

1 hr
Test Coverage
package reltest

import (


// Repository is an autogenerated mock type for the Repository type
type Repository struct {
    repo    rel.Repository
    mock    mock.Mock
    ctxData ctxData

var _ rel.Repository = (*Repository)(nil)

// Adapter provides a mock function with given fields:
func (r *Repository) Adapter(ctx context.Context) rel.Adapter {
    return r.repo.Adapter(ctx)

// Instrumentation provides a mock function with given fields: instrumenter
func (r *Repository) Instrumentation(instrumenter rel.Instrumenter) {

// Ping database.
func (r *Repository) Ping(ctx context.Context) error {
    return r.repo.Ping(ctx)

// Iterate through a collection of records from database in batches.
// This function returns iterator that can be used to loop all records.
// Limit, Offset and Sort query is automatically ignored.
func (r *Repository) Iterate(ctx context.Context, query rel.Query, options ...rel.IteratorOption) rel.Iterator {
    ret := r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), query, options).Get(0)
    return (*iterator)(ret.(*Iterate))

// ExpectIterate apply mocks and expectations for Iterate
func (r *Repository) ExpectIterate(query rel.Query, options ...rel.IteratorOption) *Iterate {
    return ExpectIterate(r, query, options)

// Aggregate provides a mock function with given fields: query, aggregate, field
func (r *Repository) Aggregate(ctx context.Context, query rel.Query, aggregate string, field string) (int, error) {
    r.repo.Aggregate(ctx, query, aggregate, field)
    ret := r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), query, aggregate, field)
    return ret.Int(0), ret.Error(1)

// MustAggregate provides a mock function with given fields: query, aggregate, field
func (r *Repository) MustAggregate(ctx context.Context, query rel.Query, aggregate string, field string) int {
    result, err := r.Aggregate(ctx, query, aggregate, field)
    return result

// ExpectAggregate apply mocks and expectations for Aggregate
func (r *Repository) ExpectAggregate(query rel.Query, aggregate string, field string) *Aggregate {
    return ExpectAggregate(r, query, aggregate, field)

// Count provides a mock function with given fields: collection, queriers
func (r *Repository) Count(ctx context.Context, collection string, queriers ...rel.Querier) (int, error) {
    r.repo.Count(ctx, collection, queriers...)
    ret := r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), collection, queriers)
    return ret.Int(0), ret.Error(1)

// MustCount provides a mock function with given fields: collection, queriers
func (r *Repository) MustCount(ctx context.Context, collection string, queriers ...rel.Querier) int {
    count, err := r.Count(ctx, collection, queriers...)
    return count

// ExpectCount apply mocks and expectations for Count
func (r *Repository) ExpectCount(collection string, queriers ...rel.Querier) *Aggregate {
    return ExpectCount(r, collection, queriers)

// Find provides a mock function with given fields: record, queriers
func (r *Repository) Find(ctx context.Context, record interface{}, queriers ...rel.Querier) error {
    r.repo.Find(ctx, record, queriers...)
    return r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), record, queriers).Error(0)

// MustFind provides a mock function with given fields: record, queriers
func (r *Repository) MustFind(ctx context.Context, record interface{}, queriers ...rel.Querier) {
    must(r.Find(ctx, record, queriers...))

// ExpectFind apply mocks and expectations for Find
func (r *Repository) ExpectFind(queriers ...rel.Querier) *Find {
    return ExpectFind(r, queriers)

// FindAll provides a mock function with given fields: records, queriers
func (r *Repository) FindAll(ctx context.Context, records interface{}, queriers ...rel.Querier) error {
    r.repo.FindAll(ctx, records, queriers...)
    return r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), records, queriers).Error(0)

// MustFindAll provides a mock function with given fields: records, queriers
func (r *Repository) MustFindAll(ctx context.Context, records interface{}, queriers ...rel.Querier) {
    must(r.FindAll(ctx, records, queriers...))

// ExpectFindAll apply mocks and expectations for FindAll
func (r *Repository) ExpectFindAll(queriers ...rel.Querier) *FindAll {
    return ExpectFindAll(r, queriers)

// FindAndCountAll provides a mock function with given fields: records, queriers
func (r *Repository) FindAndCountAll(ctx context.Context, records interface{}, queriers ...rel.Querier) (int, error) {
    r.repo.FindAndCountAll(ctx, records, queriers...)
    ret := r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), records, queriers)
    return ret.Int(0), ret.Error(1)

// MustFindAndCountAll provides a mock function with given fields: records, queriers
func (r *Repository) MustFindAndCountAll(ctx context.Context, records interface{}, queriers ...rel.Querier) int {
    count, err := r.FindAndCountAll(ctx, records, queriers...)
    return count

// ExpectFindAndCountAll apply mocks and expectations for FindAndCountAll
func (r *Repository) ExpectFindAndCountAll(queriers ...rel.Querier) *FindAndCountAll {
    return ExpectFindAndCountAll(r, queriers)

// Insert provides a mock function with given fields: record, mutators
func (r *Repository) Insert(ctx context.Context, record interface{}, mutators ...rel.Mutator) error {
    ret := r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), record, mutators)

    r.repo.Insert(ctx, record, mutators...)
    return ret.Error(0)

// MustInsert provides a mock function with given fields: record, mutators
func (r *Repository) MustInsert(ctx context.Context, record interface{}, mutators ...rel.Mutator) {
    must(r.Insert(ctx, record, mutators...))

// ExpectInsert apply mocks and expectations for Insert
func (r *Repository) ExpectInsert(mutators ...rel.Mutator) *Mutate {
    return ExpectInsert(r, mutators)

// InsertAll records.
func (r *Repository) InsertAll(ctx context.Context, records interface{}) error {
    ret := r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), records)

    r.repo.InsertAll(ctx, records)
    return ret.Error(0)

// MustInsertAll records.
func (r *Repository) MustInsertAll(ctx context.Context, records interface{}) {
    must(r.InsertAll(ctx, records))

// ExpectInsertAll records.
func (r *Repository) ExpectInsertAll() *Mutate {
    return ExpectInsertAll(r)

// Update provides a mock function with given fields: record, mutators
func (r *Repository) Update(ctx context.Context, record interface{}, mutators ...rel.Mutator) error {
    ret := r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), record, mutators)

    if err := r.repo.Update(ctx, record, mutators...); err != nil {
        return err

    return ret.Error(0)

// MustUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: record, mutators
func (r *Repository) MustUpdate(ctx context.Context, record interface{}, mutators ...rel.Mutator) {
    must(r.Update(ctx, record, mutators...))

// ExpectUpdate apply mocks and expectations for Update
func (r *Repository) ExpectUpdate(mutators ...rel.Mutator) *Mutate {
    return ExpectUpdate(r, mutators)

// UpdateAll provides a mock function with given fields: query
func (r *Repository) UpdateAll(ctx context.Context, query rel.Query, mutates ...rel.Mutate) error {
    return r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), query, mutates).Error(0)

// MustUpdateAll provides a mock function with given fields: query
func (r *Repository) MustUpdateAll(ctx context.Context, query rel.Query, mutates ...rel.Mutate) {
    must(r.UpdateAll(ctx, query, mutates...))

// ExpectUpdateAll apply mocks and expectations for UpdateAll
func (r *Repository) ExpectUpdateAll(query rel.Query, mutates ...rel.Mutate) *MutateAll {
    return ExpectUpdateAll(r, query, mutates)

// Delete provides a mock function with given fields: record
func (r *Repository) Delete(ctx context.Context, record interface{}, options ...rel.Cascade) error {
    return r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), record, options).Error(0)

// MustDelete provides a mock function with given fields: record
func (r *Repository) MustDelete(ctx context.Context, record interface{}, options ...rel.Cascade) {
    must(r.Delete(ctx, record, options...))

// ExpectDelete apply mocks and expectations for Delete
func (r *Repository) ExpectDelete(options ...rel.Cascade) *Delete {
    return ExpectDelete(r, options)

// DeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields: query
func (r *Repository) DeleteAll(ctx context.Context, query rel.Query) error {
    return r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), query).Error(0)

// MustDeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields: query
func (r *Repository) MustDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, query rel.Query) {
    must(r.DeleteAll(ctx, query))

// ExpectDeleteAll apply mocks and expectations for DeleteAll
func (r *Repository) ExpectDeleteAll(query rel.Query) *MutateAll {
    return ExpectDeleteAll(r, query)

// Preload provides a mock function with given fields: records, field, queriers
func (r *Repository) Preload(ctx context.Context, records interface{}, field string, queriers ...rel.Querier) error {
    return r.mock.Called(fetchContext(ctx), records, field, queriers).Error(0)

// MustPreload provides a mock function with given fields: records, field, queriers
func (r *Repository) MustPreload(ctx context.Context, records interface{}, field string, queriers ...rel.Querier) {
    must(r.Preload(ctx, records, field, queriers...))

// ExpectPreload apply mocks and expectations for Preload
func (r *Repository) ExpectPreload(field string, queriers ...rel.Querier) *Preload {
    return ExpectPreload(r, field, queriers)

// Transaction provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (r *Repository) Transaction(ctx context.Context, fn func(ctx context.Context) error) error {
    ctxData := fetchContext(ctx)

    var err error
    func() {
        defer func() {
            if p := recover(); p != nil {
                switch e := p.(type) {
                case runtime.Error:
                case error:
                    err = e

        ctx = wrapContext(ctx, ctxData)
        err = fn(ctx)

    return err

// ExpectTransaction declare expectation inside transaction.
func (r *Repository) ExpectTransaction(fn func(*Repository)) {
    r.mock.On("Transaction", r.ctxData).Once()


// AssertExpectations asserts that everything was in fact called as expected. Calls may have occurred in any order.
func (r *Repository) AssertExpectations(t *testing.T) bool {
    return r.mock.AssertExpectations(t)

// New test repository.
func New() *Repository {
    return &Repository{
        repo: rel.New(&nopAdapter{}),

func must(err error) {
    if err != nil {