

25 mins
Test Coverage

        Wed Sep  7 14:55:38     2005, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp.action;


import org.zkoss.lang.Strings;
import org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp.DspException;
import org.zkoss.xml.XMLs;

 * A skeletal implementation to simplify the implementation of actions.
 * @author tomyeh
public abstract class AbstractAction implements Action {
    private boolean _if = true;
    private boolean _unless = false;

    /** Returns the if condition.
     * If the if condition is false, this tag is ignored.
     * If the unless condition ({@link #getUnless}) is true, this tag is
     * ignored, too.
     * Tags deriving from this class shall invoke {@link #isEffective} to
     * know the result.
     * <p>Default: true.
    public boolean getIf() {
        return _if;

    /** Sets the if condition.
    public void setIf(boolean ifcond) {
        _if = ifcond;

    /** Returns the unless condition.
     * If the unless condition is true, this tag is ignored.
     * If the if condition ({@link #getIf}) is true, this tag is ignored, too.
     * Tags deriving from this class shall invoke {@link #isEffective} to
     * know the result.
     * <p>Default: false.
    public boolean getUnless() {
        return _unless;

    /** Sets the unless condition.
    public void setUnless(boolean unless) {
        _unless = unless;

    /** Returns whether this tag is effective. If false, this tag does nothing
     * (as if not specified at all).
    public boolean isEffective() {
        return _if && !_unless;

    //-- Utilities --//
    /** Returns one of {@link ActionContext#PAGE_SCOPE}, {@link ActionContext#REQUEST_SCOPE},
     * {@link ActionContext#SESSION_SCOPE} and {@link ActionContext#APPLICATION_SCOPE}
     * of the specified scope name.
     * @param scope one of "page", "request", "session" and "application".
    protected static final int toScope(String scope) {
        return "request".equals(scope) ? ActionContext.REQUEST_SCOPE
                : "session".equals(scope) ? ActionContext.SESSION_SCOPE
                        : "application".equals(scope) ? ActionContext.APPLICATION_SCOPE : ActionContext.PAGE_SCOPE;

    /** Appends an attribute to the string buffer,
     * if <code>attrValue</code> is not null.
    protected static final void append(StringBuffer sb, String attrName, String attrValue) {
        if (attrValue != null)
            sb.append(' ').append(attrName).append("=\"").append(XMLs.encodeAttribute(attrValue)).append('"');
        //it might contain " or other special characters

    /** Appends an attribute to the string buffer,
     * if <code>avail</code> is true.
    protected static //not final, e.g., xul has different format
    void append(StringBuffer sb, String attrName, boolean avail) {
        if (avail)
            sb.append(' ').append(attrName);

    /** Appends an attribute to the string buffer.
    protected static final void append(StringBuffer sb, String attrName, int val) {
        sb.append(' ').append(attrName).append("=\"").append(Integer.toString(val)).append('"');

    //package-level utilities//
    /** Returns the output for rendering fragment, or null if
     * trim is false.
     * <p>The return value is passed to {@link #renderFragment}
     * directly.
    /*package*/ static StringWriter getFragmentOut(ActionContext ac, boolean trim) throws IOException {
        return trim && !(ac.getOut() instanceof StringWriter) ? new StringWriter() : null;

    /** Invokes ac.renderFragment() and trim the output if trim is true.
     * @param out the return value of {@link #getFragmentOut}.
    /*package*/ static void renderFragment(ActionContext ac, StringWriter out, boolean trim)
            throws DspException, IOException {
        if (trim) {
            final StringBuffer buf = (out != null ? out : (StringWriter) ac.getOut()).getBuffer();
            //ac.getOut must be StringWriter if out is null and trim
            final int index = buf.length();
            Strings.trim(buf, index);
        } else {