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# GillesPy2 is a modeling toolkit for biochemical simulation.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 GillesPy2 developers.

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This Python module contains the initialization and selection methods for the Tau-Leaping method described in Cao, Y.;
Gillespie, D. T.; Petzold, L. R. (2006). "Efficient step size selection for the tau-leaping simulation method" (PDF).
The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124 (4): 044109. Bibcode:2006JChPh.124d4109C. doi:10.1063/1.2159468. PMID 16460151.
This module is for use in the basic_tau_leaping_solver and basic_tau_hybrid solver only.

def initialize(model, epsilon):
    This method initailizes the state for tau-leaping selections to be made.
    Based on Cao, Y.; Gillespie, D. T.; Petzold, L. R. (2006). "Efficient step size selection for the tau-leaping
    simulation method" (PDF).
    The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124 (4): 044109. Bibcode:2006JChPh.124d4109C. doi:10.1063/1.2159468. PMID 16460151

    HOR = {}  # Highest Order Reaction of species
    reactants = set()  # a list of all species in the model which act as reactants
    mu_i = {}  # mu_i for each species
    sigma_i = {}  # sigma_i squared for each species
    g_i = {}  # Relative species error allowance denominator
    epsilon_i = {}  # Relative error allowance of species
    critical_threshold = 10  # Reactant Population to be considered critical

    # initialize Highest Order Reactions
    for s in model.listOfSpecies:
        HOR[s] = 0

    # Create list of all reactants
    for r in model.listOfReactions:
        # Calculate this reaction's order
        reaction_order = sum(model.listOfReactions[r].reactants.values())
        for reactant, count in model.listOfReactions[r].reactants.items():
            # Build reactant list
            # Initialize mu and sigma for each reactant
            mu_i[] = 0
            sigma_i[] = 0
            # if this reaction's order is higher than previous, set HOR
            if reaction_order > HOR[]:
                HOR[] = reaction_order
                if count == 2 and reaction_order == 2:
                    g_i[] = lambda x: 2 + (1 / (x - 1))
                elif count == 2 and reaction_order == 3:
                    g_i[] = lambda x: (3 / 2) * (2 + (1 / (x - 1)))
                elif count == 3:
                    g_i[] = lambda x: (3 + (1 / (x - 1)) + (2 / (x - 2)))
                    g_i[] = HOR[]
                    epsilon_i[] = epsilon / g_i[]

    # Return components for tau selection
    return HOR, reactants, mu_i, sigma_i, g_i, epsilon_i, critical_threshold

def select(*tau_args):
    Tau Selection method based on Cao, Y.; Gillespie, D. T.; Petzold, L. R. (2006).
    "Efficient step size selection for the tau-leaping simulation method" (PDF).
    The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124 (4): 044109. Bibcode:2006JChPh.124d4109C. doi:10.1063/1.2159468. PMID 16460151

    HOR, reactants, mu_i, sigma_i, g_i, epsilon_i, epsilon, critical_threshold, model, propensities, curr_state, \
    curr_time, save_time = tau_args
    tau_step = 0
    crit_taus = {}  # Estimated time to single-firing of critical reactions
    critical_reactions = []  # List of critical reactions at this step
    critical = False  # system-wide flag, true when any reaction is critical
    critical_tau = 0  # holds the smallest tau time for critical reactions
    non_critical_tau = 0  # holds the smallest tau time for non-critical reactions
    tau = 0

    # Determine if there are any critical reactions
    for rxn in model.listOfReactions:
        for r, v in model.listOfReactions[rxn].reactants.items():
            if curr_state[] / v < critical_threshold and propensities[rxn] > 0:
                critical = True

    # If a critical reaction is present, estimate tau for a single firing of each
    # critical reaction with propensity > 0, and take the smallest tau
    if critical:
        for rxn in model.listOfReactions:
            if propensities[rxn] > 0:
                crit_taus[rxn] = 1 / propensities[rxn]
        critical_tau = min(crit_taus.values())

    # If a reactant's HOR requires >1 of that reactant, evaluate lambda at curr_state
    for r in g_i:
        if callable(g_i[r]):
            g_i[r] = g_i[r](curr_state[r])
            epsilon_i[r] = epsilon / g_i[r]

    tau_i = {}  # estimated tau for non-critical reactions
    mu_i = { 0 for species in model.listOfSpecies.values()}
    sigma_i = { 0 for species in model.listOfSpecies.values()}

    for r in model.listOfReactions:
        # Calculate abs mean and standard deviation for each reactant
        for reactant in model.listOfReactions[r].reactants:
            net_change = model.listOfReactions[r].reactants[reactant]
            if reactant in model.listOfReactions[r].products:
                net_change -= model.listOfReactions[r].products[reactant]
            net_change = abs(net_change)
            mu_i[] += net_change * propensities[r]  # Cao, Gillespie, Petzold 32a
            sigma_i[] += net_change ** 2 * propensities[r]  # Cao, Gillespie, Petzold 32b

    for r in reactants:
        calculated_max = epsilon_i[] * curr_state[]
        max_pop_change_mean = max(calculated_max, 1)
        max_pop_change_sd = max(calculated_max, 1) ** 2
        if mu_i[] > 0:
            # Cao, Gillespie, Petzold 33
            tau_i[] = min(
                abs(max_pop_change_mean / mu_i[]),
                max_pop_change_sd / sigma_i[])

    if len(tau_i) > 0: non_critical_tau = min(tau_i.values())

    for r in model.listOfReactions:
        # Calculate abs mean and standard deviation for each reactant
        for product in model.listOfReactions[r].products:
            mu_i[] -= model.listOfReactions[r].products[product] * propensities[
                r]  # Cao, Gillespie, Petzold 32a
            sigma_i[] += model.listOfReactions[r].products[product] ** 2 * propensities[
                r]  # Cao, Gillespie, Petzold 32b

    # If all reactions are non-critical, use non-critical tau.
    if not critical:
        tau = non_critical_tau
    # If all rxns are critical, use critical tau.
    elif len(tau_i) == 0:
        tau = critical_tau
    # If there are both critical and non-critical reactions,
    # take the shortest tau between critical and non-critical.
        tau = min(non_critical_tau, critical_tau)
    # If selected tau exceeds save time, integrate to save time
    if tau > 0:
        tau = max(tau, 1e-10)  # set minimum to prevent integration errors
        if save_time - curr_time > 0:
            tau = min(tau, save_time - curr_time)
        tau = save_time - curr_time
    return tau