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Test Coverage
* Copyright 2009 ZXing authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
*      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

// package com.google.zxing.pdf417.detector;

// import com.google.zxing.BinaryBitmap;
import BinaryBitmap from '../../BinaryBitmap';
// import com.google.zxing.DecodeHintType;
import DecodeHintType from '../../DecodeHintType';
// import com.google.zxing.NotFoundException;
// import com.google.zxing.ResultPoint;
import ResultPoint from '../../ResultPoint';
// import com.google.zxing.common.BitMatrix;
import BitMatrix from '../../common/BitMatrix';
import System from '../../util/System';
import Arrays from '../../util/Arrays';
import PDF417DetectorResult from './PDF417DetectorResult';

import { float, int } from '../../../customTypings';

// import java.util.ArrayList;
// import java.util.Arrays;
// import java.util.List;
// import java.util.Map;

 * <p>Encapsulates logic that can detect a PDF417 Code in an image, even if the
 * PDF417 Code is rotated or skewed, or partially obscured.</p>
 * @author SITA Lab (kevin.osullivan@sita.aero)
 * @author dswitkin@google.com (Daniel Switkin)
 * @author Guenther Grau
export default /*public*/ /*final*/ class Detector {

  private static /*final*/ INDEXES_START_PATTERN = Int32Array.from([0, 4, 1, 5]);
  private static /*final*/ INDEXES_STOP_PATTERN = Int32Array.from([6, 2, 7, 3]);
  private static /*final*/ MAX_AVG_VARIANCE: float = /*0.42f*/ 0.42;
  private static /*final*/ MAX_INDIVIDUAL_VARIANCE: float = /*0.8f*/ 0.8;

  // B S B S B S B S Bar/Space pattern
  // 11111111 0 1 0 1 0 1 000
  private static /*final*/ START_PATTERN = Int32Array.from([8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3]);
  // 1111111 0 1 000 1 0 1 00 1
  private static /*final*/ STOP_PATTERN = Int32Array.from([7, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1]);
  private static /*final*/ MAX_PIXEL_DRIFT: /*int*/ number = 3;
  private static /*final*/ MAX_PATTERN_DRIFT: /*int*/ number = 5;
  // if we set the value too low, then we don't detect the correct height of the bar if the start patterns are damaged.
  // if we set the value too high, then we might detect the start pattern from a neighbor barcode.
  private static /*final*/ SKIPPED_ROW_COUNT_MAX: /*int*/ number = 25;
  // A PDF471 barcode should have at least 3 rows, with each row being >= 3 times the module width. Therefore it should be at least
  // 9 pixels tall. To be conservative, we use about half the size to ensure we don't miss it.
  private static /*final*/ ROW_STEP: /*int*/ number = 5;
  private static /*final*/ BARCODE_MIN_HEIGHT: /*int*/ number = 10;

   * <p>Detects a PDF417 Code in an image. Only checks 0 and 180 degree rotations.</p>
   * @param image barcode image to decode
   * @param hints optional hints to detector
   * @param multiple if true, then the image is searched for multiple codes. If false, then at most one code will
   * be found and returned
   * @return {@link PDF417DetectorResult} encapsulating results of detecting a PDF417 code
   * @throws NotFoundException if no PDF417 Code can be found
  public static detectMultiple( image: BinaryBitmap,  hints: Map<DecodeHintType, any>,  multiple: boolean): PDF417DetectorResult {
    // TODO detection improvement, tryHarder could try several different luminance thresholds/blackpoints or even
    // different binarizers
    // boolean tryHarder = hints != null && hints.containsKey(DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER);

    let bitMatrix = image.getBlackMatrix();

    let barcodeCoordinates = Detector.detect(multiple, bitMatrix);
    if (!barcodeCoordinates.length) {
      bitMatrix = bitMatrix.clone();
      barcodeCoordinates = Detector.detect(multiple, bitMatrix);
    return new PDF417DetectorResult(bitMatrix, barcodeCoordinates);

   * Detects PDF417 codes in an image. Only checks 0 degree rotation
   * @param multiple if true, then the image is searched for multiple codes. If false, then at most one code will
   * be found and returned
   * @param bitMatrix bit matrix to detect barcodes in
   * @return List of ResultPoint arrays containing the coordinates of found barcodes
  private static detect( multiple: boolean,  bitMatrix: BitMatrix): Array<ResultPoint[]> {
    const barcodeCoordinates = new Array<ResultPoint[]>();
    let row = 0;
    let column = 0;
    let foundBarcodeInRow = false;
    while (row < bitMatrix.getHeight()) {
      const vertices = Detector.findVertices(bitMatrix, row, column);

      if (vertices[0] == null && vertices[3] == null) {
        if (!foundBarcodeInRow) {
          // we didn't find any barcode so that's the end of searching
        // we didn't find a barcode starting at the given column and row. Try again from the first column and slightly
        // below the lowest barcode we found so far.
        foundBarcodeInRow = false;
        column = 0;
        for (const barcodeCoordinate of barcodeCoordinates) {
          if (barcodeCoordinate[1] != null) {
            row = <int> Math.trunc(Math.max(row, barcodeCoordinate[1].getY()));
          if (barcodeCoordinate[3] != null) {
            row = Math.max(row, <int> Math.trunc(barcodeCoordinate[3].getY()));
        row += Detector.ROW_STEP;
      foundBarcodeInRow = true;
      if (!multiple) {
      // if we didn't find a right row indicator column, then continue the search for the next barcode after the
      // start pattern of the barcode just found.
      if (vertices[2] != null) {
        column = <int> Math.trunc(vertices[2].getX());
        row = <int> Math.trunc(vertices[2].getY());
      } else {
        column = <int> Math.trunc(vertices[4].getX());
        row = <int> Math.trunc(vertices[4].getY());
    return barcodeCoordinates;

   * Locate the vertices and the codewords area of a black blob using the Start
   * and Stop patterns as locators.
   * @param matrix the scanned barcode image.
   * @return an array containing the vertices:
   *           vertices[0] x, y top left barcode
   *           vertices[1] x, y bottom left barcode
   *           vertices[2] x, y top right barcode
   *           vertices[3] x, y bottom right barcode
   *           vertices[4] x, y top left codeword area
   *           vertices[5] x, y bottom left codeword area
   *           vertices[6] x, y top right codeword area
   *           vertices[7] x, y bottom right codeword area
  private static findVertices( matrix: BitMatrix,  startRow: /*int*/ number,  startColumn: /*int*/ number): ResultPoint[]  {
    const height = matrix.getHeight();
    const width = matrix.getWidth();

    // const result = new ResultPoint[8];
    const result = new Array<ResultPoint>(8);
    Detector.copyToResult(result, Detector.findRowsWithPattern(matrix, height, width, startRow, startColumn, Detector.START_PATTERN),

    if (result[4] != null) {
      startColumn = <int> Math.trunc(result[4].getX());
      startRow = <int> Math.trunc(result[4].getY());
    Detector.copyToResult(result, Detector.findRowsWithPattern(matrix, height, width, startRow, startColumn, Detector.STOP_PATTERN),
    return result;

  private static copyToResult(result: ResultPoint[], tmpResult: ResultPoint[], destinationIndexes: Int32Array): void {
    for (let i = 0; i < destinationIndexes.length; i++) {
      result[destinationIndexes[i]] = tmpResult[i];

  private static  findRowsWithPattern( matrix: BitMatrix,
                                                    height: /*int*/ number,
                                                    width: /*int*/ number,
                                                    startRow: /*int*/ number,
                                                    startColumn: /*int*/ number,
                                                    pattern: Int32Array): ResultPoint[] {
    // const result = new ResultPoint[4];
    const result = new Array<ResultPoint>(4);
    let found = false;
    const counters = new Int32Array(pattern.length);
    for (; startRow < height; startRow += Detector.ROW_STEP) {
      let loc = Detector.findGuardPattern(matrix, startColumn, startRow, width, false, pattern, counters);
      if (loc != null) {
        while (startRow > 0) {
          const previousRowLoc = Detector.findGuardPattern(matrix, startColumn, --startRow, width, false, pattern, counters);
          if (previousRowLoc != null) {
            loc = previousRowLoc;
          } else {
        result[0] = new ResultPoint(loc[0], startRow);
        result[1] = new ResultPoint(loc[1], startRow);
        found = true;
    let stopRow = startRow + 1;
    // Last row of the current symbol that contains pattern
    if (found) {
      let skippedRowCount = 0;
      let previousRowLoc = Int32Array.from([<int> Math.trunc(result[0].getX()), <int> Math.trunc(result[1].getX())]);
      for (; stopRow < height; stopRow++) {
        const loc = Detector.findGuardPattern(matrix, previousRowLoc[0], stopRow, width, false, pattern, counters);
        // a found pattern is only considered to belong to the same barcode if the start and end positions
        // don't differ too much. Pattern drift should be not bigger than two for consecutive rows. With
        // a higher number of skipped rows drift could be larger. To keep it simple for now, we allow a slightly
        // larger drift and don't check for skipped rows.
        if (loc != null &&
            Math.abs(previousRowLoc[0] - loc[0]) < Detector.MAX_PATTERN_DRIFT &&
            Math.abs(previousRowLoc[1] - loc[1]) < Detector.MAX_PATTERN_DRIFT) {
          previousRowLoc = loc;
          skippedRowCount = 0;
        } else {
          if (skippedRowCount > Detector.SKIPPED_ROW_COUNT_MAX) {
          } else {
      stopRow -= skippedRowCount + 1;
      result[2] = new ResultPoint(previousRowLoc[0], stopRow);
      result[3] = new ResultPoint(previousRowLoc[1], stopRow);
    if (stopRow - startRow < Detector.BARCODE_MIN_HEIGHT) {
      Arrays.fill(result, null);
    return result;

   * @param matrix row of black/white values to search
   * @param column x position to start search
   * @param row y position to start search
   * @param width the number of pixels to search on this row
   * @param pattern pattern of counts of number of black and white pixels that are
   *                 being searched for as a pattern
   * @param counters array of counters, as long as pattern, to re-use
   * @return start/end horizontal offset of guard pattern, as an array of two ints.
  private static findGuardPattern( matrix: BitMatrix,
                                         column: /*int*/ number,
                                         row: /*int*/ number,
                                         width: /*int*/ number,
                                         whiteFirst: boolean,
                                         pattern: Int32Array,
                                         counters: Int32Array): Int32Array {
    Arrays.fillWithin(counters, 0, counters.length, 0);
    let patternStart = column;
    let pixelDrift = 0;

    // if there are black pixels left of the current pixel shift to the left, but only for MAX_PIXEL_DRIFT pixels
    while (matrix.get(patternStart, row) && patternStart > 0 && pixelDrift++ < Detector.MAX_PIXEL_DRIFT) {
    let x = patternStart;
    let counterPosition = 0;
    let patternLength = pattern.length;
    for (let isWhite = whiteFirst; x < width; x++) {
      let pixel = matrix.get(x, row);
      if (pixel !== isWhite) {
      } else {
        if (counterPosition === patternLength - 1) {
          if (Detector.patternMatchVariance(counters, pattern, Detector.MAX_INDIVIDUAL_VARIANCE) < Detector.MAX_AVG_VARIANCE) {
            return new Int32Array([patternStart, x]);
          patternStart += counters[0] + counters[1];
          System.arraycopy(counters, 2, counters, 0, counterPosition - 1);
          counters[counterPosition - 1] = 0;
          counters[counterPosition] = 0;
        } else {
        counters[counterPosition] = 1;
        isWhite = !isWhite;
    if (counterPosition === patternLength - 1 &&
        Detector.patternMatchVariance(counters, pattern, Detector.MAX_INDIVIDUAL_VARIANCE) < Detector.MAX_AVG_VARIANCE) {
      return new Int32Array([patternStart, x - 1]);
    return null;

   * Determines how closely a set of observed counts of runs of black/white
   * values matches a given target pattern. This is reported as the ratio of
   * the total variance from the expected pattern proportions across all
   * pattern elements, to the length of the pattern.
   * @param counters observed counters
   * @param pattern expected pattern
   * @param maxIndividualVariance The most any counter can differ before we give up
   * @return ratio of total variance between counters and pattern compared to total pattern size
  private static patternMatchVariance( counters: Int32Array,  pattern: Int32Array,  maxIndividualVariance: float): float {
    let numCounters = counters.length;
    let total = 0;
    let patternLength = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < numCounters; i++) {
      total += counters[i];
      patternLength += pattern[i];
    if (total < patternLength) {
      // If we don't even have one pixel per unit of bar width, assume this
      // is too small to reliably match, so fail:
      return /*Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY*/ Infinity;
    // We're going to fake floating-point math in integers. We just need to use more bits.
    // Scale up patternLength so that intermediate values below like scaledCounter will have
    // more "significant digits".
    let unitBarWidth = <float> total / patternLength;
    maxIndividualVariance *= unitBarWidth;

    let totalVariance = 0.0;
    for (let x = 0; x < numCounters; x++) {
      let counter = counters[x];
      let scaledPattern = pattern[x] * unitBarWidth;
      let variance = counter > scaledPattern ? counter - scaledPattern : scaledPattern - counter;
      if (variance > maxIndividualVariance) {
        return /*Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY*/ Infinity;
      totalVariance += variance;
    return totalVariance / total;