

35 mins
Test Coverage

        Mon Aug 29 18:27:04     2005, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2005 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

    This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
package org.zkoss.web.util.resource;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.zkoss.util.resource.Locator;

 * This interface defines an extended context that
 * {@link org.zkoss.web.servlet.Servlets#getRequestDispatcher} will try to
 * resolve.
 * When {@link org.zkoss.web.servlet.Servlets#getRequestDispatcher} is
 * called, it detects whether ~xxx/ is specified.
 * If specified, it looks up any extended context
 * is registered as xxx. If found, the extend context is used.
 * If not found, it looks up any servlet context called xxx.
 * <p>To registers an extended context, use 
 * {@link org.zkoss.web.servlet.Servlets#addExtendletContext}.
 * @author tomyeh
public interface ExtendletContext {
    /** Returns the encoded URL.
     * The returned URL is also encoded with HttpServletResponse.encodeURL.
     * <p>It resolves "*" contained in URI, if any, to the proper Locale,
     * and the browser code.
     * Refer to {@link org.zkoss.web.servlet.Servlets#locate(javax.servlet.ServletContext, ServletRequest, String, org.zkoss.util.resource.Locator)}
     * for details. 
     * @param uri it must be empty or starts with "/". It might contain
     * "*" for current browser code and Locale.
     * @return the complete URL (excluding the machine name).
     * It includes the context path and the servlet to interpret
     * this extended resource.
    public String encodeURL(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, String uri)
            throws ServletException, IOException;

    /** Returns  the encoded URL for send redirect.
     * The URL is also encoded with HttpServletResposne.encodeRedirectURL.
    public String encodeRedirectURL(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String uri, Map params,
            int mode);

    /* Returns the request dispatcher that acts as a wrapper for
     * the resource located at the given path, or null if not found.
    public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String uri);

    /** Includes the specified page.
     * <p>Note: if you want to include the content into a different
     * writer, you have to use {@link org.zkoss.web.servlet.BufferedResponse}
     * to 'wrap' the writer in the response.
     * @since 3.5.2 
    public void include(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String uri, Map params)
            throws ServletException, IOException;

    /** Returns the URL of the specified URI, or null if not found.
     * <p>Unlike {@link #getLocator}, {@link #getResourceAsStream}
     * handles the JavaScript debugging. In other words,
     * if the JavaScript debugging is turned on, it will try to load
     * the non-compressed version.
    public URL getResource(String uri);

    /** Returns the resource of the specified URI as input stream,
     * or null if not found.
     * <p>Unlike {@link #getLocator}, {@link #getResourceAsStream}
     * handles the JavaScript debugging. In other words,
     * if the JavaScript debugging is turned on, it will try to load
     * the non-compressed version.
    public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String uri);

    /** Returns the servlet context.
    public ServletContext getServletContext();

    /** Returns the locator of this context used to locate resources.
     * <p>Unlike {@link #getResource} and {@link #getResourceAsStream},
     * {@link #getLocator} doesn't handle the JavaScript debugging.
    public Locator getLocator();

    /** Tests whether to compress the specified extension, e.g, "js" and
     * "css".
     * <p>It returns false if the request is included by other Servlets.
    public boolean shallCompress(ServletRequest request, String ext);