

Test Coverage
// base icon class definition
// -------------------------

.@{fa-css-prefix} {
  font-family: ~"var(--@{fa-css-prefix}-style-family, '@{fa-style-family}')";
  font-weight: ~'var(--@{fa-css-prefix}-style, @{fa-style})';

.@{fa-css-prefix}-brands {
  // NOTICE that this part is to avoid the side effects of B85-ZK-3800,
  // so keep the settings from FontAwesome 4.7.0 instead of 6.4.2.
  // Be careful when modifying, the margins of the icon may change.
  display: inline-block;
  font: normal normal normal @fa-font-size-base/@fa-line-height-base FontAwesome; // shortening font declaration
  font-size: inherit; // can't have font-size inherit on line above, so need to override
  text-rendering: auto; // optimizelegibility throws things off #1094
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

.@{fa-css-prefix}-brands {
  font-family: FontAwesome;