import numpy as np
from casadi import MX, transpose, horzcat, vertcat, solve
from typing import Any
from .biomechanical_model_joints import BiomechanicalModelJoints
from .biomechanical_model_markers import BiomechanicalModelMarkers
from .biomechanical_model_segments import BiomechanicalModelSegments
from .cartesian_vector import vector_projection_in_non_orthogonal_basis
from .external_force import ExternalForceSet, ExternalForce
from .natural_accelerations import NaturalAccelerations
from .natural_coordinates import NaturalCoordinates
from .natural_velocities import NaturalVelocities
from .rotations import euler_axes_from_rotation_matrices, euler_angles_from_rotation_matrix
from ..protocols.biomechanical_model import GenericBiomechanicalModel
class BiomechanicalModel(GenericBiomechanicalModel):
_numpy_model : NumpyBiomechanicalModel
The numpy model from which the casadi model is built
set_numpy_model(numpy_model: BiomechanicalModel)
Set the numpy model from which the casadi model is built
Return the numpy model from which the casadi model is built
This function returns the joint torques expressed in the euler basis
def __init__(
segments: dict[str, Any] | BiomechanicalModelSegments = None,
joints: dict[str, Any] | BiomechanicalModelJoints = None,
segments = BiomechanicalModelSegments() if segments is None else segments
joints = BiomechanicalModelJoints() if joints is None else joints
markers = BiomechanicalModelMarkers(segments=segments)
super().__init__(segments=segments, joints=joints, markers=markers)
self._numpy_model = None
def set_numpy_model(self, numpy_model: GenericBiomechanicalModel):
self._numpy_model = numpy_model
def numpy_model(self):
return self._numpy_model
def save(self, filename: str):
raise NotImplementedError("Saving a biomechanical model is not implemented yet with casadi models.")
# todo: only possible with numpy models so far
# do a method that returns a numpy model and save it
# with open(filename, "wb") as file:
# pickle.dump(self, file)
def load(filename: str):
raise NotImplementedError("Loading a biomechanical model is not implemented yet with casadi models.")
# todo: only possible with numpy models so far
# load the numpy model and convert it to casadi
# with open(filename, "rb") as file:
# model = pickle.load(file)
# return model
def _update_mass_matrix(self):
This function computes the generalized mass matrix of the system, denoted G
generalized mass matrix of the segment [12 * nbSegment x 12 * * nbSegment]
G = MX.zeros((12 * self.nb_segments, 12 * self.nb_segments))
for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments_no_ground.values()):
Gi = segment.mass_matrix
if Gi is None:
# mass matrix is None if one the segment doesn't have any inertial properties
self._mass_matrix = None
idx = slice(12 * i, 12 * (i + 1))
G[idx, idx] = segment.mass_matrix
self._mass_matrix = G
def kinetic_energy(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> MX:
This function returns the kinetic energy of the system as a function of the natural coordinates Q and Qdot
Qdot : NaturalVelocities
The natural velocities of the segment [12, 1]
The kinetic energy of the system
return 0.5 * transpose(Qdot.to_array()) @ self._mass_matrix @ Qdot.to_array()
def potential_energy(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX:
This function returns the potential energy of the system as a function of the natural coordinates Q
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 x n, 1]
The potential energy of the system
E = 0
for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments_no_ground.values()):
E += segment.potential_energy(Q.vector(i))
return E
def lagrangian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> MX:
This function returns the lagrangian of the system as a function of the natural coordinates Q and Qdot
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12, 1]
Qdot : NaturalVelocities
The natural velocities of the segment [12, 1]
The lagrangian of the system
return self.kinetic_energy(Qdot) - self.potential_energy(Q)
def holonomic_constraints(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX:
This function returns the holonomic constraints of the system, denoted Phi_h
as a function of the natural coordinates Q. They are organized as follow, for each segment:
[Phi_k_0, Phi_r_0, Phi_k_1, Phi_r_1, ..., Phi_k_n, Phi_r_n]
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Holonomic constraints of the segment [nb_holonomic_constraints, 1]
rigid_body_constraints = self.rigid_body_constraints(Q)
phi = MX.zeros((self.nb_holonomic_constraints, 1))
nb_constraints = 0
# two steps in order to get a jacobian as diagonal as possible
# it follows the order of the segments
for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments_no_ground.values()):
# add the joint constraints first
joints = self.joints_from_child_index(i, remove_free_joints=True)
if len(joints) != 0:
for j in joints:
idx = slice(nb_constraints, nb_constraints + j.nb_constraints)
Q_parent = (
None if j.parent is None else Q.vector(self.segments[].index)
) # if the joint is a joint with the ground, the parent is None
Q_child = Q.vector(self.segments[].index)
phi[idx, 0] = j.constraint(Q_parent, Q_child)
nb_constraints += j.nb_constraints
# add the rigid body constraint
idx = slice(nb_constraints, nb_constraints + 6)
idx_segment = slice(6 * i, 6 * (i + 1))
phi[idx, 0] = rigid_body_constraints[idx_segment]
nb_constraints += 6
return phi
def holonomic_constraints_jacobian(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX:
This function returns the Jacobian matrix the holonomic constraints, denoted K.
They are organized as follow, for each segmen, the rows of the matrix are:
[Phi_k_0, Phi_r_0, Phi_k_1, Phi_r_1, ..., Phi_k_n, Phi_r_n]
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Joint constraints of the holonomic constraints [nb_holonomic_constraints, 12 * nb_segments]
# first we compute the rigid body constraints jacobian
rigid_body_constraints_jacobian = self.rigid_body_constraints_jacobian(Q)
# then we compute the holonomic constraints jacobian
nb_constraints = 0
K = MX.zeros((self.nb_holonomic_constraints, 12 * self.nb_segments))
for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments_no_ground.values()):
# add the joint constraints first
joints = self.joints_from_child_index(i, remove_free_joints=True)
if len(joints) != 0:
for j in joints:
idx_row = slice(nb_constraints, nb_constraints + j.nb_constraints)
idx_col_child = slice(
12 * self.segments[].index, 12 * (self.segments[].index + 1)
idx_col_parent = (
slice(12 * self.segments[].index, 12 * (self.segments[].index + 1))
if j.parent is not None
else None
Q_parent = (
None if j.parent is None else Q.vector(self.segments[].index)
) # if the joint is a joint with the ground, the parent is None
Q_child = Q.vector(self.segments[].index)
K[idx_row, idx_col_child] = j.child_constraint_jacobian(Q_parent, Q_child)
if j.parent is not None: # If the joint is not a ground joint
K[idx_row, idx_col_parent] = j.parent_constraint_jacobian(Q_parent, Q_child)
nb_constraints += j.nb_constraints
# add the rigid body constraint
idx_row = slice(nb_constraints, nb_constraints + 6)
idx_rigid_body_constraint = slice(6 * i, 6 * (i + 1))
idx_segment = slice(12 * i, 12 * (i + 1))
K[idx_row, idx_segment] = rigid_body_constraints_jacobian[idx_rigid_body_constraint, idx_segment]
nb_constraints += 6
return K
def holonomic_constraints_jacobian_derivative(self, Qdot: NaturalVelocities) -> MX:
This function returns the Jacobian matrix the holonomic constraints, denoted Kdot.
They are organized as follow, for each segment, the rows of the matrix are:
[Phi_k_0, Phi_r_0, Phi_k_1, Phi_r_1, ..., Phi_k_n, Phi_r_n]
Qdot : NaturalVelocities
The natural velocities of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Holonomic constraints jacobian derivative [nb_holonomic_constraints, 12 * nb_segments]
# first we compute the rigid body constraints jacobian
rigid_body_constraints_jacobian_dot = self.rigid_body_constraint_jacobian_derivative(Qdot)
# then we compute the holonomic constraints jacobian
nb_constraints = 0
Kdot = MX.zeros((self.nb_holonomic_constraints, 12 * self.nb_segments))
for i in range(self.nb_segments):
# add the joint constraints first
joints = self.joints_from_child_index(i, remove_free_joints=True)
if len(joints) != 0:
for j in joints:
idx_row = slice(nb_constraints, nb_constraints + j.nb_constraints)
idx_col_child = slice(
12 * self.segments[].index, 12 * (self.segments[].index + 1)
idx_col_parent = (
slice(12 * self.segments[].index, 12 * (self.segments[].index + 1))
if j.parent is not None
else None
Qdot_parent = (
None if j.parent is None else Qdot.vector(self.segments[].index)
) # if the joint is a joint with the ground, the parent is None
Qdot_child = Qdot.vector(self.segments[].index)
Kdot[idx_row, idx_col_child] = j.child_constraint_jacobian_derivative(Qdot_parent, Qdot_child)
if j.parent is not None: # If the joint is not a ground joint
Kdot[idx_row, idx_col_parent] = j.parent_constraint_jacobian_derivative(Qdot_parent, Qdot_child)
nb_constraints += j.nb_constraints
# add the rigid body constraint
idx_row = slice(nb_constraints, nb_constraints + 6)
idx_rigid_body_constraint = slice(6 * i, 6 * (i + 1))
idx_segment = slice(12 * i, 12 * (i + 1))
Kdot[idx_row, idx_segment] = rigid_body_constraints_jacobian_dot[idx_rigid_body_constraint, idx_segment]
nb_constraints += 6
return Kdot
def gravity_forces(self) -> MX:
This function returns the weights caused by the gravity forces on each segment
The gravity_force of each segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
weight_vector = MX.zeros((self.nb_segments * 12, 1))
for i, segment in enumerate(self.segments_no_ground.values()):
idx = slice(12 * i, 12 * (i + 1))
weight_vector[idx] = segment.gravity_force()
return weight_vector
def augmented_mass_matrix(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> MX:
This function returns the augmented mass matrix of the system, that combines the mass matrix
and the holonomic constraints jacobian
augmented mass matrix of the segment
G = self.mass_matrix
K = self.holonomic_constraints_jacobian(Q)
upper_augmented_mass_matrix = horzcat(G, K.T)
lower_augmented_mass_matrix = horzcat(K, np.zeros((K.shape[0], K.shape[0])))
return vertcat(upper_augmented_mass_matrix, lower_augmented_mass_matrix)
def forward_dynamics(
Q: NaturalCoordinates,
Qdot: NaturalCoordinates,
external_forces: ExternalForceSet = None,
# external_forces: ExternalForces
This function computes the forward dynamics of the system, i.e. the acceleration of the segments
Q : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
Qdot : NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates time derivative of the segment [12 * nb_segments, 1]
external_forces : ExternalForceSet
The list of external forces applied on the system
Qddot : NaturalAccelerations
The natural accelerations [12 * nb_segments, 1]
lagrange_multipliers : MX
The lagrange multipliers [nb_holonomic_constraints, 1]
external_forces = self.external_force_set() if external_forces is None else external_forces
fext = external_forces.to_natural_external_forces(Q)
# if stabilization is not None:
# biais -= stabilization["alpha"] * self.rigid_body_constraint(Qi) + stabilization[
# "beta"
# ] * self.rigid_body_constraint_derivative(Qi, Qdoti)
# augmented system
# [G, K.T] [Qddot] = [forces]
# [K, 0 ] [lambda] = [biais]
augmented_mass_matrix = self.augmented_mass_matrix(Q)
forces = self.gravity_forces() + fext
Kdot = self.holonomic_constraints_jacobian_derivative(Qdot)
biais = -Kdot @ Qdot
B = vertcat(forces, biais)
# solve the linear system Ax = B with casadi symbolic qr
x = solve(augmented_mass_matrix, B, "symbolicqr")
Qddot = x[0 : self.nb_Qddot]
lagrange_multipliers = x[self.nb_Qddot :]
return NaturalAccelerations(Qddot), lagrange_multipliers
def external_force_set(self) -> ExternalForceSet:
return ExternalForceSet.empty_from_nb_segment(self.nb_segments)
def inverse_dynamics(
Q: NaturalCoordinates,
Qddot: NaturalAccelerations,
external_forces: ExternalForceSet = None,
) -> tuple[MX, MX, MX]:
if external_forces is None:
external_forces = self.external_force_set()
if external_forces.nb_segments != self.nb_segments:
raise ValueError(
f"The number of segments in the model and the external forces must be the same:"
f" segment number = {self.nb_segments}"
f" external force size = {external_forces.nb_segments}"
if Q is None:
raise ValueError(f"The generalized coordinates must be provided")
if Q.nb_qi() != self.nb_segments:
raise ValueError(
f"The number of generalized coordinates in the model and the generalized coordinates must be the same:"
f" model number = {self.nb_segments}"
f" generalized coordinates size = {Q.nb_qi()}"
if Qddot is None:
raise ValueError(f"The generalized accelerations must be provided")
if Qddot.nb_qddoti() != self.nb_segments:
raise ValueError(
f"The number of generalized accelerations in the model and the generalized accelerations must be the same:"
f" model number = {self.nb_segments}"
f" generalized accelerations size = {Qddot.nb_qddoti()}"
# last check to verify that the model doesn't contain any closed loop
visited_segment = self._depth_first_search(0)
if not all(visited_segment):
raise ValueError(
f"The model contains free segments. The inverse dynamics can't be computed."
f" The free segments are: {np.where(np.logical_not(visited_segment))[0]}."
f" Please consider adding joints to integer them into the kinematic tree."
# NOTE: This won't work with two independent tree in the same model
visited_segments = [False for _ in range(self.nb_segments)]
torques = MX.zeros((3, self.nb_segments))
forces = MX.zeros((3, self.nb_segments))
lambdas = MX.zeros((6, self.nb_segments))
_, forces, torques, lambdas = self._inverse_dynamics_recursive_step(
return torques, forces, lambdas
def _inverse_dynamics_recursive_step(
Q: NaturalCoordinates,
Qddot: NaturalAccelerations,
external_forces: ExternalForceSet,
segment_index: int = 0,
visited_segments: list[bool, ...] = None,
torques: MX = None,
forces: MX = None,
lambdas: MX = None,
This function returns the segments in a depth first search order.
Q: NaturalCoordinates
The generalized coordinates of the model
Qddot: NaturalAccelerations
The generalized accelerations of the model
external_forces: ExternalForceSet
The external forces applied to the model
segment_index: int
The index of the segment to start the search from
visited_segments: list[bool]
The segments already visited
torques: MX
The intersegmental torques applied to the segments
forces: MX
The intersegmental forces applied to the segments
lambdas: MX
The lagrange multipliers applied to the segments
tuple[list[bool, ...], MX, MX, MX]
visited_segments: list[bool]
The segments already visited
torques: MX
The intersegmental torques applied to the segments
forces: MX
The intersegmental forces applied to the segments
lambdas: MX
The lagrange multipliers applied to the segments
visited_segments[segment_index] = True
Qi = Q.vector(segment_index)
Qddoti = Qddot.vector(segment_index)
external_forces_i = external_forces.to_segment_natural_external_forces(segment_index=segment_index, Q=Q)
subtree_intersegmental_generalized_forces = MX.zeros((12, 1))
for child_index in self.children(segment_index):
if not visited_segments[child_index]:
visited_segments, torques, forces, lambdas = self._inverse_dynamics_recursive_step(
# sum the generalized forces of each subsegment and transport them to the parent proximal point
intersegmental_generalized_forces = ExternalForce.from_components(
application_point_in_local=[0, 0, 0], force=forces[:, child_index], torque=torques[:, child_index]
subtree_intersegmental_generalized_forces += intersegmental_generalized_forces.transport_to(
new_application_point_in_local=[0, 0, 0], # proximal point
segment_i = self.segment_from_index(segment_index)
force_i, torque_i, lambda_i = segment_i.inverse_dynamics(
# re-assigned the computed values to the output arrays
torques[:, segment_index] = torque_i
forces[:, segment_index] = force_i
lambdas[:, segment_index] = lambda_i
return visited_segments, torques, forces, lambdas
def express_joint_torques_in_euler_basis(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates, torques: MX) -> MX:
This function expresses the joint torques in the euler basis.
Q: NaturalCoordinates
The generalized coordinates of the model
torques: np.ndarray
The joint torques in global coordinates system
The joint torques expressed in the euler basis
if torques.shape != (3, self.nb_segments):
raise ValueError(f"The shape of the joint torques must be (3, {self.nb_segments}) but is {torques.shape}")
euler_torques = MX.zeros((3, self.nb_segments))
for i, (joint_name, joint) in enumerate(self.joints.items()):
if joint.projection_basis is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"The projection basis of the joint must be defined to express the torques in an Euler basis."
f"Joint {joint_name} has no projection basis defined."
f"Please define a projection basis for this joint, "
f"using argument `projection_basis` of the joint constructor"
f" and enum `EulerSequence` for the type of entry."
parent_segment = joint.parent
child_segment = joint.child
Q_parent = (
None if joint.parent is None else Q.vector(self.segments[].index)
) # if the joint is a joint with the ground, the parent is None
Q_child = Q.vector(child_segment.index)
# compute rotation matrix from Qi
R_parent = (
if joint.parent is None
else parent_segment.segment_coordinates_system(Q_parent, joint.parent_basis).rot
R_child = child_segment.segment_coordinates_system(Q_child, joint.child_basis).rot
e1, e2, e3 = euler_axes_from_rotation_matrices(
R_parent, R_child, sequence=joint.projection_basis, axes_source_frame="mixed"
# compute the euler torques
euler_torques[:, i] = vector_projection_in_non_orthogonal_basis(torques[:, i], e1, e2, e3)
return euler_torques
def natural_coordinates_to_joint_angles(self, Q: NaturalCoordinates) -> np.ndarray:
This function converts the natural coordinates to joint angles with Euler Sequences defined for each joint
Q: NaturalCoordinates
The natural coordinates of the model
The joint angles [3 x nb_joints]
euler_angles = MX.zeros((3, self.nb_joints))
for i, (joint_name, joint) in enumerate(self.joints.items()):
if joint.projection_basis is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"The projection basis of the joint must be defined to express the torques in an Euler basis."
f"Joint {joint_name} has no projection basis defined."
f"Please define a projection basis for this joint, "
f"using argument `projection_basis` of the joint constructor"
f" and enum `EulerSequence` for the type of entry."
parent_segment = joint.parent
child_segment = joint.child
Q_parent = (
None if joint.parent is None else Q.vector(self.segments[].index)
) # if the joint is a joint with the ground, the parent is None
Q_child = Q.vector(child_segment.index)
# compute rotation matrix from Qi
R_parent = (
if joint.parent is None
else parent_segment.segment_coordinates_system(Q_parent, joint.parent_basis).rot
R_child = child_segment.segment_coordinates_system(Q_child, joint.child_basis).rot
euler_angles[:, i] = euler_angles_from_rotation_matrix(
return euler_angles