq.onzsync(this); //sync shadow if it is implemented with div
            zWatch.listen({onResponse: this});
        zWatch.listen({onCommandReady: this});

    override detach(): void {
        // ZK-3910: the side effect of the removing iframe, the ckeditor would throw the error message
        // at console. It should unbind ckeditor before remove it. Put here can works well on every browser.
        // ZK-2247: remove iframe to prevent load twice
        if (zk.chrome) {
            const n = this.$n();
            if (n) {
                var $jq = jq(n).find('iframe');
                if ($jq.length)

    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        var node = this.$n_();
        node.style.visibility = 'hidden'; //avoid unpleasant effect

        if (!zk.css3) jq.unzsync(this);

        //we don't check this._mode here since it might be already changed
        if (this._shadowWgt) {
            this._shadowWgt = undefined;
        if (this._drag) {
            this._drag = undefined;
        if (this._sizer) {
            this._sizer = undefined;

        if (this._mask) {
            if (this._anchor)
                this._anchor = undefined;
            this._mask = undefined;
        zk(node).undoVParent(); //no need to fire onVParent in unbind_
            onFloatUp: this,
            onSize: this,
            onShow: this,
            onHide: this,
            onResponse: this,
            onCommandReady: this


        this.domUnlisten_(this.$n_(), 'onMouseMove');
        this.domUnlisten_(this.$n_(), 'onMouseOut');
        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);

    /** @internal */
    _doMouseMove(evt: zk.Event): void {
        if (this._sizer && evt.target == this) {
            var n = this.$n_(),
                c = Window._insizer(n, zk(n).revisedOffset(), evt.pageX, evt.pageY),
                handle = this._mode == 'embedded' ? false : this.$n('cap');
            if (!this._maximized && c) {
                if (this._backupCursor == undefined)
                    this._backupCursor = n.style.cursor;
                n.style.cursor = c == 1 ? 'n-resize' : c == 2 ? 'ne-resize' :
                    c == 3 ? 'e-resize' : c == 4 ? 'se-resize' :
                    c == 5 ? 's-resize' : c == 6 ? 'sw-resize' :
                    c == 7 ? 'w-resize' : 'nw-resize';
                if (handle) jq(handle).removeClass(this.$s('header-move'));
            } else {
                n.style.cursor = this._backupCursor || ''; // bug #2977948
                if (handle) jq(handle).addClass(this.$s('header-move'));

    /** @internal */
    _doMouseOut(evt: zk.Event): void {
        this.$n_().style.cursor = this._backupCursor || '';

    /** @internal */
    override doClick_(evt: zk.Event, popupOnly?: boolean): void {
        var n: HTMLElement | undefined = evt.domTarget;
        if (!n.id)
            n = n.parentNode as HTMLElement | undefined;
        if (n) { //If node does not exist, should propagation event directly
            switch (n) {
            case this.$n('close'):
            case this.$n('max'):
            case this.$n('min'):
                super.doClick_(evt, popupOnly);
        super.doClick_(evt, popupOnly);

    //@Override, children minimum flex might change window dimension, have to re-position. bug #3007908.
    /** @internal */
    override afterChildrenMinFlex_(orient: zk.FlexOrient): void {
        if (_isModal(this._mode)) //win hflex="min"
            _updDomPos(this, true, false, true); //force re-position since window width might changed. //B70-ZK-2891

    //@Override, children minimize flex might change window dimension, have to re-position. bug #3007908.
    /** @internal */
    override afterChildrenFlex_(cwgt?: zk.Widget): void {
        if (_isModal(this._mode))
            _updDomPos(this, true, false, true); //force re-position since window width might changed. //B70-ZK-2891

    //@Override, Bug ZK-1524: caption children should not considered.
    /** @internal */
    override getChildMinSize_(attr: zk.FlexOrient, wgt: zk.Widget): number {
        var including = true;
        if (wgt == this.caption) {
            if (attr == 'w') {
                including = !!(wgt.$n_().style.width);
            } else {
                including = !!(wgt.$n_().style.height);
        if (including) {
            return super.getChildMinSize_(attr, wgt);
        } else {
            return 0;

    //@Override, related to Bug ZK-1799
    /** @internal */
    override getContentEdgeWidth_(width: number): number {
        if (this.caption && (width == this.caption.$n_().offsetWidth)) {
            // use caption's edge width

            var p = this.$n_(),
                fc = this.caption,
                // eslint-disable-next-line zk/noNull
                c: Node | null | undefined = fc ? fc.$n() : p.firstChild,
                zkp = zk(p),
                w = zkp.padBorderWidth();

            if (c) {
                c = c.parentNode;
                while (c && c.nodeType == 1 && p != c) {
                    var zkc = zk(c);
                    w += zkc.padBorderWidth() + zkc.sumStyles('lr', jq.margins);
                    c = c.parentNode;
                return w;
            return 0;
        } else {
            return super.getContentEdgeWidth_(width);

    // eslint-disable-next-line zk/javaStyleSetterSignature
    /** @internal */
    override setFlexSizeH_(flexSizeH: HTMLElement, zkn: zk.JQZK, height: number, isFlexMin?: boolean): void {
        if (isFlexMin) {
            height += this._titleHeight();
        super.setFlexSizeH_(flexSizeH, zkn, height, isFlexMin);

    //@Override, do not count size of floating window in flex calculation. bug #3172785.
    /** @internal */
    override ignoreFlexSize_(type: zk.FlexOrient): boolean {
        return this._mode != 'embedded';

    /** @internal */
    getClosableIconClass_(): string {
        return 'z-icon-times';

    /** @internal */
    getMaximizableIconClass_(): string {
        return 'z-icon-expand';

    /** @internal */
    getMaximizedIconClass_(): string {
        return 'z-icon-compress';

    /** @internal */
    getMinimizableIconClass_(): string {
        return 'z-icon-minus';

    // drag sizing (also referenced by Panel.js)
    /** @internal */
    static _startsizing(dg: zk.Draggable, evt?: zk.Event): void {
        _hideShadow(dg.control as zul.wnd.Window); //ZK-3877: startsizing is the better event to hideShadow
        zWatch.fire('onFloatUp', dg.control!); //notify all

    /** @internal */
    static _snapsizing(dg: zk.Draggable, pos: zk.Offset): zk.Offset {
        const z_dir = dg.z_dir!;
            // snap y only when dragging upper boundary/corners
        var px = (z_dir >= 6 && z_dir <= 8) ? Math.max(pos[0], 0) : pos[0],
            // snap x only when dragging left boundary/corners
            py = (z_dir == 8 || z_dir <= 2) ? Math.max(pos[1], 0) : pos[1];
        return [px, py];

    /** @internal */
    static _ghostsizing(dg: zk.Draggable, ofs: zk.Offset, evt: zk.Event): HTMLElement | undefined {
        var wnd = dg.control as zul.wnd.Window,
            el = dg.node!;
        var $el = jq(el);
            '<div id="zk_ddghost" class="' + wnd.getZclass() + '-resize-faker"'
            + ' style="position:absolute;top:'
            + jq.px(ofs[1]) + ';left:' + jq.px(ofs[0]) + ';width:'
            + jq.px($el.zk.offsetWidth()) + ';height:' + jq.px($el.zk.offsetHeight())
            + ';z-index:' + /*safe*/ el.style.zIndex + '"><dl></dl></div>'));
        return jq('#zk_ddghost')[0];

    /** @internal */
    static _endghostsizing(dg: zk.Draggable, origin: HTMLElement): void {
        var el = dg.node!; //ghostvar org = zkau.getGhostOrgin(dg);
        if (origin) {
            var offset = zk(origin).cmOffset(),
                s = origin.style,
                offsetX = offset[0] - parseInt(s.left),
                offsetY = offset[1] - parseInt(s.top);
            dg.z_szofs = {
                top: jq.px(el.offsetTop - offsetY),
                left: jq.px(el.offsetLeft - offsetX),
                height: jq.px0(zk(el).revisedHeight(el.offsetHeight)),
                width: jq.px0(zk(el).revisedWidth(el.offsetWidth))

    /** @internal */
    static _insizer(node: HTMLElement, ofs: zk.Offset, x: number, y: number): number | undefined {
        var r = ofs[0] + node.offsetWidth, b = ofs[1] + node.offsetHeight;
        if (x - ofs[0] <= 5) {
            if (y - ofs[1] <= 5)
                return 8;
            else if (b - y <= 5)
                return 6;
                return 7;
        } else if (r - x <= 5) {
            if (y - ofs[1] <= 5)
                return 2;
            else if (b - y <= 5)
                return 4;
                return 3;
        } else {
            if (y - ofs[1] <= 5)
                return 1;
            else if (b - y <= 5)
                return 5;

    /** @internal */
    static _ignoresizing(dg: zk.Draggable, pointer: zk.Offset, evt: zk.Event): boolean {
        var el = dg.node!,
            wgt = dg.control as zul.wnd.Window;
        if (wgt._maximized || evt.target != wgt) return true;

        var offs = zk(el).revisedOffset(),
            v = Window._insizer(el, offs, pointer[0], pointer[1]);
        if (v) {
            dg.z_dir = v;
            dg.z_box = {
                top: offs[1], left: offs[0], height: el.offsetHeight,
                width: el.offsetWidth, minHeight: zk.parseInt(wgt.getMinheight()),
                minWidth: zk.parseInt(wgt.getMinwidth())
            dg.z_orgzi = el.style.zIndex;
            return false;
        return true;

    /** @internal */
    static _aftersizing(dg: zk.Draggable, evt: zk.Event): void {
        var wgt = dg.control as zk.Widget,
            data = dg.z_szofs;
        if (wgt._hflex) wgt.setHflex_();
        if (wgt._vflex) wgt.setVflex_();
        wgt.fire('onSize', zk.copy(data, evt.keys), {ignorable: true});
        dg.z_szofs = undefined;

    /** @internal */
    static _drawsizing(dg: zk.Draggable, pointer: zk.Offset, evt: zk.Event): void {
        const z_dir = dg.z_dir!,
            z_box = dg.z_box!,
            style = dg.node!.style;
        if (z_dir == 8 || z_dir <= 2) {
            var h = z_box.height + z_box.top - pointer[1];
            if (h < z_box.minHeight) {
                pointer[1] = z_box.height + z_box.top - z_box.minHeight;
                h = z_box.minHeight;
            style.height = jq.px0(h);
            style.top = jq.px(pointer[1]);
        if (z_dir >= 4 && z_dir <= 6) {
            var h = z_box.height + pointer[1] - z_box.top;
            if (h < z_box.minHeight)
                h = z_box.minHeight;
            style.height = jq.px0(h);
        if (z_dir >= 6 && z_dir <= 8) {
            var w = z_box.width + z_box.left - pointer[0];
            if (w < z_box.minWidth) {
                pointer[0] = z_box.width + z_box.left - z_box.minWidth;
                w = z_box.minWidth;
            style.width = jq.px0(w);
            style.left = jq.px(pointer[0]);
        if (z_dir >= 2 && z_dir <= 4) {
            var w = z_box.width + pointer[0] - z_box.left;
            if (w < z_box.minWidth)
                w = z_box.minWidth;
            style.width = jq.px0(w);

    /** @internal */
    static _startmove = _startmove;
    /** @internal */
    static _ghostmove = _ghostmove;
    /** @internal */
    static _endghostmove = _endghostmove;
    /** @internal */
    static _ignoremove = _ignoremove;
    /** @internal */
    static _aftermove = _aftermove;

export class Skipper extends zk.Skipper {
    /** @internal */
    _w: Window;

    constructor(wnd: zul.wnd.Window) {
        this._w = wnd;

    override restore(wgt: zk.Widget, skip: HTMLElement | undefined): void {
        super.restore(wgt, skip);
        var w = this._w;
        if (w._mode != 'embedded') {
            _updDomPos(w); //skipper's size is wrong in bind_

/** @class zul.wnd.WindowRenderer
 * The renderer used to render a window.
 * It is designed to be overriden
 * @since 5.0.5
export var WindowRenderer = {
     * @returns whether to check the border's height.
     * @param wgt - the window
    shallCheckBorder(wgt: zul.wnd.Window): boolean {
        return wgt._mode != 'popup'
            && (wgt._mode != 'embedded' || wgt.getBorder() != 'none');
zul.wnd.WindowRenderer = WindowRenderer;