

3 hrs
Test Coverage

        Tue Sep 20 15:13:32     2005, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp.action.html;


import org.zkoss.web.mesg.MWeb;
import org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp.DspException;
import org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp.action.AbstractAction;
import org.zkoss.web.servlet.dsp.action.ActionContext;

 * Generates the HTML <img> tag
 * @author tomyeh
public class Img extends AbstractAction {
    private String _id, _onclick;
    private String _src, _height, _width, _border, _hspace, _vspace;
    private String _align, _title, _alt, _sclass, _style;

    /** Returns the id attribute.
     * Default: null.
    public String getId() {
        return _id;

    /** Sets the id attribute.
    public void setId(String id) {
        _id = id;

    /** Returns the src (URL).
     * Default: null.
    public String getSrc() {
        return _src;

    /** Sets the src (URL).
    public void setSrc(String src) {
        _src = src;

    /** Returns the alignment.
     * Default: null.
    public String getAlign() {
        return _align;

    /** Sets the alignment.
    public void setAlign(String align) {
        _align = align;

    /** Returns the alt.
     * Default: null.
    public String getAlt() {
        return _alt;

    /** Sets the alt.
    public void setAlt(String alt) {
        _alt = alt;

    /** Returns the border.
     * Default: null.
    public String getBorder() {
        return _border;

    /** Sets the border.
    public void setBorder(String border) {
        _border = border;

    /** Returns the hspace.
     * Default: null.
    public String getHspace() {
        return _hspace;

    /** Sets the hspace.
    public void setHspace(String hspace) {
        _hspace = hspace;

    /** Returns the vspace.
     * Default: null.
    public String getVspace() {
        return _vspace;

    /** Sets the vspace.
    public void setVspace(String vspace) {
        _vspace = vspace;

    /** Returns the style class.
     * Default: null.
    public String getSclass() {
        return _sclass;

    /** Sets the style class.
    public void setSclass(String sclass) {
        _sclass = sclass;

    /** Returns the style.
     * Default: null.
    public String getStyle() {
        return _style;

    /** Sets the style.
    public void setStyle(String style) {
        _style = style;

    /** Returns the height.
     * Default: null.
    public String getHeight() {
        return _height;

    /** Sets the height.
    public void setHeight(String height) {
        _height = height;

    /** Returns the width.
     * Default: null.
    public String getWidth() {
        return _width;

    /** Sets the width.
    public void setWidth(String width) {
        _width = width;

    /** Returns the title.
     * Default: null (no title at all).
    public String getTitle() {
        return _title;

    /** Sets the title.
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        _title = title;

    /** Returns the onclick.
     * Default: null.
    public String getOnclick() {
        return _onclick;

    /** Sets the onclick.
    public void setOnclick(String onclick) {
        _onclick = onclick;

    //-- Action --//
    public void render(ActionContext ac, boolean nested) throws DspException, IOException {
        if (!isEffective() || _src == null || _src.length() == 0)
            return; //nothing to generate
        if (nested)
            throw new DspException(MWeb.DSP_NESTED_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED,
                    new Object[] { this, new Integer(ac.getLineNumber()) });

        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(64).append("<img src=\"").append(ac.encodeURL(_src)).append('"');
        append(sb, "id", _id);
        append(sb, "height", _height);
        append(sb, "width", _width);
        append(sb, "title", _title);
        append(sb, "align", _align);
        append(sb, "alt", _alt);
        append(sb, "class", _sclass);
        append(sb, "style", _style);
        append(sb, "border", _border);
        append(sb, "hspace", _hspace);
        append(sb, "vspace", _vspace);
        append(sb, "onclick", _onclick);

    //-- Object --//
    public String toString() {
        return "image";